59 research outputs found

    How high is too high? Soaring Interest Rates and the Elasticity of Demand for Microcredit

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    How high is too high? Soaring Interest Rates and the Elasticity of Demand for MicrocreditFinancial Economics,

    Health education & e_health literacy

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    Análisis del Riesgo de sufrir Trastornos Alimentarios en jóvenes universitarios de Extremadura (España)

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    Eating disorders (ED), anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), and binge eating disorder are disorders of great concern in western world countries. Their rising tendencies have led researchers to try to explain the factors involved, their causes, and their effects, as a way of contributing to the efforts to stop the growing trends. Our research project focuses on the study of the risk of suffering ED amongst a sample of 600 students from the University of Extremadura (Spain). Said students are enrolled in twelve of the degrees offered by the University. The assessment tools used for the purposes of this research are the Eating Disorder Inventory-3 RF (EDI-3 RF) and the Spanish questionnaire, IMAGEN (Evaluation of Dissatisfaction with Body Image). The most significant results show the existence of a high percentage of students at risk of suffering ED. Young female students evidence higher rates of body dissatisfaction and drive for thinness than their male classmates who, conversely, demonstrate more characteristics of bulimia. Those studying education present higher rates of risk factors for suffering ED, such as the drive for thinness and their own body dissatisfaction, in the opposite situation are the health degrees in particular the nursing students, as a result of a greater bio health knowledge caused.Los Trastornos de la Alimentación (TA), la Anorexia Nerviosa (AN), Bulimia nerviosa (BN) y trastorno por atracón son trastornos de gran preocupación en el mundo occidental. Sus tendencias crecientes han llevado a los investigadores a tratar de explicar los factores implicados, sus causas y sus efectos, como una forma de contribuir a los esfuerzos para detener las tendencias de crecimiento.Nuestro proyecto de investigación se centra en el estudio del riesgo de padecer TA entre una muestra de 600 estudiantes de la Universidad de Extremadura (España). Dichos estudiantes están matriculados en doce de los grados ofertados por dicha Universidad.Los instrumentos de evaluación utilizados para los fines de esta investigación están el inventario-3 trastorno del RF (RF de EDI-3) y el cuestionario en español, IMAGEN (evaluación de la insatisfacción con la imagen corporal).Los resultados más significativos demuestran la existencia de un alto porcentaje de estudiantes en riesgo de sufrir TA. En las jóvenes alumnas se evidencia mayores tasas de insatisfacción corporal y de delgadez que sus compañeros masculinos que, por el contrario, demuestran más características de bulimia. Además quienes estudian grados de educación presentan tasas más altas de los factores de riesgo para sufrir tales como TC, la unidad de la delgadez y la insatisfacción de su propio cuerpo, en la situación opuesta se encuentran los grados de ciencias de la salud en particular los estudiantes de enfermería, probablemente como consecuencia de un mayor conocimiento biosanitario. &nbsp

    Effect of thermal and ultrasound treatments on denaturation and allergenic potential of Pru p 3 protein from peach

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    The effect of thermal and ultrasound treatments on denaturation and allergenicity of Pru p 3, the major peach allergenic protein, was determined. The degree of denaturation of Pru p 3 was estimated by sandwich ELISA using specific rabbit IgG, that was previously developed. Validation of ELISA test showed high sensitivity and specificity, and acceptable results of precision and robustness. Allergenicity of Pru p 3 was determined by immunofluorescent assay using three pools of sera from peach allergic individuals. Denaturation of Pru p 3 was dependent on the intensity of the thermal treatment applied and the treatment medium. Thus, the degree of denaturation of Pru p 3 treated at 95 °C for 40 min was about 60% and 95%, for the protein heated in peach extract and in buffer, respectively. Ultrasound treatments denatured Pru p 3 up to 60%, being dependent on amplitude and pressure. However, both heat and ultrasound treatments at the most severe conditions applied inhibited less than 10% the IgE-binding of Pru p 3. These results indicate that although heat and ultrasound treatments induce a considerable denaturation of Pru p 3, they are not effective in reducing its allergenicity

    High-fat diet and glucose and albumin circadian rhythms' chronodisruption in rats

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    La obesidad es una de las enfermedades nutricionales más extendidas en las sociedades desarrolladas y se considera un factor de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar cómo una dieta alta en grasas puede influir en la cronobiología de los ritmos circadianos de glucosa y albúmina. Ochenta y cuatro ratas Wistar macho comunes se separaron en dos grupos: un grupo de control (n = 42) y un grupo alimentado con una dieta rica en grasas (n = 42); tanto para el grupo control como para el grupo inducido por la obesidad establecimos 7 subgrupos (6 ratas por subgrupo) para tomar muestras de sangre a las 0000, 0200, 0400, 1000, 1400, 1800 y 2200 horas. Los niveles plasmáticos de glucosa y albúmina se analizaron en muestras de sangre y sus ritmos circadianos se evaluaron mediante la prueba Cosinor. Nuestros resultados mostraron síntomas claros de cronodisrupción en las oscilaciones de glucosa y albúmina, aunque estos trastornos circadianos fueron más evidentes en los ritmos de glucosa.Obesity is one of the most widespread nutritional diseases in developed societies and it is considered a cardiovascular disease risk factor. The aim of the present work was to evaluate how a high-fat diet may influence the chronobiology of glucose and albumin circadian rhythms. Eighty-four male common Wistar rats were separated into two groups: a control group (n = 42) and a group fed a high-fat diet (n = 42); both for the control and the obesity-induced group we stablished 7 subgroups (6 rats per subgroup) to take blood samples at 0000, 0200, 0400, 1000, 1400, 1800, and 2200 hours. Glucose and albumin plasma levels were analyzed in blood samples and their circadian rhythms were evaluated through the cosinor method. Our results showed clear chronodisruption symptoms in both glucose and albumin oscillations, although these circadian disorders were more evident in glucose rhythms.• Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. Ayuda GR15051peerReviewe

    Bisphenol A Analogues in Food and Their Hormonal and Obesogenic Effects: A Review

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is the most well-known compound from the bisphenol family. As BPA has recently come under pressure, it is being replaced by compounds very similar in structure, but data on the occurrence of these BPA analogues in food and human matrices are limited. The main objective of this work was to investigate human exposure to BPA and analogues and the associated health effects. We performed a literature review of the available research made in humans, in in vivo and in vitro tests. The findings support the idea that exposure to BPA analogues may have an impact on human health, especially in terms of obesity and other adverse health effects in children.This research was funded by Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2013-2016 Proyecto cofinanciado FEDER-ISCIII PI17/01758 and by Fundación Mapfre MAPFRE2018

    El desayuno escolar; una intervención educativa en alimentación y nutrición saludable

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    The Complete and Healthy Breakfast is basic for growth also favors greater physical and intellectual performance during the morning. Breakfast should always said: Dairy, Grains, Fruit, and their derivates, without forgetting our olive oil. Or to perform skipping breakfast shoddy is a factor that also causes childhood obesity and overweight. Therefore Organizations Promoting Health intervention encourage healthy habits in Food and Nutrition. Being one of the goals this Complete and Healthy Breakfast from school which should be promoted, especially by encouraging the consumption of fruit. Based on the above our work designs a school intervention for a Complete and Healthy Breakfast, centered on the consumption of fruit

    La alimentación preescolar, educación para la salud de los 2 a los 6 años

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    The infant feeding and nutrition is one of the most important areas regarding the Health Education (HE). This health-promoting action must start at the early stage of the development and learning, such as the pre-school period. A valuable tool to initiate successfully the HE could be infant nutrition, which can and must be also approached in the educational area.Our objective of the investigation was to gather, from the main Spanish manuals of nutrition, the basic and nutritional characteristics of the stage from 2 to 6 years, in order to be used by educational personnel instead of health personnel in the school area. By the analysis of bibliographical documented review, related to the nutritional characteristics at this stage of growth.The results indicate that the Recommendations Dietary Allowance (RDA) from 2 years are very different with regard to the breast-fed stage, the contribution moves towards the carbohydrates in 50 %, in decline of fats <30 % and proteins. In addition, the preparation and incorporation of new ingredients to the daily foods is already regular, obtaining, in this way, a balanced and healthy diet. For that, we will follow a guideline of 3 daily foods, with 2 intermediate of minor quantity, and the breakfast will have a well-deserved importance.To conclude, we must indicate that the educator has to inculcate healthy habits of feeding in pre-school stage by means of the Health Education. The mentioned infant diet will be the base for a healthy adulthood, since during the infant stage, future pathologies may emerge such as diabetes, cancer of colon and hypertension.La alimentación y nutrición infantil constituye una de las áreas de mayor importancia dentro de la Educación para la Salud (EpS). Esta acción promotora de la salud debe iniciarse en la fase temprana del desarrollo y aprendizaje, como es la etapa preescolar. Una valiosa herramienta para iniciar la EpS es la alimentación infantil, la cual puede y debe ser abordada en el ámbito educativo. Por ello, nuestro objetivo de investigación fue recoger, de los principales manuales de nutrición españoles, las características, básicas, nutricionales de la etapa de 2 a 6 años, para ser utilizado por personal docente no sanitario en el ámbito escolar. Mediante análisis de revisión bibliográfica documentada, referente a las características nutricionales de esta etapa de crecimiento. Los resultados indican que las Recomendaciones Diarias Alimenticias (RDA) a partir de los 2 años son muy diferentes respecto a la etapa de lactante, el aporte se balancea hacía los carbohidratos  en un 50%, en decremento de grasas <30% y proteínas. Además, la preparación e incorporación de nuevos ingredientes a los platos diarios es ya una constate, obteniendo nuevas y atractivas características organolépticas, para conseguir una dieta equilibrada y saludable. Para ello, se seguirá una pauta de 3 comidas, con 2 intermedias de menor cantidad, y donde el desayuno ya tendrá una merecida  importancia. Para concluir, además debemos indicar que el educador a través de la EpS debe trasmitir e inculcar, desde esta temprana edad, hábitos de vida saludable a través de la alimentación infantil. Ya que esta dieta infantil será la base de una etapa adulta saludable, ya que es en la etapa infantil donde se fraguan futuras  patologías como diabetes, cáncer de colon e hipertensión

    Adiponectin accounts for gender differences in hepatocellular carcinoma incidence

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the sixth most common cancer type and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death. This cancer appears with higher incidence in men and during obesity; however, the specific mechanisms underlying this correlation are unknown. Adipose tissue, a key organ in metabolic syndrome, shows evident gender disparities in the production of adipokines. Levels of the important adipokine adiponectin decrease in men during puberty, as well as in the obese state. Here, we show that this decrease in adiponectin levels is responsible for the increased liver cancer risk in males. We found that testosterone activates the protein JNK in mouse and human adipocytes. JNK-mediated inhibition of adiponectin secretion increases liver cancer cell proliferation, since adiponectin protects against liver cancer development through the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and p38α. This study provides insight into adipose tissue to liver crosstalk and its gender relation during cancer development, having the potential to guide strategies for new cancer therapeutics.G. Sabio is an investigator on the Ramón y Cajal Program. E. Manieri is a La Caixa Foundation fellow. L. Herrera-Melle is a fellow of the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU15-05802). This study was funded by the following grants: G. Sabio was funded by the European Research Council (ERC 260464), European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes–Lilly, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN/SAF2016-79126-R), Comunidad de Madrid (B2017/BMD-3733), and BBVA Becas Leonardo a Investigadores y Creadores Culturales (Investigadores-BBVA-2017; IN[17]_BBM_BAS_0066); M. Marcos was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras (PI16/01548); and J.L. Torres was funded by Junta de Castilla y León GRS (1587/A/17). F.J. Cubero is a Ramón y Cajal Researcher (RYC-2014-15242) and a Gilead Liver Research Scholar 2018, and his work is supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Retos (SAF2016-78711), Comunidad de Madrid (S2017/BMD-3727), The Alan Morement Memorial Fund Cholangiocarcinoma Charity (2018/117), the European Cooperation in Science and Technology Action (CA17112), and the European Foundation for Alcohol Research (EA14/18). L. Moran is a Comunidad de Madrid fellow (S2017/BMD-3727). The CNIC is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505).S

    Control of food intake by MC4-R signaling in the lateral hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens shell and ventral tegmental area: Interactions with ethanol

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    The Melanocortin system is involved in animal models of obesity and anorexia-cachexia and MC4 receptors (MC4-R) are currently a target system for the development of drugs aimed to treat obesity and eating disorders in humans. Previous evidence suggest that feeding peptides might lack their orexigenic activity while stimulate ethanol intake. The present study comparatively evaluated food intake (4-h interval) in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats drinking ethanol (6% w/v, 2 bottle choice paradigm) (EE group) and ethanol-naïve (EN) rats in response to bilateral infusion of the selective MC4-R antagonist HS014 (0, 0.02 or 0.05 μg/0.5μl/site) or the selective MC4-R agonist cyclo(NH-CH2-CH2-CO-His-D-Phe-Arg-Trp-Glu)-NH2 (0, 0.75 or 1.5 μg/0.5μl/site), into the lateral hypothalamus (LH), the nucleus accumbens (NAc), or the ventral tegmental area (VTA). The main findings in the study are: 1) LH-infusions of the MC4-R antagonist increased and the agonist reduced feeding and total calories consumed, while ethanol intake remained unaltered. 2) NAc- and VTA-infusions of the selective agonist reduced food, ethanol and total calories intake. 3) NAc- and VTA-infusions of the MC4-R antagonist increased feeding in EN rats, but not in EE animals which showed a mild increase in ethanol intake, while total calories consumed remained unaltered. Present data show that having ethanol available reduces feeding elicited by NAc and VTA-MC4-R blockade. Additionally, while MC4-R signalling in the LH appears to modulate homeostatic aspects of feeding, it may contribute to non-homeostatic aspects of ingestive behaviours in the VTA and the NAc