12 research outputs found

    Strategic notes on Brazilian beef cattle

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    In the new scenario for the Brazilian beef production, the knowledge generation, the integration between the supply chain stakeholders and the information flow focused on the consumer market will be a new institutional and organizational basis for this supply chain. Therefore, this research aims to describe and analyze the structure of the Brazilian beef supply chain and technological innovations in this sector. This supply chain has motivated many studies dedicated to analyzing technologies to increase productivity. These researches have contributed to the advances in this sector, which has extended its borders in the Central and North regions of Brazil and consolidated the more traditional production systems in the South and Southeast regions. In this process, livestock production was treated as an isolated activity in relation to land, which had a value of capital and financial security. However, as the land becomes a scarce and pricy factor of production, livestock will become complementary or integrated with agricultural activity. In this sense, the future model of Brazilian livestock requires an interdisciplinary and cross-sectional view of knowledge to create an integrated production model. This model certainly leads to a reconfiguration, with an increasing land value as background. On the other hand, organizational arrangements also will undergo adjustments of agents that will be better aligned, prioritizing the final consumer. Additionally, understanding the signs of innovation sent to consumers and the information they expect to receive can facilitate the conduct of research for scientific achievement of greater integration in society

    Perfil de consumidores e potenciais consumidores da carne de búfalo na cidade de Belém-PA-Brasil

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    This study sought to explore and characterize the main elements of perception of consumers or potential consumers of buffalo meat as to its conduct, listing, cultural and social issues, and test your knowledge about the attributes of this product. Limiting factors, opportunities and challenges of the market in the capital city of the state of Pará Belém were also addressed in this work. One survey research or evaluation classified as confirmatory, exploratory and descriptive as to its purpose, by applying a semi-structured questionnaire complemented by an affective paired sensory analysis of beef and buffalo meat was performed respectively. It was evident that there is a promising market for buffalo meat in the region since that action is taken to improve the distribution of buffalo meat regularly in outlets and joint actions to promote the beneficial characteristics of this product with supporting institutions public and private players in the production chain. As the result of market segmentation four distinct clusters were identified, namely: Group I of " Young and interested group II "Mixed and indifferent", group III of the " Graduates and successful" and group IV of "healthy women". All groups showed positive responses regarding buffalo meat, however Clusters I and III stood out in several indicators of research especially with respect to their preference and predisposition to purchase and inclusion of buffalo meat in your meals.CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoO presente trabalho buscou explorar e caracterizar os principais elementos de percepção dos consumidores ou potencias consumidores da carne bubalina quanto ao seu comportamento, perfil, questões culturais e sociais, além de testar o seu conhecimento quanto aos atributos deste produto. Fatores limitantes, oportunidades e os desafios do mercado na cidade de Belém capital do estado do Pará também foram abordados neste trabalho. Foi realizada uma pesquisa do tipo survey ou de avaliação classificada como confirmatória, exploratória e descritiva quanto ao seu propósito, através da aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado complementado por uma análise sensorial pareada afetiva de carne bovina e carne bubalina respectivamente. Ficou evidenciado que existe um mercado promissor para a carne de búfalo na cidade de Belém, desde de que sejam tomadas ações para melhorar a distribuição da carne bubalina de forma regular nos pontos de venda e ações conjuntas para divulgar as características benéficas deste produto com o apoio de instituições públicas e privadas envolvidas na cadeia de produção. Quanto ao resultado da segmentação de mercado foram identificados quatro clusters distintos, sendo estes: grupo I dos “Jovens e interessados”, grupo II “Misto e indiferentes”, grupo III dos “Graduados e bem sucedidos” e o grupo IV das “Mulheres saudáveis”. Todos os grupos apresentaram respostas positivas com relação à carne bubalina, no entanto os Clusters I e III destacaram-se em vários indicadores da pesquisa principalmente com relação a sua preferência e pré-disposição para compra e inclusão da carne de búfalo nas suas refeições. O grupo II embora tenha apresentado vários dados positivos frente a suas avaliações da carne bubalina é o grupo que menos tem interesse em incluir a carne de búfalo em seu cardápio. O grupo IV destacou-se por ser representado por mulheres em sua maioria as quais souberam destacar as qualidades da carne bubalina em relação as suas características nutricionais

    Beef brands characteristics in Brazil

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    As marcas de produtos, de forma geral, devem traduzir um conjunto de significados inerentes a que se refere. Para isto, uma identidade verbal ou não verbal é criada através do rótulo em torno da marca. Diante disso, esse trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e classificar as informações associadas às marcas de carne de bovino no Brasil, classificar as marcas existentes e por fim sugerir um framework para auxiliar na tomada de decisão e construção da marca para este produto. Foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória com 154 marcas de carne bovina disponíveis para venda em supermercados do Rio Grande do Sul e fornecidas em sites de divulgação no Brasil. As informações contidas nos rótulos foram avaliadas através de um recorte específico do material, por meio da análise sistemática do conteúdo (verbal e não verbal). Uma categorização e codificação das informações que caracterizam o produto foram estruturadas com base na frequência (ou a ausência) dos elementos da rotulagem e também das descrições fornecidas em sites relacionados às marcas com auxílio do software MAXQDA12 ®. Após a consolidação da base de dados foi possível elaborar uma análise de frequência dos dados descritivos e a análise de componentes principais no software SPSS, 20® Foi constatado que a linguagem não verbal emprega principalmente rótulos multicoloridos associados a um design inovador ou intermediário, símbolos também aparecem de forma ilustrativa e/ou intuitiva. Quanto à linguagem verbal destaca-se a categorização das marcas e outros elementos como indicação de preparo, caracterização animal (idade e raça), selos de certificação e sensorialidade aparecem como uma tendência de aplicação. Descrições referentes ao sistema de produção, bem-estar animal, responsabilidade ambiental e social são pouco associados às marcas de carne bovina no Brasil. Foi observada uma assimetria de informações relacionada às descrições contidas nos rótulos e seus respectivos sites de divulgação. Em uma análise mais detalhada foi identificada presença de três clusters: I – convencionais e ilustrativos (69,5%), II - certificados e diferenciados (16,2%), III – terceirizados e sensoriais (14,3%). Este estudo demonstra o potencial das informações contidas no rótulo e em sites das marcas de carne bovina como ferramenta de marketing. É considerado um estudo relevante do ponto de vista da indústria e acadêmico, além de considerar os benefícios potenciais da rotulagem para o consumidor.The product brands, in general, should translate a set of inherent meanings to which they refer. For this, a verbal or non-verbal identity is created through the label around the mark. Therefore, this work aimed to identify and classify the information associated with meat brands in Brazil, classify the existing brands and finally suggest a framework to assist in decision making and construction of the brand for this Product. An exploratory research was carried out with 154 beef brands available for sale in supermarkets in Rio Grande do Sul and provided on dissemination sites in Brazil. The labels were evaluated through a specific clipping of the material, through the systematic analysis of the content (verbal and non-verbal). A categorization and codification of the information, structured based on the frequency (or absence) of the labelling elements and also the descriptions provided on sites related to the brands with the help of the MAXQDA12 ® software. After the consolidation of the database it was possible to elaborate a frequency analysis of descriptive data and the analysis of principal components in the software SPSS, 20 ®. It was found that non-verbal language mainly employs multicolored labels associated with an innovative or intermediate design, symbols also appear in an illustrative and/or intuitive way As for verbal language, we highlight the categorization of brands and other elements as indication of preparation, animal characterization (age and race), certification and sensoriality appear as a tendency of current application. Descriptions referring to the production system, animal welfare, environmental and social responsibility are little associated with beef brands in Brazil. An asymmetry of information related to the descriptions contained in the labels and their respective dissemination sites was observed. In a more detailed analysis, the presence of three clusters was identified: I – Conventional and illustrative (69.5%), II- Certificates and differentiated (16.2%), III-Outsourced and sensory (14.3%). This study demonstrates the potential of the information contained in the label and sites of Beef brands as a marketing tool. It is considered a relevant study from the industry and academic point of view, in addition to considering the potential benefits of consumer labelling

    Beef brands characteristics in Brazil

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    As marcas de produtos, de forma geral, devem traduzir um conjunto de significados inerentes a que se refere. Para isto, uma identidade verbal ou não verbal é criada através do rótulo em torno da marca. Diante disso, esse trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e classificar as informações associadas às marcas de carne de bovino no Brasil, classificar as marcas existentes e por fim sugerir um framework para auxiliar na tomada de decisão e construção da marca para este produto. Foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória com 154 marcas de carne bovina disponíveis para venda em supermercados do Rio Grande do Sul e fornecidas em sites de divulgação no Brasil. As informações contidas nos rótulos foram avaliadas através de um recorte específico do material, por meio da análise sistemática do conteúdo (verbal e não verbal). Uma categorização e codificação das informações que caracterizam o produto foram estruturadas com base na frequência (ou a ausência) dos elementos da rotulagem e também das descrições fornecidas em sites relacionados às marcas com auxílio do software MAXQDA12 ®. Após a consolidação da base de dados foi possível elaborar uma análise de frequência dos dados descritivos e a análise de componentes principais no software SPSS, 20® Foi constatado que a linguagem não verbal emprega principalmente rótulos multicoloridos associados a um design inovador ou intermediário, símbolos também aparecem de forma ilustrativa e/ou intuitiva. Quanto à linguagem verbal destaca-se a categorização das marcas e outros elementos como indicação de preparo, caracterização animal (idade e raça), selos de certificação e sensorialidade aparecem como uma tendência de aplicação. Descrições referentes ao sistema de produção, bem-estar animal, responsabilidade ambiental e social são pouco associados às marcas de carne bovina no Brasil. Foi observada uma assimetria de informações relacionada às descrições contidas nos rótulos e seus respectivos sites de divulgação. Em uma análise mais detalhada foi identificada presença de três clusters: I – convencionais e ilustrativos (69,5%), II - certificados e diferenciados (16,2%), III – terceirizados e sensoriais (14,3%). Este estudo demonstra o potencial das informações contidas no rótulo e em sites das marcas de carne bovina como ferramenta de marketing. É considerado um estudo relevante do ponto de vista da indústria e acadêmico, além de considerar os benefícios potenciais da rotulagem para o consumidor.The product brands, in general, should translate a set of inherent meanings to which they refer. For this, a verbal or non-verbal identity is created through the label around the mark. Therefore, this work aimed to identify and classify the information associated with meat brands in Brazil, classify the existing brands and finally suggest a framework to assist in decision making and construction of the brand for this Product. An exploratory research was carried out with 154 beef brands available for sale in supermarkets in Rio Grande do Sul and provided on dissemination sites in Brazil. The labels were evaluated through a specific clipping of the material, through the systematic analysis of the content (verbal and non-verbal). A categorization and codification of the information, structured based on the frequency (or absence) of the labelling elements and also the descriptions provided on sites related to the brands with the help of the MAXQDA12 ® software. After the consolidation of the database it was possible to elaborate a frequency analysis of descriptive data and the analysis of principal components in the software SPSS, 20 ®. It was found that non-verbal language mainly employs multicolored labels associated with an innovative or intermediate design, symbols also appear in an illustrative and/or intuitive way As for verbal language, we highlight the categorization of brands and other elements as indication of preparation, animal characterization (age and race), certification and sensoriality appear as a tendency of current application. Descriptions referring to the production system, animal welfare, environmental and social responsibility are little associated with beef brands in Brazil. An asymmetry of information related to the descriptions contained in the labels and their respective dissemination sites was observed. In a more detailed analysis, the presence of three clusters was identified: I – Conventional and illustrative (69.5%), II- Certificates and differentiated (16.2%), III-Outsourced and sensory (14.3%). This study demonstrates the potential of the information contained in the label and sites of Beef brands as a marketing tool. It is considered a relevant study from the industry and academic point of view, in addition to considering the potential benefits of consumer labelling

    Segmentation of the buffalo meat consumer market in Belém, Pará, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to identify different market segments for buffalo meat with target groups defined in the city of Belém, Pará, Brazil. Paired samples of beef and buffalo meat were given to 447 volunteers, and a sensory analysis of the products was conducted. After the tasting, a questionnaire was administered to obtain demographic (age, educational level, marital status) and economic (household income) data as well as information on the habits of respondents and preferences regarding buffalo meat. The factors were estimated using the principal components method and the factors with characteristic roots greater than one were extracted. To check the suitability of the factorial model, Bartlett’s sphericity test and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test were used. A factor analysis was performed, identifying five factors with common variability dimensions. The study has helped identify four distinct market segments which, combined with a targeted marketing strategy, can be used to leverage the productive chain: I - Young and interested, II - Mixed and indifferent, III - Graduates and successful, and IV - Healthy women. All had positive responses to buffalo meat; clusters I and III stood out with regard to several indicators, especially those related to the preference for buffalo meat and the predisposition to purchase and include it in meals. The sensory analysis indicated that consumers showed a greater acceptance of buffalo meat based on the characteristics of flavour, colour, succulence and tenderness. The study helps to identify market segments with distinct features that, combined with a targeted marketing strategy, can be used to leverage the supply chain

    Características dos pecuaristas e da produção leiteira nas mesorregiões sudeste e nordeste do estado do Pará, Brasil

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    The objective of this study was to characterize the dairy production systems of the southeastern and northeastern mesoregions of Pará state. A total of 112 questionnaires were administered on rural properties with dairy cow milk production in the municipalities of Ulianópolis and Irituia from April to May 2013. The activity was conducted mainly by men between 36 and 70 years of age. The education level was low, with 67% of the cattle breeders having incomplete basic education and 20.5% being illiterate. Regarding herd feeding, only 19.6% of the breeders used energy supplements, and 13.39% used roughage supplements. Sanitation control was performed by 99.1% of the breeders, with vaccines against foot and mouth disease and brucellosis being the most common vaccines because they are mandatory. Milking was performed manually on 98.2% of the properties, and pre-dipping and post-dipping techniques were used on only 2.7% and 3.6% of the properties, respectively. Regarding management, 84.8% of the breeders did not perform financial planning, and 99.1% did not have a defined chart of accounts and cost centres and were unaware of their production costs. Average herd productivity was 4.34 L cow-1 day-1, with average production varying between 30 L day-1 in units with fewer than 10 lactating cows and 355 L day-1 in those with over 55 cows. Age and education level were shown to hinder the access to knowledge and technological innovations in products, processes and management.Objetivou-se com este estudo a caracterização dos sistemas de produção de leite das mesorregiões sudeste e nordeste paraense. Foram aplicados 112 questionários em propriedades rurais, que trabalham com bovinocultura leiteira nos municípios de Ulianópolis e Irituia, entre os meses de abril e maio de 2013. A atividade era conduzida predominantemente por homens, com idade variando entre 36 a 70 anos. O nível de escolaridade identificado foi baixo, onde 67% dos pecuaristas possuiam ensino fundamental incompleto e 20,5% eram analfabetos. Com relação à alimentação do rebanho, apenas 19,6% realizavam suplementação com concentrado e 13,39% com volumoso. O controle sanitário era realizado por 99,1% dos produtores, sendo as vacinas contra febre aftosa e brucelose as mais aplicadas por serem obrigatórias. Em 98,2% das propriedades a ordenha era realizada de forma manual, sendo que apenas 2,7% e 3,6% respectivamente faziam uso das técnicas de pré-dipping, e pós-dipping. Quanto à gestão 84,8% não realizavam a composição do planejamento financeiro e 99,1% não possuíam plano de contas e centro de custos definidos, desconhecendo o custo de produção. A produtividade média do rebanho foi de 4,34 (L vaca-1 dia-1), com produção média variando entre 30 L dia-1 em unidades com menos de 10 vacas em lactação e 355 litros naquelas com mais de 55 vacas. Verificou-se que variáveis idade e escolaridade compromete o acesso ao conhecimento e as inovações tecnológicas de produtos, processos e gestão

    Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil

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    Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network

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    International audienceThe shortage of reliable primary taxonomic data limits the description of biological taxa and the understanding of biodiversity patterns and processes, complicating biogeographical, ecological, and evolutionary studies. This deficit creates a significant taxonomic impediment to biodiversity research and conservation planning. The taxonomic impediment and the biodiversity crisis are widely recognized, highlighting the urgent need for reliable taxonomic data. Over the past decade, numerous countries worldwide have devoted considerable effort to Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), which called for the preparation of a working list of all known plant species by 2010 and an online world Flora by 2020. Brazil is a megadiverse country, home to more of the world's known plant species than any other country. Despite that, Flora Brasiliensis, concluded in 1906, was the last comprehensive treatment of the Brazilian flora. The lack of accurate estimates of the number of species of algae, fungi, and plants occurring in Brazil contributes to the prevailing taxonomic impediment and delays progress towards the GSPC targets. Over the past 12 years, a legion of taxonomists motivated to meet Target 1 of the GSPC, worked together to gather and integrate knowledge on the algal, plant, and fungal diversity of Brazil. Overall, a team of about 980 taxonomists joined efforts in a highly collaborative project that used cybertaxonomy to prepare an updated Flora of Brazil, showing the power of scientific collaboration to reach ambitious goals. This paper presents an overview of the Brazilian Flora 2020 and provides taxonomic and spatial updates on the algae, fungi, and plants found in one of the world's most biodiverse countries. We further identify collection gaps and summarize future goals that extend beyond 2020. Our results show that Brazil is home to 46,975 native species of algae, fungi, and plants, of which 19,669 are endemic to the country. The data compiled to date suggests that the Atlantic Rainforest might be the most diverse Brazilian domain for all plant groups except gymnosperms, which are most diverse in the Amazon. However, scientific knowledge of Brazilian diversity is still unequally distributed, with the Atlantic Rainforest and the Cerrado being the most intensively sampled and studied biomes in the country. In times of “scientific reductionism”, with botanical and mycological sciences suffering pervasive depreciation in recent decades, the first online Flora of Brazil 2020 significantly enhanced the quality and quantity of taxonomic data available for algae, fungi, and plants from Brazil. This project also made all the information freely available online, providing a firm foundation for future research and for the management, conservation, and sustainable use of the Brazilian funga and flora