118 research outputs found

    Dynamic load balancing via thread migration

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    Light-weight threads are becoming increasingly useful for parallel processing. This is particularly true for threads running in a distributed memory environment. Light-weight threads can be used to support latency hiding techniques, communication and computation overlap, and functional parallelism. Additionally, dynamic migration of light-weight threads supports both data locality and load balancing. Designing a thread migration mechanism presents some very unique and interesting challenges. One such challenge is maintaining communication between mobile threads. A potentially more difficult challenge involves maintaining the correctness of pointers within mobile threads. Since traditional pointers have no concept of address space, moving threads from processor to processor has a strong impact on the use of pointers. Options for dealing with pointers include restricting their use, adding a layer of software to support pointers referencing non-local data, and binding data to threads such that referenced data is always local to the thread. This dissertation presents the design and implementation of Chant, an efficient light-weight threads package which runs in a distributed memory environment. Chant was designed and implemented as a runtime system using MPI like and Pthreads like calls. Chant supports point-to-point message passing between threads executing in distributed address spaces. We focus on the use of Chant as a framework to support dynamic load balancing based on thread migration. We explore many of the issues which arise when designing and implementing a thread migration mechanism, as well as the issues which arise when considering the use of thread migration as a means for performing dynamic load balancing. This load balancing framework uses both system state information, including communication history, and user input. One of the basic functionalities of this load balancing framework is the ability of the user to customize the load balancing to fit particular classes of problems. This dissertation provides implementation details as well as discussion and justification of design choices. We go on to show that the overhead associated with our approach is within an acceptable range, and that significant performance gains can be achieved through the use of thread migration as a means of performing dynamic load balancing

    Ropes: Support for collective opertions among distributed threads

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    Lightweight threads are becoming increasingly useful in supporting parallelism and asynchronous control structures in applications and language implementations. Recently, systems have been designed and implemented to support interprocessor communication between lightweight threads so that threads can be exploited in a distributed memory system. Their use, in this setting, has been largely restricted to supporting latency hiding techniques and functional parallelism within a single application. However, to execute data parallel codes independent of other threads in the system, collective operations and relative indexing among threads are required. This paper describes the design of ropes: a scoping mechanism for collective operations and relative indexing among threads. We present the design of ropes in the context of the Chant system, and provide performance results evaluating our initial design decisions

    Drinking-Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Beyond the Household: A Global Review and a Situational Assessment of Ghana

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    Extra-household settings are in consideration for drinking-water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) targets in the post-2015 development agenda but evidence gaps impair monitoring, policy, and practice. We systematically reviewed literature to develop a typology, evaluate standards, identify actors, assess evidence, and catalog monitoring initiatives. A situational assessment of Ghana identified specific national challenges. Schools and health facilities have the most support from actors, evidence for benefits, and standards defined. From available data in developing countries, we estimate that WaSH monitoring initiatives for schools exist in approximately 70 countries, 30 countries for health facilities, and fewer than 20 countries for all other settings combined. We found limited evidence describing benefits of WaSH or the impact of poor WaSH conditions in most settings. While not all countries conduct extra-household monitoring, examples are available on most continents suggesting that the establishment of a global monitoring system is achievable.Master of Scienc

    Body Mass Index and Cognitive Decline in Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript.Objective To examine the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and cognitive decline in subjects diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Methods Neuropsychologic and clinical evaluations were conducted at baseline, 6-months, and 1-year on 286 MCI subjects enrolled in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. A global cognitive composite score was derived (mean Z-score) from performance on 9 neuropsychologic subtests. Height and weight were assessed at baseline and used to calculate BMI. Generalized estimating equations (linear and logistic) assessed the relationships of baseline BMI with cognitive outcomes, clinician judgment of “clinically significant decline” over 1-year, and diagnostic progression from MCI to Alzheimer disease. Results Lower baseline BMI was associated with significant declines in cognitive performance in individuals with MCI over 1 year (Mini-Mental State Examination, Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale, and a global cognitive composite; all P<0.05). We observed a significant protective effect of baseline BMI in reducing the risk of a clinically significant decline in Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale and mini-mental state examination (P<0.05). No association was found between BMI and changes in the clinical dementia rating sum of boxes or conversion to Alzheimer disease. Conclusions Lower baseline BMI is associated with more rapid cognitive decline in MCI. This relationship suggests either body composition may influence the rate of cognitive decline in MCI or factors related to MCI influence body composition

    Recent Trends In Laurentian Great Lakes Ice Cover

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    A 39-winter (1963–2001) record of annual maximum ice concentration (AMIC), the maximum fraction of lake surface area covered by ice each year, is analyzed for each Great Lake. Lake Erie has the largest median AMIC (94%) followed by Lakes Superior (80%), Huron(63%), Michigan (33%), and Ontario (21%). The frequency distributionof AMICs is negatively skewed for Lakes Superior and Erie and positively skewed for Lakes Michigan and Ontario. Temporal and spatial patterns of typical and extreme AMICs is presented within the context of long-term average air temperatures and lake bathymetry. The variation of spatially averaged ice concentration with discrete depth ranges are discussed for each lake for the upper and lower end of the typical range of AMIC values. In general, ice concentration decreases with increasing depth ranges for a given winter. A decrease in the gradient of ice concentration with depths was also observed with an increase in the AMIC from winter 1983 to winter 1984. A temporal trend in the AMICs supports the hypothesis of three ice cover regimes over the past 39 winters. Approximately 44% of the highest quartile (10 highest) AMICs for the Great Lakes occurred during the 6-winter period:1977–1982 providing evidence of a higher ice cover regime during thisperiod relative to the 14 winters before them (1963–1976) and the 19 winters after them (1983–2001). Winter 1998 established new low AMIC extremes,and the AMIC averaged over the 1998–2001 winters is the lowest for theperiod of record on four of the five Great Lakes. These recent trends taken together are noteworthy as they may be harbingers of a period of even lower AMICs in the 21st Century.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42580/1/10584_2004_Article_5095423.pd

    A human gene encoding morphine modulating peptides related to NPFF and FMRFamide

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    AbstractFMRFamide-related peptides have been isolated from both invertebrates and vertebrates and exhibit a wide range of biological effects in rats. We show here that in humans 2 FMRFamide-related peptides are encoded by a single gene expressed as a spliced mRNA. The larger predicted peptide (AGEGLNSQFWSLAAPQRFamide) differs from the peptide isolated from bovines (AGEGLSSPFWSLAAPQRFamide) by the substitutions of 2 amino acids. The shorter predicted peptide (NPSF, SQAFLFQPQRFamide) is 3 amino acids longer than the bovine 8 amino-acid NPFF (FLFQPQRFamide) or the human NPFF peptide isolated from serum [5], suggesting that the encoded protein is subject to cleavage by a tripeptidyl peptidase or by a novel processing mechanism. On rat spinal cord, the larger peptide is indistinguishable in activity from the equivalent bovine peptide whereas the smaller extended peptide is inactive

    The Role of Cooperative Extension in Chronic Disease Prevention and Management: Perspectives from Professionals in the Field

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    Chronic diseases are strongly associated with premature death and increased health care costs. Nearly half of American adults report they have one or more chronic health conditions. Cooperative Extension is calling for refocus to refine and align with broader efforts to promote public health by supporting the prevention and management of chronic disease. The success of this refocus is dependent on a shared vision between funding agencies, stakeholders, and Extension. As part of developing this shared vision, the Chronic Disease Health Implementation Team surveyed 152 Extension administrators, faculty, and Extension Agents/Educators to determine their perception of the role of Extension in chronic disease prevention and management in the next century. Respondents answered the open-ended question, “What role should Cooperative Extension have in working to reduce chronic diseases in America for the next 10, 25, and 100 years? Analysis with grounded theory identified three themes. The respondents perceived the role of Extension professionals as educators and collaborators in chronic disease prevention and management who focus on influencing individuals and environments. As educators, Extension should deliver evidence-based programs to communicate, inform, facilitate, and teach. As collaborators, Extension should facilitate and nurture partnerships to effect changes in chronic disease prevention and management

    Cooperative Extension as a Partner in Creating Healthy Communities: An Environmental Scan

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    health and wellness, chronic disease prevention and management, curriculum, Cooperative Extension, Extension, health programming, Health and Wellness Framework, ECOP Action Team

    Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) cloud screening algorithms: validation against collocated MODIS and CALIOP data

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    The objective of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) mission is to retrieve the column-averaged carbon dioxide (CO₂) dry air mole fraction (XCO2) from satellite measurements of reflected sunlight in the near-infrared. These estimates can be biased by clouds and aerosols, i.e., contamination, within the instrument's field of view. Screening of the most contaminated soundings minimizes unnecessary calls to the computationally expensive Level 2 (L2) X_(CO₂) retrieval algorithm. Hence, robust cloud screening methods have been an important focus of the OCO-2 algorithm development team. Two distinct, computationally inexpensive cloud screening algorithms have been developed for this application. The A-Band Preprocessor (ABP) retrieves the surface pressure using measurements in the 0.76 µm O₂ A band, neglecting scattering by clouds and aerosols, which introduce photon path-length differences that can cause large deviations between the expected and retrieved surface pressure. The Iterative Maximum A Posteriori (IMAP) Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) Preprocessor (IDP) retrieves independent estimates of the CO₂ and H₂O column abundances using observations taken at 1.61 µm (weak CO₂ band) and 2.06 µm (strong CO₂ band), while neglecting atmospheric scattering. The CO₂ and H₂O column abundances retrieved in these two spectral regions differ significantly in the presence of cloud and scattering aerosols. The combination of these two algorithms, which are sensitive to different features in the spectra, provides the basis for cloud screening of the OCO-2 data set. To validate the OCO-2 cloud screening approach, collocated measurements from NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS), aboard the Aqua platform, were compared to results from the two OCO-2 cloud screening algorithms. With tuning of algorithmic threshold parameters that allows for processing of  ≃ 20–25 % of all OCO-2 soundings, agreement between the OCO-2 and MODIS cloud screening methods is found to be  ≃ 85 % over four 16-day orbit repeat cycles in both the winter (December) and spring (April–May) for OCO-2 nadir-land, glint-land and glint-water observations. No major, systematic, spatial or temporal dependencies were found, although slight differences in the seasonal data sets do exist and validation is more problematic with increasing solar zenith angle and when surfaces are covered in snow and ice and have complex topography. To further analyze the performance of the cloud screening algorithms, an initial comparison of OCO-2 observations was made to collocated measurements from the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) aboard the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO). These comparisons highlight the strength of the OCO-2 cloud screening algorithms in identifying high, thin clouds but suggest some difficulty in identifying some clouds near the surface, even when the optical thicknesses are greater than 1