449 research outputs found

    An annotation database for multimodal scientific data

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    Cristina Bogdanschi, Simone Santini, "An annotation database for multimodal scientific data", Proc. SPIE 7255, Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems III, 72550G (2009). Copyright 2009 Society of Photo‑Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.In many collaborative research environments novel tools and techniques allow researchers to generate data from experiments and observations at a staggering rate. Researchers in these areas are now facing the strong need for querying, sharing and exchanging these data in a uniform and transparent fashion. However, due to the nature of the various types of heterogeneous data and lack of local and global database structures, standard data integration approaches fail or are not applicable. A viable solution to this problem is the extensive use of metadata. In this paper we present the model of an annotation management system suitable for such research environments, and discuss some aspects of its implementation. Annotations provide rich linkage structure between data and between themselves that translates in a complex graph structure of which annotations and data are the nodes. We show how annotations are managed and used for data retrieval and outline some of the query techniques used in the system

    Fostering entrepreneurial education in Agribusiness through experiential learning

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    This work examines the relationship between experiential learning and entrepreneurial education in the Agribusiness field.After having outlined the challenges that higher education has to meet business and students’ needs, the work outlines emerging insights from research that contributse to underline how effective could be an academic approach focused on experience. An overview of the latest development in the methodological field is presented; the paper, finally introduces the measures and initiative undertaken at the European level for promoting entrepreneurial education and initiatives by implementing experiential learning methods

    Preserving the authenticity of food and wine festivals: the case of Italy

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    In the last ten years, the Academy has fostered the scientific debate over typical food products and their role in the development of rural communities and rural tourism. Background research define terroir as a harmonious bundle of territorial, climatic, historical and cultural characteristics which belong to a certain region. According to UNESCO, food and wine festivals are part of the intangible cultural heritage: during festivals product knowledge is spread among participants and local communities and local products become a powerful tool for disseminating the culture of a place. For many years in Italy there has been a growth in the number of food festivals: tourists in their journeys seek for authentic expression of local traditions and communities. Nevertheless, attracted by profits and by the availability of new demand, many actors have jumped into the business of culinary events and the outcome has been a proliferation of festivals who are not tied to the surrounding cultural heritage and offer products that do not originate from the area where events take place. This situation can damage seriously the territory by affecting its credibility, arming the carrying capacity, and by compromising the authentic tourism attractions and the exploitation of local economic resources by rural communities. This paper describes the recent case of the national agreement among public administrations, trade and hospitality associations and local farmers to develop some codes of practices to discipline the complexity of food and wine festivals, by adopting food safety principles and preserving environmental, historical and cultural authenticity.Secondo l’UNESCO, i festival enogastronomici fanno parte del patrimonio culturale intangibile: durante questi eventi, la conoscenza del prodotto viene diffusa tra i partecipanti e le comunità locali e così i prodotti locali diventano uno strumento importante per divulgare la cultura di un determinato luogo. Per molti anni in Italia c’è stata una crescita nel numero di festival enogastronomici e nuovi attori, attratti dai facili profitti, sono entrati nel settore. Il risultato è stato la proliferazione di festival tutt’altro che “autentici”, dove vengono offerti prodotti non originari del luogo in cui l’evento si tiene. Questa situazione può danneggiare gravemente il territorio pregiudicandone la credibilità, alterandone la capacità di carico e compromettendo le attrazioni turistiche autentiche così come lo sfruttamento delle risorse locali da parte delle comunità rurali. Dopo aver introdotto il ruolo dei prodotti tipici (cibo e vino) nello sviluppo di un’esperienza turistica autentica, l’articolo descrive il recente caso dell’accordo nazionale tra pubbliche amministrazioni, associazioni del commercio e del turismo e organizzazioni di agricoltori per sviluppare alcune linee guida al fine di disciplinare la complessità dei festival enogastronomici, adottando rigidi principi di sicurezza alimentare e preservando l’autenticità culturale storica e ambientale dei luoghi

    A language for the integration of web sources

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the IADIS International Conference WWW / INTERNET 2006, held in Murcia on 2006This paper presents a language for the creation of data sources in mediation systems through navigation in web sites. The general idea of the language is to “thread together,” so to speak, existing systems that parse and analyze single web pages into a navigation procedure spanning several pages of a web site, pages from different web sites, or web pages and other data repositories

    Cambios en asistencia al anciano después promulgación del Estatuto del Anciano según profesionales de hospital geriátrico

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    Este estudo objetivou conhecer o contato da equipe multiprofissional com o Estatuto do Idoso e qual a interferência dessa Lei na assistência ao idoso institucionalizado. O cenário do estudo foi um Hospital Geriátrico de São Paulo, onde residem 297 idosos. Participaram 35 profissionais integrantes da equipe multiprofissional da Instituição que responderam a um questionário composto de perguntas abertas e fechadas. Os resultados foram divididos em categorias e submetidos à análise descritiva. Destacou-se que 68,6% dos profissionais acreditam estar ocorrendo mudanças na assistência, mesmo que lentamente, após a promulgação da Lei, e que elas ocorreram na equipe multiprofissional, que buscou especialização específica, melhorando a assistência; nas instituições que se adaptaram para atender às especificidades dos idosos; nos próprios idosos e em suas famílias que, sentindo-se respaldados pela Lei, passaram a reivindicar mais os seus direitos.This study was aimed at finding out how an interdisciplinary team deals with the Elderly Statute and how it interfered in the care of institutionalized elderly. The setting was a geriatric hospital in São Paulo where 297 elderly people reside. Thirty-five professionals from the facility's interdisciplinary team took part in the study and answered a questionnaire with open and close questions. Results were divided into categories and submitted to a descriptive analysis. It was observed that 68.6% of the professionals thought that after the enactment of the Statute there have been changes in the care provided, even if slowly, and that they occurred in the interdisciplinary staff, which went after specialization in order to improve care; in the facilities, which adapted so as to attend to the needs of the elders; and in the elderly people themselves and in their families, whom, feeling protected by the law, increased the demands for their rights.En este estudio se tuvo como objetivo conocer el contacto del equipo multiprofesional con el Estatuto del anciano y la interferencia de la ley en la asistencia al anciano institucionalizado. El escenario del estudio fue un Hospital Geriátrico de Sao Paulo, donde residen 297 ancianos. Participaron 35 profesionales integrantes del equipo multiprofesional de la institución los cuales respondieron a un cuestionario compuesto de preguntas abiertas y cerradas. Los resultados fueron divididos en categorías y sometidos al análisis descriptivo. El 68,6% de los profesionales consideran que está ocurriendo cambios en la asistencia, aunque lentamente, después de la promulgación de la ley, y que ellos se produjeron en el equipo multiprofesional, buscando especialización específica, mejorando así la asistencia en las instituciones, que se adaptaron para atender las especificidades de los ancianos, en los propios ancianos y en sus familias, los que sintiéndose respaldados por la ley pasaron a reivindicar más sus derechos

    Therapeutic potential of the phosphino Cu(I) complex (HydroCuP) in the treatment of solid tumors

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    [Cu(thp)4][PF6] (HydroCuP) is a phosphino copper(I) complex highly soluble and stable in physiological media that has been developed as a possible viable alternative to platinum-based drugs for anticancer therapy. HydroCuP potently inhibited the growth of human cancer cells derived from solid tumors by inducing endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) stress thus leading to cell death through paraptosis with a preferential efficacy against cancer rather than non-cancer cells. Aim of the present study was to assess the therapeutic potential of HydroCuP in vivo, in syngenic and xenograft murine models of solid tumors by triggering the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) pathway. With respect to platinum drugs, HydroCuP induced a markedly higher reduction of tumor growth associated with minimal animal toxicity. In human colorectal cancer xenografts, chemotherapy with HydroCuP was extremely effective in both oxaliplatin-sensitive and resistant models. The favorable in vivo tolerability of HydroCuP was also correlated to an encouraging biodistribution profile. Additionally, no signs of drug-related neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity were observed. Altogether, these results demonstrate that HydroCuP appears worth of further investigation to evaluate its therapeutic activity towards a broad spectrum of solid malignancies