437 research outputs found

    Els Argonautes i la protofundació de Cízic

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    Moltes colònies gregues, fundades entre els segles VIII i VI aC, creen, al voltant de llocs i cerimònies de culte, mites inserits en una història de fundació llegendària que situa l'establiment grec en els temps heroics. Una gran part d'aquests «mites de protofundació» s'inclou en cicles llegendaris de prestigi com el d'Hèracles, el viatge dels Argonautes i els Retorns, especialment el d'Ulisses. La fundació de Cízic, convertida en un episodi de l'empresa argonàutica per obra especialment d'historiadors locals, es pot recuperar parcialment a partir d'Apol·loni de Rodes i dels escolis al seu poema.Many Greek colonies, founded in the 8th-6th centuries BC, created, around cult places and ceremonies, myths which were inserted in a story of legendary foundation which places the establishment of the Greeks in heroic times. A large part of these «proto-foundation myths» are included in prestigious legendary cycles, as that of Heracles, the Voyage of the Argonauts, and the Returns, especially that of Odysseus. The foundation of Cyzicus, transformed into an episode of the Argonautic saga mainly by local historians, can be partially recovered from Apollonius Rhodius and the scholia on his poem

    ¿Cuántas clases de verbos de desplazamiento se distinguen en español?

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    El artículo presenta una propuesta de análisis de la categoría léxica de los verbos de movimiento, en concreto de los que refieren el movimiento del sujeto. Parte de un análisis crítico de algunos de los análisis más citados sobre los mismos: los de Talmy, Aske, Jackendoff Lamiroy, Cifuentes y Llopis, y Morimoto. Todos tienen en común el intento de justificar con pruebas de combinación y de comportamiento sintáctico la distinción entre verbos de desplazamiento y de modo de desplazamiento. Aplicando el mismo tipo de pruebas se propone aquí que no hay motivos suficientes para justificar plenamente tal dicotomía. This article presents an extended typology of a part of the lexical category ‘motion verb’ in Spanish, compared to other well-known interpretations (Talmy, Aske, Jackendoff, Lamiroy, Cifuentes and Llopis, and Morimoto) which apply tests for syntacttic behaviour and / or combination possibilities with PATH-indicators. These data allow us to reflect on some combinatorial characteristics of Spanish verbs, which are not enough to justify a clear-cut categorization in terms of ‘verbs of motion’ vs. ‘verbs of manner of motion’

    CASADIO, Giovanni. Storia del culto di Dioniso in Argolide

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    Index de les obres ressenyades: CASADIO, Giovanni, Storia del culto di Dioniso in Argolid

    Hèracles, fundador de sacrificis : l'heroi i les tres funcions

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    La Biblioteca del pseudoApolodoro ofrece una narración completa y bien estructurada de la saga de Héracles. En ella el héroe oficia tres sacrificios que son áœôéá de otros tantos cultos. En Cleonas, después de capturar al león de Némea, con la inmolación de un buey instituye el culto de Zeus ªöôÜò (II 74 s.), de carácter militar, y a la vez funda la distinción entre culto divino y heroico. En Lindos (Rodas), con el sacrificio de un buey bajo las maldiciones del labrador propietario (II 118), funda un culto agrícola y al mismo tiempo resuelve la interdicción de consumir las carnes del animal doméstico, productor de grano. Finalmente, Héracles se hace quemar en una pira, en la cumbre del monte Eta (II 159 s.), ayudado por Peante (en las demás versiones por su hijo Filoctetes), extraño a la comunidad familiar (a fin de evitar la mancha de homicidio) y a quien hace entrega de su arco y sus flechas. Ello resuelve la contradicción de que Héracles sea a la vez objeto de culto como dios y como héroe. Los tres tipos de sacrificio se estructuran de acuerdo con el esquema trifuncional indoeuropeo.Ps.-Apollodorus' Library offers a complete and well structured narrative on Heracles' saga. In it, the hero celebrates three sacrifices, which are the áœôéá of three cults. At Cleonae, after the seizure of the Nemean Lion, through the immolation of an ox, he founds the cult of Zeus ªöôÜò (II 74 s.), of a military character and, at the same time, he establishes the difference between divine and heroic cult. At Lindos (Rhodos), the slaughter of an ox under the curses of its ploughman owner (II 118) founds an agricultural cult and solves the interdiction of eating the meat of domestic cattle, supplier of corn. Last, Heracles burns himself in a pyre, at the summit of Mt Oeta (II 159 s.), with the help of Poias (in the other versions of his son Philoctetes), an alien to family community, to avoid murder stain, and gives him his bow and his arrows. This solves the contradiction of Heracles worshipped alternatively as a god and as an hero. The three types of sacrifice are structured according to Indoeuropean trifunctional scheme

    Magnetic dynamic effects in TbMn1-x(Ga/Sc)xO 3 samples (x=0.4, 0.5, 0.6)

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    The magnetic properties of strongly doped TbMnO3 with non-magnetic ions, such as Ga and Sc, has been studied focused in the intermediate region (0.4=x=0.6) where long range ferromagnetic ordering was reported for La-based compounds. All samples are single phase and show a perovskite structure with orthorhombic unit cell, space group Pbnm. The Tb-based compounds do not show long range magnetic order but magnetic anomies are noticeable at low temperature. These anomalies show magnetic irreversibility and dynamic effects typical of magnetic glassy systems. These features have been studied in detail using ac magnetic susceptibility and the analysis shows the largest magnetic correlations for x=0.5 in both type of substitutions

    A study on interlaminar behavior of carbon/epoxy laminated curved beams by use of acoustic emission

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    The interlaminar tensile strength of carbon/epoxy laminated curved beams with variable thickness and through-the-thickness tufted reinforcement is studied experimentally by means of a four-point-bending test in accordance with ASTM D6415. These tests are monitored by the acoustic emission (AE) technique in order to gain deeper knowledge of the delamination onset and post-failure behavior. The results show that AE technique has proven to perform well when identifying delamination onset and its evolution after failure. In addition to this, AE has demonstrated to be an appropriate tool to assess the manufacturing quality of the carbon/epoxy laminated curved-beam, once the right pattern has previously been established
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