6 research outputs found

    Assessment of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of Limousin herds in Hungary using microsatellite markers

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    Objective This study was conducted to investigate basic information on genetic structure and characteristics of Limousin population in Hungary. Obtained results will be taken into consideration when adopting the new breeding strategy by the Association of Hungarian Limousin and Blonde d’Aquitaine Breeders (AHLBB). Methods Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of 3,443 Limousin cattle from 16 different herds were investigated by performing genotyping using 18 microsatellite markers. Amplified DNA was genotyped using an automated genetic analyzer. Results Mean of effective alleles (ne) of the populations was 3.77. Population C had the lowest number of effective alleles (3.01) and the lowest inbreeding coefficient (FIS) value (−0.15). Principal component analysis of estimated genetic distance (FST) values (p<0.000) revealed two herds (C and E) distinct from the majority of other Limousin herds. The pairwise FST values of population C compared to the others (0.066 to 0.120) fell into the range of moderate genetic distance: 0.050 to 0.150, while population E displayed also moderate genetic distance (FST values in range 0.052 to 0.064) but only to six populations (G, H, J, L, N, and P). FST(C-E) was 0.148, all other pairs -excluding C and E herds- displayed low genetic distance (FST<0.049). Population D, F, I, J, K, L, N, O, and P carried private alleles, which alleles belonged to 1.1% of the individuals. Most probable number of clusters (K) were 2 and 7 determined by Structure and BAPS software. Conclusion This study showed useful genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship data that can be utilized for the development of a new breeding strategy by AHLBB. The results presented could also contribute to the proper selection of animals for further whole genome scan studies of Limousins

    Binary and ternary mixed metal complexes of terminally free peptides containing two different histidyl binding sites

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    Copper(II), nickel(II) and zinc(II) complexes of the terminally free peptides AHAAAHG and AAHAAAHG have been studied by combined applications of potentiometric and various spectroscopic techniques, including UV-visible, CD and EPR for copper(II) and UV-visible, CD and NMR for nickel(II). It was found that the octapeptide AAHAAAHG can easily bind two equivalents of copper(II) or nickel(II) ions and the amino terminus was identified as the primary ligating site of the molecule. On the other hand, this peptide has a relatively low zinc(II) binding affinity. Mono- and di-nuclear copper(II) and nickel(II) complexes were also formed with the heptapeptide AHAAAHG but this peptide can effectively bind one equivalent of zinc(II) ions, too, with the involvement of the deprotonated amide nitrogen in zinc(II) binding. The enhanced stability of the [MH-1L] species of AHAAAHG was explained by the tridentate (NH2,N-,Nim) coordination of the amino terminus supported by the macrochelation of the internal histidyl residue. Mixed metal copper(II)-nickel(II) complexes were also formed with both peptides and copper(II) ions were coordinated to the amino terminal, while nickel(II) ions to the internal histidyl sites. © 2013 Elsevier Inc

    Epoxidált len- és szójaolaj tömegspektrometriás vizsgálata főkomponens analízis segítségével

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    Munkám során a méréseket DART ionforrással és TOF analizátorral felszerelt tömegspektrométerrel végeztem. A vizsgált mintáknak epoxidált len- és szójaolajat alkalmaztam. A kiértékelés folyamán meghatároztam, hogy mindkét olaj leírható ugyanazzal az általános képlettel, különbség csak a lánc hosszúságában, és az epoxid csoportok számában fedezhető fel. A kutatás során arra a következtetésre jutottam, hogy az epoxidált len- és szójaolaj eredményesen vizsgálható DART-TOF tömegspektrométerrel, de másképpen viselkedtek, a szójaolaj esetén pontatlanabb csúcsokat eredményezve. A kiértékelést egy statisztikai módszer segítségével, nevezetesen a főkomponens analízissel is elvégeztem. Az eredményeket konstatálva azt a konklúziót vontam le, hogy a két olaj között megállapítható a differencia a főkomponens analízis segítségével.BSc/BAvegyészmérnö

    Analysis of surface morphology of basaltic grains as environmental indicators for Mars

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    Analysing the microtextures of grains from different sediments helps to determine their transport medium. This method is well developed in the case of quartz grains, because quartz is usually dominant in sediments on Earth. In this study, basaltic sands from aeolian and fluvial environments from Iceland and from the Azores Islands were analysed, since basaltic rocks have been found on Mars, and paleo-environment reconstruction is an important goal of future missions. Fixed grains were imaged and analysed by a high-resolution electron microscope. Several different surface identification marks were found corresponding to known examples from quartz micromorphologies: conchoidal fractures, steps, and percussion marks, which are connected to fluvial environments; while precipitation features and bulbous edges were identified and connected to the aeolian transport. In these generally very diverse samples some new micromorphologies, which have not previously been found on quartz grains, were also identified. The identification of such features which are not present on quartz is expected, as the sample has a different composition than quartz. These newly identified features were named as: fan-shaped percussion marks; isometric shaped grains with a rough surface (fluvial); “large voids” with abraded surface and cracked surface (aeolian). Based on our results, a further improved version of the method evaluating grain surface micro-morphology could be useful not only for quartz grains, but in the case of the basaltic grains too. Such information could help to identify the settling environments of grains on Mars, we therefore also discuss the spatial resolution and observational conditions required to do so by in-situ Mars missions there. We conclude that a one order of magnitude increase in the spatial resolution (down to about 1 μm) would greatly support the identification of grain surface features and interpretation of transport methods. This level of resolution is not far beyond that which is currently available

    Państwo i społeczeństwo w XXI wieku. Zarządzanie i marketing w XXI wieku.

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    Słowo wstępne "Obrady w sekcji „Zarządzania i Marketingu” odbywały się pod hasłem „Zarządzanie i Marketing w XXI wieku”. Tak pojemne hasło uwarunkowane było szeroką tematyką artykułów zgłoszonych, a następnie prezentowanych i dyskutowanych w ramach obrad konferencyjnych. Wystąpienia i prowadzona po nich dyskusja odbywały się z kolei w ramach trzech grup tematycznych: 1. Marketing, 2. Zarządzanie, 3. Finanse - Ryzyko - Bezpieczeństwo. Podział ten porządkuje i zawęża, ale równocześnie konkretyzuje poruszone problemy w ramach danego obszaru tematycznego. Lektura prezentowanych tu artykułów zaciekawi z pewnością każdego, kto bacznie przygląda się przemianom zachodzącym w wielu aspektach i poziomach ekonomii w rozpoczętym XXI wieku. Warto streścić tu zagadnienia poszczególnych grup tematycznych dla przybliżenia ich istoty i wskazania specyfiki omawianych w sekcji treści."(...