116 research outputs found

    Az orvosnői hivatás magatartástudományi vizsgálata = Behavioural sciences perspective of the medical profession by female physicians

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    Jelen tanulmányunk folytatni kívánja azt a 16 évvel ezelőtt készült munkát, amely a magyar­országi orvosok/orvosnők egészségi állapotát, életminőségét tárta fel. A kiugróan rossz mortalitási és morbiditási mutatók hátterében akkor az egyenlőtlen terhelés, a mozgásszegény életmód és a kedvezőtlen életkörülmények szerepeltek magyarázó változóként. 2001 tavaszán 72 orvosnővel készítettünk életút-interjút, és vettünk fel az egészségi állapotukra vonatkozó kérdőívet. Vizsgálatunk legfőbb célja az volt, hogy feltérképezzük az orvosnők hivatásbeli és családi terheinek alakulását, megvizsgáljuk  az  egészségügyi problémákat, a  szerepkonfliktusokat, illetve ezek megoldási kísérleteit.  Kutatásunk az életút számos fontos elemét igyekezett megvizsgálni: a pályaválasztás, szakválasztás kérdésétől a munkahelyeken át a család és az anyaság kérdéséig.  Munkánk ugyanakkor előtanulmánynak tekinthető, amely későbbi egészségi állapottal és szerepkonfliktussal kapcsolatos országos vizsgálat alapjául szolgálhat

    Atrioventricular thrombus in a 14-year-old patient: a case report

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    Right atrioventricular thrombus was diagnosed by echocardiography in a 14-year-old boy. Thrombus was reached through the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery and it was caused to tricuspit valve insufficiency. Surgical thrombectomy was performed and, he was treated with oral anticoagulation in postoperative period

    EACVI recommendations on cardiovascular imaging for the detection of embolic sources: endorsed by the Canadian Society of Echocardiography

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    Cardioaortic embolism to the brain accounts for approximately 15-30% of ischaemic strokes and is often referred to as 'cardioembolic stroke'. One-quarter of patients have more than one cardiac source of embolism and 15% have significant cerebrovascular atherosclerosis. After a careful work-up, up to 30% of ischaemic strokes remain 'cryptogenic', recently redefined as 'embolic strokes of undetermined source'. The diagnosis of cardioembolic stroke remains difficult because a potential cardiac source of embolism does not establish the stroke mechanism. The role of cardiac imaging-transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE), cardiac computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-in the diagnosis of potential cardiac sources of embolism, and for therapeutic guidance, is reviewed in these recommendations. Contrast TTE/TOE is highly accurate for detecting left atrial appendage thrombosis in patients with atrial fibrillation, valvular and prosthesis vegetations and thrombosis, aortic arch atheroma, patent foramen ovale, atrial septal defect, and intracardiac tumours. Both CT and MRI are highly accurate for detecting cavity thrombosis, intracardiac tumours, and valvular prosthesis thrombosis. Thus, CT and cardiac magnetic resonance should be considered in addition to TTE and TOE in the detection of a cardiac source of embolism. We propose a diagnostic algorithm where vascular imaging and contrast TTE/TOE are considered the first-line tool in the search for a cardiac source of embolism. CT and MRI are considered as alternative and complementary tools, and their indications are described on a case-by-case approach.Cardiolog

    In vitro nuclear interactome of the HIV-1 Tat protein

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One facet of the complexity underlying the biology of HIV-1 resides not only in its limited number of viral proteins, but in the extensive repertoire of cellular proteins they interact with and their higher-order assembly. HIV-1 encodes the regulatory protein Tat (86–101aa), which is essential for HIV-1 replication and primarily orchestrates HIV-1 provirus transcriptional regulation. Previous studies have demonstrated that Tat function is highly dependent on specific interactions with a range of cellular proteins. However they can only partially account for the intricate molecular mechanisms underlying the dynamics of proviral gene expression. To obtain a comprehensive nuclear interaction map of Tat in T-cells, we have designed a proteomic strategy based on affinity chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our approach resulted in the identification of a total of 183 candidates as Tat nuclear partners, 90% of which have not been previously characterised. Subsequently we applied <it>in silico </it>analysis, to validate and characterise our dataset which revealed that the Tat nuclear interactome exhibits unique signature(s). First, motif composition analysis highlighted that our dataset is enriched for domains mediating protein, RNA and DNA interactions, and helicase and ATPase activities. Secondly, functional classification and network reconstruction clearly depicted Tat as a polyvalent protein adaptor and positioned Tat at the nexus of a densely interconnected interaction network involved in a range of biological processes which included gene expression regulation, RNA biogenesis, chromatin structure, chromosome organisation, DNA replication and nuclear architecture.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have completed the <it>in vitro </it>Tat nuclear interactome and have highlighted its modular network properties and particularly those involved in the coordination of gene expression by Tat. Ultimately, the highly specialised set of molecular interactions identified will provide a framework to further advance our understanding of the mechanisms of HIV-1 proviral gene silencing and activation.</p

    Synthesis of the elements in stars: forty years of progress

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