13 research outputs found

    Ciencia deductiva con bases irreducibles separadas

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    Análisis matemático de los números reales

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    Análisis matemático de la axiomática de los números naturales

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    Aritmética de las sucesiones 6n−1,6n+16n - 1, 6n + 1 y de los primos gemelos

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    This paper considers questions equivalent and similar to those of twin numbers. Two prime numbers are said to be twin if they differ in two units. Except for the pair (3,5), they may be expressed as (6n−1,6n+16n-1,6n+1). The set of the multiples of 6 which separate twin numbers is studied. A theorem of relative density is included (§\S 10) as ewll an inductiv process of functional generation of the prime numbers (§\S 11)

    Tres notabilísimos pasajes de Euclides

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    ¿Postulado Axioma?

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    Alfabeto o Cartilla de las letras griegas

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    46 p. ; 8oDatos de autor, tít. y pie de imprenta tomados de Uriarte.- El autor consta en página 46: "edebat in lucem Magist. Carolus Elizondus"; Carolus Elizondus es seudónimo de Jerónimo DutariSign.: [ ], B-F

    A million answers to twenty questions: choosing by checklist

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    Several decision models in marketing science and psychology assume that a consumer chooses by proceeding sequentially through a checklist of desirable properties. These models are contrasted to the utility maximization model of rationality in economics. We show on the contrary that the two approaches are nearly equivalent. Since the number of preference discriminations that an agent can make increases exponentially in the number of properties used, checklists provide a rapid procedural basis for utility maximization