12,236 research outputs found

    Importance of creativity and learning in preservice teachers

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    Introduction: Currently, the review of the scientific literature highlights the interrelation between creativity and learning; being learning a creative process that implies significant new personal fundamental changes in all educational stages, but above all in higher education, promoting the employability of university students. The objective of this research is to analyce the relationship between creativity and academic performance as a measure of learning. Method: The sample was conformed by 100 university students of the Degree of Primary Education of the University of Castilla la Mancha (UCLM) (40% boys and 60% girls) with ages between 19 and 24 years. All participants are administered the PICA test to assess creativity and self-report of the university entrance test to measure the grades academic performance. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression were used. Results: The results obtained show a significant positive correlation between the university access grade and general creativity, narrative, fantasy, fluency and flexibility. In addition, general and narrative creativity as well as fantasy, fluency and flexibility predict academic performance. Discussion or Conclusion: These findings have educational implications to enhance the learning of future teachers, aimed at teaching creative strategies and their employability.Introducción. Actualmente, la revisión de la literatura científica pone de manifiesto la interrelación entre la creatividad y el aprendizaje; siendo el aprendizaje, un proceso creativo que implica nuevos cambios significativamente personales fundamentales en todas las etapas educativas, pero sobretodo en la educación superior, promoviendo la empleabilidad del alumnado universitario. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la relación entre la creatividad y el rendimiento académico como medida del aprendizaje. Método. La muestra estuvo conformada por 100 estudiantes universitarios del Grado de Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha (UCLM) (40% chicos y 60% chicas) con edades comprendidas entre 19 y 24 años. A todos los participantes se les administra la prueba PICA para evaluar creatividad y las calificaciones de la asignatura de matemáticas y de acceso a la universidad para el rendimiento académico. Se emplearon estadísticos descriptivos, correlación de Pearson y regresión lineal múltiple. Resultados. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian correlación significativa positiva entre la nota de acceso a la universidad y la creatividad general, creatividad narrativa, fantasía, fluidez y flexibilidad; y correlación significativa positiva entre la nota de matemáticas y la creatividad general, creatividad narrativa, elaboración, fluidez y flexibilidad. Además, la creatividad y algunos componentes predicen el rendimiento académico. Discusión y conclusiones. Estos hallazgos tienen implicaciones educativas para potenciar el aprendizaje de los futuros maestros, dirigidas a la enseñanza de estrategias creativas y a su empleabilidad

    Be vicarious: the challenge for project management in the service economy

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    Purpose. The paper aims to answer to the following questions: which are the critical dynamic capabilities to survive in the rubber landscape of service economy? Does it exist in service economy a dynamic capabilities provider? Methodology. The paper combines the literature review on dynamic capability perspective and that on vicariance to the Project Management professional services. Findings. Firstly, the paper identifies vicariance as an intriguing dynamic capability, crucial to survive in the rubber landscape of service economy. Secondly, the paper sheds light on Project Management (PM) as a vicarious that provides vicariance. Practical implications. For each critical organizational dimension, the paper identifies the links among the service economy challenges and the vicariance typology required to the project manager to face those challenge. Originality/value.The approach to conceive the PM as a vicarious that provides vicariance is original and leads to new insights on the professional services management. In fact, on one hand, dynamic capabilities cannot easily be bought through a market transaction; on the other hand, they must be built. This building can be achieved internally, by the organization itself (i.e. hierarchy), or through a partnership (i.e. hybrid form among hierarchy and market). PM professional services enrich organizations with additional information variety according to a hybrid (i.e. non- market) coordination model

    The PMBOK standard evolution: leading the rising complexity

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    The aim of this work is to enlighten how the Standard for Project Management (part II of PMBOK® Guide) has evolved over the last 30 years as it has introjected the perspective of complexity. The several contexts (private firms, public institutions etc.) in which Project Management is applied become more and more complex (i.e. uncertain and characterized by unpredictable feedbacks among their own variables and their environments). This needs an enrichment (and perhaps a new conceptualization) of the endowment of information variety provided by the Standard for Project Management with respect to the specific requisite variety asked at a local level (i.e. the specific organizational contexts), to lead a project with efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. The traditional Standard for Project Management can no longer be considered as a “comfort zone” (i.e. a set of established and “familiar” frameworks, rules and tools aiming to ensure certain and predictable results). On the contrary, the Standard for Project Management should shift towards an open standard, that is able to consistently co-evolve with the increasingly complex contexts that even more ask for new tools, creative solutions and original combinations between exploitative and explorative knowledge

    The role of microRNAs in thyroid carcinomas

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    Thyroid cancers (TCs) are the most common malignancies of endocrine organs. They originate from cells of different origin within the thyroid gland, which is located at the base of the neck. Several forms of TCs have been classified and great variability is observed in molecular, cellular and clinical features. The most common forms have favorable prognosis but a number of very aggressive TCs, which are characterized by a less differentiated cellular phenotype, have no effective treatment at the moment. While TC causes are not completely understood, many genetic factors involved in their onset have been discovered. In particular, activating mutations of BRAF, RET or RAS genes are known to be specifically associated with TC initiation, progression and outcome. The involvement of microRNAs in thyroid neoplasms has recently changed the paradigm for biomarker discovery in TC, suggesting that these small non-coding RNAs could be used to develop, refine or strengthen strategies for diagnosis and management of TCs. In this review, the importance of microRNA profiling in TC is explored suggesting that these molecules can be included in procedures that can perform better than any known clinical index in the identification of adverse outcomes

    Globalización de marcas culturales: ¿neocolonialismo cultural o inversión en creatividad?

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    Este análisis examina la globalización o exportación de marcas culturales y el significado e impacto de esta nueva tendencia. En este ARI se exploran algunos casos relevantes de globalización de organizaciones culturales a través de marcas de prestigio, como el Museo Guggenheim, el Museo del Louvre o el Hay Festival en Colombia. La observación de estos casos plantea algunos interrogantes: ¿significa esta tendencia una nueva forma de dominación o colonialismo en el sector cultural, o implica un intercambio más equitativo entre influencias culturales y rendimientos económicos

    Esclavas y patricias en el cine de romanos: Spartacus de Kubrik

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    Actas del Décimo Coloquio Internacional de la Asociación Española de Investigación de Historia de las Mujeres (AEIHM) celebrado del 17 al 19 de abril de 2002 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPublicad