221 research outputs found

    Organización ecológica de un gremio de saurios en las dunas de arena de Viesca, Coahuila, México

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    El sistema de dunas de Viesca, Coahuila, se localiza en la parte suroeste del Estado y alberga a tres especies de saurios simpátricos: Uta stejnegeri, Uma exsul (especie endémica que actualmente se encuentra en peligro de extinción) y Aspidoscelis marmorata. Se determinó la organización ecológica de este gremio de saurios con base en los recursos tiempo, microhábitat, profundidad de la arena y temperatura de la arena. Esta información contribuirá a definir las condiciones necesarias para la sobrevivencia de estas tres especies en estas dunas y dará la pauta de las propiedades del hábitat que debe tener el área que se delimite para su conservación. Los objetivos fueron determinar la amplitud de nicho temporal, de microhábitat, de profundidad de la arena y de temperatura de la arena en las tres especies de saurios de forma estacional, calcular el traslape en cada nicho y estimar si existe selección por parte de cada especie dentro de cada recurso. El trabajo de campo se llevó a cabo en primavera (mayo), verano (agosto) y otoño (noviembre) del 2002 al 2004 durante siete días en cada estación. Se establecieron dos transectos contiguos en el área de Saucillo, Coah., cada uno de 100 x 500 m. En el primero de ellos se estudió la organización temporal de los saurios (ciclos de actividad) a cada hora del día. En el segundo se obtuvieron datos de organización espacial (microhábitat y profundidad de la arena) y térmica (temperatura de la arena) una vez al día. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, este gremio de saurios utiliza de forma diferente los cuatro recursos analizados. Además, se observó una asociación estrecha entre cada especie de saurio y alguno de los recursos considerados en este estudio: U. stejnegeri con la planta perenne Suaeda nigrescens (que le proporciona beneficios para su sobrevivencia como refugio térmico y físico, alimentación y sitios potenciales de anidación), U. exsul con la profundidad de la arena suelta (al poseer adaptaciones morfológicas y etológicas especializadas para desarrollar sus actividades en este sustrato) y A. marmorata con la temperatura del sustrato y el tiempo (para llevar a cabo el forrajeo activo característico de esta especie debe alcanzar y mantener una temperatura corporal elevada que obtiene del medio). La selección diferencial de recursos basada en los requerimientos naturales propios de estas tres especies de saurios ha fomentado la disminución de su competencia interespecífica elevando la segregación ecológica en este ecosistema, lo cual ha promovido la coexistencia de los integrantes de este gremio. Las asociaciones descritas en este estudio proporcionan información importante para el desarrollo de un futuro programa de manejo y conservación de este ecosistema de dunas de arena donde se beneficie a la especie endémica y en peligro de extinción U. exsul, así como a las especies que cohabitan con ella en este lugar. Abstract The dune system of Viesca, Coahuila, is located in the southwestern part of the state and here occur three species of sympatric lizards: Uta stejnegeri, Uma exsul (endemic and in danger of extinction) and Aspidoscelis marmorata. The ecological organization of this guild was determined in this study. Resources like time, microhabitat, loose sand depth, and sand’s temperature were considered. This information will contribute to define the survivorship conditions of these three species in these dunes, and will set the standard of the habitat properties that must have the area that settles down for conservation. The objectives were to determine seasonally the temporal, microhabitat, loose sand depth and sand’s temperature niche breadths, niche overlaps and significant selection within each resource for each species. Fieldwork was carried out in spring (May), summer (August) and fall (November) from 2002 to 2004 during seven days in each season. Two contiguous transects were randomly located (each one 100 x 500 m.) near Saucillo, Coah. Lizard’s temporal organization (activity cycles) were studied hourly all day in the first transect. In the second transect, data of spatial (microhabitat and loose sand depth) and thermal (sand’s temperature) organization were obtained once a day. This lizard’s guild uses in a different form the four analyzed resources. It was observed a narrow association between each lizard’s species and one of the resources considered in this study: Uta stejnegeri with the perennial plant Suaeda nigrescens (that provide benefits for its survivorship like thermal and physical refuge, feeding, and potential nesting sites), U. exsul with the loose sand depth (having morphologic and ethological specialized adaptations to develop its activities in this substrate), and A. marmorata with the sand’s temperature and time (to carry out its characteristic foraging mode, it must reach and maintain a high body temperature which obtains from the environment). This differential resource selection, tied to each species’ niche requirements, has led to a decrease in interspecific competition which maintains coexistence of this sand lizard guild. Associations described here could help to develop a future conservation and management program for these sand dunes where the endemic lizard U. exsul and other species remain protected

    Infestación y distribución corporal de la nigua Eutrombicula alfreddugesi (Acari: Trombiculidae) en el lacertilio de las rocas Sceloporus couchii (Sauria: Phrynosomatidae)

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    Se estudió el grado de infestación y distribución corporal de la nigua Eutrombicula alfreddugesi en el lacertilio Sceloporus couchii en una localidad del Municipio de Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, México. La mayoría de las lagartijas revisadas portaban estos ácaros, sin embargo, la media del número de ácaros que presentaron los machos fue significativamente mayor que la media de las hembras. No se encontró una relación significativa entre la longitud hocico-cloaca, peso y número total de ácaros en ambos sexos, lo que podría indicar que este parasitismo no influye en la condición física de estos lacertilios. El análisis de la distribución corporal mostró que la región donde se observaron concentrados el mayor número de ácaros fue en las bolsas postfemorales, seguido por la región de la nuca y la región axilar.We studied the infestation degree and corporal distribution of the chigger Eutrombicula alfreddugesi on the lizard Sceloporus couchii in a population of Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, México. Most lizards had acari; however, the mean number of acari for males was significantly higher than the mean for females. There was not significant relationship among the snout-vent length, weight and the total number of acari in both sexes, probably indicating that this parasite does not influence the physical condition of this lizard. The analysis of the corporal distribution showed that the region where the acari were most concentrated was in the post femoral pockets, followed by theneck region and the axillary region

    An HPV 16 L1-based chimeric human papilloma virus-like particles containing a string of epitopes produced in plants is able to elicit humoral and cytotoxic T-cell activity in mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Even though two prophylactic vaccines against HPV are currently licensed, infections by the virus continue to be a major health problem mainly in developing countries. The cost of the vaccines limits wide-scale application in poor countries. A promising strategy for producing affordable and efficient vaccines involves the expression of recombinant immunogens in plants. Several HPV genes have been expressed in plants, including L1, which can self-assemble into virus-like particles. A plant-based, dual prophylactic/therapeutic vaccine remains an attractive possibility.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We sought to express in tomato plants chimeric HPV 16 VLPs containing L1 fused to a string of epitopes from HPV 16 E6 and E7 proteins. The L1 employed had been modified to eliminate a strong inhibitory region at the 5' end of the molecule to increase expression levels. Several tomato lines were obtained expressing either L1 alone or L1-E6/E7 from 0.05% to 0.1% of total soluble protein. Stable integration of the transgenes was verified by Southern blot. Northern and western blot revealed successful expression of the transgenes at the mRNA and protein level. The chimeric VLPs were able to assemble adequately in tomato cells. Intraperitoneal administration in mice was able to elicit both neutralizing antibodies against the viral particle and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes activity against the epitopes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this work, we report for the first time the expression in plants of a chimeric particle containing the HPV 16 L1 sequence and a string of T-cell epitopes from HPV 16 E6 and E7 fused to the C-terminus. The particles were able to induce a significant antibody and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes response. Experiments <it>in vivo </it>are in progress to determine whether the chimeric particles are able to induce regression of disease and resolution of viral infection in mice. Chimeric particles of the type described in this work may potentially be the basis for developing prophylactic/therapeutic vaccines. The fact that they are produced in plants, may lower production costs considerably.</p

    Odontodisplasia regional: a propósito de un caso

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    The regional odontodysplasia (RO) is a rare development anomaly that involves components of the ectoderm and mesoderm, this alteration affects both temporary and permanent dentition, being the maxilla more frequently affected than the mandible. A 13-year-old male patient presented delayed eruption of dental organs 21 to 24. Intraoral examination of the soft tissues had normal characteristics, an incomplete formation of the dental organs was distinguished without achieving a distinction in the opacity between enamel and dentin, with wide pulp chambers. We proceeded to the surgical extraction of teeth 21 to 24, a month after this, temporary prosthetic rehabilitation was performed. The RO is a little described alteration so it is still necessary to clarify the etiology and long-term evolution of the condition, the disclosure of new cases will allow to expand the knowledge regarding its frequency, as well as to raise awareness among the health professional about the presence and treatment of it.La odontodisplasia regional (OR) es una anomalía del desarrollo poco frecuente, que involucra componentes del ectodermo y el mesodermo, esta alteración afecta tanto dentición temporal como permanente, siendo el maxilar frecuentemente más afectado que la mandíbula. Acude paciente masculino de 13 años por presentar retraso en la erupción de órganos dentarios 21 al 24. A la exploración intraoral los tejidos blandos contaban con características normales, se apreciaba una formación incompleta de los órganos dentarios sin lograr apreciar una distinción en la opacidad entre el esmalte y la dentina, con cámaras pulpares amplias. Se procedió a la extracción quirúrgica de los dientes 21 al 24, un mes posterior a esto se realizó la rehabilitación protésica temporal. La OR es una alteración poco descrita por lo que aún falta esclarecer la etiología y evolución a largo plazo del padecimiento, el dar a conocer los nuevos casos permite ampliar el conocimiento en cuanto a su frecuencia, además de concientizar al profesional de la salud acerca de la presencia y tratamiento de la misma

    Effect of organic and conventional systems used to grow pecan trees on diversity of soil microbiota

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    Agronomic management modifies the soil bacterial communities and may alter the carbon fractions. Here, we identify differences in several chemical and biological soil variables, as well as bacterial composition between organic (Org) and conventional (Conv) agronomic management in pecan (Carya illinoinensis) orchards located in Coahuila, Mexico. The analyzed variables were pH, N, P, K, soil organic matter, organic matter quality, soil organic carbon, C/N ratio, carbon fractions, microbial biomass carbon, easily extractable Glomalin, colony-forming units, CO2 emissions, and the enzyme activity. The DNA of soil bacteria was extracted, amplified (V3-V4 16S rRNA), and sequenced using Illumina. To compare variables between agronomic managements, t tests were used. Sequences were analyzed in QIIME (Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology). A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to observe associations between the ten most abundant phyla and soil variables in both types of agronomic managements. In Org management, variables related to the capture of recalcitrant carbon compounds were significant, and there was a greater diversity of bacterial communities capable of promoting organic carbon sequestration. In Conv management, variables related to the increase in carbon mineralization, as well as the enzymatic activity related to the metabolism of labile compounds, were significant. The CCA suggested a separation between phyla associated with some variables. Agronomic management impacted soil chemical and biological parameters related to carbon dynamics, including bacterial communities associated with carbon sequestration. Further research is still necessary to understand the plasticity of some bacterial communities, as well as the soil–plant dynamics.Fil: Cabrera Rodríguez, Alejandra. Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo; MéxicoFil: Nava Reyna, Erika. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias; MéxicoFil: Trejo Calzada, Ricardo. Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo; MéxicoFil: García de la Peña, Cristina. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango; MéxicoFil: Arreola Avila, Jesús G.. Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo; MéxicoFil: Collavino, Mónica Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Vaca Paniagua, Felipe. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Díaz Velásquez, Clara. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Constante García, Vicenta. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias; Méxic

    Cancer-associated fibroblast-derived gene signatures determine prognosis in colon cancer patients

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    © The Author(s)Paracrine communication between tumor and surrounding stroma arbitrates the malignant behavior of cancer progression [1]. Fibroblasts, which are the main cell type within the stroma and are called cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), orchestrate the crosstalk with cancer cells [2, 3] and express several markers associated with prognosis [4]. There is increasing evidence that a stroma-specific signature could be used for risk assessment in colon cancer (CC). According to the Consensus Molecular Subtype classification (CMS) in CC, the mesenchymal or CMS4 group is characterized by stromal invasion, extracellular matrix remodeling and TGF-β signaling activation. It is associated with the worst prognosis rates [5, 6]. Genes correlating with the mesenchymal subtype are mostly expressed by CAFs and other stromal cells, rather than by tumor cells [7]. Accordingly, our group defined a gene expression profile associated with CAFs with high pro-migratory effects on colon tumor cells, which was associated with patients’ poor prognosis. These were mostly advanced-stage patients [8].This research is supported by PI17/01847, PI18/01020 and PI20/00602 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and co-financed by the European Development Regional Fund (FEDER) “A way to achieve Europe” (ERDF); by “CIBER de Cáncer”, CB16/12/00273, CB16/12/00301 and CB16/12/00446, from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER; and by the Fundación Científica AECC (a multifaceted approach to targeting pancreatic cancer). The JDLR group also acknowledges the funding provided by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCiii, AES) in grants PI18/00591 and PT17/0009/0008, co-financed by the European Development Regional Fund (FEDER)

    Precision Betacarotene Supplementation Enhanced Ovarian Function and the LH Release Pattern in Yearling Crossbred Anestrous Goats

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    The possible out-of-season effect of beta-carotene supplementation on ovulation rate (OR), antral follicles (AFN), and total ovarian activity (TOA = OR + AFN) as related to the LH release pattern in yearling anestrous goats was evaluated. In late April, Alpine-Saanen-Nubian x Criollo goats (n = 22, 26 N) were randomly allotted to: (1) Beta-carotene (BETA; n = 10, orally supplemented with 50 mg/goat/d; 36.4 ± 1.07 kg live weight (LW), 3.5 ± 0.20 units, body condition score (BCS) or (2) Non-supplemented (CONT; n = 12, 35.2 ± 1.07 kg LW, 3.4 ± 0.2 units BCS). Upon estrus synchronization, an intensive blood sampling (6 h × 15 min) was accomplished in May for LH quantifications; response variables included (pulsatility-PULSE, time to first pulse-TTFP, amplitude-AMPL, nadir-NAD and area under the curve-AUC). Thereafter, an ultrasonography scanning was completed to assess OR and AFN. The Munro algorithm was used to quantify LH pulsatility; if significant effects of time, treatment or interaction were identified, data were compared across time. Neither LW nor BCS (p > 0.05) or even the LH (p > 0.05); PULSE (4.1 ± 0.9 pulses/6 h), NAD (0.47 ± 0.13 ng) and AUC (51.7 ± 18.6 units) differed between treatments. Nonetheless, OR (1.57 vs. 0.87 ± 0.18 units) and TOA (3.44 vs. 1.87 ± 0.45 units) escorted by a reduced TTFP (33 vs. 126 ± 31.9 min) and an increased AMPL (0.55 vs. 0.24 ± 0.9 ng), favored to the BETA supplemented group (p < 0.05), possibly through a GnRH-LH enhanced pathway and(or) a direct effect at ovarian level. Results are relevant to speed-up the out-of-season reproductive outcomes in goats while may embrace translational applications

    The impact of extensive grazing in the behavior of soluble sugars in Prosopis laevigata (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) M.C.Johnst. trees

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    Objective: To evaluate the impact of extensive grazing in the accumulation of soluble sugars in Prosopis laevigata trees, whose leaves and fruits are directly consumed by cattle. Design/Methodology/Approach: The ejido Emiliano Zapata in Durango was the study area. Stem and root samples were collected from a stand of extensive grazing and a stand without cattle. The sampling was carried out in three growth stages: March (flowering), June (fruition), and October (leaf fall). The samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and were lyophilized. Afterwards, they were ground and 10 mg of dry matter were weighted in microtubes. The total soluble sugars (TSS) concentration was determined following the Van Handel methodology, using a spectrophotometer at 625 nm. The statistical analysis was carried out using an ANOVA and the Tukey’s test. Results: In March, the grazing area had lower TSS concentrations during regrowth than the area without grazing, both at root and stem levels. Study Limitations/Implications: The intensity of grazing and the pasture rotation should be regulated to favor carbohydrate accumulation in trees, which is required for the formation of the meristematic tissues. Finding/Conclusions: Extensive grazing has an impact on the synthesis and accumulation of TSS in mesquite trees. Therefore, the consumption of branches, leaves, and fruits decreases TSS concentrations in the stem and the root

    CO2 emissions from solid biofuel consumption in rural communities in Durango, Mexico

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    Objective: In the present work, the amount of emissions expressed in kilotons (Kton year-1) of CO2 due to the consumption of firewood in rural communities of the state of Durango at the municipal level and Forest Management Units (UMAFOR) was calculated. Design/methodology/approach: The consumption of firewood of each one of the UMAFOR and the 39 municipalities in which the state of Durango is divided was determined. The Greenhouse Inventory Software program was used to determine CO2emissions Results: The annual balance of CO2 for firewood consumption in Durango was 268.05 Ktons of carbon dioxide. These emissions in relation to the national level represent 1.52% per year. The UMAFOR and the municipalities that are geographically located in the semi-arid zone of the State were the ones with the highest CO2 emissions. Findings/conclusions: It is necessary to accompany the consumption of firewood with eco-technologies that favor its consumption efficiently and thereby mitigate CO2emissions.Objective: the objective of this study was to calculate the amount, in kilotons per year (kt a-1), of CO2 emissions from firewood consumption in rural communities of Durango in managed areas (UMAFOR– Forest Management Units) and at the municipality scale. Design/ Methodology/ Approach: the firewood consumption was determined for each of the UMAFOR areas and the 39 municipalities into which the state of Durango is divided. Greenhouse Inventory Software® was used to determine CO2 emissions. Results: the annual CO2 balance due to firewood consumption in Durango was 268.05 kt of CO2. These emissions in relation to the national scale represent 1.52% per year. Those UMAFOR and the municipalities that are geographically located in the semi-arid zone of the state of Durango were those with the higher CO2 emissions. Findings/ Conclusions: it is necessary to couple the consumption of firewood with eco-technologies that favor its efficient consumption, thus mitigating CO2 emissions