3,680 research outputs found

    The pectoralis minor muscle and shoulder movement-related impairments and pain: Rationale, assessment and management

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    The adaptive shortening or tightness of the pectoralis minor muscle (PMm) is one of the potential biomechanical mechanisms associated with altered scapular alignment at rest and scapular motion during arm elevation (scapular dyskinesis) in patients with shoulder complaints. This masterclass briefly reviews the role of the PMm in shoulder movement-related impairments and provides a critical overview of the assessment of PMm tightness and the conventional approaches to increase its resting length and extensibility. A rehabilitation approach focused on PMm stretching and simultaneous optimization of the kinematic chain of arm elevation is also discussed, hoping to improve the management of shoulder movement-related impairments and pain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intrarater Agreement of Elbow Extension Range of Motion in the Upper Limb Neurodynamic Test 1 Using a Smartphone Application

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    To estimate the intrarater agreement of the Compass application of a smartphone in the assessment of elbow extension range of motion (EE-ROM) at pain onset and maximum tolerable point during the Upper Limb Neurodynamic Test 1 (ULNT1).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mobile collaborative cloudless computing

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    Although the computational power of mobile devices has been increasing, it is still not enough for some classes of applications. In the present, these applications delegate the computing power burden on servers located on the Internet. This model assumes an always-on Internet connectivity and implies a non-negligible latency. The thesis addresses the challenges and contributions posed to the application of a mobile collaborative computing environment concept to wireless networks. The goal is to define a reference architecture for high performance mobile applications. Current work is focused on efficient data dissemination on a highly transitive environment, suitable to many mobile applications and also to the reputation and incentive system available on this mobile collaborative computing environment. For this we are improving our already published reputation/incentive algorithm with knowledge from the usage pattern from the eduroam wireless network in the Lisbon area

    Semantic HMC for Big Data Analysis

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    Analyzing Big Data can help corporations to im-prove their efficiency. In this work we present a new vision to derive Value from Big Data using a Semantic Hierarchical Multi-label Classification called Semantic HMC based in a non-supervised Ontology learning process. We also proposea Semantic HMC process, using scalable Machine-Learning techniques and Rule-based reasoning

    Flexible manufacturing field trial

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    Within the European project R-Fieldbus (http://www.hurray.isep.ipp.pt/activities/rfieldbus/), an industrial manufacturing field trial was developed. This field trial was conceived as a demonstration test bed for the technologies developed during the project. Because the R-Fieldbus field trial included prototype hardware devices, the purpose of this equipment changed and since the conclusion of the project, several new technologies also emerged, therefore an update of the field trial was required. This document describes an update of the manufacturing field trial. The purpose of this update, the changes and improvements introduced are described in the document. Additionally, this document also provides a reliable source of documentation for the equipment, configuration and software components of the manufacturing field trial

    AUV navigation and guidance in a moving acoustic network

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    This paper addresses the navigation and guidance of an AUV operating in a network of moving acoustic beacons. In this network, the vehicle position is obtained from acoustic signals exchanged between the vehicle and the beacons and is computed in a reference frame associated with the moving beacons. The paper describes the operation of the acoustic network, the mission specification and guidance system that computes the references for the vehicle controllers, and the navigation system that produces all the data required by the guidance system

    The impact of fossil fuel divestment on portfolio performance

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    Dissertação de mestrado em FinanceThe fossil fuel divestment movement and its importance on climate change is a recent topic that has been attracting the interest of society. The purpose of this dissertation is to evaluate and compare the financial performance between a portfolio of fossil fuel stocks and a portfolio without fossil fuel stocks from February 2009 to January 2019. To evaluate the performance of the portfolios we use the four-factor model of Carhart (1997). With the objective to overcoming certain limitations of this model, we further evaluate portfolio performance with the conditional model developed by Christopherson, Ferson and Glassman (1998), which allows for time-varying risk and performance. In this model, we use two public information variables that represent the state of the economy. Our results indicate that the investing in a fossil-free portfolio does not penalize investors relative to the benchmark. However, the fossil fuel portfolio outperforms the green portfolio regardless of the model used. Furthermore, we analyze the exposure of each portfolio to the risk factors and observe that the fossil-free portfolio is exposed to small caps.O desinvestimento em combustíveis fosseis e sua importância nas mudanças climáticas é um dos temas da atualidade. O objetivo desta dissertação é comparar o desempenho financeiro de uma carteira constituída apenas com ações de combustíveis fósseis e uma carteira sem ações de combustíveis fosseis para o período de Fevereiro de 2009 a Janeiro de 2019. Para avaliar o desempenho das carteiras, usamos o modelo de quatro fatores desenvolvido por Carhart (1997). Com o objetivo de ultrapassar algumas limitações do modelo anterior, avaliamos ainda o desempenho das carteiras com um modelo condicional desenvolvido por Christopherson, Ferson e Glassman (1998) que assume a variação temporal do risco e desempenho. Neste modelo, utilizamos duas variáveis de informação pública que representam o estado da economia. Os nossos resultados indicam que investir numa carteira sem empresas de combustíveis fósseis não penaliza o desempenho relativamente ao mercado, embora a carteira de combustíveis fósseis tenha um desempenho superior ao da carteira verde em todos os modelos que implementamos. Adicionalmente, observamos a exposição de cada carteira aos fatores de risco, observando-se que a carteira sem empresas de combustíveis fosseis está exposta a empresas de pequena capitalização

    Radial Basis Functions Based Identification of Longitudinal Flight Dynamic Model

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    In the present work two distinct methods for the identification of the longitudinal flight model, in the state-space representation, are presented. Firstly, this dissertation introduces the different steps that lead up to the development and attainment of the flight equations of motion for a generic aircraft. Next, the theoretical background on which both identification methods are based upon is presented. In order to describe the proposed methods a sufficiently generic commercial aircraft is considered, which model is known, so the validation of the proposed concepts may be performed. The results obtained show that both proposed identification methods successfully achieve the model of the chosen aircraft.No presente trabalho são apresentados dois métodos distintos de identificação de modelos de voo longitudinal, na representação no espaço de estados. A dissertação começa por introduzir as diferentes etapas que levam ao desenvolvimento e obtenção das diferentes equações do movimento que regem o voo sob uma forma genérica. Seguidamente apresenta-se a teoria na qual os métodos de identificação assentam. De forma a ilustrar os métodos propostos consideram-se o caso de uma aeronave comercial, suficientemente genérica, com o modelo conhecido de modo a puder validar os conceitos apresentados. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os métodos propostos conseguem identificar com sucesso o modelo da aeronave alvo

    How do we govern metropolitan areas in the Age of Emergencies?

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    As cities grow, their formal boundaries often no longer reflect their true size and influence. Nuno F. da Cruz (LSE) argues that in an age of uncertainty and emergencies, we should pay serious attention to how we re-scale urban governance, and how to do it in a democratic way

    Educação Sexual em contextos heterogéneos : instituições de acolhimento de crianças e jovens de Braga

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    Como outros jovens a viverem com as famílias, os que foram institucionalizados sentem-se agradavelmente melhor, quando encontrem quem mostre interesse por si mesmos e pelo que digam, sem os desvalorizarem de antemão por terem ultrapassado o risco sexual e/ou sofrido assédio, abuso, negligência e/ou maus tratos. Na equipa multidisciplinar da Universidade do Minho – Instituto de Educação, realizamos uma investigação-ação, em Braga, em escolas públicas e instituições religiosas de acolhimento, com ações prescritas de cooperação entre instituições (ação 1): (1) analise/interpretação de espírito de missão/finalidades e crenças, valores e ideologias, presentes nos discursos, nos processos de trabalho formativo/educativo e nos projetos socioeducativos e individuais explícitos (ação 2). No Congresso, iremos apresentar dados iniciais e exploratórios das ações 1 e 2, relativos às instituições de menores. A possível eficácia de intervenções planeadas será explorada, ao longo de 3 anos, por análise de congruências, discrepâncias e da sua superação nessas realidades. Serão consumadas orientações e sugestões a aplicar em organismos religiosos e educativos similares da região (ação 12). Defende-se a capacitação bilateral e dialética (formadores/formandos), com recurso a metodologias diversas e complementares, que pretendemos desenvolver um projeto de Educação Sexual não para todos, esperando-se ir ao encontro de modelos viáveis de educação heterogénea para a sexualidade saudável.Just like other young people living with their families those who have been institutionalized, feel much at ease when they find someone who shows interest for themselves and for what they have to say, without an immediate devaluation due to the fact that they have overcome the sexual risk or suffered abuse or negligence. The team from Universidade do Minho - Instituto de Educação decided to investigate in public schools as well as in religious foster institutions. On our investigation action n.º 1 will deal with analysis/interpretation of the spirit, beliefs, values and ideologies present in discourses and educational work, whereas action n.º 2 will deal with explicit socio educational and individual projects. During this congress exploratory data from actions 1 and 2 will be presented concerning foster institutions. The possible effectiveness of planned interventions will be explored over three years, by analysis of congruencies, discrepancies and the overcoming of these realities. It will be applied guidelines and suggestions to be developed in similar educational and religious bodies in the region (action12). It supports the bilateral and dialectical capability (trainers/ trainees), using different and complementary methodologies. We intend to develop a project for Sex Education that is not for everyone, it is expected to reach the education heterogeneous models viable for healthy sexuality