375 research outputs found

    Chemical composition and anti-diabetic properties of Cytisus multiflorus

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    Bakground and aims: The interest on plants with potential medicinal properties has been increasing worldwide. In the Iberian Peninsula there are some endemic species known by the population for their pharmacologic activity with valorization potential that have not been yet characterized. The white Spanish broom (Cytisus multiflorus) is described as having anti-diabetic effect [1] and in a preliminary the hypoglycemic and hyper-insulinemic effect of an aqueous extract has been shown [2]. The aim of this work was to fractionate and analyse the composition of the aqueous extract of C. multiflorus flowering parts and evaluate its potential as an anti-diabetic agent. Materials and methods: The aqueous extract was primarily fractionated by SPE using water:methanol (W:Me) eluent (a 10% step-wise gradient W:Me from 100:0 to 0:100) followed by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector (HPLC-DAD). The most relevant fraction were analysed by LC-MS to determine the chemical composition. Total fenol content was determined by a modified Folin-Ciocalteau method and the anti-oxidant activity was evaluated by the DPPH mehod. Finally, the hipoglicemic potential was evaluated in vivo using glucose intolerant rats (GIR). Results: Eleven fractions of the bulk extract were obtained. Seven of these fractions (10, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 e 80% Me) were found to have a relevant compounds, mostly flavonoid compounds, namely, rutin (50, 60 and 70% Me fractions), ferrulic acid (30% Me), referred as having hypoglicemic effect. The fractions obtained with 50 and 70% Me showed the highest content in phenol equivalents and the highest anti-oxidant effect were found in the 50 and 60% Me fractions. The 30 and 60% Me fraction had no effect on the post-prandial glicemia. Conclusions: The 30, 50, 60 and 70% Me fractions, due to their chemical composition and anti-oxidant effects were the most promising to have anti-diabetic effect. However, the 30 and 60% Me were found to be ineffective. The 50% Me fraction showed both a high content of flavonoid compounds and the highest anti-oxidant power which suggest that it may constitute the most promising one. The anti-diabetic properties of this fraction should be investigated. [1] Camejo-Rodrigues J. et al. (2003). J. Ethnopharmacol, 89, 199-209 [2] Célia M. Antunes, Laurinda R. Areias, Inês P. Vieira, Ana C. Costa, M. Teresa Tinoco, & Júlio Cruz-Morais (2009). Rev. Fitoterapia 9 (Supl.1): 91

    "Capital Stock and Unemployment: Searching for the Missing Link"

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the proposition that capital stock relative to aggregate output has been an important variable in the determination of the U.S. NAIRU (Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment) over the last four decades. We present new empirical evidence, obtained from the application of the cointegrated VAR methodology to U.S. time-series data, that lends strong support to the claim that the aggregate capital-output ratio, the real price of imports, and aggregate capacity utilization were determinants of the NAIRU in the period considered. The same evidence also shows that technical progress and changes in long-term unemployment did not affect the NAIRU. We believe this evidence suggests that, insofar as the aggregate capital-output ratio is affected by changes in real interest rates, the stance of monetary policy is one determinant of the NAIRU.

    Caracterización de Botrytis cinerea Pers. aislado de las principales zonas productoras de arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum) de la costa peruana

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de FitopatologíaEn la actualidad Botrytis cinerea es la enfermedad de importancia que ataca berries en Perú. Asimismo, es el patógeno que ataca múltiples órganos y en diferentes estados fenológicos de la planta. Por ello las estrategias es la aplicación de diversos ingredientes activos, pero existen reportes sobre ingredientes activos que está generando variabilidad en este patógeno y se desarrolla dentro del mismo campo en el Perú, ya que no están enfocados en su grado de sensibilidad a fungicidas en base a sus grupos químicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la eficacia de siete fungicidas dosis discriminatoria y evaluar la utilidad de diferentes marcadores moleculares para caracterizar su diversidad genética. Se estudiaron, ocho aislamientos de diferentes zonas productoras de arándano que fueron caracterizados morfológicamente y molecularmente mediante análisis filogenético cuatro marcadores. La caracterización morfológica no mostró diferencias entre los aislamientos y la caracterizaron molecularmente mediante amplificación de DNA y la secuencia del gen ITS presentó identifican en el género. Por ello se trabajó con los genes nucleares G3PDH, HSP60 y RPB2 donde se confirmó la identificación de los aislados en estudio como Botrytis cinerea. A nivel in-vitro no se encontró diferencia en medio PDA y MEA para fludioxonil y si se encontró diferencias entre los fungicidas thiofanato-methyl, pyraclostrobin, iprodione y fenhexamid en el uso de medios PDA y MEA, también se encontró una diferencia de sensibilidad en medio YBA en comparación con medio PDA en boscalid y fluopyram.Currently, Botrytis cinerea is a significant disease that affects berries in Peru. It is a pathogen that attacks multiple organs and different phenological stages of the plant. Therefore, strategies involve the application of various active ingredients. However, there are reports of active ingredients that are generating variability in this pathogen within the same field in Peru, as they are not focused on its sensitivity to fungicides based on their chemical groups. The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of seven fungicides at discriminatory doses and evaluate the utility of different molecular markers to characterize its genetic diversity. Eight isolates from different blueberry-producing regions were morphologically and molecularly characterized using phylogenetic analysis of four markers. Morphological characterization did not show differences among the isolates. Molecular characterization was performed by DNA amplification, and the ITS gene sequence showed limitations in genus identification. Therefore, nuclear genes G3PDH, HSP60, and RPB2 were used, confirming the identification of the isolates as Botrytis cinerea. In vitro, no differences were found between PDA and MEA media for fludioxonil, while differences were observed for the fungicides thiofanato-methyl, pyraclostrobin, iprodione, and fenhexamid when using PDA and MEA media. Additionally, a difference in sensitivity was found in YBA medium compared to PDA medium for boscalid and fluopyram

    Motivación académica y autorregulación de entornos virtuales en las competencias docentes de profesores de una institución educativa, Lima 2023

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    Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la incidencia existente entre la Motivación académica y autorregulación de entornos virtuales en las competencias docentes de profesores de una institución educativa, Lima 2023. Responde a un enfoque cuantitativo, aplicando el diseño no experimental y correlacional causal con un corte transversal, atendiéndose a una muestra compuesta por 130 profesores de EBR de los diferentes niveles y redes educativas institucionales de Lima Este. La técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta con su instrumento el cuestionario validado por juicio de expertos y confiabilizados con el Alpha de Cronbach De esta manera, se aplicaron cuestionarios correspondientes a cada variable en formato de respuesta de escala Likert. El análisis estadístico arrojó un coeficiente de Chi cuadrado de 27,271 y p valor= es igual a 0.000, significa aceptación de la hipótesis del investigador, los datos de la variable no son independientes, implica la dependencia de dos variables sobre la otra. En la prueba del pseudo R cuadrado, representa la dependencia de las competencias docentes, en el cual se tiene el R de Nagalkerke, comprometiendo que la variación de competencias docentes depende del 22.8% de la motivación académica y la autorregulación en entornos virtuales. Se concluye que, entre la motivación académica y la autorregulación de entornos virtuales, sólo la segunda variable incide significativamente en las competencias docentes de profesores de una institución educativa

    Inferencia y la lectura como proceso en estudiantes del quinto año de secundaria de la I. E Nº 0045 “San Antonio” – San Juan de Lurigancho – 2018

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    La presente tesis de investigación titulada “Inferencia y la lectura como proceso en estudiantes del quinto año de secundaria de la I. E Nº 0045 “San Antonio” – San Juan de Lurigancho – 2018 ”, tuvo por objetivo Determinar la relación que existe entre la inferencia y la lectura como proceso en los estudiantes de quinto año de secundaria de la I.E. Nº 0045 “ San Antonio” El tipo de investigación fue sustantiva en su nivel descriptivo, correlacionar. El enfoque que presenta es cuantitativo. El diseño de la investigación es no experimental y transversal. La muestra fue constituida por toda la población, el cual se hizo un estudio censal para realizar la medición se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y se aplicó dos instrumentos para recolectar datos que en este caso fue el cuestionario, donde el primero fue para la inferencia y el segundo para la lectura como proceso ambos instrumentos fueron elaborados en base al sustento teórico de los autores. Estos mismos instrumentos fueron previamente validados por tres expertos en la materia y la confiabilidad fue calculada utilizando el análisis de fiabilidad del programa estadístico SPSS 23, siendo el resultado 0,785 en el cuestionario la inferencia y 0,750 en el cuestionario de la lectura como proceso Después de la etapa de recolección y procesamiento de datos, se realizó el correspondiente análisis estadístico, apreciando la existencia de una relación r=0,680 entre las variables: la inferencia y la lectura como proceso. Este grado de correlación indica que la relación entre las dos variables es positiva y tiene un nivel de correlación alta, lo que quiere decir que, al disminuir el valor de una variable, también lo hará la otra y viceversa. En cuanto a la significancia de p=0,000 muestra que p es menor a 0,05 lo que permite señalar que la relación es significativa, por lo tanto, se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alternativa

    Focus Particles in Information Processing: An Experimental Study on Pragmatic Scales with Spanish incluso

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    Focus particles have been one of the spotlights of linguistic research during the last fifty years. They have been studied mainly from a syntactic and semantic perspective, in formal and functional approaches. However, in the last years new insights in this field have been developed through pragmatic and textual approaches. From that perspective, focus particles can be considered as a type of discourse particles, as far as their semantic nature and their pragmatic function are concerned. In this paper, we claim that experiments on text processing may help to support this view: by analyzing eye movements during reading and by testing the effective comprehension of utterances, we can demonstrate the key role of the Spanish scalar additive particle incluso ('even') in the process of information retrieval


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    We study iteration maps of difference equations arising from mutation periodic quivers of arbitrary period. Combining tools from cluster algebra theory and presymplectic geometry, we show that these cluster iteration maps can be reduced to symplectic maps on a lower dimensional submanifold, provided the matrix representing the quiver is singular. The reduced iteration map is explicitly computed for several periodic quivers using either the presymplectic reduction or a Poisson reduction via log-canonical Poisson structures

    Efeito Hipoglicemiante de um Extracto Aquoso de Cytisus multiflorus

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    Efeito Hipoglicemiante de um Extracto Aquoso de Cytisus multiflorus I. P. Vieira1, A. C. Costa1,2, D. M. Teixeira1,2,3, C. M. Antunes1,4 & J. Cruz-Morais1,2 1Departamento de Química; 2Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânicas (ICAAM), 3Laboratório Hércules, Universidade de Évora, Largo dos Colegiais 2, 7000 Évora; 4Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular (CNC), Universidade de Coimbra, 3004-517 Coimbra; [email protected] Actualmente o interesse pelas plantas medicinais tem vindo a aumentar pois estas apresentam diversas actividades farmacológicas, entre as quais se inclui o efeito anti-diabético. A flora nativa portuguesa inclui várias plantas às quais se atribuem propriedades hipoglicemiantes, sem que estas tenham, no entanto, sido ainda cientificamente demonstradas. O objectivo deste trabalho foi estudar a possível acção hipoglicemiante de Cytisus multiflorus, uma planta da flora portuguesa tradicionalmente usada como agente etnofarmacológico no tratamento da diabetes. O efeito do extracto aquoso de C. multiflorus foi avaliado em roedores que apresentaram anomalias das curvas de tolerância à glicose oral, seleccionados duma colónia de ratos Wistar. Com este ensaio, determinaram-se as insulinemias pós-prandiais e foram avaliados alguns indicadores serológicos e histológicos de toxicidade [1]. Em resposta a este tratamento com o extracto de C. multiflorus, observou-se uma diminuição significativa das glicemias pós-prandiais dependente da dose. Observou-se também, um aumento dependente da dose das insulinemias pós-prandiais. Deste modo, o extracto aquoso teve um efeito hipoglicemiante, provavelmente devido à estimulação da secreção de insulina, comprovando-se a sua validade como agente etnofarmacológico para o controlo da diabetes tipo 2 [1]. Perante estas evidências, procedeu-se ao fraccionamento do extracto de C. multiflorus, de forma a caracterizá-lo e a identificar as principais famílias de compostos nele presentes. Além disso, pretende-se também avaliar in vitro a potencial acção das fracções, identificando assim a(s) fracção(ões) activa(s) no controlo da diabetes tipo 2. Futuramente, estas fracções irão ser testadas em linhas celulares secretoras de insulina (BRIN-BD11) e/ou estudos in vivo, para avaliar o possível efeito insulinotrópico bem como os mecanismos de acção do extracto. Uma vez identificadas as fracções activas, proceder-se-á à identificação dos principais princípios activos que possam ser responsáveis pela actividade hipoglicemiante e/ou insulinotrópica, utilizando técnicas analíticas como Cromatografia Líquida de Elevada Eficiência (HPLC) com detecção de Diode Array (HPLC-DAD) e de Espectrometria de Massa (LC-MS). [1] C.M. Antunes, L.R. Areias, I.P. Vieira, A.C. Costa, M.T. Tinoco, & J. Cruz-Morais (2009). Rev. Fitoterapia 9 (Supl.1): 91 (Abstract)

    Education and Training of Nurses Who Work in Interventional Radiology Services A Special Way to do it

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    Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a pioneering Master's program in bridging the educational gap for nurses in Interventional Radiology (IR). Developed by the University of Zaragoza's research group in Image-Guided Minimally Invasive Techniques and supported by professional societies, the program aims to provide comprehensive training, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills, to meet the increasing demand for specialized nursing care in IR. Materials and Methods: This study involves a Master's program offering a blend of theoretical and practical training, including the use of animal models and simulators. The program is evaluated based on enrollment data, satisfaction rates, and the practical applicability of the training. A total of 62 nurses from across Spain participated in the program, which includes 62 ECTS credits. Surveys assessed theoretical content, practical skills, and overall satisfaction, with a focus on the program's ability to meet educational expectations and its relevance to professional development in clinical settings. Conclusion: The Master's program has demonstrated significant effectiveness in addressing the educational needs of nurses in the specialized field of IR. With an overall satisfaction rate of over 90% and a high rate of applicability of learned skills to professional practice, the program underscores the need for specialized training in nursing education. The findings advocate for the active involvement of nursing faculties, health administration, and professional societies in promoting specialized nursing training. This approach not only enhances the professional development of nurses but also promises to improve patient care outcomes and the efficiency of the health system. Future research should focus on the long-term impact of such programs and the expansion of specialized training to other areas of emerging healthcare needs

    Plan acción seguridad e higiene en centros de alojamiento de turistas en tiempo de post COVID-19

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    Tourist accommodation establishments today more than ever must offer practical guidelines for vigilance and protection during the stay due to the inevitable interaction between employees and guests in this new normality. The purpose of the study was to propose an Action Plan focused on safety and hygiene in tourist accommodation centers in post COVID-19 times. The study was configured within the quantitative approach, of a descriptive projective type, with an intentional sample of 53 people working in the lodging. The instrument implemented was PRESEHI-21 created by the researcher, with a likert scale of 25 items, validated by expert judgment and high reliability. The results showed a low and moderate safety and hygiene to prevent the risks of contagion of the COVID-19 virus. Demonstrating the need for a guide or plan to facilitate compliance with safety and hygiene standards in the lodging center. Concluding that the action plan focused on safety and hygiene in tourist accommodation centers is a tool whose actions allow to improve and control the processes in terms of safeguarding and caring for the health of those who are working and enjoying the facilities.Los establecimientos de alojamiento de turistas hoy más que nunca deben de ofrecer orientaciones prácticas de vigilancia y protección durante la estancia debido a la inevitable interacción entre empleados y huéspedes en esta nueva normalidad. El propósito del estudio fue proponer un Plan acción centrado en la seguridad e higiene en centros de alojamiento de turistas en tiempos de post COVID-19. El estudio se configuró dentro del enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo proyectivo, contando con una muestra intencional de 53 personas que laboran en el alojamiento. El instrumento implementado fue PRESEHI-21 creado por la investigadora, con una escala de likert de 25 ítems, se validó mediante el juicio de expertos y una confiabilidad alta. Los resultados evidenciaron una baja y moderada seguridad e higiene para prevenir los riesgos de contagio del virus COVID-19. Demostrando la necesidad de una guía o plan que facilite el cumplimiento de normas de seguridad e higiene en el centro de alojamiento. Concluyendo que el Plan acción centrado en la seguridad e higiene en centros de alojamiento de turistas es una herramienta cuyas acciones permiten mejorar y controlar los procesos en función al resguardo, cuidado de la salud de quienes se encuentran laborando y disfrutando de las instalaciones