255 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Information Technology: Findings Based on a Systematic Review

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    The world is experiencing a knowledge-based economy with a revolution in information technology, innovation, and telecommunications. The rise of the "new economy", driven by information and knowledge, has led to an increased interest in intellectual capital theory, which aims to manage intangible assets of organizations. Firms belonging to technology and knowledge-based industries recognize intellectual capital as the key knowledge base that contributes to the creation of a competitive advantage for the firm. This paper aims to answer the question "How are Intellectual Capital (IC) and Information Technology (IT) related?" through a systematic review based on four steps: 1) search conduction; 2) selection of papers based on their titles and abstracts; 3) content analysis of selected papers; 4) evidence mapping and discussions. The analyzed papers were categorized into five themes: "Statistical analysis or case study in IT companies from the Intellectual Capital perspective"; "IT as a tool for Intellectual Capital Management"; "Intellectual Capital or technology knowledge assets influencing innovation and development", "Intellectual Capital assets to evaluate a technology" and "Intellectual Capital theory as a way to understand and share knowledge in IT projects". Our findings evidenced that the Human Capital was the main dimension studied by the authors, followed by Structural Capital and Relational Capital. We believe that this work may help to clarify on Intellectual Capital Management procedures into Information Technology projects, thus opening new topics for future research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ecological approaches to textile dyeing: a review

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    Conventional dyeing processes currently practiced in the textile industry have a great environmental impact, mainly in relation to the quantity and pollution of water, use of toxic chemicals, atmospheric emissions, and high energy consumption. This study aims to discuss the relationship between the variables that involve conventional dyeing processes and environmental issues. It presents the mapping of the materials and emerging technologies for ecological coloration, specifically for the pretreatment and dyeing stages. Regarding pretreatment, it discusses biochemical (enzymes) and physical treatment (ultraviolet radiation, plasma, and ozone technology) approaches. With respect to the dyeing processes, it addresses ecological materials (natural dyes) and emerging technologies (such as plasma, supercritical CO2, AirDye®, ultrasonic, microwave, Nano-DyeTM, and electrochemical). Given the importance of ecological coloration, this study provides important reflections on the urgency of resolving issues related to barriers and economic viability in the implementation of the alternatives presented and demonstrates the need to develop educational projects to prepare fashion and textile professionals.Project UID/CTM/00264/2021 of 2C2T (the Centre for Textile Science and Technology), which is funded by national funds through FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology)

    Protesting or Justifying? A Latent Class Model for Contingent Valuation with Attitudinal Data

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    This article develops a latent class model for estimating willingness-to-pay for public goods using simultaneously contingent valuation (CV) and attitudinal data capturing protest attitudes related to the lack of trust in public institutions providing those goods. A measure of the social cost associated with protest responses and the consequent loss in potential contributions for providing the public good is proposed. The presence of potential justification biases is further considered, that is, the possibility that for psychological reasons the response to the CV question affects the answers to the attitudinal questions. The results from our empirical application suggest that psychological factors should not be ignored in CV estimation for policy purposes, allowing for a correct identification of protest responses. JEL codes: C35, C85, Q51

    Estudo comparativo entre as normas ISO 21931:2010, NBR 15575 e os requisitos das certificações AQUA e LEED

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    The construction sector is responsible for generating large environmental impacts in order to minimize these impacts, environmental standards and seals for the construction were created. This article presents a comparative study between the preliminary requirements of ISO 21931: 2010 Sustainable Building, the requirements of AQUA-HQE stamps, LEED and the Performance Standard NBR 15575: 2013. For this, a literature search was conducted to carry out a comparative analysis of the requirements of each of them in order to know those common to all of them. As a result of this work was identified that the standard of performance, the AQUA seal and LEED are well aligned with the sustainability criteria, comfort and health of the user, and has the ISO 21931 standard has some of these items as options.A construção civil é um setor responsável pela geração de grandes impactos ambientais, visando minimizar esses impactos, foram criadas normas e selos ambientais para a construção. Este artigo apresenta um estudo preliminar comparativo entre os requisitos da Norma ISO 21931:2010 de Construção Sustentável, os requisitos dos selos AQUA-HQE, o LEED e a Norma de Desempenho NBR 15575:2013. Para tanto, foi realizado uma pesquisa bibliográfica para realizar uma análise comparativa dos requisitos de cada uma delas, tendo em vista conhecer aqueles comuns a todas elas. Como resultado deste trabalho foi identificado que a norma de desempenho, o selo AQUA e o LEED estão bem alinhados com os critérios de sustentabilidade, conforto e saúde do usuário, e já a norma ISO 21931 possui alguns desses itens como opcionais

    The chemical abundances in the Galactic Centre from the atmospheres of Red Supergiants

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    The Galactic Centre (GC) has experienced a high degree of recent star-forming activity, as evidenced by the large number of massive stars currently residing there. The relative abundances of chemical elements in the GC may provide insights into the origins of this activity. Here, we present high-resolution HH-band spectra of two Red Supergiants in the GC (IRS~7 and VR~5-7), and in combination with spectral synthesis we derive abundances for Fe and C, as well as other α\alpha-elements Ca, Si, Mg Ti and O. We find that the C-depletion in VR~5-7 is consistent with the predictions of evolutionary models of RSGs, while the heavy depletion of C and O in IRS~7's atmosphere is indicative of deep mixing, possibly due to fast initial rotation and/or enhanced mass-loss. Our results indicate that the {\it current} surface Fe/H content of each star is slightly above Solar. However, comparisons to evolutionary models indicate that the {\it initial} Fe/H ratio was likely closer to Solar, and has been driven higher by H-depletion at the stars' surface. Overall, we find α\alpha/Fe ratios for both stars which are consistent with the thin Galactic disk. These results are consistent with other chemical studies of the GC, given the precision to which abundances can currently be determined. We argue that the GC abundances are consistent with a scenario in which the recent star-forming activity in the GC was fuelled by either material travelling down the Bar from the inner disk, or from the winds of stars in the inner Bulge -- with no need to invoke top-heavy stellar Initial Mass Functions to explain anomalous abundance ratios.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figs. Accepted for publication in Ap


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    A utilização da música nos hospitais é uma prática comum que possui registros históricos desde o iní­cio do século passado. Ela tem sido realizada por musicoterapeutas e recentemente por professores de música. Esse artigo tem o objetivo de refletir sobre a práxis do Musicoterapeuta e do Educador Musical no contexto hospitalar através de uma revisão de literatura, com o propósito de mostrar diferenças e semelhanças em cada uma destas atividades a partir de uma análise dos objetivos; processo; relações e participantes envolvidos; recursos, técnicas, métodos; e, população atendida

    Estudo experimental de escoamentos bifásicos em duto horizontal usando uma técnica de visualização

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    O estudo da dinâmica dos escoamentos bifásicos gás-líquido é de grande importância para as áreas de energia engenharia nuclear e de petróleo e gás natural. Reconhecidos pela literatura como sendo de grande complexidade, os escoamentos gás-líquido têm recebido ao longo do tempo uma especial atenção da parte de cientistas e pesquisadores interessados no desenvolvimento de modelos teóricos, capazes de prever o comportamento desses escoamentos em termos de seus parâmetros mais importantes e de suas estruturas físicas. As velocidades das fases gás e líquido, a evolução dessas fases durante os escoamentos, as posições das interfaces gás-líquido, são alguns exemplos de parâmetros e de estruturas que requerem cuidadosos estudos experimentais e teóricos. No presente trabalho é realizado um estudo experimental de visualização de escoamentos bifásicos água-ar, estratificados e intermitentes, em um duto tubo horizontal de seção circular com 51 mm de diâmetro interno. O estudo consiste em filmar uma mistura água-ar que passa por um trecho transparente do duto, utilizando uma filmadora de alta velocidade. Em seguida, as imagens obtidas da filmagem são analisadas quadro a quadro, e desta análise são extraidos dados de altura das interfaces gás-líquido, comprimentos e velocidades de bolhas de gás. Então, estes dados são verificados com o auxílio de correlações experimentais e teóricas disponíveis na literatura

    The multilateral climate cooperation and the promotion of the energy transition agenda in Brazil

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    Cooperação multilateral, regime internacional, governança global, segurança energética e meio-ambiente são temas intrinsicamente relacionados, embora nem sempre as conexões sejam evidentes. Partimos do questionamento de como a agenda internacional climática se desdobra para políticas domésticas de mitigação no setor de energia em um país em desenvolvimento. Para lidar com essa questão, identificamos os princípios estabelecidos internacionalmente no que tange à temática das energias renováveis, com a finalidade de minimizar os impactos ambientais ocasionados pelos Gases de Efeito Estufa. Na sequência, apresentamos uma análise sobre a evolução da agenda multilateral climática internacional com foco para o setor energético e pontuamos seus desdobramentos na adoção de energias renováveis no Brasil. A partir de uma revisão bibliográfica da questão climática pela perspectiva racional-institucionalista, passando pelas abordagens de regime internacional, governança climática, governança policêntrica e uma análise empírica de mudanças político-regulatórias no Brasil, buscamos identificar os diferentes vetores que traduzem diretrizes internacionais em políticas domésticas. Discute-se a cooperação como estratégia para lidar com questões que se relacionam à segurança energética dos países e, concomitantemente, com a perspectiva ambiental.Multilateral cooperation, international regime, global governance, energy security and the environment are intrinsically related issues, although the connections are not always evident. We started with the question of how the international climate agenda unfolds for domestic mitigation policies in the energy sector in a developing country. In order to deal with this issue, we have identified the principles internationally established with regard to the theme of renewable energies, in order to minimize the environmental impacts caused by Greenhouse Gases. We then present an analysis of the evolution of the international multilateral climate agenda with a focus on the energy sector and point out its developments in the adoption of renewable energies in Brazil. From a bibliographic review of the climate issue from a rational-institutionalist perspective, through the approaches of international regime, climate governance and polycentric governance followed by an empirical analysis of political and regulatory changes in Brazil, we seek to identify the different vectors that translate international guidelines into domestic policies. Cooperation is discussed as a strategy to deal with issues related to the countries' energy security and, at the same time, with the environmental perspective

    Chemical abundance patterns in the inner Galaxy: the Scutum Red Supergiant Clusters

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    The location of the Scutum Red-Supergiant (RSG) clusters at the end of the Galactic Bar makes them an excellent probe of the Galaxy's secular evolution; while the clusters themselves are ideal testbeds in which to study the predictions of stellar evolutionary theory. To this end, we present a study of the RSGs' surface abundances using a combination of high-resolution H-band spectroscopy and spectral synthesis analysis. We provide abundance measurements for elements C, O, Si, Mg, Ti, and Fe. We find that the surface abundances of the stars studied are consistent with CNO burning and deep, rotationally enhanced mixing. The average a/Fe ratios of the clusters are solar, consistent with a thin-disk population. However, we find significantly sub-solar Fe/H ratios for each cluster, a result which strongly contradicts a simple extrapolation of the Galactic metallicity gradient to lower Galacto-centric distances. We suggest that a simple one-dimensional parameterization of the Galaxy's abundance patterns is insufficient at low Galactocentric distances, as large azimuthal variations may be present. Indeed, we show that the abundances of O, Si and Mg are consistent with independent measurements of objects in similar locations in the Galaxy. In combining our results with other data in the literature, we present evidence for large-scale (~kpc) azimuthal variations in abundances at Galacto-centric distances of 3-5kpc. While we cannot rule-out that this observed behaviour is due to systematic offsets between different measurement techniques, we do find evidence for similar behaviour in a study of the barred-spiral galaxy NGC4736 which uses homogeneous methodology. We suggest that these azimuthal abundance variations could result from the intense but patchy star formation driven by the potential of the central bar.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Ap