346 research outputs found

    A posição multilateral de Portugal no âmbito da luta contra o terrorismo - O casa de Moçambique

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    O presente relatório de estágio foi elaborado a partir das atividades desenvolvidas na Direção de Serviços das Organizações Políticas Internacionais da Direção Geral da Política Externa Portuguesa, (DGPE/SPM) entre outubro de 2020 e agosto de 2021, e encerra a componente não-letiva do Mestrado em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais- especialização em Relações Internacionais da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Pretende compreender duas distintas vertentes, mas ligadas entre si: uma componente, dita prática, que diz respeito à exposição de um enquadramento institucional do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e da Direção Geral da Política Externa e uma componente científica relativa à posição multilateral de Portugal quanto ao terrorismo. A componente prática pretender expor a aprendizagem adquirida ao longo do estágio junto dos pelouros OSCE (Organização para a Segurança e Cooperação da Europa) e UNESCO (Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, Ciência e Cultura) bem como, uma componente mais científica, relativa à posição Multilateral de Portugal no âmbito da Luta Global contra o Terrorismo, tendo em conta os principais instrumentos internacionais contra o terrorismo. A aproximação a temas específicos no âmbito da Política Externa Portuguesa, tratados na Divisão das Organizações Regionais e das Questões Transnacionais permitiu abordar, na segunda parte do relatório, uma componente mais científica. Reconhecendo o valor da ameaça que o terrorismo apresenta na atualidade, o presente relatório quis apresentar as principais respostas encontradas pelas Organizações Internacionais, bem como, os compromissos multilaterais de Portugal relativos à luta contra o terrorismo. Através da situação em Cabo Delgado, Moçambique, procurou-se compreender os esforços, bem como as dificuldades sentidas na resolução de uma situação humanitária preocupante, tendo em conta as dimensões Segurança e o cumprimento dos Direitos Humanos.This internship report was elaborated from the activities developed in the Directorate of Services of International Political Organizations of the Directorate General of Portuguese Foreign Policy, (DGPE/SPM) between October 2020 and August 2021, and closes the non-Lective component of the Master in Political Science and International Relations - specialization in International Relations of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Nova University of Lisbon. It intends to comprise two distinct but interconnected strands: one component, the practical, which concerns the exposure of an institutional framework of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Directorate General of Foreign Policy, and a scientific one, related to Portugal’s Multilateral position concerning terrorism. The practical component intends to expose the learning acquired during the internship with the departments OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) and UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). The scientific component, relating to the Multilateral position of Portugal within the Global Fight against Terrorism, takes into account the main international instruments against terrorism. The approach to specific themes within the scope of Portuguese Foreign Policy, which are dealt with in the Regional Organisations and Transnational Issues Division, has made it possible to address a more scientific component in the second part of the report. Recognizing the value of the current threat posed by terrorism, this report sought to present the main responses found by International Organizations, as well as Portugal's multilateral commitments in the fight against terrorism. Through the situation in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique, I tried to understand the efforts, as well as the difficulties experienced in resolving a worrying humanitarian situation, considering the dimensions of security and compliance with human rights

    Knowledge transmission channels: a comparative study in Brazil and in Europe

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    The process of globalization and the change on technological paradigm have important effects in the modeling of new patterns of competition. In this context there is a consensus among specialized researchers that the collaborative learning processes in clusters are crucial for the configuration at the competitive advantage of the companies individually and to the group that forms the cluster. This paper aims at identifying and analyzing the knowledge transmission channels in textile and clothing clusters located in Brazil and in Europe. Primary data was obtained through interviews with key individuals. The collection of primary data was carried out based on a questionnaire with ten categories of indicators of knowledge transmission. Secondary data was also collected through a literature review and through international organizations sites. Similarities related to the use of the main transmission channels of knowledge are observed in all cases. The main similarities are: influence of suppliers of machinery, equipment and raw materials; imitation of products and best practices; training promoted by technical institutions and businesses; and cluster companies being open to acquire new knowledge. The main differences lie in the relationship between companies, where in Europe the intensity of this relationship is bigger when compared to Brazil. The differences also occur in importance and frequency of the relationship with the government, with the cultural environment, and with the activities of research and development. It is also found factors that reduce the importance of geographical proximity in transmission of knowledge, and in generating trust and the establishment of collaborative behavior. This was the reality found in the studied clusters,that currently go through a process of adaptation to the changes in the real world

    Aprendizaje interorganizacional: estudio sobre los canales de transmisión de conocimiento en clusters textiles y de indumentaria en Brasil y en Portugal

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    Ante o advento de uma sociedade do conhecimento que estimula e valoriza a formação de redes de empresa, há consenso entre pesquisadores especializados de que os processos de aprendizagem colaborativa em clusters são cruciais para a formação da vantagem competitiva na esfera individual das empresas e no conjunto que forma o aglomerado produtivo. Neste artigo pretendeu-se identificar e analisar os canais de aprendizagem em dois clusters têxteis e de vestuário: um localizado em Santa Catarina, no Brasil, e outro na região Norte de Portugal. Os dados foram obtidos mediante entrevistas guiadas e aplicação de questionário com especialistas e empresários. Foi possível constatar semelhanças e discrepâncias entre canais de transmissão de conhecimento nos clusters avaliados. Observou-se que em ambos os casos pesquisados, canais de transmissão de conhecimento referentes à formação de recursos humanos, à imitação e ao relacionamento com fornecedores figuram entre os cinco mais importantes. Foram identificados entraves ao compartilhamento de conhecimento e aprendizagem colaborativa relacionados com aspetos culturais. No caso dos clusters analisados, fatores intrínsecos aos seus segmentos industriais exercem influência na transmissão de conhecimento no âmbito da interorganização.With the advent of a society of knowledge that stimulates and promotes the formation of corporate networks, there is a consensus among specialized researchers that collaborative learning processes in clusters are crucial for ensuring competitive advantage in the individual sphere of companies, and in the group that forms the production cluster. This paper seeks to identify and analyze knowledge transmission channels in two textile and clothing clusters; one located in Santa Catarina, Brazil, and the other in the northern region of Portugal. Primary data were obtained through guided interviews and questionnaires with entrepreneurs and experts. It was possible to see similarities and discrepancies between the channels of knowledge transmission in the evaluated clusters. Considering knowledge transmission, it was observed that in both cases, the formation of human resources, imitation of products and processes, and the relationship with suppliers are among the five most used channels applied by companies. Problems were identified in knowledge sharing, collaborative learning and cultural aspects related to a lack of policies at the level of clusters that foster the exchange of knowledge. In the case of the clusters analyzed, it was found that intrinsic factors influence the transmission of knowledge in the interorganizational framework.Ante el ascenso de una sociedad del conocimiento que estimula y valoriza la formación de redes de empresas, hay un consenso entre los investigadores especializados de que son cruciales los procesos de aprendizaje colaborativo en clusters para la formación de una ventaja competitiva en la esfera individual de las empresas y en el conjunto que forma el aglomerado productivo. En este artículo se pretendió identificar y analizar los canales de aprendizaje en dos clusters textiles y de indumentaria: uno ubicado en Santa Catarina, en Brasil, y otro en la región Norte de Portugal. Se obtuvieron los datos a través de entrevistas guiadas y aplicación de un cuestionario con especialistas y empresarios. Fue posible constatar semejanzas y discrepancias entre canales de transmisión de conocimiento en los clusters evaluados. Se observó que en ambos casos estudiados, los canales de transmisión de conocimiento referentes a la formación de recursos humanos, a la imitación y al relacionamiento con proveedores figuran entre los cinco más importantes. Se identificaron barreras relacionadas a aspectos culturales que dificultan compartir el conocimiento y aprendizaje colaborativo. En el caso de los clusters analizados, los factores intrínsecos a sus segmentos industriales ejercen influencia en la transmisión de conocimiento en el ámbito de la interorganización

    Knowledge transfer in industrial clusters

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    This paper aims at identifying and analyzing the knowledge transmission channels in textile and clothing clusters located in Brazil and in Europe. Primary data was obtained through interviews with key individuals. The collection of primary data was carried out based on a questionnaire with ten categories of indicators of knowledge transmission. Secondary data was also collected through a literature review and through international organizations sites. Similarities related to the use of the main transmission channels of knowledge are observed in all cases. The main similarities are: influence of suppliers of machinery, equipment and raw materials; imitation of products and best practices; training promoted by technical institutions and businesses; and cluster companies being open to acquire new knowledge. The main differences lie in the relationship between companies, where in Europe the intensity of this relationship is bigger when compared to Brazil. The differences also occur in importance and frequency of the relationship with the government, with the cultural environment, and with the activities of research and development. It is also found factors that reduce the importance of geographical proximity in transmission of knowledge, and in generating trust and the establishment of collaborative behavior

    Typological classification of clayey raw materials for ceramics manufacture, in the Tábua region (central Portugal)

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    Mapping of clay resources in the Cenozoic deposits of the Tábua region (central Portugal) has been carried out, together with the chemical, mineralogical and technological characterization of seventeen clay samples. The study was undertaken to relate the lithostratigraphic units and the typology of raw materials with regard to the manufacture of ceramics. The sedimentary succession comprises two units with different suitability for the manufacture of ceramics: an upper unit, with clays that present technological restrictions; and a lower unit with a much greater potential. A small set of parameters has been identified which differentiate the typological units. These parameters allow a realistic estimation to be made of the ceramic properties of any clay layer sampled in the study area. It is anticipated that with minor field work and sampling, the typological column can also be used in adjacent areas

    Será o Implante de iStent® uma Cirurgia do Canal de Schlemm? Avaliação por OCT Spectral Domain de Segmento Anterior

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    Introdução: O iStent® “trabecular micro-bypass stent modelo GTS100R/L” tem resultados comprovados na cirurgia do glaucoma de ângulo aberto. Descrito como cirurgia ab interno do canal de Schlemm, visa criar um bypass entre a câmara anterior e este canal, ultrapassando a malha trabecular – principal resistência à drenagem de humor aquoso. Os autores visam estudar o papel do OCT de segmento anterior (SA) na localização do iStent® e uma eventual relação entre o seu posicionamento a eficácia hipotensora. Material e Métodos: Estudo transversal descritivo em que se avaliaram 17 olhos de 17 doentes submetidos a cirurgia de facoemulsificação combinada com iStent®, com um ano de follow-up. Estudou-se o ângulo irido-corneano com OCT spectral domain de SA (Heidelberg Spectralis®) e realizou-se uma avaliação oftalmológica que incluiu medição da pressão intra-ocular (PIO) com tonómetro de Goldmann e gonioscopia. Resultados: Em todos os olhos foi possível localizar o iStent® no ângulo da câmara anterior, porém apenas 4 pareciam estar no canal de Schlemm, estando os restantes na malha trabecular ou esporão escleral. Nos 4 olhos com implante no canal verificou-se uma redução média da PIO de 6,0 mmHg relativamente aos valores pré-operatórios, nos restantes essa redução foi 5,36 mmHg. Esta diferença não é estatisticamente significativa (p>0,05). Conclusões: O OCT spectral domain de SA é um método eficiente para determinar o posicionamento do iStent® no ângulo. Apesar da maioria das extremidades distais dos dispositivos não se encontrarem no canal de Schlemm, estes ultrapassaram a resistência da malha trabecular, pelo que a localização não parece comprometer a eficácia hipotensora.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Knowledge transmission channels: evidences from Brazil, Portugal, Spain and Italy

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    The process of globalization and the change on technological paradigm have important effects in the modeling of new patterns of competition. In this context there is a consensus among specialized researchers that the collaborative learning processes in clusters are crucial for the configuration at the competitive advantage of the companies individually and to the group that forms the cluster. This paper aims at identifying and analyzing the knowledge transmission channels in textile and clothing clusters located in Brazil and in Europe. Primary data was obtained through interviews with key individuals. The collection of primary data was carried out based on a questionnaire with ten categories of indicators of knowledge transmission. Secondary data was also collected through a literature review and through international organizations sites. Similarities related to the use of the main knowledge transmission channels are observed in all cases. The main similarities are: influence of suppliers of machinery, equipment and raw materials; imitation of products and best practices; training promoted by technical institutions and businesses; and cluster companies being open to acquire new knowledge. The main differences lie in the relationship between companies, where in Europe the intensity of this relationship is bigger when compared to Brazil. The differences also occur in importance and frequency of the relationship with the government, with the cultural environment, and with the activities of research and development. It is also found factors that reduce the importance of geographical proximity in transmission of knowledge, and in generating trust and the establishment of collaborative behavior. This was the reality found in the studied clusters, that currently go through a process of adaptation to the changes in the real world

    Recrutamento e seleção de agentes para a polícia nacional de São Tomé e Príncipe

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    Recrutamento e Selecção de Agentes para a Polícia Nacional de São Tomé e Príncipe é o tema desta dissertação. Trata-se, portanto, de uma temática fundamental para a sobrevivência, prestígio e desenvolvimento da Polícia Nacional que merece uma particular atenção. Por razões várias, a Polícia Nacional precisa de melhorar a sua organização e os seus recursos humanos precisam e merecem melhores condições de vida e de trabalho para prestarem um serviço de segurança com melhor qualidade aos cidadãos. Isto é, esta força de segurança e ordem pública precisa de uma reforma urgente em termos orgânicos e estatutários. As pessoas que nela trabalham, também precisam de ser melhor qualificadas e valorizadas para o desenvolvimento sustentado desta organização e consequentemente do país. Reconhece-se que, pela forma como tudo aconteceu, não foi possível, certamente, depois da independência do País (12/07/1975), ter prestado atenção e dado a devida relevância aos recursos humanos das organizações e instituições públicas, como factores de identidade nacional e, em particular, à Polícia Nacional. Contudo, parece ser agora tempo de definir novas estratégias e de encontrar novas respostas que visem reavaliar e rever esta situação. Assim, por um lado, o presente estudo tem como objectivo fundamental identificar e apurar as condicionantes que têm dificultado o progresso da Polícia Nacional. E, por outro lado, procura apontar caminhos para que o processo de admissão e inserção de recursos humanos nesta Polícia seja o mais adequado e ajustado possível, tendo em conta a conjuntura sociopolítica e económica de São Tomé e Príncipe.Recruitment and Selection of Police-officers for the National Police of São Tomé and Príncipe is theme of this dissertation. This is, therefore, the one thematic fundamental for survive, prestigious and increasing of National Police, so, it needs one particular attention. For different reasons, the National Police needs to be more structured and theirs human’s resources need and deserve better life and work conditions for they offer one qualify security´s service to the community. By the way, this security´s force and sort public, needs to be reformed quickly in organics and structural terms. Theirs staff, also need to be more qualified and valuable for the sustainable rising of this organization and consequently of the country. Recognize that, for the way how all things happened, wasn´t possible, certainly, before country´s independence in (12/07/1975), to have done attention and given deserved importance to the human´s resources of public’s organizations like identity national´s factors, in particularity, the National Police. However, it seems to be now the time to definitions news strategies and finds able answers to reevaluate and revise this situation. So, for one side, this present investigation has like fundamental objective, to identify and find the conditionals problems that have made difficult the progress of the National Police. And, by other side, look for to point right ways for the human´s resources process admission and incorporation in this National Police be more adequate and suited possible, having in count the sociopolitical and economic conjuncture of São Tomé and Príncipe


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    O presente artigo foi elaborado com a intenção principal de evidenciar as atividades de auditoria realizada na empresa Cafeeira Berger Ltda. EPP. Auditoria essa realizada em toda parte contábil desta entidade acima descrita, apontando todo resultado encontrado a partir das revisões feitas nos lançamentos contábeis, registra também todas as divergências que ficaram relatadas no Relatório das Divergências Encontradas, além de mostrar o relato da auditoria realizada dentro do Relatório do Auditor Independente, que tem por objetivo deixar exposta a descrição de todo trabalho concluído e os resultados alcançados. E também mostrar a importância de se realizar um trabalho com muita responsabilidade e profissionalismo, o qual seja confiável e verídico de forma a auxiliar o gestor da empresa em suas tomadas de decisões. Enfim, neste projeto será exposto todo o processo de auditoria, bem como relatar o que foi realizado e os procedimentos elaborados

    Knowledge transmission in industrial clusters: evidence from EuroClusTex

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    Covering the knowledge economy scenario, this article attempts to illustrate the analysis of the employment of knowledge transmission channels in the EuroClusTex, cross-border textile and clothing cluster between northern Portugal and Galicia. Therefore, an exploratory research was conducted. Primary data were obtained through participation in events, from interviews with key informants (entrepreneurs, leaders of cluster support institutions and government representatives). The secondary data were provided by the cluster support institutions, international organizations and the literature review. The results showed that EuroClusTex contributes to the competitiveness of regions, boosting trade relations between Galicia and northern Portugal. The most effective knowledge transmission channels in EuroClusTex were identified as: imitation, relationship with suppliers, public policy and human resources training. Experiences similar to EuroClusTex can be considered and served as examples for the development of clustering policies in other countries.This work was financially supported by the Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) (National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio