1,942 research outputs found


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    Conjoint analysis was used to estimate individual preference functions for food safety attributes. Consumer segments were constructed by using cluster analysis to form groups which were homogeneous with respect to preferences regarding food safety. Although substantial differences existed among the three distinct groups, consumers in all segments were willing to pay a moderate amount to ensure that apples met established safety standards. However, a policy which restricts pesticide use would likely result in substantial consumer dissatisfaction, unless it could be achieved with little impact on price or quality.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Copper(I)-Phosphinite Complexes in Click Cycloadditions: Three-Component Reactions and Preparation of 5-Iodotriazoles

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    © 2016 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.The remarkable activity displayed by copper(I)–phosphinite complexes of general formula [CuBr(L)] in two challenging cycloadditions is reported: a) the one-pot azidonation/cycloaddition of boronic acids, NaN3, and terminal alkynes; b) the cycloaddition of azides and iodoalkynes. These air-stable catalysts led to very good results in both cases and the expected triazoles could be isolated in pure form under ‘Click-suitable’ conditions

    Soils of the Closed Forest zone of Ghana

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    This is a study of the edaphic factor in the ecology of the tropical rain forest. Within this environment, the processes of soil formation have been intense in operation and of long duration, and soils with distinct properties have developed. The factors of pedogenesis underlying the formation of the soils of the closed forest zone af Ghana are outlined according to the evidence of profile morphology, and the characteristic features of the great sail groups which occur are described. On the basis of their physical properties and nutrient status in relation to the tropical environment, principles of agricultural land use are indicated.A geographical approach is maintained throughout. The spatial relations of soils as expanses forming integral parts of the landscape are emphasised and, in conclusion, the special contributions which the geographer can make to pedology are summarised.The thesis is based on work carried out in Ghana as a member of the Department of Soil and Land -Use Survey from 1953 to 1957. By 1955, Charter had devised methods of soil surveying for tropical forest lands (Charter, 1949a, 1949e), developed the organisation required for such projects (Charter 1950, S. L.U. S. 1957), and established the characteristics of the principal cocoa growing soils (Charter, 1949b). Just over 2,000 square miles of the forest zone had been surveyed. From 1953 to 1957, a further 14,000 square miles approximately of the forest zone were surveyed, of which the Kumasi Region (3,300 square miles) and the Birim Basin (1,500 square miles) were completed by the author.Field work occupied some 30 months in total. It was during this period that the soil relationships with vegetation, geomorphology and parent material were observed and recorded, and these form the basis of the thesis. Although the forest surveys covered just over 50 per cent of the forest zone, they had been carefully selected so that the pattern of soils over the major geological formations under a representative range of vegetation and climatic conditions could be studied and comprehended. This was done in 1956 and 1957 when the author was responsible for forest zone surveys and for the correlation of data from all surveys throughout the country. During this period, various maps were produced of soils at different levels of classification for the country as a whole (S.L.U.S., 1958), the correlation of field characteristics and analytical data for the major forest soils was demonstrated (Crosbie and de Bndredy, 1956), and the latter soils were also classified in terms of suitability for cocoa production (Crosbie, 1957a).The principles of agricultural land -use outlined in the final section are evolved on the donnant environmental factors of climate and soil described in the main text.There has been no previous account of pedogenesis in Ghana. In the second part of the thesis however, the classification scheme of C. F. Charter is adopted as a framework for description because it is soundly based on genetic factors. A chapter entitled 'Lower Slope Soils' has been included iá this section because of the areal extent of these soils in the aggregate and because they do not conform to any of the classification categories of Charter

    Definiendo lo sagrado

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    How do we define what is sacred architecture? People of all ages are turning away from organized religion, and looking for a more genuine, personal experience of the spiritual. In considering sacred architecture, a distinction is whether architecture itself is sacred or that architecture is an instrument that calls forth the sacred. Distinctions should be drawn between situational versus substantive sacred space. A divine presence is believed to reside in substantive sacred space. In situational, anyplace can be sacred depending on the presence, location, and actions of human beings, often acting in community.Edward Anders Sovik was one of the most influential architects in the design of modern churches in the US. Active from the mid-20th-century through the 1970s, Sovik designed mostly Protestant churches and wrote extensively about church design and its liturgical underpinnings. Sovik believed that early Christians perceived themselves as a community of faith unattached to any place. His skepticism about the sacredness of buildings and objects sits squarely within Protestant theology. His religious architecture offers a good model for today, as the definition of sacred architecture is changing. Sovik’s emphasis on the secular and the sacred is prescient regarding the current state of religion and spirituality, and became the basis of a recent graduate design studio at Catholic University of America.¿Cómo definimos qué es arquitectura sagrada? Las personas de todas las edades se están alejando de la religión organizada, buscando una experiencia más genuina y personal de lo espiritual. Al hablar de arquitectura sagrada, podríamos discutir si la arquitectura es sagrada en sí misma o si la arquitectura es un instrumento para evocar lo sagrado. Se deben establecer distinciones entre el espacio sagrado situacional y el sustantivo. Se cree que una presencia divina reside en el espacio sagrado sustantivo. En el caso situacional, cualquier lugar puede ser sagrado dependiendo de la presencia, ubicación y acciones de los seres humanos, a menudo actuando en comunidad. Edward Anders Sövik fue uno de los arquitectos más influyentes en el diseño de iglesias modernas en los Estados Unidos. Activo desde mediados del siglo XX hasta la década de 1970, Sövik diseñó principalmente iglesias protestantes y escribió mucho sobre el diseño eclesial y sus bases litúrgicas. Sövik creía que los primeros cristianos se percibían a sí mismos como una comunidad de fe independiente de cualquier lugar. Su escepticismo acerca de la sacralidad de los edificios y objetos se encuentra claramente dentro de la teología protestante. Su arquitectura religiosa ofrece un buen modelo para hoy, ya que la definición de arquitectura sagrada está cambiando

    Grow barley for malt or feed

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    MALTING barley can be grown in certain areas receiving more than 13 inches annual rainfall, and farmers have to make a choice between growing barley for malt or feed in these areas

    A randomized controlled trial of a passive accessory joint mobilization on acute ankle inversion sprains

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    AbstractBackground and Purpose. Passive joint mobilization is commonly used by physical therapists as an intervention for acute ankle inversion sprains. A randomized controlled trial with blinded assessors was conducted to investigate the effect of a specific joint mobilization, the anteroposterior glide on the talus, on increasing pain-free dorsiflexion and 3 gait variables: stride speed (gait speed), step length, and single support time. Subjects. Forty-one subjects with acute ankle inversion sprains (&amp;lt;72 hours) and no other injury to the lower limb entered the trial. Methods. Subjects were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups. The control group received a protocol of rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). The experimental group received the anteroposterior mobilization, using a force that avoided incurring any increase in pain, in addition to the RICE protocol. Subjects in both groups were treated every second day for a maximum of 2 weeks or until the discharge criteria were met, and all subjects were given a home program of continued RICE application. Outcomes were measured before and after each treatment. Results. The results showed that the experimental group required fewer treatment sessions than the control group to achieve full pain-free dorsiflexion. The experimental group had greater improvement in range of movement before and after each of the first 3 treatment sessions. The experimental group also had greater increases in stride speed during the first and third treatment sessions. Discussion and Conclusion. Addition of a talocrural mobilization to the RICE protocol in the management of ankle inversion injuries necessitated fewer treatments to achieve pain-free dorsiflexion and to improve stride speed more than RICE alone. Improvement in step length symmetry and single support time was similar in both groups.</jats:p

    Tincurrin : a new biscuit wheat

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    Although a demand has existed both locally and overseas for soft wheat suitable for biscuits, cakes and various confectioneries, production has been very limited. In 1978 farmers in the soft wheat area will be able to grow the higher yielding variety Tincurrin. It is recommended for general sowing to replace all varieties grown at present in the soft wheat areas as defined.Exceptions may prevail in areas prone to rust snd septoria problems
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