1,046 research outputs found

    Calidad de la información sobre cambio climático en la prensa española

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    The environment, subject to the convenience of the economy and policy. Diagnosis of information through news sources

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    Este trabajo estudia cómo la prensa transmite a la sociedad un tema de gran sensibilidad: el medio ambiente; un asunto con muchas vertientes, a menudo contradictorias. Los contenidos periodísticos están determinados por fuentes informativas. Caracterizar las que se utilizan en las noticias ambientales proporciona una radiografía de cómo sus sectores e intereses delimitan los conocimientos a los que accede la sociedad, lo que exige un análisis desde los parámetros de un periodismo de calidad. Se han escogido dos temas que cubren facetas genuinamente conservacionistas y otras de proyección económica: Doñana y la política energética, motivo de importantes movimientos sociales.Lan honek aztertzen du nola transmititzen duen prentsak sentikortasun handiko gai bat: ingurugiroa; ertz asko –kasu askotan kontraesankorrak– dituen kontua. Informazio-iturriek mugatu egiten dituzte informazio-edukiak. Ingurugiroari buruzko albisteetan erabilitako iturriak ezaugarritu eta zerrendatzeak eskaintzen du erradiografia bat, non ikusten baita beraren sektoreak eta interesak eragina dutela gizarteak ezagutzara duen sarbidean, eta horrek berak argi erakusten du kalitatearen parametroen araberako analisia egin behar dela ingurugiroari buruzko informazioaren gainean. Lan honetan, arlo kontserbazionista hutsak eta proiekzio ekonomikodunak biltzen dituzten gai bi hautatu dira: Doñana eta politika energetikoa; gizarte-mugimendu esanguratsuak abiarazi dituzte biek ahala biek.This study examines how the media communicate to society a sensitive subject: the environment; an issue with many aspects, often contradictory. News are determined by information sources. Characterize those used in environmental news provides a snapshot of how their sectors and interests define the knowledge assumed by society, which requires an analysis from the parameters of quality journalism. We have chosen two topics with important social movements: a genuinely conservationist topic, Doñana, and an economic topic, energy policy

    Biological and Biochemical Bases of Pesticides Resistance in Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus

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    Several arthropod species are important vectors of pathogens that cause disease in humans, animals, and plants, including protozoa, nematodes, bacteria, and viruses. Arthropods are also pests competing with humans for food and parasitize farm animals, decreasing their productivity. Historically, arthropod pests and disease vectors affecting public health, crop yields, and livestock production have been managed through the intensive use of pesticides. The widespread use of pesticides is a major problem because most of the economically important arthropod species have developed resistance to currently used pesticides. The impact of pesticide resistance is multifactorial and involves losses due to the heavy use of pesticides, environmental pollution, decreased profitability, food contamination, and public health problems due to pesticide exposure. An indirect consequence of pesticide resistance is the mortality caused by arthropod-borne diseases such as dengue and malaria in humans and babesiosis and anaplasmosis in cattle. The understanding of molecular mechanisms and adaptations to resistance in arthropods is an important issue. However, the molecular mechanisms of pesticide resistance remain to be fully understood. Understanding of resistance mechanisms will contribute significantly to improve integrated managements programs and to discover new targets for vaccine development to mitigate the effects of pesticide-resistant arthropods on agriculture and public health

    Mujer y tradición : artesanía e identidad : tradición, diseño e innovación.

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    6 hojas.El documento, más que referirse a las particularidades de las comunidades artesanales de nuestro país, está orientado a suscitar una reflexión sobre su problemática y a plantear unas propuestas de solución, entre las cuales la innovación de productos y el diseño revisten singular importancia. (Apartes del texto).Antecedentes -- Mujer y tradición -- Diseño e innovación -- Recomendaciones -- Componentes prioritarios para un programa de fortalecimiento del sector artesanal

    Niveles de responsabilidad y conducta prosocial en niñas y niños de 9 a 11 años de edad

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    El presente trabajo ha tenido como propósito medir los niveles de responsabilidad y conducta prosocial en niños y niñas en edades de 9 a 11 años en las instituciones educativas: CEBCI, San Roque y Luis Cordero ubicadas en el cantón Cuenca, Provincia del Azuay. Para cumplir con los objetivos planteados y dar respuesta a las preguntas de investigación, se aplicaron dos cuestionario: PB Cuestionario de Conducta Prosocial, ProsocialBehaviorScale (CP) Caprara y Pastorelli, 1993; Del Barrio, Moreno y López, 2001) CSRQ, Cuestionario de Responsabilidad. The Contextual Self-ResponsibilityQuestionnaire (CSRQ) Watson, Newton, Kim (2003) aplicados a 284 estudiantes cuyas edades oscilan entre los 9 y 11 años. Como resultado de la presente investigación se cumplió en gran escala las preguntas de investigación planteada de tal modo que la Conducta prosocial, pronostica positivamente la Responsabilidad. Frente a la manifestación de estos resultados se espera continuar utilizando estos instrumentos con diferentes muestras.The following document has the objective of qualify and measure the responsibility levels and the pro-social behaviors of children of 9 to 11 years old in these educational institutions: CEBCI, San Roque and Luis Cordero, located in Cuenca, in the Azuay province. To fulfill the objectives and answer the research questions, we apply two different questionnaires: PB Cuestionario de ConductaProsocial, Prosocial Behavior Scale (CP) Caprara y Pastorelli, 1993; Del Barrio, Moreno y Lopez, 2001) CSRQ, Cuestionario de Responsabilidad. The Contextual Self-Responsibility Questionnaire (CSRQ) Watson, Newton, Kim (2003). These questionnaires were answered by 284 students with ages between 9 and 11. As a result of this research we completed a large scale of questions posed in such way that the pro-social behavior positively forecast Responsibility. Because of these results we expected to continue the use of these instruments with different samples.Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación en la Especialización de Psicología EducativaCuenc

    La participación de la creatividad en los procesos de apropiación de lo real

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    The aim of this work is to argue that creativity is given in all forms of consciousness and that could open new perspectives in the research of the processes of formation of subjects. The most important result is that all the forms of consciousness have an enormous diversity of referents of the different modes of appropriation of the real, they are provided of imagination and critical capacity and only in the artistic consciousness creativity is condition for its existence.El objetivo de este trabajo es argumentar que la creatividad se da en todas las formas de conciencia y que esto puede abrir nuevas perspectivas en la investigación de los procesos de formación de sujetos. El resultado más importante es que todas las formas de conciencia disponen de una enorme cantidad de referentes de diferentes modos de apropiación de lo real, están dotadas de imaginación y capacidad crítica y sólo en la conciencia artística la creatividad es condición para su existencia

    Developmental changes and novelties in ceratophryid frogs

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    The Neotropical frog genera Ceratophrys, Chacophrys and Lepidobatrachus form the monophyletic family Ceratophryidae. Although in- and out-group relationships are not fully resolved, the monophyly of the three genera is well supported by both morphological and molecular data. Much is known about the morphology of the ceratophryids, but there is little comparative information on how modification of a common ancestral developmental pathway played a role in shaping their particular body plans. Herein, we review morphological variation during ceratophryid ontogeny in order to explore the role of development in their evolution. The ceratophryids are collectively characterized by rapid larval development with respect to other anurans, yet the three genera differ in their postmetamorphic growth rates to sexual maturity. Derived traits in the group can be divided into many homoplastic features that evolved in parallel with those of anurans with fossorial/burrowing behaviors in semiarid environments, and apomorphies. Morphological novelties have evolved in their feeding mechanism, which makes them capable of feeding on exceptional large prey. Lepidobatrachus is unusual in having reduced the ecomorphological differences between its larvae and adults. As a result, both the larvae and the frog are similarly able to capture large prey underwater. Some unique features in Lepidobatrachus are differentiated in the tadpole and then exaggerated in the adult (e.g., the posterior displaced jaw articulation) in a manner unobserved in any other anurans.Fil: Fabrezi, Marissa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA; ArgentinaFil: Quinzio, Silvia Inés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA; ArgentinaFil: Goldberg, Francisco Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA; ArgentinaFil: Cruz, Julio Cesar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA; ArgentinaFil: Chuliver Pereyra, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA; ArgentinaFil: Wassersug, Richard J.. Dalhousie University Halifax; Canad

    Un viaje virtual por los Clubes de Lectura

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    Nowadays, the importance of Internet in the librarian world cannot be denied. Each time the number of services offered by libraries in the web is bigger, and literacy promoting activities are one of the aspects which is suffering this increase. We have tried to analyze the presence in the web of book clubs in Spanish public libraries, with the aim of knowing how they are developping, and trying to know if at the present a virtual service can substitute a presencial one. This can seem in contradiction with the own nature of this activity, where a book is just a pretext to get in contact with other people. Taking all this into account, we have located and studied the web pages of public libraies, and we have found diferent realities: very active web pages and others with just testimonial information

    Conocimientos y actitudes sobre sexualidad en adolescentes de primer curso de Grado en Educación Infantil y Primaria de la Universidad de Jaén

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    Introduction: Both teen pregnancy and the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections in this population is a health problem of great importance. Framing adolescent and sexuality, studies indicate high frequencies in risky behaviours and poor knowledge about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases.Objective: To describe the knowledge and attitudes about adolescent sexuality of First Degree in Education at University of Jaén.Method: The information was collected through an anonymous, voluntary, self-administered questionnaire, which was applied to a non-random convenience sample of 151 subjects First Degree in Early Childhood and Primary at the University of Jaén.Results: 118 reported having had sex with penetration, being these significant differences between girls and boys (p = .034), as well as for masturbation regarding sex (96% men vs. 19% women). They are the women who practice more fellatio (p = .031), but these sexual practices are carried out with partner (p = .01), boys are who have higher alcohol consumption prior to intercourse (p =. 021) and higher number of sexual partners (p = .026). They are still women who identify, greater proportion, the papilloma as STD (p = .02). And 27.7% is who known dual method of contraception.Conclusions: Three quarters of the sample had sex, and most have sex in the currently, using contraception to prevent pregnancy. Rating this together with a deficit of knowledge of the dual method contraceptive (a quarter of the total) and sexually transmitted infections, leads us to think that is necessary sex education for these teens.Objetivo: Conocer los conocimientos y actitudes sobre sexualidad en los adolescentes de primero de Grado en Educación de la Universidad de Jaén.Material y Método: Los datos se recogieron a través de un cuestionario anónimo, voluntario y autocumplimentado, el cual se aplicó a una muestra no probabilística por conveniencia de 151 sujetos estudiantes de primer curso de Grado en Educación Infantil y Primaria de la Universidad de Jaén.Resultados: 118 manifiestan haber mantenido relaciones sexuales con penetración, siendo estas diferencias significativas entre chicas y chicos (p=.034), al igual que para la masturbación en cuanto al sexo (96% de los hombres frente a 19% de las mujeres). También son las mujeres las que practican más el fellatio (p=.031), pero estas prácticas sexuales las realizan con la pareja (p=.01), siendo los chicos los que presentan mayor consumo de alcohol previo al coito (p=.021) y mayor número de parejas sexuales (p=.026). Siguen siendo ellas las que identifican en mayor proporción el papiloma como ITS (p=.02). Y el 27,7% del total conocen el doble método anticonceptivo.Conclusión: Tres cuartas partes de la muestra han mantenido relaciones coitales haciendo uso de anticonceptivos para evitar el embarazo. Valorando esto junto con un escaso conocimiento del doble método (una cuarta parte del total) y de las infecciones de transmisión sexual, nos lleva a pensar como materia necesaria la educación sexual para estos adolescentes

    Analysis of ASD Classrooms: Specialised Open Classrooms in the Community of Madrid.

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) classrooms are specialised spaces within mainstream schools that respond to the educational needs of students with autism spectrum disorder. This research aims to analyse ASD classrooms in the Community of Madrid, their features and internal functioning. The research follows a non-experimental, descriptive and comparative methodology, making a comparison between di erent classrooms and analysing their impact on the teaching-learning process of students with ASD. The variables refer to the physical environment, the characteristics of the children, training of professionals and collaboration with other organisations. The data was gathered using a questionnaire in digital format, collecting responses from 35 schools, using quantitative techniques to relate variables. The results show that most classrooms have a structured organisation that meet the needs of the students, who are generally diagnosed with moderate severity. Furthermore, the relationship between the teachers of ASD classrooms and the mainstream classrooms promotes inclusive educational practice. Finally, it was found that ASD classrooms o er many benefits, due to the personalised attention they provide and the specialised training of teachers.post-print4181 K
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