203 research outputs found

    Assessment of Urban Subsidence in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (Central-West of Portugal) Applying Sentinel-1 SAR Dataset and Active Deformation Areas Procedure

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    The Lisbon metropolitan area (LMA, central-west of Portugal) has been severely affected by different geohazards (flooding episodes, landslides, subsidence, and earthquakes) that have generated considerable damage to properties and infrastructures, in the order of millions of euros per year. This study is focused on the analysis of subsidence, as related to urban and industrial activity. Utilizing the A-DInSAR dataset and applying active deformation areas (ADA) processing at the regional scale has allowed us to perform a detailed analysis of subsidence phenomena in the LMA. The dataset consisted of 48 ascending and 61 descending SAR IW-SLC images acquired by the Sentinel-1 A satellite between January 2018 and April 2020. The line-of-sight (LOS), mean deformation velocity (VLOS) maps (mm year(-1)), and deformation time series (mm) were obtained via the Geohazard Exploitation Platform service of the European Space Agency. The maximum VLOS detected, with ascending and descending datasets, were -38.0 and -32.2 mm year(-1), respectively. ADA processing over the LMA allowed for 592 ascending and 560 descending ADAs to be extracted and delimited. From the VLOS measured in both trajectories, a vertical velocity with a maximum value of -32.4 mm year(-1) was estimated. The analyzed subsidence was associated to four ascending and three descending ADAs and characterized by maximum VLOS of -25.5 and -25.2 mm year(-1). The maximum vertical velocity associated with urban subsidence was -32.4 mm year(-1). This subsidence is mainly linked to the compaction of the alluvial and anthropic deposits in the areas where urban and industrial sectors are located. The results of this work have allowed to: (1) detect and assess, from a quantitative point of view, the subsidence phenomena in populated and industrial areas of LMA; (2) establish the relationships between the subsidence phenomena and geological and hydrological characteristics.Programa de Apoyo y Promocion a la Investigacion 2021 at University of Oviedo PAPI-21-PF-22Project SLIDE-APCR FUO-21-069European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the project RISKCOAST of the Interreg SUDOE Programme SOE3/P4/E086

    La comunicación como estudio transversal: evolución de las facultades especializadas en España

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    The digital transformation has caused an unpreceded revolution in the communication industry. This new scenario has led to the appearance of new multipurpose and versatile professional profiles, that now incorporate humanistic and technical skills. These skills have been influenced by current technological developments and include a global vision as well as an interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, the Communication faculties have had to update their education programs to satisfy the demand of the professional world, which has become more and more changeable. At the same time, the digital transformation was boosted by the 2008 economic crisis, and it was necessary to update study programs to promote the employability of graduates. This paper presents the current map of Communication faculties in Spain and analyzes the reason for the denominations given to these centers, which today are quite distant from the original ones in 1971, and it places a special focus on hybrid faculties, those that have in their name the fusion of Communication with another area of knowledge. By reviewing its academic offer and areas of research, the article intends to find out if the new positioning helps to adapt the training communicators receive to the needs of the current society.La transformación digital ha provocado una verdadera revolución en la industria de la comunicación. Este nuevo escenario ha originado la aparición de nuevos profesionales polivalentes y versátiles, que incorporan competencias humanísticas y técnicas, y que deben tener una visión global y una formación interdisciplinar. Además, la comunicación en sí se ha transformado en un eje de estudio transversal. En consecuencia, las facultades de Comunicación españolas han tenido que actualizar su formación con vistas a satisfacer la demanda del mundo profesional, cada vez más cambiante. A su vez, la crisis económica de 2008 aceleró esa transformación y se hace necesario que los planes de estudio estén actualizados para fomentar la empleabilidad. Este artículo presenta el mapa actual de facultades de Comunicación en España, analiza el porqué de las denominaciones de sus centros, cada vez más alejadas de las que adoptaron las primeras facultades en 1971 y se centra en las facultades híbridas, aquellas que anuncian en su concepción la fusión de la Comunicación con otra área de conocimiento. Mediante la revisión de su oferta académica, de las líneas de investigación y de la entrevista a sus decanos se pretende averiguar si el nuevo posicionamiento favorece la formación de los nuevos comunicadores

    Reflections upon the development of student´s competences through an extra curricula activity

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    En este artículo se presenta una reflexión sobre el Concurso Gráfica Nebrija, una actividad extraacadémica que cuenta con más de diez años de experiencia. Para cada edición, se forman equipos de trabajo de estudiantes de Publicidad y profesores, con el fin de que los profesores ayuden a los estudiantes a adquirir objetivos formativos específicos y, a la vez, supervisen la actividad de los alumnos recreando un ambiente de trabajo profesional. Con la implantación del EEES, las dinámicas y las metodologías de trabajo de ediciones anteriores se adaptaron para favorecer la adquisición de las competencias descritas en Bolonia que permiten a los estudiantes afrontar satisfactoriamente su carrera profesional. De esta manera, se ha adoptado un enfoque interdisciplinar que ha permitido incorporar a estudiantes de las titulaciones de periodismo y comunicación audiovisual.This article presents a reflection upon the use of extracurricular activities, precisely the Print Nebrija Contest, now on its 10th edition. Each edition counts on working teams of advertising students and lecturers, being lecturers’ task to supervise the acquisition of objectives and help students to carry out the activity in a real professional working context. With the EEES, the teaching methodologies and group dynamics used in early editions had to be adapted in order to allow students to acquire the new competences and skills Bologna agreements specify and to allow students to face satisfactorily their professional career. In its first editions this Contest was organised by Advertising students but, since the EEES, an interdisciplinary approach has been adopted and students from the field of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication have been incorporated

    Utilidad de la ecografía en la colocación de las fichas supra-acetabulares de los osteotaxos pélvicos

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    La fractura de pelvis es una causa potencial de inestabilidad hemodinámica en los pacientes politraumatizados. La fijación externa es un tratamiento capaz de estabilizar estas lesiones en la cirugía de control de daños. La colocación de fichas supra-acetabulares es la opción que aporta mayor estabilidad biomecánica, pero requiere la utilización de radioscopia intraoperatoria. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la utilidad de la ecografía en la colocación de las fichas supra-acetabulares de los osteotaxos pélvicos. Material y Método Estudio transversal en dos etapas. Etapa 1: Estudio ecográfico de la anatomía de la región supra-acetabular en sujetos sanos, dividido en dos subetapas. Etapa 1.1: Estudio ecográfico de la anatomía de la región supraacetabular en sujetos sanos, reproducibilidad inter-observador y variabilidad intra-observador; y Etapa 1.2 Estudio ecográfico de la anatomía de la región supra-acetabular en pacientes sin patología pélvica. Se realizó un análisis de datos demográficos (edad, sexo, IMC), estudio de la región supra-acetabular (EAIS, escotadura innominada, EIAI, reborde acetabular y cabeza femoral), y medición ecográfica de espina iliaca anteroinferior (EIAI) en plano sagital y coronal. Se analizó la reproducibilidad inter-observador (coeficiente Kappa, k) y la variabilidad intra-observador (correlación intraclase, CCI). Etapa 2: Precisión de la implantación de fichas guiado por ecografía. Análisis de la colocación en pelvis de cadáver, realizando comprobación indirecta, con control radiológico, y comprobación directa mediante disección y estudio anatómico. Resultados Etapa 1.1: Se analizaron 28 caderas en 14 voluntarios sanos, con una altura media de 1,71m (+/- 0,09; 1,55-1,84) e IMC medio de 21,43 kg/m2 (+/- 2,22; 17,78-24,69). En todos los casos se realizó visualización completa de la región supra-acetabular (k=+ 1; concordancia absoluta). El valor medio de la EIAI en plano sagital fue de 1,42cm (+/- 0,39; 0,8-2,43) y de 0,94cm (+/- 0,25; 0,57-1,76) en el plano coronal, con una correlación positiva entre el tamaño en plano coronal y la talla (r=0,40). Se obtuvo una baja variabilidad intraobservador, con un CCI de 0,95 (0,89-0,98 al 95%; p < 0,001). Etapa 1.2: Se analizaron 148 caderas en 74 pacientes, con una edad media de 62 años, altura media de 1,70cm (+/- 0,1; 1,48-1,91) e IMC medio 25,95 Kg/m2 (+/- 4,81; 15,62-39,71). Etapa 2: Se implantaron 14 fichas supra-acetabulares en 7 pelvis de cadáver guiadas por ecografía. En la valoración indirecta mediante control radiológico se obtuvo una colocación excelente en todos los casos. En la valoración directa se observó una colocación excelente en el 100% de los casos. Tras la disección anatómica se observó lesión del nervio femorocutáneo en un caso. Conclusión La colocación de fichas supra-acetabulares guiadas por ecografía es una técnica posible y eficaz. Los estudios realizados hasta la fecha indican que su colocación sin necesidad de radiología intra-operatoria es viable, sin comprometer la fiabilidad de su colocación. Es necesario corroborar los resultados con un mayor número de casos, aunque la aplicación de esta nueva técnica en la práctica clínica de nuestro centro aporta resultados esperanzadores

    Nebrija MediaLab: un valor añadido a la docencia y al desarrollo de competencias

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    As a result of the lattest changes in comunication and teaching, Nebrija University has created an innovative media lab in the faculty of comnmunication, called Nebrija MediaLab. This constitutes an added value to teaching as it has been designed as an multidisciplinary and meeting space for the students. Here, out of the clasroom, they can reinforce the acquired competences of their Communication degrees, through the development of several proyects. Furthermore, it is window display that allows students to show their work to the professional world.Como consecuencia de los últimos cambios acontecidos en el panorama de la comunicación y de la educación en la Universidad Nebrija se ha creado un laboratorio de medios, denominado Nebrija MediaLab. Un valor añadido a la docencia que se ha diseñado como un espacio multidisciplinar y de encuentro para los estudiantes, en el que puedan reforzar, fuera del aula, las competencias adquiridas en sus respectivas titulaciones de Comunicación, a través del desarrollo de diversos proyectos. Además de convertirse en un escaparate en el que los alumnos puedan mostrar sus trabajos al mundo profesional

    Geochemical diagnosis and geological-structural relationship for the delimitation of the Machala’s metallogenic belt between 3°20’- 4°00’S (Ecuador)

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    El presente proyecto se ubica en la República del Ecuador, entre las latitudes 3°20’S y 4°00’S, siendo desarrollado con el objetivo de proponer targets potencialmente prospectivos, para lo cual se analizaron datos geológicos, geoquímicos y geofísicos de la zona. A partir de la información geoquímica del proyecto PRODEMINCA (muestreo de sedimentos fluviales) y aplicando el método de Kriging Ordinario, se generaron resultados para elementos: Ag, As, Au, Cu, Co, Cd, Cr, Fe, Ni, Pb, Sb V y Zn, definiendo 7 zonas potencialmente prospectivas, que presentan características típicas de sistemas tipo pórfido y epitermal. Con el procesamiento de datos magnéticos se delimitaron zonas de susceptibilidad magnética, asociadas a los diferentes tipos de rocas y fallas regionales. En este trabajo se definió el corredor metalogénico Machala a partir del análisis de anomalías geoquímicas y geofísicas y de la geología estructuralThe present research is located in the Republic of Ecuador between between latitudes 3°20’S and 4°00’S, was developed with the objective to proposing potentially prospective targets, for which geological, geochemical and geophysical data from the area were analyzed. From the geochemical information PRODEMINCA project (stream sediments sampling) and applying the Ordinary Kriging method, results were genered for elements: Ag, As, Au, Cu, Co, Cd, Cr, Fe, Ni, Pb, Sb V y Zn, defining 7 potentially prospective targets were defined, which have typical characteristics of porphyry and epithermal systems. Magnetic data processing delimited zones of susceptibility magnetic, zones were delimited, associated with different types of rocks and regional faults. In this work, the metallogenic belt Machala was defined by means of geochemical and geophysical anomalies and the structural geolog

    Prognostic value of preoperatively obtained clinical and laboratory data in predicting survival following orthotopic liver transplantation

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    Twenty‐seven clinical and laboratory data and the subsequent clinical course of 93 consecutive adult patients who underwent orthotopic liver transplantation for various chronic advanced liver diseases were analyzed retrospectively to assess the risk factors of early major bacterial infection and death after the procedure. Forty‐one patients (44%) had early major bacterial infection during hospitalization for orthotopic liver transplantation. The mortality rate was 70.7% in patients with early major bacterial infection and was 7.7% in patients without early major bacterial infection (p < 0.001). Total serum bilirubin, total white blood cell count and polymorphonuclear cell count, IgG (all p < 0.05) and plasma creatinine level (p < 0.001) were higher in patients that developed early major bacterial infection than in those who did not. By step‐wise discriminant analysis, the strongest risk factor for early major bacterial infection was the serum creatinine level, which achieved an accuracy of 69% for a creatinine level greater than 1.58 mg per dl. Seven variables (ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, elevated white blood and polymorphonuclear cell count, decreased helper to suppressor T cell ratio and elevated plasma creatinine and bilirubin levels) were associated with a significant increased risk for death. A step‐wise discriminant analysis of these seven factors resulted in the demonstration of serum creatinine as the greatest risk factor for mortality. A preoperative serum creatinine either less than or greater than 1.72 mg per dl accurately predicts survival or death, respectively, in 79% of cases. These data suggest that the baseline preoperative serum creatinine level provides the best indication of the short‐term prognosis after liver transplantation than does any other preoperatively obtained index of the patient's status. Copyright © 1986 American Association for the Study of Liver Disease

    Serum biomarkers and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation

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    Liver transplantation (LT) is the only potentially curative treatment for selected patients with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) who are not candidates for resection. When the Milan criteria are strictly applied, 75% to 85%of 3- to 4-year actuarial survival rates are achieved, but up to 20% of the patients experience HCC recurrence after transplantation. The Milan criteria are based on the preoperative tumor macromorphology, tumor size and number on computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging that neither correlate well with posttransplant histological study of the liver explant nor accurately predict HCC recurrence after LT, since they do not include objective measures of tumor biology. Preoperative biological markers, including alpha-fetoprotein, desgamma- carboxiprothrombin or neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-tolymphocyte ratio, can predict the risk for HCC recurrence after transplantation. These biomarkers have been proposed as surrogate markers of tumor differentiation and vascular invasion, with varied risk magnitudes depending on the defined cutoffs. Different studies have shown that the combination of one or several biomarkers integrated into prognostic models predict the risk of HCC recurrence after LT more accurately than Milan criteria alone. In this review, we focus on the potential utility of these serum biological markers to improve the performance of Milan criteria to identify patients at high risk of tumora