236 research outputs found

    Sodium channel slow inactivation interferes with open channel block

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    Mutations in the voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7 are linked to inherited pain syndromes such as erythromelalgia (IEM) and paroxysmal extreme pain disorder (PEPD). PEPD mutations impair Nav1.7 fast inactivation and increase persistent currents. PEPD mutations also increase resurgent currents, which involve the voltage-dependent release of an open channel blocker. In contrast, IEM mutations, whenever tested, leave resurgent currents unchanged. Accordingly, the IEM deletion mutation L955 (ΔL955) fails to produce resurgent currents despite enhanced persistent currents, which have hitherto been considered a prerequisite for resurgent currents. Additionally, ΔL955 exhibits a prominent enhancement of slow inactivation (SI). We introduced mutations into Nav1.7 and Nav1.6 that either enhance or impair SI in order to investigate their effects on resurgent currents. Our results show that enhanced SI is accompanied by impaired resurgent currents, which suggests that SI may interfere with open-channel block

    The impact of iron overload and its treatment on quality of life: results from a literature review

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    BACKGROUND: To assess the literature for the impact of iron overload and infusion Iron Chelation Therapy (ICT) on patients' quality of life (QoL), and the availability of QoL instruments for patients undergoing infusion ICT. Also, to obtain patients' experiences of having iron overload and receiving infusion ICT, and experts' clinical opinions about the impact of treatment on patients' lives. METHODS: A search of studies published between 1966 and 2004 was conducted using Medline and the Health Economic Evaluation Database (HEED). Qualitative results from patient and expert interviews were analysed. Hand searching of relevant conference abstracts completed the search. RESULTS: Few studies measuring the impact of ICT with deferoxamine (DFO) on patients QoL were located (n = 15). QoL domains affected included: depression; fatigue; dyspnoea; physical functioning; psychological distress; decrease in QoL during hospitalization. One theme in all articles was that oral ICT should improve QoL. No iron overload or ICT-specific QoL instruments were located in the articles. Interviews revealed that the impact of ICT on patients with thalassemia, sickle cell disease, and myelodysplastic syndromes is high. CONCLUSION: A limited number of studies assessed the impact of ICT or iron overload on QoL. All literature suggested a need for easily administered, efficacious and well tolerated oral iron overload treatments, given the impact of current ICT on adherence. Poor adherence to ICT was documented to negatively impact survival. Further research is warranted to continue the qualitative and quantitative study of QoL using validated instruments in patients receiving ICT to further understanding the issues and improve patients QoL

    The digestion of protein and carbohydrate by the stream detritivore, Tipula abdominalis (Diptera, Tipulidae)

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    The digestive system of larvae of Tipula abdominalis (Diptera, Tipulidae), a stream detritivore, is poorly adapted for the digestion of the major polysaccharides in its diet, but well adapted for the digestion of protein. These crane fly larvae are unable to digest the major cell wall polysaccharides of higher plants, i.e., cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin. The only polysaccharides toward which the midguts of T. abdominalis exhibited any activity were α-amylose and laminarin, indicating that polysaccharide digestion is restricted to α-1,4-and β-1,3-glucans. The most concentrated source of these two classes of carbohydrates in submerged leaf litter would be associated fungal tissue. The midgut of T. abdominalis is strongly alkaline throughout, with a maximum pH near 11.5 in a narrow zone near the midpoint. Proteolytic activity in the midgut is extraordinarily high, and the pH optimum for midgut proteolytic activity is above 11. We conclude that the high alkalinity and high proteolytic activity observed in T. abdominalis larvae are manifestations of a highly efficient protein-digesting system, a system of crucial importance to a nitrogen-limited organism which must derive its nitrogen from a resource in which much of the limited nitrogen present is in a “bound” form in complexes of proteins with lignins and polyphenols.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47733/1/442_2004_Article_BF00346265.pd

    Novel SMAC-mimetics synergistically stimulate melanoma cell death in combination with TRAIL and Bortezomib

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    BACKGROUND: XIAP (X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein) is an anti-apoptotic protein exerting its activity by binding and suppressing caspases. As XIAP is overexpressed in several tumours, in which it apparently contributes to chemoresistance, and because its activity in vivo is antagonised by second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase (SMAC)/direct inhibitor of apoptosis-binding protein with low pI, small molecules mimicking SMAC (so called SMAC-mimetics) can potentially overcome tumour resistance by promoting apoptosis. METHODS: Three homodimeric compounds were synthesised tethering a monomeric SMAC-mimetic with different linkers and their affinity binding for the baculoviral inhibitor repeats domains of XIAP measured by fluorescent polarisation assay. The apoptotic activity of these molecules, alone or in combination with tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and/or Bortezomib, was tested in melanoma cell lines by MTT viability assays and western blot analysis of activated caspases. RESULTS: We show that in melanoma cell lines, which are typically resistant to chemotherapeutic agents, XIAP knock-down sensitises cells to TRAIL treatment in vitro, also favouring the accumulation of cleaved caspase-8. We also describe a new series of 4-substituted azabicyclo[5.3.0] alkane monomeric and dimeric SMAC-mimetics that target various members of the IAP family and powerfully synergise at submicromolar concentrations with TRAIL in inducing cell death. Finally, we show that the simultaneous administration of newly developed SMAC-mimetics with Bortezomib potently triggers apoptosis in a melanoma cell line resistant to the combined effect of SMAC-mimetics and TRAIL. CONCLUSION: Hence, the newly developed SMAC-mimetics effectively synergise with TRAIL and Bortezomib in inducing cell death. These findings warrant further preclinical studies in vivo to verify the anticancer effectiveness of the combination of these agents

    Health, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Quality of Life: What is the Difference?

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    The terms health, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and quality of life (QoL) are used interchangeably. Given that these are three key terms in the literature, their appropriate and clear use is important. This paper reviews the history and definitions of the terms and considers how they have been used. It is argued that the definitions of HRQoL in the literature are problematic because some definitions fail to distinguish between HRQoL and health or between HRQoL and QoL. Many so-called HRQoL questionnaires actually measure self-perceived health status and the use of the phrase QoL is unjustified. It is concluded that the concept of HRQoL as used now is confusing. A potential solution is to define HRQoL as the way health is empirically estimated to affect QoL or use the term to only signify the utility associated with a health state

    An Integrated Strategy to Study Muscle Development and Myofilament Structure in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    A crucial step in the development of muscle cells in all metazoan animals is the assembly and anchorage of the sarcomere, the essential repeat unit responsible for muscle contraction. In Caenorhabditis elegans, many of the critical proteins involved in this process have been uncovered through mutational screens focusing on uncoordinated movement and embryonic arrest phenotypes. We propose that additional sarcomeric proteins exist for which there is a less severe, or entirely different, mutant phenotype produced in their absence. We have used Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) to generate a comprehensive profile of late embryonic muscle gene expression. We generated two replicate long SAGE libraries for sorted embryonic muscle cells, identifying 7,974 protein-coding genes. A refined list of 3,577 genes expressed in muscle cells was compiled from the overlap between our SAGE data and available microarray data. Using the genes in our refined list, we have performed two separate RNA interference (RNAi) screens to identify novel genes that play a role in sarcomere assembly and/or maintenance in either embryonic or adult muscle. To identify muscle defects in embryos, we screened specifically for the Pat embryonic arrest phenotype. To visualize muscle defects in adult animals, we fed dsRNA to worms producing a GFP-tagged myosin protein, thus allowing us to analyze their myofilament organization under gene knockdown conditions using fluorescence microscopy. By eliminating or severely reducing the expression of 3,300 genes using RNAi, we identified 122 genes necessary for proper myofilament organization, 108 of which are genes without a previously characterized role in muscle. Many of the genes affecting sarcomere integrity have human homologs for which little or nothing is known

    Prehospital critical care for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: An observational study examining survival and a stakeholder-focused cost analysis

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    © 2016 The Author(s). Background: Survival rates from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) remain low, despite remarkable efforts to improve care. A number of ambulance services in the United Kingdom (UK) have developed prehospital critical care teams (CCTs) which attend critically ill patients, including OHCA. However, current scientific evidence describing CCTs attending OHCA is sparse and research to date has not demonstrated clear benefits from this model of care. Methods: This prospective, observational study will describe the effect of CCTs on survival from OHCA, when compared to advanced-life-support (ALS), the current standard of prehospital care in the UK. In addition, we will describe the association between individual critical care interventions and survival, and also the costs of CCTs for OHCA. To examine the effect of CCTs on survival from OHCA, we will use routine Utstein variables data already collected in a number of UK ambulance trusts. We will use propensity score matching to adjust for imbalances between the CCT and ALS groups. The primary outcome will be survival to hospital discharge, with the secondary outcome of survival to hospital admission. We will record the critical care interventions delivered during CCT attendance at OHCA. We will describe frequencies and aim to use multiple logistic regression to examine possible associations with survival. Finally, we will undertake a stakeholder-focused cost analysis of CCTs for OHCA. This will utilise a previously published Emergency Medical Services (EMS) cost analysis toolkit and will take into account the costs incurred from use of a helicopter and the proportion of these costs currently covered by charities in the UK. Discussion: Prehospital critical care for OHCA is not universally available in many EMS. In the UK, it is variable and largely funded through public donations to charities. If this study demonstrates benefit from CCTs at an acceptable cost to the public or EMS commissioners, it will provide a rationale to increase funding and service provision. If no clinical benefit is found, the public and charities providing these services can consider concentrating their efforts on other areas of prehospital care. Trial registration: ISRCTN registry ID ISRCTN18375201

    The association between serum biomarkers and disease outcome in influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection: results of two international observational cohort studies.

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    Background Prospective studies establishing the temporal relationship between the degree of inflammation and human influenza disease progression are scarce. To assess predictors of disease progression among patients with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 infection, 25 inflammatory biomarkers measured at enrollment were analyzed in two international observational cohort studies. Methods Among patients with RT-PCR-confirmed influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection, odds ratios (ORs) estimated by logistic regression were used to summarize the associations of biomarkers measured at enrollment with worsened disease outcome or death after 14 days of follow-up for those seeking outpatient care (FLU 002) or after 60 days for those hospitalized with influenza complications (FLU 003). Biomarkers that were significantly associated with progression in both studies (p<0.05) or only in one (p<0.002 after Bonferroni correction) were identified. Results In FLU 002 28/528 (5.3%) outpatients had influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection that progressed to a study endpoint of complications, hospitalization or death, whereas in FLU 003 28/170 (16.5%) inpatients enrolled from the general ward and 21/39 (53.8%) inpatients enrolled directly from the ICU experienced disease progression. Higher levels of 12 of the 25 markers were significantly associated with subsequent disease progression. Of these, 7 markers (IL-6, CD163, IL-10, LBP, IL-2, MCP-1, and IP-10), all with ORs for the 3rd versus 1st tertile of 2.5 or greater, were significant (p<0.05) in both outpatients and inpatients. In contrast, five markers (sICAM-1, IL-8, TNF-α, D-dimer, and sVCAM-1), all with ORs for the 3rd versus 1st tertile greater than 3.2, were significantly (p≤.002) associated with disease progression among hospitalized patients only. Conclusions In patients presenting with varying severities of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection, a baseline elevation in several biomarkers associated with inflammation, coagulation, or immune function strongly predicted a higher risk of disease progression. It is conceivable that interventions designed to abrogate these baseline elevations might affect disease outcome