111 research outputs found

    Recent technique for thermal-fatigue simulation of heat-resistant steels

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    Gleeble 3800 thermal-mechanical physical simulator is introduced in this study. Thermal fatigue tests can be carried out in Gleeble simulator in highly controlled conditions. Applying the same tested material, specimen geometry and temperature range, the load of the specimen can alter more than one order of magnitude depending on the control parameters. Some investigations have been done to demonstrate the effect of the boundary conditions (simulation combinations) on the load and strain of the tested specimen

    A Politikatudományi Szemle című negyedéves szaklap tematikus számai megjelenésének támogatása 2004-2005-ben = Financial Support of Political Review for 2004 and 2005

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    A Politikatudományi Szemle szerkesztőségének pályázata 2004-2005-re tematikus számok elkészítését vállalta. Előre megadtuk azokat a témákat, amelyeknek kutatásához és megírásához vezető kutatókat kértünk fel. A tematikus blokkok 2004-ben: Az Európai Unióhoz való csatlakozás, Globalizáció és az új világrend ellentmondásai. Diskurzuselmélet (Három tematikus szám jelent meg). 2005-ben a tematikus számok: Politikai kommunikációs és identitás. Európai választások. Köztársaságielnök-választás. a tematikus számokban publikált tanulmányok számos új eredményt hoztak. Külön kiemelendő, hogy szerzőink új felfedezésekre jutottak a média és a kommunikáció, illetve az átfogó európai identitás témakörében. Az első - magyar részvétel mellett lezajló - európai választásokról rengeteg érdekes információt tudhattunk meg szakértőink kutatásaiból. Ugyancsak egy ritka (de Magyarországon egyre fontosabb) diszciplina: a diskurzuselemzés irodalmába nyerhettünk bepillantást. A magyar és az európai köztársaságielnök-választások összefüggéseiről és számos új alkotmányjogi és politikatudományi kutatási eredményre jutottunk. | The application of the Editorial Board of the Review of Political Science for the years 2004 and 2005 undertook the publication of thematic issues. We announced the topics in advance for which leading researchers were invited to do research and to write papers. The thematic units were in 2004: Accession to the European Union; Globalisation and the Contradictions of the New World Order; Discourse Theory. (Three thematic issues were published.) Thematic issues were in 2005: Political Communication and Identity. European Elections. Election of the President of the Republic. The papers published in the thematic issues have produced a number of new results. It should be particularly mentioned that our authors have made new discoveries in the topic of the media and communication, and of the comprehensive European identity. A large number of new pieces of interesting information were obtained about the European elections in which Hungarians participated for the first time. We could have an insight also into the literature of a rare discipline (becoming increasingly important in Hungary), namely of discourse analysis. We have obtained new research results related to the context of Hungarian and European elections of presidents of the republic and to constitutional law as well as political science

    Generating new solutions for relativistic transverse flow at the softest point

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    Using the method of prolongation we generate new solutions from a simple particular solution for relativistic transverse flow with cylindrical symmetry in 1+3 dimensions. This is an extension of the longitudinal Bjorken flow ansatz and can be applied among others during first order phase transition in an expanding system. The prolongated solution allows for tracing back the flow profile from a transverse flow conjectured at the end of phase transition at CERN SPS heavy ion collisons.Comment: 11 pages LaTeX, 1 ps figur

    Transit timing variations in eccentric hierarchical triple exoplanetary systems. I. Perturbations on the time-scale of the orbital period of the perturber

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    We study the long-term time-scale (i.e. period comaprable to the orbital period of the outer perturber object) transit timing variations in transiting exoplanetary systems which contain a further, more distant (a_2>>a_1) either planetary, or stellar companion. We give an analytical form of the O-C diagram (which describes such TTV-s) in trigonometric series, valid for arbitrary mutual inclinations, up to the sixth order in the inner eccentricity. We show that the dependence of the O-C on the orbital and physical parameters can be separated into three parts. Two of these are independent of the real physical parameters (i.e. masses, separations, periods) of a concrete system, and depend only on dimensionless orbital elements, and so, can be analyzed in general. We analyze these dimensionless amplitudes for different arbitrary initial parameters, as well as for two particular systems CoRoT-9b and HD 80606b. We find in general, that while the shape of the O-C strongly varies with the angular orbital elements, the net amplitude (departing from some specific configurations) depends only weakly on these elements, but strongly on the eccentricities. As an application, we illustrate how the formulae work for the weakly eccentric CoRoT-9b, and the highly eccentric HD 80606b. We consider also the question of detection, as well as the correct identification of such perturbations. Finally, we illustrate the operation and effectiveness of Kozai cycles with tidal friction (KCTF) in the case of HD 80606b.Comment: Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics; Revised versio

    Analytic solution for relativistic transverse flow at the softest point

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    We obtain an extension of Bjorken's 1+1 dimensional scaling relativistic flow solution to relativistic transverse velocities with cylindrical symmetry in 1+3 dimensions at constant, homogeneous pressure (vanishing sound velocity). This can be the situation during a first order phase transition converting quark matter into hadron matter in relativistic heavy ion collisions.Comment: 9 pages LaTeX, 1 .eps figure, Figure replaced by another presentation showing contour-lines of QGP-hadron phase mixtures in the longitudinal time - transverse radius plane. To appear in Phys.Lett.

    Magyarország az Európai Parlamentben = Hungary in the European Parliament

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    Kutatásunk azt vizsgálta, hogy Magyarország milyen politikai tevékenységet folytatott, s hogyan érvényesítette nemzeti érdekeit az Európai Parlamentben a 2004-es belépés utáni években. Ennek kapcsán átfogóan vizsgáltuk, hogy hogyan működik az EP, hogyan politizálnak a régi tagországok frakciói, illetve az újonnan belépettek, különös tekintettel az úgynevezett "visegrádi" négyekre. Arra a megállapításra jutottunk, hogy amíg a nyugat-európai országok - belső ideológiai megosztottságaik ellenére - igen markáns és eredményes érdekérvenyesítést folytatnak az EU összes szervezetén, így az Európai Parlamenten belül is, addig a visegrádi országok nemzeti érdekérvényesítése meglehetősen akadozó, kialakulatlan, sok tekintetben esetleges. A meghatározó országok képesek voltak egymás között olyan kompromisszumok megkötésére, melyek erőfölényüket továbbra is biztosították. Ezzel szemben a visegrádi országok amellett, hogy kiforratlanok érdekérvényesítési csatornáik, nem igazán képesek együttműködni, nincs visegrádi "összhang". Magyarország nemzeti érdekérvényesítési lehetőségeit különösen korlátozza, hogy a mély belpolitikai megosztottság az Európai Parlamenten belüli magyar frakciók tevékenységére is rányomja a bélyegét. Ezáltal nem az európai uniós együttműködési szellem hatott termékenyítőleg a magyar parlamenti életre, hanem a hazai belpolitika mély konfliktusai vetülnek ki az Európai Parlament magyar "szekciójára". | Our research has studied what kind of political activities Hungary has carried on and how it could assert its national interests in the European Parliament in the years after its accession in 2004. We have studied comprehensively how the EP works, how factions of old Member States as well as the new ones make politics, with special regard to the so-called "Visegrád Four". We have reached the conclusion that while the West European countries, despite their ideological division carry on a marked and successful activity of interest assertion in every organisation of the EU including the European Parliament, the assertion of the national interests of the Visegrád countries is rather halting, undeveloped, and occasional in many cases. The Visegrád countries, in addition to having underdeveloped channels of interest representation, are not really able to co-operate, and there is no Visegrád "unison". The opportunities of Hungary for asserting its national interests are particularly limited by the fact that the deep cleavage in domestic politics overshadows also the activities of the Hungarian factions in the European Parliament. Hence it is not the EU spirit of co-operation that has fertilised the Hungarian parliamentary life but it is the deep conflicts of domestic politics that are projected to the Hungarian "section" of the European Parliament


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    The hydration of aluminoferrites and their mixture with gypsum (up to 10/5 ratio) was investigated as well as their chloride binding capacity (after immersion in 10% NaCl solution) by thermal tests (DTG and TGA) and X-ray diffraction. In this first part, C4AF has been investigated, to be followed by C6AF2 and C6A2F in the second part. Hydration products of C4AF are similar to that of C3A, but amorphous AH3 and/or FH3 are formed, and the transformation of metastable (hexagonal hydrates) to the stable (hydrogarnet) phase is slower. In case of C4AF + gypsum mixtures, monosulfate was found prior to the total exhaustion of gypsum. After salt treatment, iron-containing Friedel´s salt or Kuzel´s salt was found. Characteristics of DTG peaks are described and interpreted

    A városnövekedés területi eltérései Európában, különös tekintettel a járműipari városokra = Spatial disparities of urban growth with special regard to locations of automotive industry

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    In addition to the separation of the phases of the European Union urban development processes, this paper seeks to trace their special disparities. By the 21st century Europe faced a special situation, practically never experienced before in its history as regards migration, by the breaking down of the blocking role of state borders and the improvement of transportation facilities. These factors led to the dissolution of the isolation of some elements in the European mosaic of nation states, and this was relevant not only for the European Union member states but also for countries that are not EU members. Our paper reveals how the pan-European migration processes induce a variety of urban development tendencies in the various macro-regions. Different independent analyses are provided to discuss the spatial disparities of urban development. Firstly, general urban development tendencies are examined in the respective countries, and the development characteristics of large cities are introduced. This is followed by an analysis of medium-sized cities on the basis of a broad database, and finally the paper discusses the survey of a group of cities which host automotive companies. In other words, the paper is composed of four chapters. First of all, we review the demographic changes and the urbanization processes of the continent. After that, we focus on large cities, and then on the size category of 50 000–500 000 inhabitants. In the last chapter we discuss the features of European automotive settlements, regardless of the population. The aim of this analysis is to explore the impacts of automotive industry on the social and economic indicators of the examined urban areas. We assume this sector has got a positive impact on the economic performance of a given urban area, and it can have an impact on its demographic processes as well. An important research question is which European countries, great regions and settlement size categories are favoured by the automotive industry. In addition, we try to trace the position of Győr in this special group of cities. Evidently, the type and data demand of these analyses requires various geographical ranges and city size categories, but our conclusions are supported. Typical urban development zones are featured in Europe, and they may be described by similar characteristics, which proves that in our age the phases of urban development are not the same all over the continent. Further development will probably not follow the classical urban development phases, either. It is much more likely to have a centre-periphery relationship in the future, and the exclusivity of the development of large cities will only be experienced in some European countries. The development of cities is not equal in Europe, and we can find variant processes in different great regions. In the past, the differences were connected to the economic development of single countries, nowadays changes are formed by globalization tendencies, the appreciation of dynamic metropolitan areas and migration processes. The crisis in 2008 – which depressed the poorer areas more strongly – stimulated these processes. Today, the internal immigration and international emigration determine the development of areas in poorer countries. In contrast, we see the development of prospering urban regions in the developed parts of the continent, while other parts of the wealthy countries can be found in the phase of deurbanization. In other words, there could be a more balanced spatial development in these countries

    The role of K63-linked polyubiquitin in several types of autophagy

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    Lysosomal-dependent self-degradative (autophagic) mechanisms are essential for the maintenance of normal homeostasis in all eukaryotic cells. Several types of such self-degradative and recycling pathways have been identified, based on how the cellular self material can incorporate into the lysosomal lumen. Ubiquitination, a well-known and frequently occurred posttranslational modification has essential role in all cell biological processes, thus in autophagy too. The second most common type of polyubiquitin chain is the K63-linked polyubiquitin, which strongly connects to some self-degradative mechanisms in the cells. In this review, we discuss the role of this type of polyubiquitin pattern in numerous autophagic processes
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