644 research outputs found

    Electron-impact ionization of atomic hydrogen at 2 eV above threshold

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    The convergent close-coupling method is applied to the calculation of fully differential cross sections for ionization of atomic hydrogen by 15.6 eV electrons. We find that even at this low energy the method is able to yield predictive results with small uncertainty. As a consequence we suspect that the experimental normalization at this energy is approximately a factor of two too high.Comment: 10 page

    Helicobacter pylori-Induced Histone Modification, Associated Gene Expression in Gastric Epithelial Cells, and Its Implication in Pathogenesis

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    Histone modifications are critical in regulating gene expression, cell cycle, cell proliferation, and development. Relatively few studies have investigated whether Helicobacter pylori, the major cause of human gastric diseases, affects histone modification. We therefore investigated the effects of H. pylori infection on histone modifications in a global and promoter-specific manner in gastric epithelial cells. Infection of gastric epithelial cells by wild-type H. pylori induced time- and dose-dependent dephosphorylation of histone H3 at serine 10 (H3 Ser10) and decreased acetylation of H3 lysine 23, but had no effects on seven other specific modifications. Different cag pathogenicity island (PAI)-containing-clinical isolates showed similar abilities to induce H3 Ser10 dephosphorylation. Mutation of cagA, vacA, nonphosphorylateable CagA mutant cagAEPISA, or disruption of the flagella showed no effects, while deletion of the entire cagPAI restored the H3 Ser10 phosphorylation to control levels. Analysis of 27 cagPAI mutants indicated that the genes that caused H3 Ser10 dephosphorylation were similar to those that were previously found to induce interleukin-8, irrespective of CagA translocation. This effect was independent of ERK or p38 pathways and type I interferon signaling. Additionally, c-Jun and hsp70 gene expression was associated with this histone modification. These results demonstrate that H. pylori alters histone modification and host response via a cagA-, vacA-independent, but cagPAI-dependent mechanisms, which contribute to its persistent infection and pathogenesis

    Functional Transplant of a Dengue Virus Serotype 3 (DENV3)-Specific Human Monoclonal Antibody Epitope into DENV1

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    ABSTRACT The four dengue virus (DENV) serotypes, DENV1 through 4, are endemic throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world. While first infection confers long-term protective immunity against viruses of the infecting serotype, a second infection with virus of a different serotype carries a greater risk of severe dengue disease, including dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. Recent studies demonstrate that humans exposed to DENV infections develop neutralizing antibodies that bind to quaternary epitopes formed by the viral envelope (E) protein dimers or higher-order assemblies required for the formation of the icosahedral viral envelope. Here we show that the quaternary epitope target of the human DENV3-specific neutralizing monoclonal antibody (MAb) 5J7 can be partially transplanted into a DENV1 strain by changing the core residues of the epitope contained within a single monomeric E molecule. MAb 5J7 neutralized the recombinant DENV1/3 strain in cell culture and was protective in a mouse model of infection with the DENV1/3 strain. However, the 5J7 epitope was only partially recreated by transplantation of the core residues because MAb 5J7 bound and neutralized wild-type (WT) DENV3 better than the DENV1/3 recombinant. Our studies demonstrate that it is possible to transplant a large number of discontinuous residues between DENV serotypes and partially recreate a complex antibody epitope, while retaining virus viability. Further refinement of this approach may lead to new tools for measuring epitope-specific antibody responses and new vaccine platforms. IMPORTANCE Dengue virus is the most important mosquito-borne pathogen of humans worldwide, with approximately one-half the world's population living in regions where dengue is endemic. Dengue immunity following infection is robust and thought to be conferred by antibodies raised against the infecting virus. However, the specific viral components that these antibodies recognize and how they neutralize the virus have been incompletely described. Here we map a region on dengue virus serotype 3 recognized by the human neutralizing antibody 5J7 and then test the functional significance of this region by transplanting it into a serotype 1 virus. Our studies demonstrate a region on dengue virus necessary for 5J7 binding and neutralization. Our work also demonstrates the technical feasibility of engineering dengue viruses to display targets of protective antibodies. This technology can be used to develop new dengue vaccines and diagnostic assays

    Spleen Tyrosine Kinase (Syk) Mediates IL-1β Induction by Primary Human Monocytes during Antibody-enhanced Dengue Virus Infection

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    Approximately 500,000 people are hospitalized with severe dengue illness annually. Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of dengue virus (DENV) infection is believed to contribute to the pathogenic cytokine storm described in severe dengue patients, but the precise signaling pathways contributing to elevated cytokine production are not elucidated. IL-1β is a potent inflammatory cytokine that is frequently elevated during severe dengue, and the unique dual regulation of IL-1β provides an informative model to study ADE-induced cytokines. This work utilizes patient-derived anti-DENV mAbs and primary human monocytes to study ADE-induced IL-1β and other cytokines. ADE of DENV serotype 2 (DENV-2) elevates mature IL-1β secretion by monocytes independent of DENV replication by 4 h postinoculation (hpi). Prior to this, DENV immune complexes activate spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) within 1 hpi. Syk induces elevated IL1B, TNF, and IL6 mRNA by 2 hpi. Syk mediates elevated IL-1β secretion by activating ERK1/2, and both Syk and ERK1/2 inhibitors ablated ADE-induced IL-1β secretion. Maturation of pro-IL-1β during ADE requires caspase-1 and NLRP3, but caspase-1 is suboptimally increased by ADE and can be significantly enhanced by a typical inflammasome agonist, ATP. Importantly, this inflammatory Syk-ERK signaling axis requires DENV immune complexes, because DENV-2 in the presence of serotype-matched anti-DENV-2 mAb, but not anti-DENV-1 mAb, activates Syk, ERK, and IL-1β secretion. This study provides evidence that DENV-2 immune complexes activate Syk to mediate elevated expression of inflammatory cytokines. Syk and ERK may serve as new therapeutic targets for interfering with ADE-induced cytokine expression during severe dengue

    Dengue virus envelope protein domain I/II hinge determines long-lived serotype-specific dengue immunity

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    Dengue virus is the most important arthropod-borne viral disease of humans worldwide, with an estimated 390 million acute infections annually. The best means to control this global health threat is a vaccine, but dengue vaccine development has progressed slowly, partly because the antigenic targets required to stimulate long-term immunity are not well-defined. Here, we show a specific region on the viral surface (the envelope domain I/II hinge) that is the target of protective antibodies after primary human infections. These results are critically important for dengue vaccine design, because we hypothesize that a successful dengue vaccine will stimulate antibodies that target this region. More broadly, this study establishes a template for similar approaches for improving vaccines for influenza, HIV, hepatitis C virus, and other clinically important viral pathogens

    Endurance, resistance and resilience in the South African health care system: case studies to demonstrate mechanisms of coping within a constrained system

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    BACKGROUND: South Africa is at present undertaking a series of reforms to transform public health services to make them more effective and responsive to patient and provider needs. A key focus of these reforms is primary care and its overburdened, somewhat dysfunctional and hierarchical nature. This comparative case study examines how patients and providers respond in this system and cope with its systemic demands through mechanisms of endurance, resistance and resilience, using coping and agency literatures as the theoretical lenses. METHODS: As part of a larger research project carried out between 2009 and 2010, this study conducted semi-structured interviews and observations at health facilities in three South African provinces. This study explored patient experiences of access to health care, in particular, ways of coping and how health care providers cope with the health care system’s realities. From this interpretive base, four cases (two patients, two providers) were selected as they best informed on endurance, resistance and resilience. Some commentary from other respondents is added to underline the more ubiquitous nature of these coping mechanisms. RESULTS: The cases of four individuals highlight the complexity of different forms of endurance and passivity, emotion- and problem-based coping with health care interactions in an overburdened, under-resourced and, in some instances, poorly managed system. Patients’ narratives show the micro-practices they use to cope with their treatment, by not recognizing victimhood and sometimes practising unhealthy behaviours. Providers indicate how they cope in their work situations by using peer support and becoming knowledgeable in providing good service. CONCLUSIONS: Resistance and resilience narratives show the adaptive power of individuals in dealing with difficult illness, circumstances or treatment settings. They permit individuals to do more than endure (itself a coping mechanism) their circumstances, though resistance and resilience may be limited. These are individual responses to systemic forces. To transform health care, mutually supportive interactions are required among and between both patients and providers but their nature, as micro-practices, may show a way forward for system change

    Swimming in a Sea of Shame: Incorporating Emotions into Explanations of Institutional Reproduction and Change

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    We theorize the role in institutional processes of what we call the shame nexus, a set of shame-related constructs: felt shame, systemic shame, sense of shame, and episodic shaming. As a discrete emotion, felt shame signals to a person that a social bond is at risk and catalyzes a fundamental motivation to preserve valued bonds. We conceptualize systemic shame as a form of disciplinary power, animated by persons’ sense of shame, a mechanism of ongoing intersubjective surveillance and self-regulation. We theorize how the duo of the sense of shame and systemic shame drives the self-regulation that underpins persons’ conformity to institutional prescriptions and institutional reproduction. We conceptualize episodic shaming as a form of juridical power used by institutional guardians to elicit renewed conformity and reassert institutional prescriptions. We also explain how episodic shaming may have unintended effects, including institutional disruption and recreation, when it triggers sensemaking among targets and observers that can lead to the reassessment of the appropriateness of institutional prescriptions or the value of social bonds. We link the shame nexus to three broad categories of institutional work

    Common genetic variants highlight the role of insulin resistance and body fat distribution in type 2 diabetes, independent of obesity.

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    We aimed to validate genetic variants as instruments for insulin resistance and secretion, to characterize their association with intermediate phenotypes, and to investigate their role in type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk among normal-weight, overweight, and obese individuals. We investigated the association of genetic scores with euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp- and oral glucose tolerance test-based measures of insulin resistance and secretion and a range of metabolic measures in up to 18,565 individuals. We also studied their association with T2D risk among normal-weight, overweight, and obese individuals in up to 8,124 incident T2D cases. The insulin resistance score was associated with lower insulin sensitivity measured by M/I value (β in SDs per allele [95% CI], -0.03 [-0.04, -0.01]; P = 0.004). This score was associated with lower BMI (-0.01 [-0.01, -0.0]; P = 0.02) and gluteofemoral fat mass (-0.03 [-0.05, -0.02; P = 1.4 × 10(-6)) and with higher alanine transaminase (0.02 [0.01, 0.03]; P = 0.002) and γ-glutamyl transferase (0.02 [0.01, 0.03]; P = 0.001). While the secretion score had a stronger association with T2D in leaner individuals (Pinteraction = 0.001), we saw no difference in the association of the insulin resistance score with T2D among BMI or waist strata (Pinteraction > 0.31). While insulin resistance is often considered secondary to obesity, the association of the insulin resistance score with lower BMI and adiposity and with incident T2D even among individuals of normal weight highlights the role of insulin resistance and ectopic fat distribution in T2D, independently of body size.The MRC-Ely Study was funded by the Medical Research Council (MC_U106179471) and Diabetes UK. We are grateful to all the volunteers, and to the staff of St. Mary’s Street Surgery, Ely and the study team. The Fenland Study is funded by the Medical Research Council (MC_U106179471) and Wellcome Trust. We are grateful to all the volunteers for their time and help, and to the General Practitioners and practice staff for assistance with recruitment. We thank the Fenland Study Investigators, Fenland Study Co-ordination team and the Epidemiology Field, Data and Laboratory teams. DBS and RKS are funded by the Wellcome Trust, the U.K. NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre and the MRC Centre for Obesity and Related Metabolic Disease. Genotyping in ULSAM was performed by the SNP&SEQ Technology Platform in Uppsala (www.genotyping.se), which is supported by Uppsala University, Uppsala University Hospital, Science for Life Laboratory - Uppsala and the Swedish Research Council (Contracts 80576801 and 70374401). The RISC Study was supported by European Union grant QLG1-CT-2001-01252 and AstraZeneca. The RISC Study Project Management Board: B Balkau, F Bonnet, SW Coppack, JM Dekker, E Ferrannini, A Golay, A Mari, A Natali, J Petrie, M Walker. We thank all EPIC participants and staff for their contribution to the study. We thank the lab team at the MRC Epidemiology Unit for sample management and Nicola Kerrison of the MRC Epidemiology Unit for data management. Funding for the EPIC-InterAct project was provided by the EU FP6 programme (grant number LSHM_CT_2006_037197).In addition, EPIC-InterAct investigators acknowledge funding from the following agencies: PWF: Swedish Research Council, Novo Nordisk, Swedish Diabetes Association, Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation; LCG: Swedish Research Council; NS: Health Research Fund (FIS) of the Spanish Ministry of Health; Murcia Regional Government (Nº 6236); LA: We thank the participants of the Spanish EPIC cohort for their contribution to the study as well as to the team of trained nurses who participated in the recruitment; RK: German Cancer Aid, German Ministry of Research (BMBF); TJK: Cancer Research UK; PMN: Swedish Research Council; KO: Danish Cancer Society; SP: Compagnia di San Paolo; JRQ: Asturias Regional Government; OR: The Västerboten County Council; AMWS and DLvdA: Dutch Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS), Netherlands Cancer Registry (NKR), LK Research Funds, Dutch Prevention Funds, Dutch ZON (Zorg Onderzoek Nederland), World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), Statistics Netherlands; RT: AIRE-ONLUS Ragusa, AVIS-Ragusa, Sicilian Regional Government; IS: Verification of diabetes cases was additionally funded by NL Agency grant IGE05012 and an Incentive Grant from the Board of the UMC Utrecht; IB: Wellcome Trust grant 098051 and United Kingdom NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre; MIM: InterAct, Wellcome Trust (083270/Z/07/Z), MRC (G0601261); ER: Imperial College Biomedical Research.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Diabetes Association via http://dx.doi.org/10.2337/db14-031
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