440 research outputs found

    Experimentos de consumo en Cataluña en el marco del proyecto Vinovert (INTERreg – Sudoe)

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    Los mercados del vino en Europa afrontan nuevas exigencias de demanda en materia de medioambiente y de salud. Ante este reto, el sector de la viña y el vino necesita explorar la viabilidad técnica y económica de una disminución importante del uso de pesticidas, así como la reducción de los aditivos enológicosPostprint (updated version

    «Mi mejor yo»: diseño de una intervención positiva aplicada en formato grupal y apoyada en las TIC

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    Introducción: El ejercicio «Mi mejor yo» («Best Possible Self», bPS) es una técnica de pensamiento futuro positivo, que requiere que la persona se visualice y escriba sobre un futuro en el que ha conseguido todos sus objetivos. Esta técnica ha demostrado ser eficaz en la mejora del bienestar y en potenciar emociones futuras positivas. Existen otras inter-venciones dirigidas a mejorar estas emociones específicas, como el entrenamiento en es-peranza. El objetivo del presente estudio es describir un protocolo de intervención grupal para realizar el ejercicio bPS, integrando componentes del entrenamiento en esperanza y aplicándolo a través de tecnologías positivas. También se pretende analizar el nivel de aceptación del protocolo utilizado en el taller. método: El protocolo está diseñado para ser aplicado en 4 sesiones de 2 horas. Se ha dirigido a una muestra de 6 pacientes graves que presentaban trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. El programa consta de diferentes com-ponentes y los participantes realizan el ejercicio durante 5 minutos al día. Se valora el es-tado de ánimo y las expectativas futuras antes y después de la intervención. resultados: El estudio está en progreso, por lo que todavía no disponemos de datos de eficacia. En cuanto a resultados preliminares sobre la opinión y aceptación del programa, se observan niveles de satisfacción satisfactoria. discusión: Este protocolo pretende ser una alternativa para la aplicación del ejercicio bPS dirigido a la mejora del bienestar y emociones futuras positivas. Los buenos niveles de satisfacción manifestados por los participantes sugieren un alto nivel de aceptación e interés hacia el ejercicio.Introduction: Best Possible Self (bPS) exercise is a future positive thinking technique, which consists of visualizing and writing about a future in which all goals have been reached. This technique has shown efficacy in the improvement of well-being and positive emotions related to future. There are other interventions aimed to improve these specific emo-tions, like training in hope. The goal of the present study is to describe a group intervention protocol to carry out the bPS exercise, adding components of the hope’s training and being applied through Positive Technology. Also, acceptance levels are going to be analyzed. method: The program is designed to be applied in 4 2-hour sessions, one per week. It has been aimed to a sample of 6 patients diagnosed with an eating disorder. The program consists of different components and participants carry out the exercise during 5 minutes per day. Mood and future expectations are assessed before and after the intervention. results: As the study is still in progress, data about efficacy are not yet available. Regarding preliminary results about opinion and acceptance of the program, appropriate levels of satisfaction have been obtained. discussion: This program is intended to be an alternative for the applica-tion of the bPS exercise aimed to improve well-being and positive emotions related to future. High levels of satisfaction reported by the participants suggest a high level of ac-ceptation and interest towards the exercise

    És ètic que l'home interfereixi en la selecció genètica natural? La condena del pedigrí

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Temporal and altitudinal variations in benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in an Andean river basin of Argentina

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    Environmental variables and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages were spatially and seasonally examined over two consecutive years (2000-2002) along a glacier and snowmelt river in the central-west of Argentina where lies the highest peak in America, Mount Aconcagua (6956 m elevation). The goal was to assess seasonal and altitudinal variability in benthic community structure and to define whether physical-chemical variables affect distribution of aquatic insects. The Mendoza River Basin was characterised by high variability in flow and transparency, high conductivity, hard calcium sulphate water, neutral and alkaline pH, and dominant substrate composed of small blocks, cobbles, pebbles, and sand-silt. Richness of invertebrates was low, with the lowest taxonomic richness being recorded at the mouth. The dominant group with highest taxonomic richness was Diptera, although caddisflies, mayflies, beetles, and stoneflies were present. Seasonal and spatial variations in biotic and abiotic variables were detected. Maximal densities and taxonomic richness were recorded in autumn and winter. From Modified Morisita?s Cluster analysis it was found that the system is divided into two groupings of sites related to each other by faunal composition. INDVAL revealed species turnover along the altitudinal gradient of some taxa: Andesiops, Massartellopsis, Edwarsina, Chelifera, and Ceratopogonidae had preference for the headwaters (2835-2425 m elevation), Smicridea murina and Baetodes for the lower section (1413-1085 m elevation), and Austrelmis for the middle and lower sections. The middle section (1846-1727 m elevation) was a transition area where taxa from the headwaters and the lower section coexisted. Generalised Linear Models evidenced that altitude was the major factor determining macroinvertebrate assemblages along the large arid Mendoza River and that the physical-chemical variables that most influenced variation in community structure were: transparency, bicarbonate concentration, pH and substrate type. Our results suggest that benthic macroinvertebrate structure and environmental variables are affected in different ways by seasonal and altitudinal variations.Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet

    COVID-19, Gender Housework Division and Municipality Size in Spain

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    The COVID-19 health crisis brought with it an increase in the workload on family members due to the restriction of services and the suspension of formal and informal care networks. Numerous studies have analyzed how home confinement have affected different gender gaps, including the gender gap related to chores within the home. This research aims to contribute to the existing literature from the perspective of gender geography by introducing the variable municipality size in the analyses. Our research in the case of Spain shows the COVID-19 health crisis to have had a significant impact on gender gaps, albeit to varying degrees. Women, especially those living in small municipalities, experienced a widening of the gap related to care and domestic workload during confinement. The study of the distribution of the more burdensome chores between genders shows an even more imbalanced scenario to the detriment of women. However, following the end of confinement, the situation improved. Although the imbalance against women remains, the gap with respect to the pre-pandemic situation has been reduce
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