11 research outputs found

    Topologically protected edge state in two-dimensional Su–Schrieffer–Heeger circuit

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    Topological circuits, an exciting field just emerged over the last two years, have become a very accessible platform for realizing and exploring topological physics, with many of their physical phenomena and potential applications as yet to be discovered. In this work, we design and experimentally demonstrate a topologically nontrivial band structure and the associated topologically protected edge states in an RF circuit, which is composed of a collection of grounded capacitors connected by alternating inductors in the x and y directions, in analogy to the Su–Schrieffer–Heeger model. We take full control of the topological invariant (i.e., Zak phase) as well as the gap width of the band structure by simply tuning the circuit parameters. Excellent agreement is found between the experimental and simulation results, both showing obvious nontrivial edge state that is tightly bound to the circuit boundaries with extreme robustness against various types of defects. The demonstration of topological properties in circuits provides a convenient and flexible platform for studying topological materials and the possibility for developing flexible circuits with highly robust circuit performance

    Parkinson’s disease-associated iPLA2-VIA/PLA2G6 regulates neuronal functions and α-synuclein stability through membrane remodeling

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    Mutations in the iPLA2-VIA/PLA2G6 gene are responsible for PARK14-linked Parkinson’s disease (PD) with α-synucleinopathy. However, it is unclear how iPLA2-VIA mutations lead to α-synuclein (α-Syn) aggregation and dopaminergic (DA) neurodegeneration. Here, we report that iPLA2-VIA–deficient Drosophila exhibits defects in neurotransmission during early developmental stages and progressive cell loss throughout the brain, including degeneration of the DA neurons. Lipid analysis of brain tissues reveals that the acyl-chain length of phospholipids is shortened by iPLA2-VIA loss, which causes endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress through membrane lipid disequilibrium. The introduction of wild-type human iPLA2-VIA or the mitochondria–ER contact site-resident protein C19orf12 in iPLA2-VIA–deficient flies rescues the phenotypes associated with altered lipid composition, ER stress, and DA neurodegeneration, whereas the introduction of a disease-associated missense mutant, iPLA2-VIA A80T, fails to suppress these phenotypes. The acceleration of α-Syn aggregation by iPLA2-VIA loss is suppressed by the administration of linoleic acid, correcting the brain lipid composition. Our findings suggest that membrane remodeling by iPLA2-VIA is required for the survival of DA neurons and α-Syn stability

    Reduced TDP-43 Expression Improves Neuronal Activities in a Drosophila Model of Perry Syndrome

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    Parkinsonian Perry syndrome, involving mutations in the dynein motor component dynactin or p150Glued, is characterized by TDP-43 pathology in affected brain regions, including the substantia nigra. However, the molecular relationship between p150Glued and TDP-43 is largely unknown. Here, we report that a reduction in TDP-43 protein levels alleviates the synaptic defects of neurons expressing the Perry mutant p150G50R in Drosophila. Dopaminergic expression of p150G50R, which decreases dopamine release, disrupts motor ability and reduces the lifespan of Drosophila. p150G50R expression also causes aggregation of dense core vesicles (DCVs), which contain monoamines and neuropeptides, and disrupts the axonal flow of DCVs, thus decreasing synaptic strength. The above phenotypes associated with Perry syndrome are improved by the removal of a copy of Drosophila TDP-43 TBPH, thus suggesting that the stagnation of axonal transport by dynactin mutations promotes TDP-43 aggregation and interferes with the dynamics of DCVs and synaptic activities

    Inhibiting perovskite decomposition by a creeper-inspired strategy enables efficient and stable perovskite solar cells

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    Abstract The commercialization of perovskite solar cells is badly limited by stability, an issue determined mainly by perovskite. Herein, inspired by a natural creeper that can cover the walls through suckers, we adopt polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride as a molecular creeper on perovskite to inhibit its decomposition starting from the annealing process. The molecule possesses a long-line molecular structure where the guanidinium groups can serve as suckers that strongly anchor cations through multiple hydrogen bonds. These features make the molecular creeper can cover perovskite grains and inhibit perovskite decomposition by suppressing cations’ escape. The resulting planar perovskite solar cells achieve an efficiency of 25.42% (certificated 25.36%). Moreover, the perovskite film and device exhibit enhanced stability even under harsh damp-heat conditions. The devices can maintain >96% of their initial efficiency after 1300 hours of operation under 1-sun illumination and 1000 hours of storage under 85% RH, respectively