7,852 research outputs found

    La caída en la prima salarial urbana y la tendencia en la desigualdad: evidencia para Brasil

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    In this paper, we use data from the National Household Survey (PNAD) for Brazil to investigate the dynamics of the urban wage premium and the relationship between the urban wage premium and inequality trends, and we find two main results. First, we find a decreasing urban wage premium over the period 2002-2009 using both OLS and quantile regression. Second, we show that the fall in the urban wage premium is more pronounced at the 90th percentile than at the 10th percentile. This finding suggests that the falling urban wage premium has contributed to the reduction in inequality observed in Brazil in the last decade.En este trabajo utilizamos datos de la encuesta de hogares brasileños, PNAD, entre 2002-2009, para investigar la dinámica de la prima salarial urbana, y más concretamente, la relación entre la prima salarial urbana y las tendencias de la desigualdad, llegando a dos conclusiones principales. En primer lugar, los resultados muestran que la prima urbana disminuye durante el periodo 2002-2009, tanto con MCO y regresión cuantílica. En segundo lugar, se concluye que la caída de la prima salarial urbana es más fuerte en el percentil 90 con respecto al percentil 10. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que la caída de la prima del salario urbano ha contribuido a la reducción de la desigualdad observada en Brasil en la última década


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    The introduction of neoliberal reforms in Brazil has been accompanied by a contradictory expansion of human rights laws. This article has the objective to debate the characteristics that involved this process and their social and historical causes. It has the reference in the inequality and combined development of brazilian capitalism in the structural crises of capitalism system period. Keywords: Neoliberalism, Human Rights and State Reform.   A introdução de medidas neoliberais no Brasil foi acompanhada por uma contraditória expansão das legislações vinculadas à garantia dos Direitos Humanos. O objetivo deste artigo é discutir as características que permearam esse processo e as suas determinações sócio-históricas, tendo como referência o desenvolvimento desigual e combinado do capitalismo brasileiro no contexto da crise estrutural do sistema capitalismo. Palavras-chave: Direitos Humanos, Neoliberalismo e Reforma do Estado. &nbsp

    Impacto das comunicações M2M em redes celulares de telecomunicações

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e de TelecomunicaçõesAs comunicações Máquina-Máquina (M2M) apresentam um crescimento muito significativo e algumas projeções apontam para que esta tendência se acentue drasticamente ao longo dos próximos anos. O tráfego gerado por este tipo de comunicações tem caraterísticas muito diferentes do tráfego de dados, ou voz, que atualmente circula nas redes celulares de telecomunicações. Assim, é fundamental estudar as caraterísticas dos tipos de tráfego associados com comunicações M2M, por forma a compreender os efeitos que tais caraterísticas podem provocar nas redes celulares de telecomunicações. Esta dissertação procura identificar e estudar algumas das caraterísticas do tráfego M2M, com especial enfoque na sinalização gerada por serviços M2M. Como resultado principal deste trabalho surge o desenvolvimento de modelos que permitem a construção de uma ferramenta analítica de orquestração de serviços e análise de rede. Esta ferramenta permite orquestrar serviços e modelar padrões de tráfego numa rede UMTS, possibilitando uma análise simultânea aos efeitos produzidos no segmento core da mesma rede. Ao longo deste trabalho procura-se que a abordagem aos problemas apresentados permita que os resultados obtidos sejam válidos, ou adaptáveis, num âmbito mais abrangente do que apenas as comunicações M2M.Machine to Machine (M2M) communications present significant growth and some projections indicate that this trend is going to increase dramatically over the coming years. The traffic generated by this type of communication has very different characteristics when compared to data or voice traffic currently going through cellular telecommunications networks. Thus, it is essential to study the characteristics of traffic associated with M2M communications in order to understand the effects that its features can imply to cellular telecommunications networks. This dissertation tries to identify and study some of the characteristics of M2M traffic, with particular focus on signaling generated by M2M services. A number of models, that enable the development of an analytic tool for service orchestration and network analysis, are presented. This tool enables service orchestration and traffic modeling on a UMTS network, with simultaneous visualization of the impacts on the core of such network. The work presented in this document seeks to approach the problems at study in ways ensuring that its outcomes are valid for a wider scope than just M2M communications

    Avaliação de riscos através duma metodologia de análise ergonómica, adaptando e aplicando o método FMEA

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    Nos dias de hoje, a procura de uma qualidade cada vez maior, tentando ao mesmo tempo diminuir os custos, tornou-se uma preocupação constante para a maioria das organizações. Para que esta procura seja bem sucedida, é necessário planear com antecedência e prever a ocorrência de acontecimentos que possam diminuir a qualidade e aumentar os custos. O método FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), dá-nos a possibilidade de avaliar qualitativamente os riscos, podendo inclusive prevenir o aparecimento de alguns deles. O tema escolhido para este projecto tem a ver com uma problemática bastante actual e com grande relevância, pois actualmente ainda existem muitos Serviços e Unidades de Saúde que não têm em linha de conta as questões de ergonomia, sendo que a adequação do ambiente físico do trabalho ao trabalhador quase não existe. Neste projecto para além das questões relacionadas com a ergonomia, deu-se também muito destaque à ferramenta FMEA, a qual foi adaptada para a análise ergonómica aqui realizada. Foram abordados os princípios teóricos do FMEA, assim como as fases do seu desenvolvimento e os campos de aplicação. O presente projecto é predominantemente qualitativo e pretende efectuar uma análise dos riscos do trabalho ou actividade, fazendo uso de uma metodologia de análise ergonómica, desenvolvendo-se essencialmente tendo por base as respostas obtidas através de entrevistas escritas, efectuadas aos colaboradores dos secretariados de consultas externas que fazem parte do estudo. Estas entrevistas constituíram elementos auxiliares para a selecção dos riscos ou modos de falha que serviram de base à aplicação do método FMEA. Cada um dos modos de falha que constam das fichas FMEA, foram classificados com um índice de Gravidade, Ocorrência e Ergonomia e o produto da multiplicação destes valores deu-nos um valor de RPN (Risk Priority Number). A metodologia do RPN, é uma técnica para analisar o risco associado com potenciais problemas identificados durante a FMEA. Por fim, importa referir que a análise dos riscos do trabalho ou actividade, através de uma metodologia de análise ergonómica e a aplicação dos seus métodos, poderão dar um grande contributo na detecção de falhas ergonómicas e fornecimento de sugestões de melhoria.Nowadays, the demand for ever-increasing standards of quality, while trying to cut costs has become a constant concern for most organizations. In order for these standards to be achieved, contingencies that may compromise quality or increase costs must be contained. The FMEA method (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), gives us the ability to qualitatively evaluate the risks and may even pre-empt some of them. The subject matter of this project is particularly current and relevant, since there are still many services and health units which do not contemplate ergonomic issues, failing to consider the adequacy of the physical work environment to the worker. In addition to the issues related to ergonomics, much attention was also placed on FMEA as a tool, which was adapted to the ergonomics analysis presented here. The theoretical principles of FMEA, as well as the various stages of implementation and fields of application were also addressed. This project is predominantly qualitative and aims at conducting a risk analysis of the work or activity, using an ergonomic analysis methodology. It is base on the responses obtained in written interviews conducted on staff members of External Consultations offices. These interviews constituted auxiliary elements to the selection of risks or failure modes that served as the basis for the FMEA method application. Each of the failure modes that appear in the FMEA chips were classified with an index according to severity, occurrence and ergonomics and the multiplication of these values gave us a value of RPN (Risk Priority Number). The methodology of RPN, is a technique for analyzing the risk associated with potential problems identified during the FMEA. Finally, it should be noted that the risk analysis work or activity, through a methodology for ergonomic analysis and application of their methods, may be of great assistance in detecting ergonomic failures and providing suggestions for improvement

    Investment and innovation as drivers

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    Lehmann, C., Cruz-Jesus, F., Oliveira, T., & Damásio, B. (2022). Leveraging the circular economy: Investment and innovation as drivers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 360, 1-10. [132146]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.132146The circular economy plays a central role in Europe's new agenda for sustainable economic growth. Using Eurostat and United Nations data from 28 European countries pertaining to the years between 2011 and 2017 we identified two underlying dimensions of the circular economy — environmental degradation and resource efficiency. Then, using dynamic panel models we assessed the impact that investment, human capital, innovation, and previous circularity levels have on each dimension of the circular economy identified, comparing their impacts on both. Our substantive findings demonstrate that innovation and investment significantly reduce environmental degradation, whereas only investment is also significant in promoting resource efficiency. Furthermore, our study suggests that circular economy levels have an inter-annual dependence.publishersversionpublishe

    Ceramic additive manufacturing in architecture: computational methodology for defining a column system

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    The present paper describes a research that explores the design and production of customised architectural ceramic components defined through parametric relations of biomorphic inspiration and to be built through additive manufacturing. In this sense, is presented a case study that develops a system of both architectural and structural components - a column system. The definition process of the system is mediated by computational design, implementing not only structural analysis and optimization strategies, but also mimetic formal characteristics of nature to an initial grid, creating a model that adapts its formal attributes, depending on its assumptions and the material constraints. This process resulted in the definition of a set of solutions that better answer to a specific design problem

    Towards e-Cities: an Atlas to enhance the public realm through interactive urban cyber-physical devices

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    Cyber-physical devices are the backbone of a postdigital society in which the virtual and real spaces are seamlessly integrated by ubiquitous computing and networking. The incorporation of such devices in public space is a central subject of a strategic Research Project that gathers a multidisciplinary team from architecture, product design, polymer science and ICT R&D units. This paper frames the key roles of public space and ICTs for UN Sustainable Development Goals and sustainable smart cities. It also reports the architecture R&D unit review on the relations between public space, community, environment and digital interfaces. This review was materialized in an Atlas that collects, classifies and relates a corpus of heterogeneous urban cyber-physical projects case studies. We expand on three main framing concepts (Digital Twin, Interface, Awareness) and identify trends on the devices’ design and deployment strategies to counteract digitally hostile environments and early obsolescence. We also suggest the rising of new types of urban devices aiming at expanding the liveliness of urban places, the knowledge of urban life and the users’ environmental consciousness. The lessons learned from the Atlas fed the design guidelines for a developing demonstrator of a new breed of environmentally sensible interactive urban devices.Work co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) thru Norte 2020: Project “Lab4U&Spaces - Living Lab of Interactive Urban Space Solution” (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000072); and Project Lab2PT - Landscapes, Heritage and Territory laboratory - UIDB/04509/2020 thru FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

    Challenges of 3d printed architectural ceramic components structures: controlling the shrinkage and preventing the cracking

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    The use of ceramic materials in the additive manufacturing (AM) of architectural components has more and more examples and undeniably shows the potential of its application. However, one of the main characteristics inherent to this material, which happens in drying and firing phases, is the shrinkage of the material, which causes deformations and cracks in the surface of the produced elements. Thus, the shrinkage of the ceramic material may constitute an obstacle to the regular use of this material in the AM of architectural components. In this sense, it is important to study and point out ways and strategies to mitigate this drawback, making possible the correspondence between the final produced models and the digital ones in which they are based. This paper presents the main challenges and outcomes of several projects that use Liquid Deposition Modelling (LDM) of clay-paste as construction methodology.This work has the financial support of the Project Lab2PT – Landscapes, Heritage and Territory laboratory – AUR/04509 and FCT through national founds and when applicable of the FEDER cofinancing, in the aim of the new partnership agreement PT2020 and COMPETE2020 – POCI 01 0145FEDER 007528

    Towards e-cities. An Atlas to enhance the public realm through interactive urban cyber-physical devices

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    Cyber-physical devices are the backbone of a postdigital society in which the virtual and real spaces are seamlessly integrated by ubiquitous computing and networking. The incorporation of such devices in public space is a central subject of a strategic Research Project that gathers a multidisciplinary team from architecture, product design, polymer science and ICT R&D units. This paper frames the key roles of public space and ICTs for UN Sustainable Development Goals and sustainable smart cities. It also reports the architecture R&D unit review on the relations between public space, community, environment and digital interfaces. This review was materialized in an Atlas that collects, classifies and relates a corpus of heterogeneous urban cyber-physical projects case studies. We expand on three main framing concepts (Digital Twin, Interface, Awareness) and identify trends on the devices’ design and deployment strategies to counteract digitally hostile environments and early obsolescence. We also suggest the rising of new types of urban devices aiming at expanding the liveliness of urban places, the knowledge of urban life and the users’ environmental consciousness. The lessons learned from the Atlas fed the design guidelines for a developing demonstrator of a new breed of environmentally sensible interactive urban devices

    Case on Fertilizer Inputs Negotiation

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    This study investigates a buyer-seller negotiation about the procurement of fertilizing inputs in the southern region of Brazil. The primary aim of this curriculum is to enhance the negotiation skills of business negotiators, academics, and practitioners. This finding was achieved via a singular case study including two contrasting parties and many topic domains. The primary findings of the study emphasize the need for improving integrative strategies, such as understanding the underlying interests of the opposing party and creating value, to achieve mutually advantageous agreements. The results of the research suggest that the observed consequences have the potential to be reproduced in other organizational settings, with a particular focus on power imbalances. The present investigation culminates in a comprehensive examination and suggestions for further scholarly inquiry