166 research outputs found

    Política del deseo. Apuntes deleuzeanos para un replanteamiento del pensamiento político contemporáneo

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    Pensar la política en términos de “verdad” supone en muchos casos la postulación de criterios normativos trascendentes al campo social, incluso en concepciones más complejas de la “verdad” como “desocultamiento”. Si la tentativa “foucaultiana” de pensar tanto una política de la verdad como una verdad de la política remite a un cierto concepto de poder, habría que buscar otra concepción de la política que dé cuenta del campo social en términos de sus componentes múltiples. Esta posibilidad la encontramos a partir del concepto deleuzeano de deseo, con el que pretendemos esbozar los rasgos de una política del deseo, aplicable tanto a nivel molecular como a nivel molar así como en relación a la oposición entre “verdad” y “falsedad”. Una política del deseo procede en términos de composición de relaciones que se establecen entre fuerzas (reaccionarias/ revolucionarias) de un agenciamiento concreto

    Fatores que determinam a não prossecução de estudos superiores em Moçambique: sua mitigação através da educação a distância

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    O estudo realizado com alunos da 12ª classe, em dez distritos de Moçambique e igual número de escolas pretendeu identificar as razões que levavam esses alunos a não prosseguirem os estudos superiores após a conclusão daquele nível e/ou equivalente. Em cada distrito de estudo, selecionou-se uma escola, e depois uma turma, de forma aleatória. Nesses distritos, havia colaboradores para administrarem os questionários e os devolverem com respostas. Designam-se colaboradores, neste estudo, os sujeitos que operacionalizaram o trabalho de campo. A sua integração no estudo deveu-se à dificuldade da investigadora em se fazer presente nesses distritos, dada a dimensão do país, a questões logísticas e ao tempo. Para a interação com esses colaboradores foram utilizados seus endereços eletrónicos e telefónicos. Esse estudo, de natureza qualitativa, foi fundado num paradigma descritivo. Para a recolha de dados foram distribuídos 500 questionários autoadministrados e obtidas 416 respostas. Foram também realizadas cinco entrevistas com informantes-chave por chamada telefónica com gravação. Para a análise dos dados provenientes dos questionários foi utilizado o sotfware estatístico SPSS e para os dados das entrevistas a análise de conteúdo com base na adaptação das fases eleitas por Laurence Bardin (2018). Os resultados da investigação indiciam que na origem do fenómeno em estudo estão motivações de natureza socioeconómica, nomeadamente: baixo rendimento das famílias e, por consequência, fraco poder de compra; baixa performance escolar dos alunos; fraca exploração das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação em contexto educativo e outros fatores culturais. Parte desses resultados corroboram com as conclusões de outros estudos, que estão na base do referencial teórico da presente investigação. Para a realização do estudo foram solicitadas autorizações, por sua vez autorizadas pelo Ministério da Educação, e a outros órgãos e sujeitos envolvidos no estudo.The study carried out with 12th grade students in ten districts of Mozambique and an equal number of schools sought to identify the reasons that led these students not to pursue higher education after completing that level and/or equivalent. Similar studies have been carried out in other countries; we were concerned with the perception of the phenomenon in the Mozambican context. In each study district, a school, and then a class, was seleted at random. In these districts, there were collaborators to administer the questionnaires and return them with answers. In this study, collaborators are designated as the subjects who carried out the fieldwork. Their integration in the study was due to the researcher's difficulty in being present in these districts, given the country's size, logistics issues and time. To interact with those collaborators their electronic addresses and telephone contacts were used. The qualitative study is based on a descriptive paradigm. For data collection, 500 self-administered questionnaires were distributed and 416 responses obtained. Five interviews were also conducted with key informants by telephone with recording. For the analysis of the data from the questionnaires, the statistical software SPSS was used, and for the data of the interviews, content analysis based on the phases proposed by Laurence Bardin was chosen. The results of the study indicate that at the origin of the phenomenon under study are motivations of a socioeconomic nature, namely: low household income and, consequently, weak purchasing power; poor school performance of students; weak exploitation of Information and Communication Technologies in an educational context, including cultural factors. Part of the results obtained corroborate the conclusions of other studies that are the basis of the theoretical framework of the study. In order to carry out the study, authorizations were requested to the Ministry of Education and other similar entities, having been authorized. Autorizations were also requested from collaborators including other study participants.FCT, FSE e Instituto de Bolsas de Estudos de Moçambique (IBE)Programa Doutoral em Multimédia em Educaçã

    Importância dos fatores bióticos (pragas e doenças) em pré-colheita na qualidade e conservação da castanha

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    A castanha em fresco é um fruto de elevada qualidade, mas facilmente perecível. A qualidade é influenciada por fatores bióticos e abióticos que ocorrem em pré-colheita, durante a colheita e em pós-colheita. As podridões das castanhas associadas a fungos podem desenvolver-se durante o crescimento dos frutos ainda na árvore, quando da queda dos ouriços na altura da colheita ou por contaminação durante o armazenamento. As podridões associadas a Penicillium spp., Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp., Phoma. castanea, Acrospeira mirabilis e S. pseudotuberosa são frequentes em condições de conservação e provocam prejuízos muito elevados. Pretende-se, com este trabalho, avaliar os fatores pré-colheita que afetam a produção e a qualidade final da castanha. Para concretizar o estudo selecionaram-se 5 soutos na região de Bragança, tendo-se recolhido castanhas em 3 períodos diferentes, durante o período de colheita. Será avaliado o estado sanitário das castanhas em diferentes tempos de conservação (imediatamente após a colheita, um mês após a colheita e dois meses após a colheita, com as castanhas armazenadas em camara de frio (frigorifico) a 12ºC. As castanhas são avaliadas quanto á presença de pragas (Bichado-da-castanha ou Gorgulho-da-castanha) e verificado a presença de fungos. Nas castanhas com podridões observaram-se as características morfológicas dos sintomas e procede-se ao isolamento do fungo em meio de cultura PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar, 39 gr/L). A identificação das espécies será realizada por observação morfológica dos isolados e por técnicas moleculares por amplificação e sequenciação da região ITS do ADN ribossomal (ADNr) utilizando os iniciadores universais ITS1 e ITS4.The fresh chestnut is a fruit of high quality, but easily perishable. Quality is influenced by biotic and abiotic factors that occur in pre-harvest, during harvest and post-harvest. Chestnut nut rots associated with fungi may develop during the growth of the fruits still in the tree, during the fall of the burrs at harvest time or through contamination during storage. The rot associated with Penicillium spp., Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp., P. castanea, Acrospeira mirabilis and S. pseudotuberosa are frequent in that conservation conditions and cause very high losses. This work intends to evaluate the pre-harvest factors that affect the final production and quality of the nuts. In order to complete the study, 5 chestnut trees were selected in the region of Bragança, and chestnuts nuts were collected in 3 different periods during the harvest period. The health status of the nuts will be evaluated at different storage times (immediately after harvest, one month after harvest and two months after harvest), when the chestnuts nuts are stored in an incubator at 12° C. The chestnuts are evaluated for the presence of pests (chestnut beetle or brown weevil) and presence of fungi were observed outside and into the kernel. In the nuts with rotting, the morphological characteristics of the symptoms were observed and the fungus was isolated in PDA culture medium (Potato Dextrose Agar, 39 gr/L). Identification of species will be performed by morphologic microscopic observations and molecular techniques by amplification and sequencing of the ITS region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) using the universal primers ITS1 and ITS4

    Studies of the performance of photovoltaic power plant in a Southern African environment

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    This work reports a research programme undertaken since 1991 whose aims were to design, install and monitor a photovoltaic water pumping plant, with a capacity of 848 Wp, in the region of Maputo, Mozambique. The pumping plant has been installed in 1993 and a monitoring system integrated into it in 1994. The monitoring activities have been carried out during a period of six months, from 1st January to 30th June 1995, and had as a major objective to characterise the performance of the plant under the local environmental conditions. This characterisation comprised a detailed analysis of the performance of the plant's major components, namely the PV array, the inverter and the motor/pump unit. The costs of the energy services provided by the plant were also determined. Since this work was the first research activity in photovoltaics carried out in Mozambique, one the major outputs expected with it was that it should facilitate the promotion of photovoltaics in the country. Therefore another objective of this research was that of developing a model for an efficient PV technology transfer in the context of developing countries in general, and to Mozambique in particular

    Comparative studies of factors associated with academic performance in university students.

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    El objetivo fue analizar las diferencias entre los diversos factores personales, sociales e institucionales en los grupos de alto y bajo rendimiento académico de estudiantes universitarios. Se empleó un enfoque cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal, con una muestra de n=981estudiantes, se evaluó mediante un cuestionario. Para el análisis de los datos, se realizó estadística descriptiva, bivariada y multivariante, específicamente el análisis discriminante. En los resultados se evidencian las variables que discriminaron entre los grupos, apoyo familiar, servicios educativos e insatisfacción con la licenciatura que clasificaron adecuadamente al 66,1% de los jóvenes en los grupos. Estas variables predicen ligeramente mejor la pertenencia de los participantes al grupo de alto rendimiento escolar. Se discuten resultados

    Household modifications after the indoor residual spraying (IRS) campaign in Mozambique reduce the actual spray coverage and efficacy

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    Indoor residual spraying of insecticides (IRS) is a key malaria vector control strategy. Whilst human attitude towards IRS is monitored before or shortly after implementation, human activities leading to the modification of insecticide-treated walls post-IRS are not. This could inadvertently reduce the protective effects of IRS. We monitored the extent of modifications to the sprayed indoor wall surfaces by household owners for six months post-IRS campaigns in two districts targeted for malaria elimination in southern Mozambique. In parallel, we assessed building of any additional rooms onto compounds, and mosquito net use. We quantified the contribution of wall modifications, added rooms, prolonged spray campaigns, and product residual efficacies on actual IRS coverage and relative mosquito bite reduction, using a mechanistic approach. Household owners continually modified insecticide-treated walls and added rooms onto compounds. Household surveys in southern Mozambique showed frequent modification of indoor walls (0–17.2% of households modified rooms monthly) and/or added rooms (0–16.2% of households added rooms monthly). Actual IRS coverage reduced from an assumed 97% to just 39% in Matutuine, but only from 96% to 91% in Boane, translating to 43% and 5.8% estimated increases in relative daily mosquito bites per person. Integrating post-IRS knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) surveys into programmatic evaluations to capture these modification and construction trends can help improve IRS program efficiency and product assessment

    Experimental investigation of the thermal performance of a parabolic dish concentrating solar collector

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    Paper presented to the 3rd Southern African Solar Energy Conference, South Africa, 11-13 May, 2015.Thermal performance of a point focus concentrating solar collector comprising a 2000 mm diameter, and a focal length of 665 mm symmetric parabolic dish concentrator covered with reflective aluminum tiles of 0.9 reflectivity and SiC honeycomb volumetric absorber, which use atmospheric air as heat transfer fluid is experimentally investigated. The absorber was tested for two different mass flow rates. This is an attempt to assess the potential of this collector as a component of solar cooker with heat storage, a prototype that has a potential to enable indirect and off-sun cooking. The prototype of a solar cooker under investigation is intended to be used in rural areas (in Mozambique) to satisfy the multiple domestic needs in thermal energy as part of a global effort to mitigate the consequences of one of the severe problems the world face today (desertification and deforestation), some of which are attributed to climate change. Thermal efficiency of the collector was estimated for the two mass flow rates. Preliminary results show that at the target temperature range the collector efficiency remained above 70 % and that the higher the mass flow rate, the lower the temperature of the air leaving the collector.dc201