77 research outputs found

    Lo no jurídico : Sobre un ámbito indeterminado o libre de valoración jurídica en el Derecho Penal

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    Las palabras del juez transforman a quien hasta el momento se presumía inocente en culpable, las palabras de la ley convierten lo que no era delito en delito. La palabra jurídica, quizás más que cualquier otra, crea realidad. Y sin embargo, esta dimensión creadora, presente en todas las manifestaciones de todos los operadores jurídicos, permanece casi desconocida en ciertos análisis iusfilosóficos que enfatizan la consistencia sistemática del ordenamiento jurídico y la tarea judicial como un ejercicio de mera subsunción del caso en la norma. Hemos desvinculado un problema de la ciencia del derecho, al que se vinculará a la especificidad penal. Esta cuestión se encuentra fuertemente unida a la racionalidad de los sistemas jurídicos. No existe siquiera consenso en torno a su designación. El espacio libre de Derecho posee un ámbito bifronte: a) en el Derecho Penal: Existencia de un espacio fuera del derecho entre las conductas típicas o conforme a derecho; b) en la Teoría del Derecho: Adiaphorias (como ámbitos de libertad o decisiones del legislador). El espacio libre de Derecho son conductas relevantes y jurídicamente reguladas que, a pesar de ello, no pueden ser valoradas adecuadamente ni en cuanto conforme a Derecho ni en cuanto antijurídicas, también llamadas “no prohibidas”. En tanto que los comportamientos no regulados jurídicamente son aquellos por los que el Derecho no se interesa en absoluto, también llamados “vacíos del Derecho”. La relevancia del tema estriba en que no señala ámbitos fácticamente libres del cumplimiento del derecho, que se presentan porque el órgano de ejecución carece de preparación de hecho o de fuerza para tomar medidas contra violaciones al derecho vigente en determinados ámbitos de la vida social. La teoría se desarrolló con el objetivo de aportar soluciones a aquellas acciones (hechos humanos) que el derecho deja fuera de su marco regulatorio. El foco de estudio viene dado en el Derecho Penal. Bernd Schünemann: los espacios libres de sistema y los espacios que la decisión legislativa deja abiertos. Deben distinguirse claramente dos tipos distintos de permisiones: a) por ausencia de constreñimiento –adiaphorias- o b) derrotabilidades de prohibiciones. La tesis de los límites del Derecho, nos trae al primer plano la cuestión central de la aplicación del Derecho. Una buena teoría del razonamiento judicial, presupone algunas de las cuestiones centrales de la teoría jurídica: un enfoque general acerca de la naturaleza del Derecho, una teoría del sistema jurídico, de los criterios de validez y aplicabilidad de las normas, una teoría de la interpretación de las formulaciones normativas y una teoría de la justificación de las decisiones jurídicas.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale


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    This article tries to highlight the elements of the typical figure of suicide. Analyze the foundations of its punishment and its link with the figure of euthanasia and propose an alternative explanation regarding the infeasibility of its criminal provision, considering that it is a space of freedom that is not regulated by law.El presente artículo procura relevar los elementos de la figura típica del suicidio. Analizar los fundamentos de punición de la misma y su vinculación con la figura de la eutanasia y proponer una explicación alternativa respecto a la inviabilidad de su previsión penal atento tratarse de un espacio de libertad no regulable normativamente

    Un MOOC sui GIS per i docenti universitari. Esperienza del progetto My Geo

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    MY GEO \ue8 un progetto europeo (Partenariati Strategici Erasmus Pus) il cui scopo \ue8 promuovere l'occupabilit\ue0 dei giovani attraverso l'acquisizione di competenze relative alla GIScience. Uno dei risultati del progetto \ue8 la diffusione dei GIS nella didattica universitaria, rivolgendosi ai docenti che intendono utilizzare la GIScience nella propria offerta formativa. Al fine di facilitare l\u2019adozione di strumenti della GIScience il progetto preparer\ue0 un MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) rivolto ai docenti. UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educaci\uf2n a Distancia) ha redatto la prima proposta di MOOC che \ue8 stato discusso con diversi docenti nei paesi coinvolti nel progetto My Geo: Spagna, Belgio e Italia. Il MOOC proposto \ue8 costruito sul modello pedagogico di T-PACK (Hong Stonier, 2015; Rickles, Ellul, Haklay, 2017; Su et al., 2017). L'Universit\ue0 di Padova, coordinatrice del progetto, ha realizzato il confronto con i docenti italiani attraverso tre metodologie: focus group in presenza; interviste telefoniche individuali; questionari online. Sono stati contattati attraverso 3 solleciti mail 78 docenti, tra questi 22 hanno partecipato attivamente attraverso una delle tre metodologie previste. Il MOOC \ue8 stato ritenuto efficace ma allo steso tempo si propone che possa essere flessibile e adattato al background professionale del docente. Altri suggerimenti riguardano la struttura del MOOC: deve essere pedagogicamente significativo e capace di distinguersi da altri tutorial video gi\ue0 disponibili nel web, ogni argomento deve essere presentato in modo chiaro coinvolgendo il docente sin dall'inizio e offrendo casi di studio relativi al proprio insegnamento. Quasi tutti hanno affermato di essere interessati a utilizzare tale strumento a supporto della propria attivit\ue0 didattica; tuttavia si evidenzia come l\u2019acquisizione di competenze GIS sia un'attivit\ue0 che assorbe molto tempo ai docenti universitari

    Glutathione S-transferase Pi mediates proliferation of androgen-independent prostate cancer cells

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    Prostate cancers generally acquire an androgen-independent growth capacity with progression, resulting in resistance to antiandrogen therapy. Therefore, identification of the genes regulated through this process may be important for understanding the mechanisms of prostate carcinogenesis. We here utilized androgen-dependent/independent transplantable tumors, newly established with the ‘transgenic rat adenocarcinoma in prostate’ (TRAP) model, to analyze their gene expression using microarrays. Among the overexpressed genes in androgen-independent prostate cancers compared with the androgen-dependent tumors, glutathione S-transferase pi (GST-pi) was included. In line with this, human prostate cancer cell lines PC3 and DU145 (androgen independent) had higher expression of GST-pi compared with LNCaP (androgen dependent) as determined by semiquantitative reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction analysis. To investigate the roles of GST-pi expression in androgen-independent human prostate cancers, GST-pi was knocked down by a small interfering RNA (siRNA), resulting in significant decrease of the proliferation rate in the androgen-independent PC3 cell line. In vivo, administration of GST-pi siRNA–atelocollagen complex decreased GST-pi protein expression, resulting in enhanced numbers of TdT mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end labering (TUNEL)-positive apoptotic cells. These findings suggest that GST-pi might play important roles in proliferation of androgen-independent human prostate cancer cells

    Measurement of GSTP1 promoter methylation in body fluids may complement PSA screening: a meta-analysis

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    Background: Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening has low specificity. Assessment of methylation status in body fluids may complement PSA screening if the test has high specificity. Method: The purpose of this study was to conduct a meta-analysis of the sensitivity and specificity for prostate cancer detection of glutathione-s-transferase–π (GSTP1) methylation in body fluids (plasma, serum, whole blood, urine, ejaculate, and prostatic secretions). We conducted a comprehensive literature search on Medline (Pubmed). We included studies if they met all four of the following criteria: (1) measurement of DNA methylation in body fluids; (2) a case-control or case-only design; (3) publication in an English journal; and (4) adult subjects. Reviewers conducted data extraction independently using a standardised protocol. Twenty-two studies were finally included in this paper. Primer sequences and methylation method in each study were summarised and evaluated using meta-analyses. This paper represents a unique cross-disciplinary approach to molecular epidemiology. Results: The pooled specificity of GSTP1 promoter methylation measured in plasma, serum, and urine samples from negative-biopsy controls was 0.89 (95% CI, 0.80–0.95). Stratified analyses consistently showed a high specificity across different sample types and methylation methods (include both primer sequences and location). The pooled sensitivity was 0.52 (95% CI, 0.40–0.64). Conclusions: The pooled specificity of GSTP1 promoter methylation measures in plasma, serum, and urine was excellent and much higher than the specificity of PSA. The sensitivity of GSTP1 was modest, no higher than that of PSA. These results suggest that measurement of GSTP1 promoter methylation in plasma, serum, or urine samples may complement PSA screening for prostate cancer diagnosis

    Androgen receptor expression predicts breast cancer survival: the role of genetic and epigenetic events

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    Background: Breast cancer outcome, including response to therapy, risk of metastasis and survival, is difficult to predict using currently available methods, highlighting the urgent need for more informative biomarkers. Androgen receptor (AR) has been implicated in breast carcinogenesis however its potential to be an informative biomarker has yet to be fully explored. In this study, AR protein levels were determined in a cohort of 73 Grade III invasive breast ductal adenocarcinomas

    Expression Patterns of Protein Kinases Correlate with Gene Architecture and Evolutionary Rates

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    Protein kinase (PK) genes comprise the third largest superfamily that occupy ∼2% of the human genome. They encode regulatory enzymes that control a vast variety of cellular processes through phosphorylation of their protein substrates. Expression of PK genes is subject to complex transcriptional regulation which is not fully understood.Our comparative analysis demonstrates that genomic organization of regulatory PK genes differs from organization of other protein coding genes. PK genes occupy larger genomic loci, have longer introns, spacer regions, and encode larger proteins. The primary transcript length of PK genes, similar to other protein coding genes, inversely correlates with gene expression level and expression breadth, which is likely due to the necessity to reduce metabolic costs of transcription for abundant messages. On average, PK genes evolve slower than other protein coding genes. Breadth of PK expression negatively correlates with rate of non-synonymous substitutions in protein coding regions. This rate is lower for high expression and ubiquitous PKs, relative to low expression PKs, and correlates with divergence in untranslated regions. Conversely, rate of silent mutations is uniform in different PK groups, indicating that differing rates of non-synonymous substitutions reflect variations in selective pressure. Brain and testis employ a considerable number of tissue-specific PKs, indicating high complexity of phosphorylation-dependent regulatory network in these organs. There are considerable differences in genomic organization between PKs up-regulated in the testis and brain. PK genes up-regulated in the highly proliferative testicular tissue are fast evolving and small, with short introns and transcribed regions. In contrast, genes up-regulated in the minimally proliferative nervous tissue carry long introns, extended transcribed regions, and evolve slowly.PK genomic architecture, the size of gene functional domains and evolutionary rates correlate with the pattern of gene expression. Structure and evolutionary divergence of tissue-specific PK genes is related to the proliferative activity of the tissue where these genes are predominantly expressed. Our data provide evidence that physiological requirements for transcription intensity, ubiquitous expression, and tissue-specific regulation shape gene structure and affect rates of evolution

    Studio stratigrafico e strutturale delle successioni triassiche con piattaforme saldate e realizzazione di una carta geologica 1:10.000 dell'area del Vallon Popera

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    The stratigraphic sequence outcropping in Vallon Popera area (Eastern Dolomites) differs from the classical stratigraphic column knowns of the Dolomites, because carbonate platforms are amalgamated. The area is characterised by facies related to different depositional environments. Starting from Lower Anisian it is possibile to recognize a sabkha environment (Lusnizza Fm) followed by an alternation of shelf and deep ramp deposits (gracilis Fm and Calcari Scuri del Coll’alto). On top of these ramp deposits two kinds of microbial carbonate platforms (Monte Rite Fm; Upper Serla Fm) began to grow. These platforms can either be welded each other or separated by basinal deposits (Dont Fm). Locally (Selvapiana massif), a peculiar facies of Richthofen Conglomerate can be found on top of the Upper Serla Fm. In the whole area, terrigenous–carbonate deposits (Morbiac Limestone) overlie the Upper Serla Fm, which in turn is followed by platform (Contrìn Fm) or basinal (Moena Fm) deposits. Locally, the Livinallongo Fm overlies either the Moena Fm or the Contrin Fm, that in turn are followed by Sciliar Fm. thick carbonate platform. A Carnian carbonate platform overlies the Sciliar Fm (Cassian Dolomite). The boundaries between Monte Rite Fm and Upper Serla Fm, Contrin Fm and Sciliar Fm, and Sciliar Fm and Cassian Dolomite, are marked by subaerial exposure surfaces, easily recognisable the in field because of the red colouration. These stratigraphic successions were involved in two main deformational phases. The first is related to the Anisian sinsedimentary extensional tectonics and the second to the following Alpine compression. This polyphasic deformation resulted in large scale a flower negative structur