107 research outputs found

    In vivo studies of brain metabolism in animal models of Hepatic Encephalopathy using 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

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    Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a common and severe neuropsychiatric complication present in acute and chronic liver disease. The unique advantages of high field 1H MRS provide a method for assessing pathogenic mechanism, diagnosis and monitoring of HE, as well as for treatment assessment or recovery after liver transplantation, in a reproducible and reliable non-invasive way. The purpose of the present review is to present some new features of in vivo proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H MRS) at high magnetic fields combined with some basic requirements for reliable metabolic profiling. Finally, in vivo applications of 1H MRS in different HE animal models are presente

    Ammonia toxicity to the brain

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    Hyperammonemia can be caused by various acquired or inherited disorders such as urea cycle defects. The brain is much more susceptible to the deleterious effects of ammonium in childhood than in adulthood. Hyperammonemia provokes irreversible damage to the developing central nervous system: cortical atrophy, ventricular enlargement and demyelination lead to cognitive impairment, seizures and cerebral palsy. The mechanisms leading to these severe brain lesions are still not well understood, but recent studies show that ammonium exposure alters several amino acid pathways and neurotransmitter systems, cerebral energy metabolism, nitric oxide synthesis, oxidative stress and signal transduction pathways. All in all, at the cellular level, these are associated with alterations in neuronal differentiation and patterns of cell death. Recent advances in imaging techniques are increasing our understanding of these processes through detailed in vivo longitudinal analysis of neurobiochemical changes associated with hyperammonemia. Further, several potential neuroprotective strategies have been put forward recently, including the use of NMDA receptor antagonists, nitric oxide inhibitors, creatine, acetyl-L-carnitine, CNTF or inhibitors of MAPKs and glutamine synthetase. Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy will ultimately be a powerful tool to measure the effects of these neuroprotective approache

    Brain edema : a valid endpoint for measuring hepatic encephalopathy?

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    Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a major complication of liver failure/disease which frequently develops during the progression of end-stage liver disease. This metabolic neuropsychiatric syndrome involves a spectrum of symptoms, including cognition impairment, attention deficits and motor dysfunction which eventually can progress to coma and death. Pathologically, HE is characterized by swelling of the astrocytes which consequently leads to brain edema, a common feature found in patients with acute liver failure (ALF) as well as in cirrhotic patients suffering from HE. The pathogenic factors involved in the onset of astrocyte swelling and brain edema in HE are unresolved. However, the role of astrocyte swelling/brain edema in the development of HE remains ambiguous and therefore measuring brain edema as an endpoint to evaluate HE is questioned. The following review will determine the effect of astrocyte swelling and brain edema on neurological function, discuss the various possible techniques to measure brain edema and lastly to propose a number of neurobehavioral tests to evaluate HE

    MP-PCA denoising for diffusion MRS data: promises and pitfalls

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    Diffusion-weighted (DW) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) suffers from a lower signal to noise ratio (SNR) compared to conventional MRS owing to the addition of diffusion attenuation. This technique can therefore strongly benefit from noise reduction strategies. In the present work, the Marchenko-Pastur principal component analysis (MP-PCA) denoising is tested on Monte Carlo simulations and on in vivo DW-MRS data acquired at 9.4T in the rat brain. We provide a descriptive study of the effects observed following different MP-PCA denoising strategies (denoising the entire matrix versus using a sliding window), in terms of apparent SNR, rank selection, noise correlation within and across b-values and quantification of metabolite concentrations and fitted diffusion coefficients. MP-PCA denoising yielded an increased apparent SNR, a more accurate B0 drift correction between shots, and similar estimates of metabolite concentrations and diffusivities compared to the raw data. No spectral residuals on individual shots were observed but correlations in the noise level across shells were introduced, an effect which was mitigated using a sliding window, but which should be carefully considered.Comment: Cristina Cudalbu and Ileana O. Jelescu have contributed equally to this manuscrip

    Diffusion-weighted SPECIAL improves the detection of J-coupled metabolites at ultra-high magnetic field

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    A new sequence for single-voxel diffusion-weighted 1H MRS (DWS), named DW-SPECIAL, is proposed to improve the detection and subsequent estimation of the diffusion properties of strongly J-coupled metabolites. It combines the semi-adiabatic SPECIAL sequence with a stimulated echo (STE) diffusion block. Acquisitions with DW-SPECIAL and STE-LASER, the current gold-standard for rodent DWS experiments at high fields, were performed at 14.1T on phantoms and in vivo on the rat brain. The apparent diffusion coefficient and intra-stick diffusivity (Callaghan's model) were fitted and compared between the sequences for glutamate, glutamine (Gln), myo-inositol, taurine, total N-acetylaspartate, total choline, total creatine and the macromolecules. The shorter echo time achieved with DW-SPECIAL (18 ms against 33 ms with STE-LASER) substantially limited the metabolites' signal loss caused by J-evolution. In addition, DW-SPECIAL preserved the main advantages of STE-LASER: absence of cross-terms, diffusion time during a STE and limited sensitivity to B1 inhomogeneities. In vivo, compared to STE-LASER, DW-SPECIAL yielded the same spectral quality and reduced the Cramer Rao Lower Bounds (CRLB) for J-coupled metabolites, irrespective of the b-value. DW-SPECIAL also reduced the standard deviation of the metabolites' diffusion estimates based on individual animal fitting without loss of accuracy compared to the fit on the averaged decay. We conclude that due to its reduced echo time, DW-SPECIAL can serve as an alternative to STE-LASER when strongly J-coupled metabolites like Gln are investigated, thereby extending the range of accessible metabolites in the context of DWS acquisitions.Comment: Submitted to Magnetic Resonance in Medecin

    Lessons on brain edema in HE : from cellular to animal models and clinical studies

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    Brain edema is considered as a common feature associated with hepatic encephalopathy (HE). However, its central role as cause or consequence of HE and its implication in the development of the neurological alterations linked to HE are still under debate. It is now well accepted that type A and type C HE are biologically and clinically different, leading to different manifestations of brain edema. As a result, the findings on brain edema/swelling in type C HE are variable and sometimes controversial. In the light of the changing natural history of liver disease, better description of the clinical trajectory of cirrhosis and understanding of molecular mechanisms of HE, and the role of brain edema as a central component in the pathogenesis of HE is revisited in the current review. Furthermore, this review highlights the main techniques to measure brain edema and their advantages/disadvantages together with an in-depth description of the main ex-vivo/in-vivo findings using cell cultures, animal models and humans with HE. These findings are instrumental in elucidating the role of brain edema in HE and also in designing new multimodal studies by performing in-vivo combined with ex-vivo experiments for a better characterization of brain edema longitudinally and of its role in HE, especially in type C HE where water content changes are small

    MP-PCA denoising for diffusion MRS data: promises and pitfalls.

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    Diffusion-weighted (DW) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) suffers from a lower signal to noise ratio (SNR) compared to conventional MRS owing to the addition of diffusion attenuation. This technique can therefore strongly benefit from noise reduction strategies. In the present work, Marchenko-Pastur principal component analysis (MP-PCA) denoising is tested on Monte Carlo simulations and on in vivo DW-MRS data acquired at 9.4T in rat brain and at 3T in human brain. We provide a descriptive study of the effects observed following different MP-PCA denoising strategies (denoising the entire matrix versus using a sliding window), in terms of apparent SNR, rank selection, noise correlation within and across b-values and quantification of metabolite concentrations and fitted diffusion coefficients. MP-PCA denoising yielded an increased apparent SNR, a more accurate B0 drift correction between shots, and similar estimates of metabolite concentrations and diffusivities compared to the raw data. No spectral residuals on individual shots were observed but correlations in the noise level across shells were introduced, an effect which was mitigated using a sliding window, but which should be carefully considered

    Lessons on brain edema in HE: from cellular to animal models and clinical studies

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    Brain edema is considered as a common feature associated with hepatic encephalopathy (HE). However, its central role as cause or consequence of HE and its implication in the development of the neurological alterations linked to HE are still under debate. It is now well accepted that type A and type C HE are biologically and clinically different, leading to different manifestations of brain edema. As a result, the findings on brain edema/swelling in type C HE are variable and sometimes controversial. In the light of the changing natural history of liver disease, better description of the clinical trajectory of cirrhosis and understanding of molecular mechanisms of HE, and the role of brain edema as a central component in the pathogenesis of HE is revisited in the current review. Furthermore, this review highlights the main techniques to measure brain edema and their advantages/disadvantages together with an in-depth description of the main ex-vivo/in-vivo findings using cell cultures, animal models and humans with HE. These findings are instrumental in elucidating the role of brain edema in HE and also in designing new multimodal studies by performing in-vivo combined with ex-vivo experiments for a better characterization of brain edema longitudinally and of its role in HE, especially in type C HE where water content changes are small