1,895 research outputs found

    La institución como forma social creadora de subjetividad

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    Heredera del monasterio, la institución moderna es una forma social particular que podría haber sido distinta. Uno de los aspectos que la particulariza es la distancia que las instituciones mantienen entre sí y con el conjunto social. En este sentido, las instituciones muestran su sustrato monacal, pero aún más que en su relativo aislamiento, lo hacen en sus mecanismos de producción de subjetividad. Pues el sujeto de la institución es aquello que la institución forja como hábito, a la manera de una segunda naturaleza humana, tal como se observa en la propuesta monástica y tal como los griegos lo realizaban bajo otras formas. Estas tecnologías de subjetivación exponen el sustrato formativo, educativo, que en distinto grado guarda toda institución.Heiress of the monastery, the modern institution is a particular social form that might have been different. One of its particular aspects is the distance they keep between each other and with the social whole. In this sense the institutions shows its monastic substrate, but even more than in their relative isolation, they do it in their mechanisms of production of subjectivity. Because the subject of the institution is what it forges as a habit, in the manner of a second human nature as it is showed in the monastic proposal, and also in the Greeks form. These technologies show the substrate of production of subjectivity, or the education, that every institution keeps in varying degrees.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    La institución como forma social creadora de subjetividad

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    Heredera del monasterio, la institución moderna es una forma social particular que podría haber sido distinta. Uno de los aspectos que la particulariza es la distancia que las instituciones mantienen entre sí y con el conjunto social. En este sentido, las instituciones muestran su sustrato monacal, pero aún más que en su relativo aislamiento, lo hacen en sus mecanismos de producción de subjetividad. Pues el sujeto de la institución es aquello que la institución forja como hábito, a la manera de una segunda naturaleza humana, tal como se observa en la propuesta monástica y tal como los griegos lo realizaban bajo otras formas. Estas tecnologías de subjetivación exponen el sustrato formativo, educativo, que en distinto grado guarda toda institución.Heiress of the monastery, the modern institution is a particular social form that might have been different. One of its particular aspects is the distance they keep between each other and with the social whole. In this sense the institutions shows its monastic substrate, but even more than in their relative isolation, they do it in their mechanisms of production of subjectivity. Because the subject of the institution is what it forges as a habit, in the manner of a second human nature as it is showed in the monastic proposal, and also in the Greeks form. These technologies show the substrate of production of subjectivity, or the education, that every institution keeps in varying degrees.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    La institución como forma social creadora de subjetividad

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    Heredera del monasterio, la institución moderna es una forma social particular que podría haber sido distinta. Uno de los aspectos que la particulariza es la distancia que las instituciones mantienen entre sí y con el conjunto social. En este sentido, las instituciones muestran su sustrato monacal, pero aún más que en su relativo aislamiento, lo hacen en sus mecanismos de producción de subjetividad. Pues el sujeto de la institución es aquello que la institución forja como hábito, a la manera de una segunda naturaleza humana, tal como se observa en la propuesta monástica y tal como los griegos lo realizaban bajo otras formas. Estas tecnologías de subjetivación exponen el sustrato formativo, educativo, que en distinto grado guarda toda institución.Heiress of the monastery, the modern institution is a particular social form that might have been different. One of its particular aspects is the distance they keep between each other and with the social whole. In this sense the institutions shows its monastic substrate, but even more than in their relative isolation, they do it in their mechanisms of production of subjectivity. Because the subject of the institution is what it forges as a habit, in the manner of a second human nature as it is showed in the monastic proposal, and also in the Greeks form. These technologies show the substrate of production of subjectivity, or the education, that every institution keeps in varying degrees.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Accurate and unambiguous tag-to-gene mapping in serial analysis of gene expression

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    BACKGROUND: In this study, we present a robust and reliable computational method for tag-to-gene assignment in serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE). The method relies on current genome information and annotation, incorporation of several new features, and key improvements over alternative methods, all of which are important to determine gene expression levels more accurately. The method provides a complete annotation of potential virtual SAGE tags within a genome, along with an estimation of their confidence for experimental observation that ranks tags that present multiple matches in the genome. RESULTS: We applied this method to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome, producing the most thorough and accurate annotation of potential virtual SAGE tags that is available today for this organism. The usefulness of this method is exemplified by the significant reduction of ambiguous cases in existing experimental SAGE data. In addition, we report new insights from the analysis of existing SAGE data. First, we found that experimental SAGE tags mapping onto introns, intron-exon boundaries, and non-coding RNA elements are observed in all available SAGE data. Second, a significant fraction of experimental SAGE tags was found to map onto genomic regions currently annotated as intergenic. Third, a significant number of existing experimental SAGE tags for yeast has been derived from truncated cDNAs, which are synthesized through oligo-d(T) priming to internal poly-(A) regions during reverse transcription. CONCLUSION: We conclude that an accurate and unambiguous tag mapping process is essential to increase the quality and the amount of information that can be extracted from SAGE experiments. This is supported by the results obtained here and also by the large impact that the erroneous interpretation of these data could have on downstream applications

    Metabolism and transport of complex metabolites of mycobacteria

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    MycobacteriumMycobacterium tuberculosistuberculosis, the causative agent of the infectious disease Tuberculosis, is one of the most successful human pathogen. The disease remains a global health priority due to the spread of HIV and multidrug resistant strains. Therefore, there is a need to extend the understanding of the physiology and pathogenicity of MM. tuberculosistuberculosis in order to develop new therapies, antimicrobial drugs and vaccines. MycobacteriumMycobacterium possesses a unique cell envelope responsible for the reduced susceptibility to antibiotics and pathogenicity due to the high lipid content. It is composed by the plasma membrane, an unusual lipid-rich cell wall and an outermost layer known as the capsule. Moreover, other complex metabolites play a role in M.M. tuberculosistuberculosis virulence such as inorganic polyphosphate, a polymer involved in stringent response and long term survival. In this study, a transposon mutant library was generated in order to identify new genetic determinants related to cell envelope; furthermore, specific mutants strains were generated to investigate the role of MmpL factors in mycolic acids transport, to test the role of a group of ABC-transporters in capsule biosynthesis and also to assess the function of exopolyphosphatases in survival under stress and nutrient limitation condition

    Mycolic acids : deciphering and targeting the Achilles' heel of the tubercle bacillus

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    Mycolic acids are unique long chain fatty acids found in the lipid-rich cell walls of mycobacteria including the tubercle bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Essential for viability and virulence, enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of mycolic acids represent novel targets for drug development. This is particularly relevant to the impact on global health given the rise of multidrug resistant and extensively drug resistant strains of M. tuberculosis. In this review, we discuss recent advances in our understanding of how mycolic acid are synthesised, especially the potential role of specialised fatty acid synthase complexes. Also, we examine the role of a recently reported mycolic acid transporter MmpL3 with reference to several reports of the targeting of this transporter by diverse compounds with anti-M. tuberculosis activity. Additionally, we consider recent findings that place mycolic acid biosynthesis in the context of the cell biology of the bacterium, viz its localisation and co-ordination with the bacterial cytoskeleton, and its role beyond maintaining cell envelope integrity

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un restaurante de comida rápida saludable Fast Good con servicio a domicilio en el cantón Ibarra, provincia de Imbabura

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    Determinar la factibilidad para la creación de un restaurante de comida rápida saludable Fast Good con servicio a domicilio en el cantón Ibarra, provincia de Imbabura.El presente proyecto de investigación se realizó con el objetivo de determinar la factibilidad para la creación de un restaurante de comida rápida saludable Fast Good con servicio a domicilio en el cantón Ibarra, provincia de Imbabura. En el diagnóstico situacional se realizó un análisis de la realidad del macroentorno mediante el desarrollo de variables e indicadores en el que se determinó que Ibarra al encontrarse en una zona estratégica posee condiciones favorables para el desarrollo del proyecto en cuanto a servicios básicos, mano de obra y materia prima. Posteriormente se realizó el estudio de mercado en el que se determinó la demanda potencial y la oferta existente de productos saludables, además se planteó estrategias de marketing Mix para el posicionamiento de la empresa. En cuanto al estudio técnico se estableció la producción óptima al contemplar aspectos técnicos operativos necesarios para el uso eficiente de los recursos disponibles mediante la determinación de la localización apropiada, el tamaño e ingeniería del proyecto. Consecuentemente en el estudio financiero se demuestra la factibilidad económica del proyecto mediante la evaluación de indicadores financieros en los que se obtuvo que el costo de capital es de 10,44%, la tasa de rendimiento medio es del 12,26%, el valor actual neto de 131.141,26latasainternaderetornode248,78 131.141,26 la tasa interna de retorno de 248,78%, el costo beneficio es de 1,16%, el periodo de recuperación de la inversión es de 7 meses y 6 días y el punto de equilibrio es de 81.251,91 y en unidades 41.302 productos. Finalmente se diseñó la propuesta organizacional en la que se definió misión, visión, objetivos, estructura orgánica, a través de aspectos administrativos, legales, fiscales y laborales que garantizan el logro de los objetivos y metas planteadas.Ingenierí

    Optical and structural characterization of TiO-Zn-V thin films synthesized using the sol-gel method

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    We report structural and optical properties of thin films grown by the sol–gel method and spin-coating technique. We synthesized thin films of Tiox-Zn-V with varying concentrations of vanadium and titanium. The resulting thin films are characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD), wavelength-dispersive x-ray fluorescence, and ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometry. XRD results indicate that the majority phase of the resulting structure was Tiox-Zn with a crystallographic plane (020) and an angular position 2θ of 42.38°. The presence of vanadium was confirmed by x-ray fluorescence, and transmittance measurements in the 300–800-nm range showed that the transmittance of this material was over 80%, but reduced in the presence of vanadium. We also found the width of the energy gap to decrease as the concentration of vanadium is increased, thereby suggesting an increase in conductivity and the introduction of a certain amount of disorder into the Tiox-Zn structure according to the Wemple–DiDomenico (WDD) formulation of energy dispersion. Thus, the influence of vanadium on the optical properties of the Tiox-Zn system could be advantageous for the fabrication of smart windows

    The double edge of anti-CD40 siRNA therapy: It increases renal microcapillar density but favours the generation of an inflammatory milieu in the kidneys of ApoE -/- mice

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    Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with endothelial dysfunctions thus prompting links between microcirculation (MC), inflammation and major cardiovascular risk factors. Purpose of the study: We have previously reported that siRNA-silencing of CD40 (siCD40) reduced atherosclerosis (ATH) progression. Here, we have deepened on the effects of the siCD40 treatment by evaluating retrospectively, in stored kidneys from the siCD40 treated ApoE−/− mice, the renal microcirculation (measured as the density of peritubular capillaries), macrophage infiltration and NF-κB activation. Methods: Kidneys were isolated after 16 weeks of treatment with the anti-CD40 siRNA (siCD40), with a scrambled control siRNA (siSC) or with PBS (Veh. group). Renal endothelium, infiltrating macrophages and activated NF-κB in endothelium were identified by immunohistochemistry, while the density of stained peritubular capillaries was quantified by image analysis. Results: ATH was associated with a reduction in renal MC, an effect reversed by the anti-CD40 siRNA treatment (3.8 ± 2.7% in siCD40; vs. 1.8 ± 0.1% in siSC; or 1.9 ± 1.6% in Veh.; p < 0.0001). Furthermore, siCD40 treatment reduced the number of infiltrating macrophages compared to the SC group (14.1 ± 5.9 cells/field in siCD40; vs. 37.1 ± 17.8 cells/field in siSC; and 1.3 ± 1.7 cells/field in Veh.; p = 0.001). NF-κB activation also peaked in the siSC group, showing lower levels in the siCD40 and Veh. groups (63 ± 60 positive cells/section in siCD40; vs. 152 ± 44 positive cells/ section in siSC; or 26 ± 29 positive cells/section in veh.; p = 0.014). Lastly, serum creatinine was also increased in the siCD40 (3.4 ± 3.3 mg/dL) and siSC (4.6 ± 3.0 mg/dL) groups when compared with Veh. (1.1 ± 0.9 mg/dL, p = 0.1). Conclusions: Anti-CD40 siRNA therapy significantly increased the density of peritubular capillaries and decreased renal inflammation in the ATH model. These data provide a physiological basis for the development of renal diseases in patients with ATH. Furthermore, our results also highligth renal off-target effects of the siRNA treatment which are discussed

    Bioinformatic Studies for the Identification of Possible Therapeutic Targets in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Disease: Estudios bioinformáticos para la identificación de posibles dianas terapéuticas en la enfermedad de Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA)

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    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the progressive loss of neurons in different areas of the central nervous system, which in a short time causes the death of the patient. Biological databases such as MalaCards, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), Harmonizome and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) were used, the most relevant genes were grouped according to the dysfunction they cause in the genes and according to the score value assigned in each of them. Twenty-six elite genes were selected from which interaction networks were designed to identify the most important connections between the proteins synthesized by these genes. From these pathways, genes following SOD1 gene mutations were chosen to select the domains that meet the best drugability criteria and through a virtual screening the domains that offer the best conditions for ligand binding that could later be transformed into potential drugs were selected; these receptors were validated using the DrugBank database. The Valosin Containing Protein (VCP) and VAMP Associated Protein B and C (VAPB) genes were identified as the most important genes related to the disease, and the protein receptors Transitional endoplasmatic reticulum and Vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein B/C together with their targets, Saquinavir and Astemizole, two commercial drugs whose toxicological properties were analyzed to ensure their applicability. Saquinavir presented better properties in the evaluation of Quantitative Structure-Activity Ratio (QSAR) and Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion and Toxicity (ADMET) properties, on the other hand, Astemizole exhibited greater stability since it presents hydrogen bonding, which is responsible for providing this characteristic to the binding.La Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa caracterizada por la pérdida progresiva de neuronas en diferentes áreas del sistema nervioso central lo que en poco tiempo causa la muerte del paciente. Se utilizó bases de datos biológicas tales como MalaCards, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), Harmonizome y Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), los genes más relevantes fueron agrupados de acuerdo con la disfunción que causan en los genes y de acuerdo con el valor de puntuación asignada en cada una de ellas. Se seleccionó 26 genes élite a partir de los cuales se diseñaron redes de interacción para identificar las conexiones más importantes entre las proteínas que sintetizan estos genes. De estas rutas se escogieron los genes que siguen las mutaciones del gen SOD1 para seleccionar los dominios que cumplen con los mejores criterios de drugabilidad y a través de un cribado virtual se seleccionó los dominios que ofrecen las mejores condiciones para la unión de ligandos que posteriormente se podrían transformar en posibles medicamentos, estos receptores se validaron utilizando la base de datos DrugBank. Se identificaron los genes Valosin Containing Protein (VCP) y VAMP Associated Protein B and C (VAPB) como los genes más importantes relacionados con la enfermedad, y los receptores proteicos Transitional endoplasmatic reticulum y Vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein B/C junto a sus dianas, Saquinavir y Astemizole, dos fármacos comerciales de los cuales se analizó las propiedades toxicológicas para garantizar su aplicabilidad. El Saquinavir presentó mejores propiedades en la evaluación de la Relación Cuantitativa Estructura-Actividad (QSAR) y las propiedades de Absorción, Distribución, Metabolismo, Excreción y Toxicidad (ADMET), por otra parte, Astemizole exhibió mayor estabilidad ya que presenta enlaces de puentes de hidrógeno, que son los responsables de proporcionar esta característica a la unión