1,928 research outputs found

    El juego dirigido en los recreos como método de inclusión del alumnado con necesidades especiales

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    Recess is one of the moments where greater social interaction take places in schools. The free participation of students in activities and games during recess depends –mainly-on the interests and abilities of each student. Because of this, students with greater physical, cognitive sensory and emotional difficulties take risk of exclusion in recess activities.The aim of this didactic experience is to analyse the extent to which recces with directed activities or games can improve coexistence and inclusion of the students in general and, particularly, in children with special educational needs. The experience took place in a school with 308 students, among them, 39 were children with special educational needs. This experience was carried out for five months, combining directed and free activities, with voluntary participation. For the collection of data, daily record sheets and a preference questionnaire were used. The conclusion was that the directed activities reduced the number of conflicts in the playground and that the participation of children with special educational needs was significantly greater than in the free activities.El recreo es el momento de mayor interacción social del alumnado dentro del colegio. La participación libre del alumnado en actividades y juegos durante el recreo depende principalmente de los intereses y de las capacidades y habilidades de cada alumno. Debido a este carácter socializador de primer orden, el recreo supone un momento relevante en lo referente a dos aspectos educativos fundamentales: la convivencia escolar y la inclusión-exclusión de los alumnos. Aunque existen diversos estudios que demuestran que se produce una mejora de la convivencia escolar en los recreos dirigidos con respecto a los recreos libres, no existen estudios que evidencien si existe una mejora de la inclusión del alumnado con necesidades especiales en los recreos con actividades dirigidas. En esta experiencia didáctica se pretende analizar en qué medida los recreos con actividades y juegos dirigidos mejoran la convivencia y la inclusión

    Psychotic and nonpsychotic mood disorders in autoimmune encephalitis: diagnostic issues and research implications

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    Recent research on autoimmune disorders suggests additional links between systemic and central nervous system (CNS) pathophysiology, among which the identification of antibody-induced limbic encephalitis provided the strongest evidence for the potential involvement of autoimmunity in the pathogenesis of severe mood and psychotic symptoms. In these illnesses, psychiatric symptoms predominate in the initial phase of the disorder in up to 70% of the cases, and they often lead patients to early psychiatric evaluation. For this reason, it is very important to increase the limited knowledge among psychiatrists about these autoimmune neuropsychiatric diseases, which can mimic psychiatric syndromes, in particular, those typically presented in severe mood disorders and schizophrenia. On the other hand, similarities in clinical presentation suggest that neuroinflammation and systemic immune dysregulation may play a role in the pathophysiology of severe mood and psychotic disorders. A complex interaction between periphery and immune cells of the CNS may result in cellular damage through mechanisms involving excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction. These pathways are possibly shared between comorbid medical disorders and severe mood and psychotic disorders and may reflect common underlying vulnerability

    Perilaku Cuci Tangan Pada Siswa/Siswi Sekolah Dasar Di SDN 060929 Kecamatan Medan Johor Tahun 2022

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    Kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia untuk cuci tangan pakai sabun (CTPS) terbukti masih sangat rendah, tercatat rata-rata 12% masyarakat yang melakukan cuci tangan pakai sabun (CTPS). Mencuci tangan dengan sabun adalah salah satu cara paling efektif untuk mencegah penyakit diare dan ISPA, keduanya menjadi penyebab utama kematian anak. Setiap tahun, sebanyak 3,5 juta anak di seluruh dunia meninggal sebelum mencapai umur lima tahun karena penyakit diare dan ISPA. Mencuci tangan dengan sabun juga dapat mencegah infeksi kulit, mata, kecacingan, dan flu burung. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan Menumbuhkan kesadaran, kemauan dan kemampuan siswa sekolah dasar dalam mengenali pentingnya mencuci tangan  untuk pencegahan penularan penyakit. Meningkatkan kemandirian siswa sekolah dasar untuk melakukan cuci tangan sebelum melakukan aktivitas untuk pencegahan penularan penyakit. Meningkatkan partisipasi siswa sekolah dasar dalam meningkatkan status kesehatannya. Solusi permasalahan mitra adalah Seperti yang telah gambarkan dalam analisis situasi diatas bahwa permasalahan yang timbul dimasyarakat adalah masih kurangnya pengetahuan siswa dan siswi sekolah dasar tentang pentingnya mencuci tangan sebagai upaya pencegahan penularan penyakit sehinga masih banyaknya siswa dan siswi sekolah dasar yang   belum perperilaku hidup sehat dalam mencegah penyakit. Metode Pelaksanaan : Sasaran kegiatan pemberdayaan ini adalah para Siswa dan Siswi Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Medan Amplas. Persiapan di laksanakan di SDN 060929 yang terletak di kecamatan kota Medan. Guru, siswa dan siswi dan pihak sekolah dasar bekerjasama melakukan rangkaian kegiatan persiapan. Hasil yang didapatkan dari pengmas ini adalah Siswa dan siswi semakin memahami akan pentingnya mencuci tangan, cara mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar mampu menjadikan mencuci tangan sebagai kebiasaan baru dan diharapkan mereka bisa menjadi contoh dilingkungan sekitarnya. Komitmen dari siswa dan siswi sekolah dasar untuk melakukan perubahan perilaku dengan mencuci tangan sebelum melakukan aktivitas dan sebelum makan makanan yang sehat. Perlu dilakukan upaya sosialisasi terkait dengan pentingnya mencuci tangan sebagai upaya pencegahan dari penyakit mengingat masih tingginya angka penularan penyakit, agar masyarakat memahami bagaimana cara mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar dan kapan saja kita harus mencuci tangan

    A educação corporativa sob a perspectiva da inteligência organizacional : uma proposta de metodologia para análise da relação

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, 2015.Aponta a educação corporativa como uma alternativa para suprir as organizações dos instrumentos necessários para desenvolver e aprimorar a inteligência individual e organizacional. Sob tal premissa, busca investigar como essa conexão ocorre entre a inteligência organizacional e a educação corporativa, visando avaliar a capacidade da organização em obter novos conhecimentos, aprender e incorporar novas competências às práticas de negócio. Propõe uma metodologia para análise da relação entre as duas abordagens em um contexto institucional. Identifica as suas principais teorias e tenta realizar as respectivas convergências. Define um conjunto de elementos comuns e aderentes à inteligência organizacional e educação corporativa, e utiliza o mesmo como instrumento para examinar a ligação procedente/emergente. Esses elementos correspondem à aquisição de conhecimentos (Captura), à interação e troca de conhecimentos (Compartilhamento), à visão ou significado compartilhado (Significado) e à cultura de aprendizado (Cultura). A coleta dos dados foi aplicada e analisada quantitativamente no âmbito do Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial - Senac Goiás. O resultado consolidado de aderência entre a inteligência organizacional e a educação corporativa na instituição, mostrou uma média geral, como sendo de grau forte (79%). A análise de correlação demonstrou que existe uma correspondência ou reciprocidade entre os elementos aplicados e que são comuns às abordagens pesquisadas no ambiente.Points corporate education as an alternative to meet the organizations the necessary tools to develop and improve individual and organizational intelligence. Under such a premise, investigates how this connection occurs between organizational intelligence and corporate education, to evaluate the organization's ability to gain new knowledge, learn new skills and incorporate business practices. It proposes a methodology for relationship analysis between the two approaches in an institutional context. Identifies its main theories and tries to perform their convergences. Defines a set of common elements and adhering to organizational intelligence and corporate education, and uses this as a tool to examine the coming / emerging bond. These elements correspond to knowledge acquisition (Capture), the interaction and knowledge sharing (sharing), the shared vision or meaning (Meaning) and learning culture (Culture). Data collection was applied and analyzed quantitatively under the National Commercial Training Service – Senac Goiás. The consolidated results of adhesion between the organizational intelligence and corporate education in the institution, showed an overall average, as strong degree (79%). Correlation analysis showed that there is a match or reciprocity between the applied and elements that are common to approaches surveyed in the environment

    Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder: A Neglected Comorbidity

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    Objective: We describe a consecutive clinical sample of children and adolescents with bipolar disorder to define the pattern of comorbid anxiety and externalizing disorders (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD] and conduct disorder [CD]) and to explore the possible influence of such a comorbidity on their cross-sectional and longitudinal clinical characteristics. Methods: The sample comprised 43 outpatients, 26 boys and 17 girls, (mean age 14.9 years, SD 3.1; range 7 to 18), with bipolar disorder type I or II, according to DSM-IV diagnostic criteria. All patients were screened for psychiatric disorders using historical information and a clinical interview, the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents-Revised (DICA-R). To shed light on the possible influence of age at onset, we compared clinical features of subjects whose bipolar onset was prepubertal or in childhood (< 12 years) with those having adolescent onset. We also compared different subgroups with and without comorbid externalizing and anxiety disorders. Results: Bipolar disorder type I was slightly more represented than type II (55.8% vs 44.2%). Only 11.6% of patients did not have any other psychiatric disorder; importantly, 10 subjects (23.5%) did not show any comorbid anxiety disorder. Comorbid externalizing disorders were present in 12 (27.9%) patients; such comorbidity was related to the childhood onset of bipolar disorder type II. Compared with other subjects, patients with comorbid anxiety disorders more often reported pharmacologic (hypo)mania

    Entrepreneurship and new technologies: a learning experience

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    El espíritu emprendedor es una de las competencias básicas de los sistemas educativos actuales. Desde la Unión Europea, se le da gran importancia al espíritu emprendedor y anima a los países a que introduzcan en sus currículos objetivos relacionados con esta competencia. El espíritu emprendedor es una competencia muy compleja de fomentar en la Educación Primaria, donde los alumnos no tienen conocimientos básicos sobre aspectos de mercado. "Apr3nD y Empr3nD en 3D" es una experiencia didáctica que combina emprendimiento y nuevas tecnologías. Ha sido galardonada con una Mención de Honor en los Premios a la Innovación Educativa de la CARM.Entrepreneurial spirit is a key competence of the current educational system. The European Union gives a great importance to the entrepreneurial spirit. In this sense, the European Union encourages all countries to introduce objectives related to this competence in their school curriculum Entrepreneurial spirit is very difficult to develop in Primary Education because students haven´t basic knowledge about business or market aspects yet. "Apr3nD y Empr3nD en 3D" is a didactic experience that combines entrepreneurship and new technologies and it has been awarded an honourable mention in the Educational Innovation Awards of the CARM

    Chromatin profiling reveals heterogeneity in clinical isolates of the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus

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    Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis, which is caused by the filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, is a life-threatening infection for immunosuppressed patients. Chromatin structure regulation is important for genome stability maintenance and has the potential to drive genome rearrangements and affect virulence and pathogenesis of pathogens. Here, we performed the first A. fumigatus global chromatin profiling of two histone modifications, H3K4me3 and H3K9me3, focusing on the two most investigated A. fumigatus clinical isolates, Af293 and CEA17. In eukaryotes, H3K4me3 is associated with active transcription, while H3K9me3 often marks silent genes, DNA repeats, and transposons. We found that H3K4me3 deposition is similar between the two isolates, while H3K9me3 is more variable and does not always represent transcriptional silencing. Our work uncovered striking differences in the number, locations, and expression of transposable elements between Af293 and CEA17, and the differences are correlated with H3K9me3 modifications and higher genomic variations among strains of Af293 background. Moreover, we further showed that the Af293 strains from different laboratories actually differ in their genome contents and found a frequently lost region in chromosome VIII. For one such Af293 variant, we identified the chromosomal changes and demonstrated their impacts on its secondary metabolites production, growth and virulence. Overall, our findings not only emphasize the influence of genome heterogeneity on A. fumigatus fitness, but also caution about unnoticed chromosomal variations among common laboratory strains.The Science and Technology Development Fund, Macao S.A.R (FDCT) (project reference number: 0106/2020/A and 0033/2021/A1) to KHW, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) 2016/07870-9 to GHG and 2018/14821-0 to ACC and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (301058/2019-9 and 404735/2018-5) to GHG. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 15 autors/es: Ana Cristina Colabardini , Fang Wang, Zhengqiang Miao, Lakhansing Pardeshi, Clara Valero,Patrícia Alves de Castro,Daniel Yuri Akiyama,Kaeling Tan,Luisa Czamanski Nora,Rafael Silva-Rocha, Marina Marcet-Houben,Toni Gabaldón,Taicia Fill,Koon Ho Wong ,Gustavo H. Goldman"Postprint (published version

    The clinical-familial correlates and naturalistic outcome of panic-disorder-agoraphobia with and without lifetime bipolar II comorbidity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Much of the literature on panic disorder (PD)-bipolar disorder (BP) cormorbidity concerns BP-I. This literature emphasizes the difficulties encountered in pharmacologic treatment and outcome when such comorbidity is present. The present report explores these issues with respect to BP-II.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The sample comprised 326 outpatients (aged 34.5 ± 11.5 years old; 222 females) with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 3rd edn, revised (DSM-III-R) PD-agoraphobia; among them 52 subjects (16%) were affected by lifetime comorbidity with BP-II. Patients were evaluated by means of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID), the Panic-Agoraphobia Interview, and the Longitudinal Interview Follow-up Examination (Life-Up) and treated according to routine clinical practice at the University of Pisa, Italy, for a period of 3 years. Clinical and course features were compared between subjects with and without BP-II. All patients received the clinicians' choice of antidepressants and, in the case of the subsample with BP-II, mood stabilizers (for example, valproate, lithium) were among the mainstays of treatment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In comparison to patients without bipolar comorbidity, those with BP-II showed a significantly greater frequency of social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, alcohol-related disorders, and separation anxiety during childhood and adolescence. Regarding family history, a significantly greater frequency of PD and mood disorders was present among the BP-II. No significant differences were observed in the long-term course of PD or agoraphobic symptoms under pharmacological treatment or the likelihood of spontaneous pharmacological treatment interruptions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although the severity and outcome of panic-agoraphobic symptomatology appear to be similar in patients with and without lifetime bipolar comorbidity, the higher number of concomitant disorders in our PD patients with BP-II does indicate a greater complexity of the clinical picture in this naturalistic study. That such complexity does not seem to translate into poorer response and outcome in those with comorbid soft bipolarity probably reflects the fact that we had brought BP-II under control with mood stabilizers. We discuss the implications of our findings as further evidence for the existence of a distinct anxious-bipolar diathesis.</p