487 research outputs found

    Qualidade de vida em gestantes em acompanhamento pré-natal no Sistema Único de Saúde

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    Orientadora: Professora Drª Doroteia Aparecida HöfelmannDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva. Defesa : Curitiba, 18/08/2021Inclui referências: p. 62-71Resumo: Durante a gestação ocorrem mudanças corporais, fisiológicas, psicológicas, e sociais que podem impactar diretamente a qualidade de vida da mulher, com possíveis efeitos para o feto. O objetivo dessa dissertação foi analisar a qualidade de vida e sua associação com características demográficas, socioeconômicas, obstétricas, condições de saúde e comportamento relacionado à saúde de gestantes em acompanhamento pré-natal das Unidades Básicas de Saúde em Colombo (PR). A qualidade de vida foi investigada por meio do WHOQOL-BREF, e o nível da atividade física pelo Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire (PPAQ). Para a avaliação dos fatores e dos domínios da atividade física associados aos domínios da qualidade vida - físico, psicológico, relações sociais e meio ambiente - foi utilizada a regressão beta inflacionada com estimativas de Odds Ratio (OR) e intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%). Participaram do estudo 604 gestantes. A idade média foi de 25,7 (IC95% 25,2;26,3). A maioria das gestantes (76,0%) avaliou a sua qualidade de vida como satisfatória. A atividade física global apresentou média de 17,1±10,0 METs (equivalente metabólico da tarefa). No domínio físico, os menores escores foram encontrados conforme o aumento de número de gestações (OR=0,71; IC95%0,59;0,84), evolução do trimestre gestacional (OR=0,74; IC95%0,61;0,89), referência a sintoma comum da gestação (OR=0,80; IC95%0,67;0,95), e presença de morbidade (OR=0,67; IC95%0,57;0,79). No domínio psicológico, gestantes que planejaram a gestação apresentaram maiores escores (OR=1,20; IC95%1,04;1,37), enquanto referir sintoma comum (OR=0,75; IC95%0,63;0,89) ou morbidade na gestação (OR=0,82; IC95%0,70;0,95) foram associados a piores escores. Ainda no domínio psicológico, os escores aumentaram com a escolaridade (OR=1,10; IC95%1,01;1,21), enquanto os menores escores foram identificados entre gestantes com maior paridade (OR=0,89; IC95%0,81;0,97) e com morbidade (OR=0,90; IC95%0,83;0,97). A maior renda familiar foi relacionada a melhores escores no domínio relações sociais da qualidade de vida (OR=1,22;IC95%1,03;1,45). No domínio meio ambiente apresentaram menores escores as mulheres que estavam na segunda gestação (OR=0,84; IC95%0,72;0,98), e com renda entre R$ 476-750 apresentaram maiores escores (OR=1,23; IC95%1,05;1,43). Os resultados das associações considerando domínios de atividade física como exposição principal indicaram para o domínio físico, gestantes com maior nível de prática de exercício físico apresentaram maiores escores (OR=1,03; IC95%1,00;1,07), enquanto o tempo em atividades sedentárias esteve associado a menores escores (OR= 0,97; IC95%0,95;0,99). Contudo, a associação deixou de ser significativa após o ajuste para variáveis socioeconômicas. O tempo em atividades de locomoção esteve associado a maiores escores no domínio psicológico de qualidade de vida (OR=1,05; IC95%0,99;1,11), enquanto em atividades sedentárias esteve associado negativamente (OR=0,97; IC95%0,95;0,99). Desta forma, destaca-se a multidimensionalidade de fatores associados, e da relação dos domínios da atividade física aos componentes da qualidade de vida na gestação, o que ressalta importância de ações intersetoriais, especialmente para as mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade social para a promoção de melhoria da qualidade de vida neste período.Abstract: During pregnancy, bodily and physiological changes occur, psychological, and social that can directly impact the women's quality of life, with possible effects on the fetus. The objective of this dissertation was to analyze the quality of life and association with demographic characteristics, socioeconomic, obstetric, health conditions, healthrelated behavior of pregnant women in prenatal care at Basic Health Units in Colombo (PR). Quality of life was investigated by through the WHOQOL-BREF, and the level of physical activity by the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire (PPAQ). For the evaluation of the factors and the associated physical activity domains to the domains of quality of life - physical health, psychological, social relationships and environment - beta regression was used inflated with Odds Ratio (OR) estimates and 95% confidence interval (95%CI). The mean age was 25,7 (95%CI 25,2;26,3). 604 pregnant women participated in the study. Most pregnant women (76,0%) evaluated their quality of life as satisfactory. Global physical activity presented an average of 17,1±10,0 METs (metabolic equivalents). In the physical health domain, the lower scores were found as the number of pregnancies increasead (OR=0,71; 95%CI 0,59;0,84), evolution of the gestational quarter (OR=0,74; 95%CI 0,61;0,89), who referend common pregnancy symptom (OR=0,80; 95%CI 0,67;0,95), and presence of morbidity (OR=0,67; 95%CI 0,57;0,79). In the domain psychological, pregnant women who planned the pregnancy presented higher scores (OR=1,20; 95%CI 1,04;1,37), while referring common symptom (OR=0,75; 95%CI 0,63;0,89) or morbidity during pregnancy (OR=0,82; 95%CI 0,70;0,95) were associated with worse scores. Still in the psychological domain, the scores increased with education (OR=1,10; 95%CI 1,01;1,21), while the lowest scores were identified among pregnant women with higher parity (OR=0,89; 95%CI 0,81;0,97) and with morbidity (OR=0,90; IC95% 0,83;0,97). The highest family income was related to better scores in the social relationships domain of quality of life (OR=1,22; 95%CI1,03;1,45). In the environment domain, the women who were in their second pregnancy (OR=0,84; 95%CI 0,72;0,98), and with income between BRL 476-750 had higher scores (OR=1,23; 95%CI 1,05;1,43). The results of associations considering domains of activity physical as the main exposure indicated for the physical health domain, pregnant women with a higher level of practice of physical exercise had higher scores (OR=1,03; 95%CI 1,00;1,07), while the time in activities sedentary was associated with lower scores (OR = 0,97; 95%CI 0,95;0,99). However, the association is no longer after adjustment for socioeconomic variables. Time spent on commuting activities was associated with greater scores in the psychological domain of quality of life (OR=1,05; 95%CI 0,99;1,11), while in sedentary activities he was negatively associated (OR=0,97; 95%CI 0,95;0,99). In this way, the multidimensionality of factors stands out associated, and the relationship of the domains of physical activity to the components of quality of life during pregnancy, which emphasizes the importance of intersectoral actions, especially for women in situations of social vulnerability to promote better quality of life in this period

    Auto-anticorpos antitiroideus e risco de aborto espontâneo recorrente

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    Introdução: O aborto espontâneo recorrente, que afecta 1-5% de todas as gestações, é uma situação multifactorial e heterogénea sendo possível identificar a sua causa em apenas 25-50% dos casos. Dada a envergadura tanto a nível pessoal como social desta patologia, várias investigações têm sido realizadas para se encontrarem novas etiologias. A glândula tiróide intervém em diversos mecanismos fisiopatológicos do ser humano. A presença de auto-anticorpos antitiroideus é prevalente em mulheres eutiroideias em idade fértil e tem sido associada a complicações na gestação, nomeadamente ao risco aumentado de aborto espontâneo. A importância do esclarecimento desta associação reside na possibilidade de incluir no estudo de grávidas com história de aborto recorrente a pesquisa de auto-anticorpos antitiroideus e averiguar a necessidade da instituição de tratamento profiláctico nas grávidas cuja pesquisa se revele positiva. Metodologias: Revisão sistemática de literatura científica relevante publicada até à data, incluindo estudos epidemiológicos relativos ao tema, artigos de investigação e meta-análises, com recurso à base de dados da PubMed e outras áreas de pesquisa. Resultados: Foram incluídos 32 estudos originais, envolvendo um total de 13 993 participantes e 2 meta-análises. Apesar dos resultados e parâmetros analisados não serem consistentemente os mesmos nos diversos estudos, a maioria dos estudos analisados estabelece uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre a presença de auto-anticorpos antitiroideus e o risco de aborto espontâneo. Discussão e Conclusões: Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode concluir-se que a presença de auto-anticorpos antitiroideus em mulheres eutiroideias aumenta o risco de ocorrência de aborto espontâneo. Contudo, a fisiopatologia ainda permanece por esclarecer e são necessárias pesquisas futuras, mais robustas e que minimizem os factores de enviesamento, para clarificar esta importante questão. Além disso, são necessários mais estudos para definir a importância do rastreio de mulheres com história de aborto recorrente e do tratamento com levotiroxina nas grávidas com pesquisa de auto-anticorpos antitiroideus positiva.Introduction: Recurrent miscarriage, which affects 1-5% of all pregnancies, is a multifactorial and heterogeneous situation and its cause is identified in only 25-50% of cases. Given the scale on both personal and social level of this pathology, several investigations have been undertaken to find new etiologies. The thyroid gland is involved in several pathophysiological mechanisms in humans. The presence of antithyroid autoantibodies is prevalent in euthyroid women of childbearing age and has been linked to pregnancy complications, including an increased risk of miscarriage. The importance of clarifying this association lies on the possibility of screening antithyroid autoantibodies during the study of pregnant women with a history of recurrent miscarriage, and of instituting prophylactic treatment in pregnant women whose screening proves to be positive. Methodology: Systematic review of relevant published scientific literature, including epidemiological studies of the subject, research articles and meta-analysis, using the PubMed database and other research areas. Results: A total of 32 original studies, involving a total of 13 993 participants, and 2 meta-analysis were included. Although the results and analyzed parameters were not consistently the same in several studies, most studies analyzed established a statistically significant association between the presence of antithyroid autoantibodies and the risk of miscarriage. Discussion and Conclusions: Based on these results, it can be concluded that the presence of antithyroid autoantibodies in euthyroid women increases the risk of miscarriage. However, the pathophysiology remains unclear and to clarify this issue more solid and unbiased research is required. Furthermore, more studies are needed to define the importance of screening women with a history of recurrent miscarriage and treatment with levothyroxine in pregnant women with positive antithyroid autoantibodies

    Risk management tools in the context of common agriculture policy- dairy market

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    This essay provides an introductory approach concerning environmental and consequently the agricultural risks faced currently, it also discusses the main causes, present consequences and also the tendencies for the future risks. It addresses the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) history and its instruments. It also describes the current risk management tools under CAP to deal with risks possessed and its past implementation in dairy market (2014-2016). Lastly, it studies the potential effectiveness of such policies, a regression analysis was conducted wherein the dairy market prices were regressed by various variables (risk management tools) to determine if risk management tools had any influence on the prices

    Virtual reality to improve postural control in patients with schizophrenia: study protocol for a single-blind parallel group randomised controlled trial

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    Impairment in postural control is prevalent in patients with schizophrenia, and often limit occupational performance. Virtual reality (VR) has proven its benefits for improving postural control and among schizophrenia population. Remarkably, the effectiveness of a VR game-based intervention on postural control in this population has never been evaluated. The primary aim of this study is to examine the effects and impact of VR on postural control parameters in patients with schizophrenia. This is a single-blinded, randomised controlled trial with two parallel groups. Thirty-four patients with schizophrenia are randomly assigned to the virtual reality group (VR) or the inactive control group (CG). The intervention consists of 3 30 min sessions for 4 weeks. Assessments are performed at baseline, post-intervention and 1-month follow-up. The primary outcome is postural control. The center of pressure (COP) displacement and velocity in anteroposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) directions are measured by PhyisoSensing pressure platform. This study protocol comprises parameters that are thought to be crucial to the success of the intervention. There are used objective and quantitative measures to evaluate the outcomes for effectively plan postural control interventions in schizophrenia with more reliable and valid results. The results of the study will be useful to clarify the effect of VR on postural control in patients with schizophrenia and provide insight into the validity of this approach as an intervention technique. It is expected that the results confirm the positive findings supporting the therapeutic prospects of VR.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Functional Histology and Ultrastructure of the Digestive Tract in Two Species of Chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora)

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    . Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.To continue the investigation on the digestive system of polyplacophoran molluscs, a histological and ultrastructural study of the oesophagus, stomach and intestine of Chaetopleura angulata and Acanthochitona fascicularis was carried out. Stomach content examination revealed an omnivorous diet. In both species the epithelium of the whole digestive tract consisted mostly of elongated absorptive cells with an apical border of microvilli. Cilia were also frequently present. Mitochondria and electron-dense lysosomes were the prominent organelles in the region above the nucleus. The basal region was characterised by an association of mitochondria, peroxisomes and lipid droplets. In general, glycogen deposits were also abundant in absorptive cells. The ultrastructural features indicate that the absorptive cells of the digestive tract epithelium are involved in endocytosis, intracellular digestion and storage of reserves. Histochemical techniques showed that the secretory cells of the digestive tract contained proteins and polysaccharides in their secretory vesicles. The secretory cells with vesicles of low electron density were classified as mucous cells, and the ones with electron-dense vesicles were designated basophilic cells due to their staining by basic dyes in light microscopy. Additionally, basal cells that seem to correspond to enteroendocrine cells containing oval electron-dense vesicles were found along the digestive tract epithelium of both species. The thin outer layer of the digestive tract wall consisted of muscle cells and nerves embedded in connective tissue.publishersversionpublishe

    A gestão de carteiras e a contabilização de instrumentos financeiros

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    Mestrado em Contabilidade e Finanças (parceria com a APNOR) na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloO presente relatório foi realizado como etapa final de um estágio curricular realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Contabilidade e Finanças do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, que decorreu no período de 1 de fevereiro de 2018 a 31 de julho de 2018, num gabinete que presta serviços de contabilidade e gestão a outras empresas. Este relatório também reflete sobre o tópico de gestão de carteiras e como contabilizamos os instrumentos financeiros. Numa primeira parte, é aprofundada a temática da gestão de ativos financeiros agrupados em carteiras, fazendo uma análise mais específica dos instrumentos financeiros adquiridos por empresas e a sua influência na contabilidade. Depois numa segunda parte, é apresentada a empresa que acolheu o meu estágio e a descrição das atividades aí desenvolvidas sendo estas cruciais para o desempenho da atividade profissional, com a sua devida fundamentação.This report was carried out as a final stage of a curricular internship held under the Master's Degree in Accounting and Finance of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, which ran from february 1, 2018 to july 31, 2018, accounting and management services to other companies. This report also reflects on the topic of portfolio management and how we account for financial instruments. In the first part, the theme of the management of financial assets grouped in portfolios is explored, making a more specific analysis of the financial instruments acquired by companies and their influence in the accounting. Then in a second part, the company that hosted my internship and the description of the activities developed there are presented, which are crucial for the performance of the professional activity, with its due reasoning

    A delimitação temporal da cobertura da apólice do seguro de responsabilidade civil

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    JEL Classification System: K29, K39O Homem, no âmbito das várias componentes da sua vida, procura prevenir-se contra a aleatoriedade dos acontecimentos cuja verificação não domina, embora não possa, em definitivo, eliminar o risco. A vida comporta riscos e o risco faz parte da vida. Mas pode adotar determinados comportamentos que permitam minorar as consequências adversas em caso de ocorrência do risco. Um deles consiste na celebração do contrato de seguro, através da transferência das consequências económicas da verificação do risco para uma entidade seguradora. De forma a balizar a extensão da responsabilidade do segurador diante da verificação do sinistro, surge a temática da delimitação temporal da cobertura da apólice, que se traduz na definição do período de tempo durante o qual o segurador aceita vincular-se à transferência do risco para a sua esfera jurídica. Nos seguros de responsabilidade civil, a dimensão temporal do período em que a apólice produz os efeitos de cobertura do risco deve ser perspetivada atendendo a que, não raras vezes, a produção do dano manifesta-se tardiamente em relação à respetiva causa geradora. Diante de um processo sinistral complexo e que integra várias fases, será necessário eleger um determinado momento para a ocorrência do sinistro e averiguar se o contrato de seguro se encontra em vigor para efeitos de acionamento da cobertura.The Human Being, in every aspect of his life, aims to prevent himself from the randomness of the events which acknowledgment doesn’t prevail, however he can’t, in fully extent, delete the risk. Life has risks and the risk is part of life. But we can adopt certain behaviors that allow the decrease of the adverse consequences if the risk occurs. One of them consists in the celebration of the insurance contract, through the transference of the economic consequences of the risk verification to an insurance entity. In order to delimit the extent of the insurance liability before the occurrence of the claim, it is important to address the issue of temporal delimitation of the insurance policy, which is reflected in the definition of the temporal period during which the insurer agrees to be bound by the transfer of risk to judicial sphere. When it comes to the liability insurance, the temporal dimension of the period in which the policy produces hedging effects should be taken into account given that, often, damage production manifests late in regard to the respective generating cause. Faced with a complex claim process that includes several phases, it must be necessary to choose a certain moment for the occurrence of the damage and determine if the insurance contract is in force for the cover drive effects

    Analysis and comparison of a hydraulic and pneumatic system using the Dymola software

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    This work addresses the modelling of a system using Modelica language and the Dymola software tool. Dymola is a modelling and simulation environment that uses the open Modelica language to map hardware components of physical systems directly into software components. Therefore, this modelling language allows the user to model a system in a physical form, rather than a mathematical fashion, through the use of general equations, objects, and links. This paper as an informative character about a tool for the development of mechatronic systems. The topics covered here are part of a more extensive modelling and simulation work on the dynamics of mechanical systems, within the scope of an Integrated Master in Mechanical Engineering. This study was carried out based on the comparison between pneumatic and hydraulic models of the same system. Therefore, it was modeled a system used in backhoe loaders that can be operated either using a hydraulic or a pneumatic cylinder. The activity focuses, essentially, on the analysis of parameters that describe the behaviour of the system, emphasizing the position, velocity, acceleration and loads observed in both cylinders. The goal is to introduce the reader to the Dymola environment and Modelica language by addressing the modelling of a system. This study also pretends to identify significant differences regarding the behaviour performance of the pneumatic and hydraulic approaches to model the selected system, and the causes that lead to such differences.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio