70 research outputs found

    Klasični Kras, geografska in zgodovinska opredelitev

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    Hidrogeološki model

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    Evaporite sinkholes in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (NE Italy)

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    4noreservedmixedStefano, Devoto; Chiara, Calligaris; Luca, Zini; Franco, CucchiDevoto, Stefano; Calligaris, Chiara; Zini, Luca; Cucchi, Franc

    A multidisciplinary approach in sinkhole analysis: The Quinis village case study (NE-Italy)

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    During the last recent years, in Quinis, a small village sited in the Alta Val Tagliamento valley (Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, NE Italy), the inhabitants facedwith instability phenomena related to the presence of soluble rocks in the subsurface. The evaporite bedrock is mainly mantled, in fact, by high thickness deposit. This paper explains the methodological approach thatwe used to identify the instabilities in a very complex geo-structural environment where the urbanization limits the applicability of several investigation techniques. Different methods were used to define the bedrock morphology, to characterize the mantling deposits and to identify the processes behind. What emerged from the study is a mandatory multidisciplinary approach to characterize the subsoil, because each technique is not able individually to take to a unique result. The data collected allowed to draft a geo\u2013 hydrogeological conceptual model of the Quinis village. The lessons learned, even ifwith some site-specific dependency, demonstrate the importance of broad-spectrum investigations,which are essential to understand the subsurface characteristics avoiding relevant socio-economic impact and supporting an adequate future territorial planning

    Effect of s strong rainstorm on the hydrodynamics of the Puerto Princesa underground river (Palawan, Philippines)

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    Fascinating and fragile environments as are the underground estuaries, need to be studied, understood and protected for present and future generations. Even if wide and abundant bibliography related to tides and their behaviour with respect to the external estuaries is available, none dealed with the estuary caves and the related hydrogeology. This paper aims to partially fill this gap presenting a preliminary study done at the Puerto Princesa Underground River (PPUR), in the Palawan Island (Philippines). The data was collected during the last expedition (November 2016) organised by La Venta, in which some of the authors took part. During the survey, the cave has been instrumented with in continuous diver data-logger devices (CTD) recording temperature (T), electrical conductivity (EC) and water level fluctuations. Longitudinal and vertical water hydrogeological profiles of the cave were realised with the aim of understanding the dynamics of the waters during different hydrogeological regimes in combination with salt water intrusion. In addition, a bathymetric profile was done to better identify the point where to realise the vertical logs. A significant rainstorm occurred during the expedition, lasting for approximately 12 hours resulting in 80 mm of rain, and its effects gave the researchers the opportunity to analyse the hydrodynamics of the flowing waters during a flood. In normal flow conditions, the longitudinal logs highlighted the presence of freshwater inlets and the vertical logs testified to a clear stratification of the waters (freshwaters at the surface and brackish waters at the bottom). During floods, the EC and T data showed evidence of a fast substitution of the resident waters.Key words: anchialine caves, sea water intrusion, hydrodynamics, karst springs, PPUR, Philippines.Učinek močnega naliva na hidrodinamiko podzemske reke Puerto princese (Palawan, Filipini)Očarljivo in občutljivo okolje, kot so podzemni estuariji, je treba preučevati, razumeti in zaščititi za sedanje in prihodnje generacije. Četudi imamo na voljo široko in bogato bibliografijo o plimovanju in delovanju plimovanja v zunanjih estuarijih, nobeno delo ne obravnava estuarskih jam in s tem povezane hidrogeologije. Namen tega članka je delno zapolniti to vrzel in predstaviti predhodno študijo na podzemni reki Puerto Princesa (PPUR) na otoku Palawan (Filipini). Podatki so bili zbrani med zadnjo ekspedicijo (novembra 2016), ki jo je organizirala La Venta, v kateri so sodelovali tudi nekateri avtorji. V raziskavi je bila jama opremljena z zveznimi merilci (CTD) temperature (T), električne prevodnosti (EC) in nihanja nivojev vode. Vzdolžni in navpični hidrogeološki vodni profili jame so bili izmerjeni, da bi razumeli dinamiko voda med različnimi hidrogeološkimi nivoji in med vdori morske vode. Poleg tega je bil opravljen tudi batimetrični profil, da bi lažje določili, kje izvesti navpične meritve. Med ekspedicijo se je zgodil močan naliv, ki je trajal približno 12 ur, padlo je 80 mm dežja, njegov učinek pa je raziskovalcem omogočil analizo hidrodinamike tekočih voda med poplavo. V običajnih vodostajih so vzdolžne meritve pokazale na dotoke sveže vode, vertikalne meritve pa so pokazale  jasno stratifikacijo lastnosti vode (sveža voda na površini in brakična voda na dnu). Med poplavami so podatki EC in T potrdili hitro zamenjavo vode.Ključne besede: anhialine jame, vdor morske vode, hidrodinamika, kraški izviri, PPUR, Filipini. 

    Il Catasto Ragionato Informatico delle Grotte Archeologiche – C.R.I.G.A. on-line

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    Da oltre un secolo è noto in ambiente speleologico, geologico, archeologico che il Carso triestino è un’area ad alta concentrazione di grotte, molte delle quali – 165 stando ai dati dell’Archivio Storico della Società Alpina delle Giulie – con tracce della presenza umana in antico. Le grotte hanno catalizzato l’interesse sia di ricercatori professionisti, sia di appassionati o curiosi, e questo ha comportato il susseguirsi dagli ultimi decenni dell’800 ad oggi di moltissimi interventi di scavo, sistematici e non, che hanno dato una quantità ingente di materiali rimasti largamente inediti. Al fine di recuperare e organizzare la documentazione presente in letteratura e negli archivi, e di contestualizzare le tracce dell’uomo nell’ambiente naturale, in primis nelle singole grotte, una decina di anni fa si è avviato un progetto interdisciplinare che ha coinvolto specialisti di discipline diverse dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste nella costruzione di una banca dati geo-archeologica denominata Catasto Ragionato Informatico delle Grotte Archeologiche – C.R.I.G.A. Al di là della possibilità di soddisfare gli obiettivi originari di ricerca scientifica, il C.R.I.G.A. ha grandi potenzialità anche a fini di didattica, divulgazione, tutela delle grotte e pianificazione degli interventi sul territorio. In considerazione di questi aspetti, il database è stato reso accessibile a chiunque, all’indirizzo web www. units.it/criga. Nel presente contributo si presentano brevemente la storia del C.R.I.G.A., la situazione attuale e le prospettive future.For more than a century, it is well known in speleological, geological and archaeological fields that the Karst Plateau is an area with a high concentration of caves, many of which – 165 according to data from the Historical Archive of the Julian Alpine Society – contain traces of ancient human presence. The caves have attracted the interest of both professional researchers and curious enthusiasts, resulting in a succession of excavation work, systematic and non-systematic, from the last decades of the 1800s up until today, which has produced a large quantity of material that has remained for the most part unpublished. In order to retrieve and organize the documentation found in literature and archives, and to contextualize the traces of mankind in the natural environment, primarily in the single caves, a decade or so ago an interdisciplinary program was started up involving specialists in various fields from the University of Trieste in the creation of geo-archaeological database called the Computerized Cadastre of Archaeological Caves (CRIGA – Catasto Ragionato Informatico delle Grotte Archeologiche). Aside from the possibility to meet the original objectives of scientific research, CRIGA also has great potential for teaching, promotion, cave protection and the planning of operations in the area. In view of these aspects, the database has been made accessible by the general public, at the web address www. units.it/criga. This contribution provides a brief history of CRIGA, its actual situation and its future prospects

    Annex 65, Long-Term Performance of Super-Insulating-Materials in Building Components and Systems. Report of Subtask II: Scientific Information for Standardization Bodies dealing with Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Properties and Ageing

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    This subtask is divided in two actions:Action 2A: Materials Assessment & Ageing Procedures (Experiments & Simulation)Action 2B: Components & Systems Assessment (Experiments & Simulation)As their structures and microstructures are completely different, Super-Insulating Materials (SIMs) cannot be compared directly to traditional insulating materials. Worldwide acceptance of these materials will be improved if the hygro-thermal and mechanical properties of SIM can be clearly articulated and reproduced. In particular, nano-structured materials used to manufacture a SIM are characterized by a high specific area (m\ub2/g) and narrow pores (smaller than 1 μm) which make them very sensitive to gas adsorption and condensation, especially in contact with water molecules.Therefore, methods of characterization must be adapted, or new methods developed to measure the microstructural, hygro-thermal and mechanical properties of these materials and their barrier films.In parallel, modelling methods to describe heat, moisture and air transfer through nano-structured materials and films will have to be developed (adsorption and desorption models, diffusion models, freeze-thawing …).Of course, a few methods will be common to all SIMs, but due to their structural differences some specific modelling methods have to be developed.SIMs can offer considerable advantages (low thickness, low Uvalue) ; however potential drawback effects should be considered in the planning process in order to optimise the development of these extraordinary properties (very low thermal conductivity) and to prevent negative publicity which could be detrimental to this sector of emerging products. This is why ageing tests will be set according to realistic conditions (temperature, moisture, pressure, load …) as set out in SubTask 3A. One objective of artificial ageing is to understand potential degradation processes that could occur. The durability of hydrophobic treatment is one of these processes and will also be subject to discussion and investigation.At the component scale, additional characterizations are needed as panels or rolls are sold by manufacturers. In particular, thermal bridges will be carefully investigated, as the extraordinary thermal performance of SIMs are sensitive to the influence of thermal bridges

    Evaporite sinkholes of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (NE Italy)

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    Sinkholes are common in the Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG) Region (NE Italy), where the presence of karstifiable rocks favours their occurrence accelerated by intense rainfalls. Their existence has been reported since the end of the 1800s along the Tagliamento Valley, in correspondence with the mantled evaporites (gypsum). Furthermore, tens of evaporite sinkholes have been documented on the reliefs adjacent to the village of Sauris and along the narrow W\u2013Eoriented valleys, where regional faults have played a major role in their spatial distribution. This paper reports for the first time an inventory of the sinkholes affecting the evaporites of the FVG Region. These phenomena were mapped and categorised using a genetic classification. The main output is an A0-format map, which incorporates a 1:50,000 scale Sinkhole Inventory Map (SIM). The SIM encompasses 552 sinkholes. The cover suffosion sinkholes are the most abundant, followed by bedrock collapses. There is a clear prevalence of the circular shape (65%) over other shapes. Diameters are 1\u2013140 m, with depths ranging 0.1\u201340 m with a mean value of 4.5 m. The SIM can motivate regional planning authorities to perform further investigations aimed to understand the geomorphological evolutions of these phenomena

    European Atlas of Natural Radiation

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    Natural ionizing radiation is considered as the largest contributor to the collective effective dose received by the world population. The human population is continuously exposed to ionizing radiation from several natural sources that can be classified into two broad categories: high-energy cosmic rays incident on the Earth’s atmosphere and releasing secondary radiation (cosmic contribution); and radioactive nuclides generated during the formation of the Earth and still present in the Earth’s crust (terrestrial contribution). Terrestrial radioactivity is mostly produced by the uranium and thorium radioactive families together with potassium. In most circumstances, radon, a noble gas produced in the radioactive decay of uranium, is the most important contributor to the total dose. This Atlas aims to present the current state of knowledge of natural radioactivity, by giving general background information, and describing its various sources. This reference material is complemented by a collection of maps of Europe displaying the levels of natural radioactivity caused by different sources. It is a compilation of contributions and reviews received from more than 80 experts in their field: they come from universities, research centres, national and European authorities and international organizations. This Atlas provides reference material and makes harmonized datasets available to the scientific community and national competent authorities. In parallel, this Atlas may serve as a tool for the public to: • familiarize itself with natural radioactivity; • be informed about the levels of natural radioactivity caused by different sources; • have a more balanced view of the annual dose received by the world population, to which natural radioactivity is the largest contributor; • and make direct comparisons between doses from natural sources of ionizing radiation and those from man-made (artificial) ones, hence to better understand the latter.JRC.G.10-Knowledge for Nuclear Security and Safet

    European Atlas of Natural Radiation

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    Natural ionizing radiation is considered as the largest contributor to the collective effective dose received by the world population. The human population is continuously exposed to ionizing radiation from several natural sources that can be classified into two broad categories: high-energy cosmic rays incident on the Earth’s atmosphere and releasing secondary radiation (cosmic contribution); and radioactive nuclides generated during the formation of the Earth and still present in the Earth’s crust (terrestrial contribution). Terrestrial radioactivity is mostly produced by the uranium and thorium radioactive families together with potassium. In most circumstances, radon, a noble gas produced in the radioactive decay of uranium, is the most important contributor to the total dose.This Atlas aims to present the current state of knowledge of natural radioactivity, by giving general background information, and describing its various sources. This reference material is complemented by a collection of maps of Europe displaying the levels of natural radioactivity caused by different sources. It is a compilation of contributions and reviews received from more than 80 experts in their field: they come from universities, research centres, national and European authorities and international organizations.This Atlas provides reference material and makes harmonized datasets available to the scientific community and national competent authorities. In parallel, this Atlas may serve as a tool for the public to: • familiarize itself with natural radioactivity;• be informed about the levels of natural radioactivity caused by different sources;• have a more balanced view of the annual dose received by the world population, to which natural radioactivity is the largest contributor;• and make direct comparisons between doses from natural sources of ionizing radiation and those from man-made (artificial) ones, hence to better understand the latter.Additional information at: https://remon.jrc.ec.europa.eu/About/Atlas-of-Natural-Radiatio