2,181 research outputs found

    Extreme alpha-clustering in the 18O nucleus

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    The structure of the 18O nucleus at excitation energies above the alpha decay threshold was studied using 14C+alpha resonance elastic scattering. A number of states with large alpha reduced widths have been observed, indicating that the alpha-cluster degree of freedom plays an important role in this N not equal Z nucleus. However, the alpha-cluster structure of this nucleus is very different from the relatively simple pattern of strong alpha-cluster quasi-rotational bands in the neighboring 16O and 20Ne nuclei. A 0+ state with an alpha reduced width exceeding the single particle limit was identified at an excitation energy of 9.9+/-0.3 MeV. We discuss evidence that states of this kind are common in light nuclei and give possible explanations of this feature.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Resubmission with minor changes for clarity, including removal of one figur

    Coupling of the nucleus and cytoplasm: role of the LINC complex

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    The nuclear envelope defines the barrier between the nucleus and cytoplasm and features inner and outer membranes separated by a perinuclear space (PNS). The inner nuclear membrane contains specific integral proteins that include Sun1 and Sun2. Although the outer nuclear membrane (ONM) is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum, it is nevertheless enriched in several integral membrane proteins, including nesprin 2 Giant (nesp2G), an 800-kD protein featuring an NH2-terminal actin-binding domain. A recent study (Padmakumar, V.C., T. Libotte, W. Lu, H. Zaim, S. Abraham, A.A. Noegel, J. Gotzmann, R. Foisner, and I. Karakesisoglou. 2005. J. Cell Sci. 118:3419–3430) has shown that localization of nesp2G to the ONM is dependent upon an interaction with Sun1. In this study, we confirm and extend these results by demonstrating that both Sun1 and Sun2 contribute to nesp2G localization. Codepletion of both of these proteins in HeLa cells leads to the loss of ONM-associated nesp2G, as does overexpression of the Sun1 lumenal domain. Both treatments result in the expansion of the PNS. These data, together with those of Padmakumar et al. (2005), support a model in which Sun proteins tether nesprins in the ONM via interactions spanning the PNS. In this way, Sun proteins and nesprins form a complex that links the nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton (the LINC complex)

    Target structure independent 7Li⃗^7\vec{Li} elastic scattering at low momentum transfers

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    Analyzing powers and cross sections for the elastic scattering of polarized 7Li by targets of 6Li, 7Li and 12C are shown to depend only on the properties of the projectile for momentum transfers of less than 1.0 fm-1. The result of a detailed analysis of the experimental data within the framework of the coupled channels model with ground state reorientation and transitions to the excited states of the projectile and targets included in the coupling schemes are presented. This work suggests that nuclear properties of weakly-bound nuclei can be tested by elastic scattering experiments, independent of the target used, if data are acquired for momentum transfers less than ~1.0 fm-1.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted in Phys. Lett.

    Evaluating the impact of post-qualifying social work education.

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    Post-qualifying awards in social work are well established within the continuing professional development agenda for qualified social workers in the UK. The evaluation of education and training should be an integral part of this agenda because it is important to ensure that programmes continue to meet standards of delivery, are successful in meeting their aims and objectives and are making an impact on practice. However, there is limited amount of published work on the evaluation of post-qualifying social work education, with studies often focusing on programme delivery rather than on their impact on practice. This paper explores evaluative work within the current post-qualifying social work framework, and discusses the results of an evaluation of the Vulnerable Adults and Community Care Practice programme, a specialist post-qualifying social work education programme run by a UK university, as an example of an evaluation of the impact on practice. The results indicate positive evidence of impact on practice and demonstrate examples of how the programme has had a direct effect on individuals, teams, organisations and on people who use services

    Prozessmanagement als Gestaltungshebel der digitalen Transformation?

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    Bietet das Hype-Thema «digitale Transformation» die Chance, Prozessmanagement in ein ganz neues Licht zu rĂŒcken? Ist Prozessmanagement vielleicht sogar eine wesentliche Voraussetzung, um den digitalen Wandel zielgenauer zu gestalten? Oder wird Prozessmanagement im Zeitalter der selbstorganisierenden Teams und Customer Journeys letztlich ĂŒberflĂŒssig? Nicht nur Branchen, sondern auch Managementdisziplinen sind herausgefordert, sich mit der Relevanz der digitalen Transformation zu beschĂ€ftigen, sich neu zu ordnen, sich besser zu verzahnen und sich letztlich zu wandeln. Ziel der Business-Process-Management-Studie 2016, mit der das Institut fĂŒr Wirtschaftsinformatik der ZĂŒrcher Hochschule fĂŒr Angewandte Wissenschaften, School of Management and Law seit 2011 regelmĂ€ssig Status quo und Best Practices im deutschsprachigen Raum erhebt, war es, die Rolle des Prozessmanagements als Gestaltungshebel der digitalen Transformation zu beleuchten

    Phase Dependent Thermopower in Andreev Interferometers

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    We report measurements of the thermopower S of mesoscopic Andreev interferometers, which are hybrid loops with one arm fabricated from a superconductor (Al), and one arm from a normal metal (Au). S depends on the phase of electrons in the interferometer, oscillating as a function of magnetic flux with a period of one flux quantum (= h/2e). The magnitude of S increases as the temperature T is lowered, reaching a maximum around T = 0.14 K, and decreases at lower temperatures. The symmetry of S oscillations with respect to magnetic flux depends on the topology of the sample.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The ethical challenge of Touraine's 'living together'

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    In Can We Live Together? Alain Touraine combines a consummate analysis of crucial social tensions in contemporary societies with a strong normative appeal for a new emancipatory 'Subject' capable of overcoming the twin threats of atomisation or authoritarianism. He calls for a move from 'politics to ethics' and then from ethics back to politics to enable the new Subject to make a reality out of the goals of democracy and solidarity. However, he has little to say about the nature of such an ethics. This article argues that this lacuna could usefully be filled by adopting a form of radical humanism found in the work of Erich Fromm. It defies convention in the social sciences by operating from an explicit view of the 'is' and the 'ought' of common human nature, specifying reason, love and productive work as the qualities to be realised if we are to move closer to human solidarity. Although there remain significant philosophical and political differences between the two positions, particularly on the role to be played by 'the nation', their juxtaposition opens new lines of inquiry in the field of cosmopolitan ethics
