1,338 research outputs found

    High sensitivity phonon-mediated kinetic inductance detector with combined amplitude and phase read-out

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    The development of wide-area cryogenic light detectors with good energy resolution is one of the priorities of next generation bolometric experiments searching for rare interactions, as the simultaneous read-out of the light and heat signals enables background suppression through particle identification. Among the proposed technological approaches for the phonon sensor, the naturally-multiplexed Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) stand out for their excellent intrinsic energy resolution and reproducibility. To satisfy the large surface requirement (several cm2^2) KIDs are deposited on an insulating substrate that converts the impinging photons into phonons. A fraction of phonons is absorbed by the KID, producing a signal proportional to the energy of the original photons. The potential of this technique was proved by the CALDER project, that reached a baseline resolution of 154±\pm7 eV RMS by sampling a 2×\times2 cm2^2 Silicon substrate with 4 Aluminum KIDs. In this paper we present a prototype of Aluminum KID with improved geometry and quality factor. The design improvement, as well as the combined analysis of amplitude and phase signals, allowed to reach a baseline resolution of 82±\pm4 eV by sampling the same substrate with a single Aluminum KID

    New application of superconductors: high sensitivity cryogenic light detectors

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    In this paper we describe the current status of the CALDER project, which is developing ultra-sensitive light detectors based on superconductors for cryogenic applications. When we apply an AC current to a superconductor, the Cooper pairs oscillate and acquire kinetic inductance, that can be measured by inserting the superconductor in a LC circuit with high merit factor. Interactions in the superconductor can break the Cooper pairs, causing sizable variations in the kinetic inductance and, thus, in the response of the LC circuit. The continuous monitoring of the amplitude and frequency modulation allows to reconstruct the incident energy with excellent sensitivity. This concept is at the basis of Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs), that are characterized by natural aptitude to multiplexed read-out (several sensors can be tuned to different resonant frequencies and coupled to the same line), resolution of few eV, stable behavior over a wide temperature range, and ease in fabrication. We present the results obtained by the CALDER collaboration with 2x2 cm2 substrates sampled by 1 or 4 Aluminum KIDs. We show that the performances of the first prototypes are already competitive with those of other commonly used light detectors, and we discuss the strategies for a further improvement

    Characterization of the KID-Based Light Detectors of CALDER

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    The aim of the Cryogenic wide-Area Light Detectors with Excellent Resolution (CALDER) project is the development of light detectors with active area of 5×55\times5 cm2^2 and noise energy resolution smaller than 20 eV RMS, implementing phonon-mediated kinetic inductance detectors. The detectors are developed to improve the background suppression in large-mass bolometric experiments such as CUORE, via the double read-out of the light and the heat released by particles interacting in the bolometers. In this work, we present the characterization of the first light detectors developed by CALDER. We describe the analysis tools to evaluate the resonator parameters (resonant frequency and quality factors) taking into account simultaneously all the resonance distortions introduced by the read-out chain (as the feed-line impedance and its mismatch) and by the power stored in the resonator itself. We detail the method for the selection of the optimal point for the detector operation (maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio). Finally, we present the response of the detector to optical pulses in the energy range of 0-30 keV

    Unravelling cellular mechanisms of stem cell senescence: An aid from natural bioactive molecules

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    Cellular senescence plays a role in the onset of age-related pathologies and in the loss of tissue homeostasis. Natural compounds of food or plants exert an important antioxidant activity, counteracting the formation of harmful free radicals. In the presence of an intense stressing event, cells activate specific responses to counteract senescence or cell death. In the present paper, we aimed at evaluating the levels of expression of specific markers of senescence, in order to demonstrate that extracts from Myrtus Communis L. can prevent premature senescence in ADSCs exposed to oxidative stress. Cells were cultured in the presence of Myrtus extracts for 12–24 and 48 h and then incubated with H2O2 to induce senescence. We then evaluated the expression of senescence-related markers p16, p19, p21, p53, TERT, c-Myc, and the senescence-associated β-Galactoidase activity. Our results showed that pre-treatment with Myrtus extracts protects cells from premature senescence, by regulating the cell cycle, and inducing the expression of TERT and c-Myc. These findings suggest a potential application of these natural compounds in the prevention and treatment of various diseases, counteracting premature senescence and preserving tissue functions

    Energy resolution and efficiency of phonon-mediated Kinetic Inductance Detectors for light detection

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    The development of sensitive cryogenic light detectors is of primary interest for bolometric experiments searching for rare events like dark matter interactions or neutrino-less double beta decay. Thanks to their good energy resolution and the natural multiplexed read-out, Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) are particularly suitable for this purpose. To efficiently couple KIDs-based light detectors to the large crystals used by the most advanced bolometric detectors, active surfaces of several cm2^2 are needed. For this reason, we are developing phonon-mediated detectors. In this paper we present the results obtained with a prototype consisting of four 40 nm thick aluminum resonators patterned on a 2×\times2 cm2^2 silicon chip, and calibrated with optical pulses and X-rays. The detector features a noise resolution σE=154±7\sigma_E=154\pm7 eV and an (18±\pm2)%\% efficiency.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Geometric transport along circular orbits in stationary axisymmetric spacetimes

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    Parallel transport along circular orbits in orthogonally transitive stationary axisymmetric spacetimes is described explicitly relative to Lie transport in terms of the electric and magnetic parts of the induced connection. The influence of both the gravitoelectromagnetic fields associated with the zero angular momentum observers and of the Frenet-Serret parameters of these orbits as a function of their angular velocity is seen on the behavior of parallel transport through its representation as a parameter-dependent Lorentz transformation between these two inner-product preserving transports which is generated by the induced connection. This extends the analysis of parallel transport in the equatorial plane of the Kerr spacetime to the entire spacetime outside the black hole horizon, and helps give an intuitive picture of how competing "central attraction forces" and centripetal accelerations contribute with gravitomagnetic effects to explain the behavior of the 4-acceleration of circular orbits in that spacetime.Comment: 33 pages ijmpd latex article with 24 eps figure

    Comparative analysis between subjective and instrumental quality assessment through advanced technology: a pilot study on tennis serve

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    The purpose of this study in the first instance is to evaluate objectively, with data provided by latest-generation inertial sensors, the dynamic qualities of the technical-sporting gestures such as serve in tennis. Furthermore, the possible correlation between the aforementioned data and the evaluation monitoring of the specialized technical staff (Italian Tennis Federation qualified Coach) was assessed, in essence, a comparison between objective instrumental data and quality technical analysis. The study is not based on probative statistical numbers, five athletes, but the interest of the research is focused on establishing the validity, reliability and reproducibility of the information deriving from the acquisition with inertial instrumentation in the sport of tennis. The work seemed useful also by virtue of the fact that in the literature not many works have been produced on the subject at the moment, and in any case not with the latest technologies as in our case (K-Track, K-Sport Universal, Stats Perform, Montecchio PU, Italy). As mentioned, the research took into consideration the technical fundamental of the serve, an element that has taken on more and more importance in modern tennis in the achievement of the point and therefore in the result of the game. The serve is the stroke that marks the beginning of each point and that can influence the continuance of the same. Moreover, due to the speed of the surfaces of the fields and the game, the serve became in effect a substantial percentage of the final victory of the match. This is the basic motivation that led us to analyse this fundamental and its biomechanical composition, however, highlighting those elements that best qualify the gesture in a performative sense, trying to establish parameters that can be considered helpful for the technical staff and for the tennis player,in order to improve their performance. Keywords: IMU, tennis serve, comparative analysis, technical evaluation, professional evaluation, physical dat

    Stem cells and physical energies: can we really drive stem cell fate?

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    Adult stem cells are undifferentiated elements able to self-renew or differentiate to maintain tissue integrity. Within this context, stem cells are able to divide in a symmetric fashion, feature characterising all the somatic cells, or in an asymmetric way, which leads daughter cells to different fates. It is worth highlighting that cell polarity have a critical role in regulating stem cell asymmetric division and the proper control of cell division depends on different proteins involved in cell development, differentiation and maintenance of tissue homeostasis. Moreover, the interaction between cells and the extracellular matrix are crucial in influencing cell behavior, included in terms of mechanical properties as cytoskeleton plasticity and remodelling, and membrane tension. Finally, the activation of specific transcriptional program and epigenetic modifications contributes to cell fate determination, through modulation of cellular signalling cascades. It is well known that physical and mechanical stimuli are able to influence biological systems, and in this context, the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have already shown a considerable role, even though there is a lack of knowledge and much remains to be done around this topic. In this review, we summarize the historical background of EMFs applications and the main molecular mechanism involved in cellular remodelling, with particular attention to cytoskeleton elasticity and cell polarity, required for driving stem cell behavior