898 research outputs found

    Disquisiciones sobre antigua ortografía y pronunciación castellanas

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    Separata de: Revue hispanique (t. II, t. V)Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Minisatellite mutation rates increase with extra-pair paternity among birds

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Amos <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp> suggested recently that a previously reported positive relationship between minisatellite mutation rates and extra-pair paternity among species of birds <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B2">2</abbr></abbrgrp> was confounded by transcription errors and selective inclusion of studies. Here we attempted to replicate the results reported by Amos <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp>, but also tested for the relationship by expanding the data base by including studies published after our original paper.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We were able to replicate the positive association between mutation rate and extra-pair paternity in birds, even after controlling statistically for the confounding effecs of mean number of bands scored, using 133 species, compared to 81 species in our first report <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B2">2</abbr></abbrgrp>. We suggest that Amos <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp> failed to reach a similar conclusion due to four different potential causes of bias. First, Amos <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp> missed 15 studies from the literature that we were able to include. Second, he used estimates of mutation rates that were based on both within- and extra-pair offspring, although the latter will cause bias in estimates. Third, he made a number of transcription errors from the original publications for extra-pair paternity, mutation rates, number of novel bands, and mean number of bands scored per individual. Fourth, he included <it>Vireo olivaceus </it>although the mutation rate estimate was based on one single offspring!</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There was a positive association between mutation rates and extra-pair paternity in birds, accounting for an intermediate effect size that explained 5–11% of the variance; estimates that are bound to be conservative due to many different causes of noise in the data. This result was robust to statistical control for potentially confounding variables, highlighting that it is important to base comparative studies on all available evidence, and that it is crucial to critically transcribe data while simultaneously checking published estimates for their correctness.</p

    Effects of experimental tail shortening on the phenotypic condition of barn swallows Hirundo rustica: Implications for tail-length evolution

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    Some studies have suggested that tail streamers in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica may have been elongated 10-12 mm by sexual selection, but according to other studies, the length of these feathers is at the aerodynamic optimum or very close to it. To shed light on this issue, outermost tail feathers were experimentally shortened in male and female barn swallows by 1, 11 or 21 mm. Changes in four physiological parameters commonly used to estimate phenotypic condition in birds (weight, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, blood leukocyte concentration and heterophil/lymphocyte ratio) were checked one month later. Health improved (blood leukocyte concentration decreased) in the group of birds with tails shortened by 11 mm (both males and females), but body condition deteriorated (weight decreased) compared to the other two experimental groups. There was no significant effect of tail-length manipulation on the other two physiological parameters. These contradictory results suggest trade-offs between components of phenotypic condition. Possible negative relationships between condition-related traits imply that using one or very few physiological parameters to estimate phenotypic condition might not be appropriate. The most plausible explanation for the turning point in phenotypic condition when streamers were shortened by 11 mm is that these feathers are 7-15 mm longer than the aerodynamic optimum in both sexes. Therefore, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that tail streamers have been elongated 10-12 mm by sexual selection. This conclusion disagrees with a previous study on the effect of experimental tail shortening on haematocrit, but the complexity of interpreting changes in haematocrit might account for this discrepancy. © 2014 The Authors.The study was funded by the Andalusian Regional Government (Acc. Coord. 2001) and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and the European Regional Development Fund (projects BOS2001-1717 and CGL2008-00137/BOS).Peer Reviewe

    Rinitis alérgica: preludio del asma bronquial

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    1.-Se hace una descripción de la rinitis alérgica, enfermedad general. 2.-Se establece su etiología y modalidad especial en nuestro país. 3.-Se presentan 104 casos estudiados de alergia respiratoria, en el 85 % de los cuales hay coincidencia de rinitis y asma. 4.-8e presenta evidencia de que en esta dualidad patológica la rinitis precede al asma en el 64,4%) de los casos, constituyéndose en un estado preliminar de ésta, de duración variable. 5.-Se establece que la rinitis es una manifestación de alergia respiratoria más precoz que el asma, adelantándosele 4 años en promedio. 6.-Se hace énfasis en que el tratamiento adecuado de la rinitis alérgica es un elemento importante en la profilaxia del asma. 7.-Se compara la proporción de asmáticos entre los pacientes de rinitis en nuestro medio, con la que existe en EE. UU., y se concluye que aquí esta proporción es 2 a 3 veces más grande que allá. 8.-Se adelanta la hipótesis de que esta considerable diferencia se debe a un menor conocimiento de alergia entre nosotros y a tratamientos menos adecuados. 9.-Se afirma que a todo niño alérgico se le debe considerar como un asmático en potencia, y como tal, tratarlo profílácticamente

    Whole Core Pin-by-Pin Coupled Neutronic-Thermal-hydraulic Steady state and Transient Calculations using COBAYA3 code

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    Nowadays, coupled 3D neutron-kinetics and thermal-hydraulic core calculations are performed by applying a radial average channel approach using a meshing of one quarter of assembly in the best case. This approach does not take into account the subchannels effects due to the averaging of the physical fields and the loose of heterogeneity in the thermal-hydraulic modelization. Therefore the models do not have enough resolution to predict those subchannels effects which are important for the fuel design safety margins, because it is in the local scale, where we can search the hottest pellet or the maximum heat flux. The UPM advanced multi-scale neutron-kinetics and thermal-hydraulics methodologies being implemented in COBAYA3 include domain decomposition by alternate core dissections for the local 3D fine-mesh scale problems (pin cells/subchannels) and an analytical nodal diffusion solver for the coarse mesh scale coupled with the thermal-hydraulic using a modelization of one channel per assembly or per quarter of assembly. In this work, we address the domain decomposition by the alternate core dissections methodology applied to solve coupled 3D neutronic/thermal-hydraulic (N-TH) problems at the fine-mesh scale. The N-TH coupling at the cell-subchannel scale allows the treatment of the effects of the detailed TH feedbacks on cross-sections, thus resulting in better estimates of the local safety margins at the pin level

    Sexually Selected Egg Coloration in Spotless Starlings

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    It has been recently proposed that the blue-green coloration in eggs of many avian species may constitute a sexually selected female signal. Blue-green color intensity would reflect the physiological condition of females, and hence it might also affect the allocation of male parental care. In this study, we use three different experimental approaches to explore the importance of sexual selection on blue-green egg coloration of spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor) eggs. First, experimental deterioration of female body condition (by means of wing feather removal) negatively affected the intensity of blue-green egg coloration. Second, blue-green color intensity of artificial model eggs had a significant positive influence on paternal feeding effort. Finally, we found a negative relationship between the effect of experimental food supply on nestling immunocompetence and the intensity of blue-green coloration of eggs, suggesting that egg color predicts nutritional conditions that nestlings will experience during development. All these results taken together strongly support a role of sexual selection in the blue-green coloration of spotless starling eggs.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER; CGL2004-01777/BOS).Peer reviewe

    The effect of a dedicated terminal on vertical relations between the port authority and terminals

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    Debido al crecimiento en los últimos años del sector del transporte marítimo, surgen nuevas formas de gestión y nuevas formas de interactuar entre las Autoridades Portuarias, las empresas que operan en los puertos y las líneas navieras. Estas últimas, han logrado obtener la suficiente fuerza para, en algunos casos, integrar en su cadena de producción una terminal portuaria. En este trabajo tratamos de ver qué sucede con estos agentes cuando una línea naviera adquiere el control de una terminal, comprobando el efecto que produce en las cantidades ofertadas por el resto de empresas, así como en las tarifas portuarias. Para ello, nos hemos basado en el trabajo de Kaselimi et al. (2011) en el que modelizan una situación en la que hay, dos puertos idénticos, salvo por el número de operadores multiusuario que hay en cada uno de ellos. Los puertos se encuentran compitiendo entre ellos, y a su vez, las empresas que hay en ellos, también compiten entre sí, en un modelo de competencia de Cournot. Con los resultados del modelo de Kaselimi et al.(2011) hemos realizado una simulación del número de TOs en cada puerto, para comprobar cómo varían las cantidades ofertadas por las TOs, las tarifas de servicio, y las tarifas de navegación, cuando en el Puerto 1 una terminal pasa a ser dedicada. Concluimos que las terminales dedicadas pueden llegar a ser beneficiosas para el entorno portuario, siempre en función del número de empresas multiusuario que operen en el puerto. En cuanto a las aportaciones de otros autores al tema de estudio y temas relacionados podemos ver que la mayoría afirma que las terminales dedicadas suelen ser siempre beneficiosas, al menos, para la industria.Abstract: Due to the growth in recent years of the maritime transport sector, new forms of management and new ways of interacting between Port Authorities, companies that operate in ports and shipping lines emerge. The latter have managed to obtain sufficient strength to, in some cases, integrate a port terminal into their production chain. In this work we try to see what happens to these agents when a shipping line acquires control of a terminal, checking the effect it produces on the quantities offered by other companies, as well as on port rates. For this, we have based ourselves on the work of Kaselimi et al. (2011) in which they model a situation in which there are two identical ports, except for the number of multi-user operators that exist in each of them. The ports are competing with each other, and in turn, the companies that are in them, also compete with each other, in a Cournot competition model. With the results of the model by Kaselimi et al. (2011), we have simulated the number of TOs in each port, to check how the quantities offered by the TOs, service fees, and navigation fees vary, when in the Port 1 a terminal becomes dedicated. We conclude that dedicated terminals can be beneficial for the port environment, always depending on the number of multi-user companies that operate in the port. Regarding the contributions of other authors to the study topic and related topics, we can see that the majority affirm that dedicated terminals are always beneficial, at least for the industry.Grado en Economí

    Propuesta de organización del fondo documental acumulado del programa Estudios de Posgrado en Geografía - EPG, 1981-1990 y 1990- 2007

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    1 recurso en línea (47 páginas) : ilustraciones color, tablas.El documento contiene la propuesta de organización del Fondo Documental Acumulado del programa Estudios de Posgrados en Geografía de la UPTC- IGAC para la documentación producida y recibida en los periodos 1981-1990 y 1990-2007, siguiendo las pautas dictaminadas por el Archivo General de la Nación Jorge Palacios Preciado, las cuales permiten identificar las agrupaciones documentales, su valoración y disposición final con base en las funciones de la dependencia y el contexto normativo que las rige, para así establecer los Cuadros de Clasificación Documental - CCD, en los cuales se codifican y jerarquizan las agrupaciones documentales, para luego realizar el inventario documental, que registra el volumen real y la frecuencia de consulta de cada serie y subserie, y que sirven como principal insumo para la elaboración de las Tablas de Valoración Documental.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 42-43EspecializaciónEspecialista en Archivistic

    Biología reproductiva de la avoceta ("Recurvirostra avosetta") y la cigüeñela ("Himantopus himantopus") en el sur de España

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    Tesis Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Departamento de Biología Animal I (Zoología), leída el 28-06-1993Depto. de Biodiversidad, Ecología y EvoluciónFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEpu