206 research outputs found

    Process Research On Polycrystalline Silicon Material (PROPSM)

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    Performance limiting mechanisms in polycrystalline silicon are investigated by fabricating a matrix of solar cells of various thicknesses from polycrystalline silicon wafers of several bulk resistivities. The analysis of the results for the entire matrix indicates that bulk recombination is the dominant factor limiting the short circuit current in large grain (greater than 1 to 2 mm diameter) polycrystalline silicon, the same mechanism that limits the short circuit current in single crystal silicon. An experiment to investigate the limiting mechanisms of open circuit voltage and fill factor for large grain polycrystalline silicon is designed. Two process sequences to fabricate small cells are investigated

    Process Research On Polycrystalline Silicon Material (PROPSM)

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    The mechanisms limiting performance in polycrystalline silicon was determined. The initial set of experiments in this task entails the fabrication of cells of various thicknesses for four different bulk resistivities between 0.1 and 10 omega-cm. The results for the first two lots are presented

    Process Research on Polycrystalline Silicon Material (PROPSM)

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    Results of hydrogen-passivated polycrysalline silicon solar cell research are summarized. The short-circuit current of solar cells fabricated from large-grain cast polycrystalline silicon is nearly equivalent to that of single-crystal cells, which indicates long bulk minority-carrier diffusion length. Treatments with molecular hydrogen showed no effect on large-grain cast polycrystalline silicon solar cells

    Process Research on Polycrystalline Silicon Material (PROPSM)

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    Results of hydrogen-passivated polycrystalline silicon solar cells are summarized. Very small grain or short minority-carrier diffusion length silicon was used. Hydrogenated solar cells fabricated from this material appear to have effective minority-carrier diffusion lengths that are still not very long, as shown by the open-circuit voltages of passivated cells that are still significantly less than those of single-crystal solar cells. The short-circuit current of solar cells fabricated from large-grain cast polycrystalline silicon is nearly equivalent to that of single-crystal cells, which indicates long bulk minority-carrier diffusion length. However, the open-circuit voltage, which is sensitive to grain boundary recombination, is sometimes 20 to 40 mV less. The goal was to minimize variations in open-circuit voltage and fill-factor caused by defects by passivating these defects using a hydrogenation process. Treatments with molecular hydrogen showed no effect on large-grain cast polycrystaline silicon solar cells

    Process Research of Polycrystalline Silicon Material (PROPSM)

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    A passivation process (hydrogenation) that will improve the power generation of solar cells fabricated from presently produced, large grain, cast polycrystalline silicon (Semix), a potentially low cost material are developed. The first objective is to verify the operation of a DC plasma hydrogenation system and to investigate the effect of hydrogen on the electrical performance of a variety of polycrystalline silicon solar cells. The second objective is to parameterize and optimize a hydrogenation process for cast polycrystalline silicon, and will include a process sensitivity analysis. The sample preparation for the first phase is outlined. The hydrogenation system is described, and some early results that were obtained using the hydrogenation system without a plasma are summarized. Light beam induced current (LBIC) measurements of minicell samples, and their correlation to dark current voltage characteristics, are discussed

    Process Research on Polycrystalline Silicon Material (PROPSM)

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    The performance limiting mechanisms in large grain (greater than 1-2 mm in diameter) polycrystalline silicon was investigated by measuring the illuminated current voltage (I-V) characteristics of the minicell wafer set. The average short circuit current on different wafers is 3 to 14 percent lower than that of single crystal Czochralski silicon. The scatter was typically less than 3 percent. The average open circuit voltage is 20 to 60 mV less than that of single crystal silicon. The scatter in the open circuit voltage of most of the polycrystalline silicon wafers was 15 to 20 mV, although two wafers had significantly greater scatter than this value. The fill factor of both polycrystalline and single crystal silicon cells was typically in the range of 60 to 70 percent; however several polycrystalline silicon wafers have fill factor averages which are somewhat lower and have a significantly larger degree of scatter

    Compressing Random Microstructures via Stochastic Wang Tilings

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    This paper presents a stochastic Wang tiling based technique to compress or reconstruct disordered microstructures on the basis of given spatial statistics. Unlike the existing approaches based on a single unit cell, it utilizes a finite set of tiles assembled by a stochastic tiling algorithm, thereby allowing to accurately reproduce long-range orientation orders in a computationally efficient manner. Although the basic features of the method are demonstrated for a two-dimensional particulate suspension, the present framework is fully extensible to generic multi-dimensional media.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, v2: minor changes as suggested by reviewers, v3: corrected two typos in the revised versio

    Sofic-Dyck shifts

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    We define the class of sofic-Dyck shifts which extends the class of Markov-Dyck shifts introduced by Inoue, Krieger and Matsumoto. Sofic-Dyck shifts are shifts of sequences whose finite factors form unambiguous context-free languages. We show that they correspond exactly to the class of shifts of sequences whose sets of factors are visibly pushdown languages. We give an expression of the zeta function of a sofic-Dyck shift

    Conjugacy of one-dimensional one-sided cellular automata is undecidable

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    Two cellular automata are strongly conjugate if there exists a shift-commuting conjugacy between them. We prove that the following two sets of pairs (F,G)(F,G) of one-dimensional one-sided cellular automata over a full shift are recursively inseparable: (i) pairs where FF has strictly larger topological entropy than GG, and (ii) pairs that are strongly conjugate and have zero topological entropy. Because there is no factor map from a lower entropy system to a higher entropy one, and there is no embedding of a higher entropy system into a lower entropy system, we also get as corollaries that the following decision problems are undecidable: Given two one-dimensional one-sided cellular automata FF and GG over a full shift: Are FF and GG conjugate? Is FF a factor of GG? Is FF a subsystem of GG? All of these are undecidable in both strong and weak variants (whether the homomorphism is required to commute with the shift or not, respectively). It also immediately follows that these results hold for one-dimensional two-sided cellular automata.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for SOFSEM 201

    Fixed Point and Aperiodic Tilings

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    An aperiodic tile set was first constructed by R.Berger while proving the undecidability of the domino problem. It turned out that aperiodic tile sets appear in many topics ranging from logic (the Entscheidungsproblem) to physics (quasicrystals) We present a new construction of an aperiodic tile set that is based on Kleene's fixed-point construction instead of geometric arguments. This construction is similar to J. von Neumann self-reproducing automata; similar ideas were also used by P. Gacs in the context of error-correcting computations. The flexibility of this construction allows us to construct a "robust" aperiodic tile set that does not have periodic (or close to periodic) tilings even if we allow some (sparse enough) tiling errors. This property was not known for any of the existing aperiodic tile sets.Comment: v5: technical revision (positions of figures are shifted