689 research outputs found

    Yeast ribosomal protein L40 assembles late into precursor 60 S ribosomes and is required for their cytoplasmic maturation

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    Background: The contribution of ribosomal proteins to ribosome assembly and function is often not well understood. Results: L40 assembles within the cytoplasm into pre-60 S subunits and is required for Nmd3 and Rlp24 recycling. Conclusion: L40 contributes to formation of 60 S subunits competent for subunit joining and translation elongation. Significance: Our analysis of L40 function reveals an additional step during cytoplasmic pre-60 S maturation eventsMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación BFU2010-15690Junta de Andalucía CVI-271, P08-CVI-03508Swiss National Science Foundation PP00P3_12334

    Consejos amigables a Don Diego de Torres...

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Fecha y lugar de imp. tomadas de licenciaPort. con orla tip

    Factores socio-económicos que determinan el nivel de industrialización del rubro maíz en el municipio de Jalapa, en el segundo semestre de 2016

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo describir los factores que determinan la industrialización del rubro de maíz para el año 2016 en el municipio de Jalapa tomando en cuenta todo el desempeño de los medianos y pequeños productores. En el informe que a continuación se presenta se describe este sector, entorno y estructura productiva, desempeño competitivo en el mercado nacional y sus posibilidades de ser uno de los principales proveedores de materia prima en el mercado internacional, financiamiento y sobre todo si organizaciones gubernamentales le toman en cuenta para gestionar una empresa procesadora y obtener bienes terminados. Al finalizar el trabajo se pretende formular propuestas como estrategias para el sector después de hecho el análisis recurrente haciendo énfasis en la posibilidad de que organizaciones nacionales o internacionales brinden la debida información a los productores para mejorar sus conocimientos y prácticas de siembra en las producciones de maíz con estrategas industriales y por ende este pueda ser procesado en una planta establecida en este municipio y que directamente pueda mejorar la calidad de vida del municipio como de sus habitantes

    Purification and characterization of an endo-beta-1,6-glucanase from Trichoderma harzianum that is related to its mycoparasitism

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    he enzymes from Trichoderma species that degrade fungal cell walls have been suggested to play an important role in mycoparasitic action against fungal plant pathogens. The mycoparasite Trichoderma harzianum produces at least two extracellular beta-1,6-glucanases, among other hydrolases, when it is grown on chitin as the sole carbon source. One of these extracellular enzymes was purified to homogeneity after adsorption to its substrate, pustulan, chromatofocusing, and, finally, gel filtration. The apparent molecular mass was 43,000, and the isoelectric point was 5.8. The first 15 amino acids from the N terminus of the purified protein have been sequenced. The enzyme was specific for beta-1,6 linkages and showed an endolytic mode of action on pustulan. Further characterization indicated that the enzyme by itself releases soluble sugars and produces hydrolytic halli on yeast cell walls. When combined with other T. harzianum cell wall-degrading enzymes such as beta-1,3-glucanases and chitinases, it hydrolyzes filamentous fungal cell walls. The enzyme acts cooperatively with the latter enzymes, inhibiting the growth of the fungi tested. Antibodies against the purified protein also indicated that the two identified beta-1,6-glucanases are not immunologically related and are probably encoded by two different genesEspaña CICYT BIO91-1078Comunidad Europea TS3-CT92-014

    Predictive Control Applied to a Solar Desalination Plant Connected to a Greenhouse with Daily Variation of Irrigation Water Demand

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    The water deficit in the Mediterranean area is a known matter severely affecting agriculture. One way to avoid the aquifers’ exploitation is to supply water to crops by using thermal desalination processes. Moreover, in order to guarantee long-term sustainability, the required thermal energy for the desalination process can be provided by solar energy. This paper shows simulations for a case study in which a solar multi-effect distillation plant produces water for irrigation purposes. Detailed models of the involved systems are the base of a predictive controller to operate the desalination plant and fulfil the water demanded by the crops

    Measurement uncertainty of geometric parameters in weld beads

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para estimar a incerteza associada à medição dos parâmetros que definem a geometria do cordão de solda, especificamente da área do cordão, de forma a atender à exigência estabelecida pela norma NBR ISO/IEC 17025. A qualidade geométrica dos corpos de prova utilizados durante as medições foi ainda avaliada através da medição dos desvios geométricos de planeza e de perpendicularidade. As seguintes etapas foram propostas e realizadas: identificação dos parâmetros que definem a geometria do cordão de solda; identificação e estudo das variáveis que afetam a medição destes parâmetros; adoção do modelo matemático para estimativa da incerteza de cada parâmetro; planejamento e execução dos experimentos para o levantamento dos dados, cálculo da incerteza e, finalmente, análise e discussão dos resultados. Através da análise dos resultados foi possível concluir que as incertezas provenientes da calibração do sistema de medição e relativa ao desvio de perpendicularidade contribuíram significativamente para a incerteza final. As análises despertaram uma preocupação com relação aos valores permissíveis para o desvio de perpendicularidade dos corpos de prova utilizados durante as medições.This work presents a methodology to estimate the uncertainty associated to the measurement of the weld bead geometric parameters in order to address the requirements of NBR ISO/IEC 17025 Standard. The specimen geometric quality was additionally evaluated through the measurement of flatness and perpendicularity deviations. The following steps were proposed and executed: identification of weld bead geometric parameters; identification and study of the variables that affect measurement of the identified parameters; adoption of a mathematical model to estimate the uncertainty for each parameter; planning and execution of the experiments for data obtaining; uncertainty determination, analysis and discussion of the results. It was concluded that the most important variables influencing the final uncertainty were the uncertainty associated to the measuring system calibration and the perpendicularity deviation. The analysis warned about the permissible values of perpendicularity deviations of specimens used during the measurements

    ARL15 modulates magnesium homeostasis through N-glycosylation of CNNMs

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    Cyclin M (CNNM1-4) proteins maintain cellular and body magnesium (Mg2+) homeostasis. Using various biochemical approaches, we have identified members of the CNNM family as direct interacting partners of ADP-ribosylation factor-like GTPase 15 (ARL15), a small GTP-binding protein. ARL15 interacts with CNNMs at their carboxyl-terminal conserved cystathionine-β-synthase (CBS) domains. In silico modeling of the interaction between CNNM2 and ARL15 supports that the small GTPase specifically binds the CBS1 and CNBH domains. Immunocytochemical experiments demonstrate that CNNM2 and ARL15 co-localize in the kidney, with both proteins showing subcellular localization in the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and the plasma membrane. Most importantly, we found that ARL15 is required for forming complex N-glycosylation of CNNMs. Overexpression of ARL15 promotes complex N-glycosylation of CNNM3. Mg2+ uptake experiments with a stable isotope demonstrate that there is a significant increase of 25Mg2+ uptake upon knockdown of ARL15 in multiple kidney cancer cell lines. Altogether, our results establish ARL15 as a novel negative regulator of Mg2+ transport by promoting the complex N-glycosylation of CNNMs.European Joint Program for Rare Diseases (EJPRD2019-40)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Universities (PGC2018-096049-B-I00)Junta de Andalucía (BIO-198, US-1254317 and US-1257019

    The Histone Chaperones SET/TAF-1β and NPM1 Exhibit Conserved Functionality in Nucleosome Remodeling and Histone Eviction in a Cytochrome c-Dependent Manner

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    Chromatin homeostasis mediates essential processes in eukaryotes, where histone chaperones have emerged as major regulatory factors during DNA replication, repair, and transcription. The dynamic nature of these processes, however, has severely impeded their characterization at the molecular level. Here, fluorescence optical tweezers are applied to follow histone chaperone dynamics in real time. The molecular action of SET/template-activating factor-Iβ and nucleophosmin 1—representing the two most common histone chaperone folds—are examined using both nucleosomes and isolated histones. It is shown that these chaperones present binding specificity for fully dismantled nucleosomes and are able to recognize and disrupt non-native histone-DNA interactions. Furthermore, the histone eviction process and its modulation by cytochrome c are scrutinized. This approach shows that despite the different structures of these chaperones, they present conserved modes of action mediating nucleosome remodeling.Ministerio de Educación y Cultura FPU016/01513European Commission PAIDI-DOCTOR 2020 DOC_00796European Molecular Biology Organization 8541European ARBRE-Mobieu consortium CA15126Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PGC 2018-096049-BI00, PID2021-126663NB-100Junta de Andalucía BIO198, US-1254317, P18-FR-3487, P18HO-409
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