414 research outputs found

    Grape selector: a Shiny application for grapevine breeding

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    Both variety and clonal selection programs require the study of many traits. Selecting the best accession becomes a challenge when the number of accessions and traits being studied increases. Grape selector is a user-friendly tool that allows finding the best compromises according to a set of criteria (selection index). This tool can be used with phenotypic data at the variety or clone scale. The application was tested with existing phenotypic data from a breeding program and provided consistent selection with the one done manually


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    International audienceCette recherche franco-quĂ©bĂ©coise vise Ă  valider ou Ă  corriger des situations et des dĂ©marches isolĂ©es en enseignement de l'oral qui n'ont pu faire l'objet d'une expĂ©rimentation suffisamment large. Nous poursuivons l'objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral suivant : mieux connaĂźtre les reprĂ©sentations de certains enseignants quĂ©bĂ©cois et français concernant l'oral et sa place dans les apprentissages comme dans la socialisation au sein de la classe quand ils mettent en place des situations innovantes du prĂ©scolaire au secondaire. Nous expliquons les diffĂ©rences mĂ©thodologiques entre les deux pays qui nous ont quand mĂȘme permis d'Ă©tablir des convergences ainsi que des divergences importantes entre les divers ordres d'enseignement. Nous analysons Ă©galement des extraits de corpus quĂ©bĂ©cois et français qui dĂ©montrent que l'oral doit ĂȘtre enseignĂ© de façon systĂ©matique Ă  l'Ă©cole au QuĂ©bec et en France et qu'un continuum plus prĂ©sent doive se faire sentir dans les programmes d'Ă©tudes entre la fin du primaire et le dĂ©but du secondaire

    A system of customer co-creation for new product development of digital products with a pilot study of the Swiss media industry

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    In the age of digitisation, the media industry is faced with declining advertising revenues. Therefore, the focus on the development of new digital products is a key element to survive in such a fast-changing market and to increase the innovation performance. One of the most important elements thereby is the involvement of customers as co-creators in the new product development (NPD) process, so that new digital products are developed that are in demand on the market. However, the process of how companies turn external knowledge from customers into knowledge creation for generating new ideas and the development of innovative products has not been analysed. This pilot study, which presents an initial system of customer co-creation for NPD of digital products from the literature and searches for similarities and dissimilarities through an abductive qualitative data analysis from interviews with three managers in three different Swiss media companies, explores this unresolved research gap. The system of this study is based on an overarching phase model, which is derived from Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). The process anchored in it, which focuses on the customer co creation of digital products, integrates process elements from the two user-centered approaches, namely User Centered Design (UCD) and Design Thinking (DT). The results from the interviews show that the system is largely in line with the NPD process procedures in the three media companies. It was found that customers can be involved everywhere in the NPD process, but that this is not yet implemented in practice. However, as the future ambition in media companies is to become even more customer centric, the proposed system in this study is very promising

    Local temporal image correlation spectroscopy and Bayesian simulation technique for sparse estimation of diffusion in fluorescence imaging

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    The dynamics and fusion of vesicles during the last steps of exocytosis are not well established yet in cell biology. An open issue is the characterization of the diffusion process at the plasma membrane. Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy (TIRFM) has been successfully used to analyze the coordination of proteins involved in this mechanism. It enables to capture dynamics of proteins with with high frame rate and reasonable SNR values. Nevertheless, we lack methodological approaches that can analyze and estimate diffusion in local small area at the scale of a single diffusing spot within cells. Accordingly, we propose a novel correlation-based method for local diffusion estimation. s starting point, we consider the diffusion model well established in biophysics. We derive an explicit parametric model which is further fitted to time-correlation signals computed from regions of interest (ROI) containing individual spots. This modeling and the proposed Bayesian estimation framework is well appropriate to represent isolated diffusion events and is robust to noise, ROI sizes and localizaiton of spots in ROIs. In contrast to previous fluorescence correlation methods focused on the characterization of the mobility of a population of molecules, no pre-treatment and little data are required in our approach. The performance of our method is shown on both synthetic and real TIRM images depicting Transferrin Receptor proteins

    High quality phased assembly of grape genome offer new opportunities in chimera detection

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    In perennial plants and especially those propagated through cuttings, several genotypes can coexist in a single individual, thus leading to chimeras. When the variant induces a noticeable phenotype modification, it can lead to a new cultivar. Viticulture already took economic advantage of this natural phenomenon: for instance, the berry skin of ‘Pinot gris’ derived from ‘Pinot noir’ by the selection of a chimera. Chimeras could also impact other crucial traits without being visually identified. Periclinal chimera where the variant has entirely colonized a cell layer is the most stable and can be propagated through cuttings. In grapevine, two functional cell layers are present in leaves, L1 and L2. However, lateral roots are formed from the L2 cell layer only. Thus, comparing DNA sequences of roots and leaves could allow chimera detection. In this study we used new generation Hifi long reads sequencing and recent bioinformatics tools applied to ‘Merlot’ to detect periclinal chimeras. Sequencing of ‘Magdeleine Noire des Charentes’ and ‘Cabernet franc’, the parents of ‘Merlot’, allowed haplotype resolved assembly. Pseudomolecules were built with few contigs, in some occasions only one per chromosome. This high resolution allowed haplotype comparison. Annotation from PN40024 was transferred to all pseudomolecules. Through variant detection, periclinal chimeras were found on both haplotypes. These results open new perspectives on chimera detection, which is an important resource to improve cultivars through clonal selection or breed new ones. Detailed results will be presented and discussed

    Construction of nested genetic core collections to optimize the exploitation of natural diversity in Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sativa

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    Background: The first high quality draft of the grape genome sequence has just been published. This is a critical step in accessing all the genes of this species and increases the chances of exploiting the natural genetic diversity through association genetics. However, our basic knowledge of the extent of allelic variation within the species is still not sufficient. Towards this goal, we constructed nested genetic core collections (G-cores) to capture the simple sequence repeat (SSR) diversity of the grape cultivated compartment (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sativa) from the world's largest germplasm collection (Domaine de Vassal, INRA HĂ©rault, France), containing 2262 unique genotypes. Results: Sub-samples of 12, 24, 48 and 92 varieties of V. vinifera L. were selected based on their genotypes for 20 SSR markers using the M-strategy. They represent respectively 58%, 73%, 83% and 100% of total SSR diversity. The capture of allelic diversity was analyzed by sequencing three genes scattered throughout the genome on 233 individuals: 41 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified using the G-92 core (one SNP for every 49 nucleotides) while only 25 were observed using a larger sample of 141 individuals selected on the basis of 50 morphological traits, thus demonstrating the reliability of the approach. Conclusion: The G-12 and G-24 core-collections displayed respectively 78% and 88% of the SNPs respectively, and are therefore of great interest for SNP discovery studies. Furthermore, the nested genetic core collections satisfactorily reflected the geographic and the genetic diversity of grape, which are also of great interest for the study of gene evolution in this species

    Modelling oscillatory behavior in asymmetric division of C. elegans embryo

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    International audienceAsymmetric cell division is a complex process that is not yet fully understood. A very well-known example of such a division is C. elegans embryos first division. To improve our understanding of this process, we used mathematical modelling to study C. elegans embryos first division, both on wild type cells and under a wide range of genetic perturbations. Asymmetry is clearly visible at the end of the anaphase, as the mitotic spindle is off-center. The study of the mitotic spindle dynamics is, thus, a useful tool to gain insights into the general mechanics of the system used by the cell to correctly achieve asymmetric division. The overall spindle behavior is led by the spindle poles behavior. We proposed a new dynamic model for the posterior spindle pole that explains the oscillatory behavior during anaphase and confirms some previous findings, such as the existence of a threshold number of active force-generator motors required for the onset of oscillations. We also confirmed that the monotonic increase of motor activity accounts for their build-up and die-down. By theoretically analyzing our model, we determined boundaries for the motor activity-related parameters for these oscillations to happen. This also allowed us to describe the influence of the number of motors, as well as physical parameters related to viscosity or string-like forces, on features such as the amplitude and number of oscillations. Lastly, by using a Bayesian approach to confront our model to experimental data, we were able to estimate distributions for our biological and bio-physical parameters. These results give us insights on variations in spindle behavior during anaphase in asymmetric division, and provide means of prediction for phenotypes related to misguided asymmetric division. This model will be instrumental in probing the function of yet undocumented genes involved in controlling cell division dynamics
