53 research outputs found

    Porcine Digestible Peptides (PDP) in Weanling Diets Regulates the Expression of Genes Involved in Gut Barrier Function, Immune Response and Nutrient Transport in Nursery Pigs

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    CRAG 10.3390/ani10122368This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of porcine digestible peptides (PDP), spray-dried plasma (SDP), or a combination of both, on growth performance and the expression of genes related to intestinal function of weaned pigs. A total of 180 piglets (trial 1) and 198 piglets (trial 2) were used to evaluate the partial substitution of soybean ingredients with 2% SDP or 2% PDP (trial 1), and with 3% SDP or the combination of 1% SDP and 2% PDP (SDP-PDP; trial 2) during the pre-starter period (0-14 days). The gene expression of 56 genes was quantified in a qPCR platform in jejunum and ileum samples obtained from piglets 14 d after weaning (trial 2). Piglets fed SDP, PDP and SDP-PDP had a higher body weight (BW), average daily gain (ADG) and feed efficiency (G:F) than the soybean control on day 14 (p < 0.05). In addition, the combination of SDP and PDP upregulated ten genes in jejunum samples (p < 0.05) related to intestinal function. More research is needed to confirm that gene expression upregulation by PDP in combination with SDP has an impact on intestinal function and to elucidate its underlying mechanisms

    Identification of eQTLs associated with lipid metabolism in Longissimus dorsi muscle of pigs with different genetic backgrounds

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    Intramuscular fat content and its fatty acid composition affect porcine meat quality and its nutritional value. The present work aimed to identify genomic variants regulating the expression in the porcine muscle (Longissimus dorsi) of 45 candidate genes for lipid metabolism and fatty acid composition in three experimental backcrosses based on the Iberian breed. Expression genome-wide association studies (eGWAS) were performed between the muscle gene expression values, measured by real-time quantitative PCR, and the genotypes of 38,426 SNPs distributed along all chromosomes. The eGWAS identified 186 eSNPs located in ten Sus scrofa regions and associated with the expression of ACSM5, ACSS2, ATF3, DGAT2, FOS and IGF2 (FDR < 0.05) genes. Two expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) for IGF2 and ACSM5 were classified as cis-acting eQTLs, suggesting a mutation in the same gene affecting its expression. Conversely, ten eQTLs showed trans-regulatory effects on gene expression. When the eGWAS was performed for each backcross independently, only three common trans-eQTL regions were observed, indicating different regulatory mechanisms or allelic frequencies among the breeds. In addition, hotspot regions regulating the expression of several genes were detected. Our results provide new data to better understand the functional regulatory mechanisms of lipid metabolism genes in muscle.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of porcine IGF2 gene expression in adipose tissue and its effect on fatty acid composition

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    IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism has been described as the causal mutation of a maternally imprinted QTL for muscle growth and fat deposition in pigs. The objective of the current work was to study the association between the IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism and the IGF2 gene expression and its effect on fatty acid composition in adipose tissue in different pig genetic backgrounds. A cis-eQTL region associated with the IGF2 mRNA expression in adipose tissue was identified in an eGWAS with 355 animals. The IGF2 gene was located in this genomic interval and IGF2g.3072G>A was the most significant SNP, explaining a 25% of the gene expression variance. Significant associations between IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism and oleic (C18:1(n-9); p-value = 4.18x10-07), hexadecanoic (C16:1(n-9); p-value = 4.04x10-07), linoleic (C18:2(n-6); p-value = 6.44x10-09), α-linoleic (C18:3(n-3); p-value = 3.30x10-06), arachidonic (C20:4(n-6); p-value = 9.82x10-08) FAs and the MUFA/PUFA ratio (p-value = 2.51x10-9) measured in backfat were identified. Animals carrying the A allele showed an increase in IGF2 gene expression and higher PUFA and lower MUFA content. However, in additional studies was observed that there could be other proximal genetic variants affecting FA composition in adipose tissue. Finally, no differences in the IGF2 gene expression in adipose tissue were found between heterozygous animals classified according to the IGF2:g.3072G>A allele inherited from the father (APGM or AMGP). However, pyrosequencing analysis revealed that there is imprinting of the IGF2 gene in muscle and adipose tissues, with stronger differences among the paternally and maternally inherited alleles in muscle. Our results suggested that IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism plays an important role in the regulation of IGF2 gene expression and can be involved in the fatty acid composition in adipose tissue. In both cases, further studies are still needed to deepen the mechanism of regulation of IGF2 gene expression in adipose tissue and the IGF2 role in FA composition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Indel detection from Whole Genome Sequencing data and association with lipid metabolism in pigs

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    The selection in commercial swine breeds for meat-production efficiency has been increasing among the past decades, reducing the intramuscular fat content, which has changed the sensorial and technological properties of pork. Through processes of natural adaptation and selective breeding, the accumulation of mutations has driven the genetic divergence between pig breeds. The most common and well-studied mutations are single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). However, insertions and deletions (indels) usually represents a fifth part of the detected mutations and should also be considered for animal breeding. In the present study, three different programs (Dindel, SAMtools mpileup, and GATK) were used to detect indels from Whole Genome Sequencing data of Iberian boars and Landrace sows. A total of 1,928,746 indels were found in common with the three programs. The VEP tool predicted that 1,289 indels may have a high impact on protein sequence and function. Ten indels inside genes related with lipid metabolism were genotyped in pigs from three different backcrosses with Iberian origin, obtaining different allelic frequencies on each backcross. Genome-Wide Association Studies performed in the Longissimus dorsi muscle found an association between an indel located in the C1q and TNF related 12 (C1QTNF12) gene and the amount of eicosadienoic acid (C20:2(n-6)).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Porcine Digestible Peptides (PDP) in Weanling Diets Regulates the Expression of Genes Involved in Gut Barrier Function, Immune Response and Nutrient Transport in Nursery Pigs

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of porcine digestible peptides (PDP), spray-dried plasma (SDP), or a combination of both, on growth performance and the expression of genes related to intestinal function of weaned pigs. A total of 180 piglets (trial 1) and 198 piglets (trial 2) were used to evaluate the partial substitution of soybean ingredients with 2% SDP or 2% PDP (trial 1), and with 3% SDP or the combination of 1% SDP and 2% PDP (SDP-PDP; trial 2) during the pre-starter period (0-14 days). The gene expression of 56 genes was quantified in a qPCR platform in jejunum and ileum samples obtained from piglets 14 d after weaning (trial 2). Piglets fed SDP, PDP and SDP-PDP had a higher body weight (BW), average daily gain (ADG) and feed efficiency (G:F) than the soybean control on day 14 (p < 0.05). In addition, the combination of SDP and PDP upregulated ten genes in jejunum samples (p < 0.05) related to intestinal function. More research is needed to confirm that gene expression upregulation by PDP in combination with SDP has an impact on intestinal function and to elucidate its underlying mechanisms

    Identification of strong candidate genes for backfat and intramuscular fatty acid composition in three crosses based on the Iberian pig

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    Meat quality has an important genetic component and can be modified by the fatty acid (FA) composition and the amount of fat contained in adipose tissue and muscle. The present study aimed to find genomic regions associated with the FA composition in backfat and muscle (longissimus dorsi) in 439 pigs with three different genetic backgrounds but having the Iberian breed in common. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were performed between 38,424 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) covering the pig genome and 60 phenotypic traits related to backfat and muscle FA composition. Nine significant associated regions were found in backfat on the Sus scrofa chromosomes (SSC): SSC1, SSC2, SSC4, SSC6, SSC8, SSC10, SSC12, and SSC16. For the intramuscular fat, six significant associated regions were identified on SSC4, SSC13, SSC14, and SSC17. A total of 52 candidate genes were proposed to explain the variation in backfat and muscle FA composition traits. GWAS were also reanalysed including SNPs on five candidate genes (ELOVL6, ELOVL7, FADS2, FASN, and SCD). Regions and molecular markers described in our study may be useful for meat quality selection of commercial pig breeds, although several polymorphisms were breed-specific, and further analysis would be needed to evaluate possible causal mutations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phytogenic Compounds Supplemented to Gestating Hyperprolific Sows Affects the Gut Health-Related Gene Expression and Histological Responses in Neonate Piglets

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    This research aims to determine whether a specific blend of phytogenic compounds (BPC) supplemented in gestating hyperprolific sow diets can promote prenatal maternal effects in terms of piglet gut function and morphology. Twenty-eight (Landrace × Yorkshire) gilts and sows (parity 0 to 7) were randomly distributed by parity number and body weight into two dietary treatments: unsupplemented Control (CON) (n = 14) or CON diet supplemented with 1 g/kg feed of BPC during gestation (n = 14). The BPC supplementation during gestation of sows downregulated the neonate piglets' jejunal genes involved in oxidation (SOD2) and nutrient transport (SLC16A1/MCT1, SLC11A2/DMT1, and SLC39A/ZIP4), while IFNG and CLDN4 related to immune response and barrier function, respectively, were upregulated (q < 0.10). In addition, the jejunal villus height and the ratio of the villus height to crypt depth tended to increase (p < 0.10), while goblet cell volume density was higher (p < 0.05) in BPC compared to CON. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of BPC in gestating diets for hyperprolific sows influences neonatal histomorphology and expression of genes related to the intestinal function and health

    Expression analysis of candidate genes for fatty acid composition in adipose tissue and identifcation of regulatory regions

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    The aim of this work was to study the genetic basis of the backfat expression of lipid-related genes associated with meat quality traits in pigs. We performed a genome-wide association study with the backfat gene expression measured in 44 genes by qPCR and the PorcineSNP60 BeadChip genotypes in 115 Iberian x Landrace backcross animals. A total of 193 expression-associated SNPs located in 19 chromosomal regions were associated with expression levels of ACSM5, ELOVL6, FABP4, FADS2, and SLC27A4 genes. Three expression quantitative trail loci (eQTLs) corresponding to ACSM5, FABP4, and FADS2 were classifed as cis-acting eQTLs, whereas the remaining 16 eQTLs have trans-regulatory efects. Remarkably, a SNP in the ACSM5 promoter region and a SNP in the 3′UTR region of FABP4 were the most associated polymorphisms with the ACSM5 and FABP4 expression levels, respectively. Moreover, relevant lipid-related genes mapped in the trans-eQTLs regions associated with the ACSM5, FABP4, FADS2, and SLC27A4 genes. Interestingly, a trans-eQTL hotspot on SSC13 regulating the gene expression of ELOVL6, ELOLV5, and SCD, three important genes implicated in the elongation and desaturation of fatty acids, was identifed. These fndings provide new data to further understand the functional regulatory mechanisms implicated in the variation of fatty acid composition in pigs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identification of eQTLs associated with lipid metabolism in Longissimus dorsi muscle of pigs with different genetic backgrounds

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    Altres ajuts: Ph.D grant from the Generalitat de Catalunya (ECO/1788/2014) i CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaIntramuscular fat content and its fatty acid composition affect porcine meat quality and its nutritional value. The present work aimed to identify genomic variants regulating the expression in the porcine muscle (Longissimus dorsi) of 45 candidate genes for lipid metabolism and fatty acid composition in three experimental backcrosses based on the Iberian breed. Expression genome-wide association studies (eGWAS) were performed between the muscle gene expression values, measured by real-time quantitative PCR, and the genotypes of 38,426 SNPs distributed along all chromosomes. The eGWAS identified 186 eSNPs located in ten Sus scrofa regions and associated with the expression of ACSM5, ACSS2, ATF3, DGAT2, FOS and IGF2 (FDR < 0.05) genes. Two expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) for IGF2 and ACSM5 were classified as cis-acting eQTLs, suggesting a mutation in the same gene affecting its expression. Conversely, ten eQTLs showed trans-regulatory effects on gene expression. When the eGWAS was performed for each backcross independently, only three common trans-eQTL regions were observed, indicating different regulatory mechanisms or allelic frequencies among the breeds. In addition, hotspot regions regulating the expression of several genes were detected. Our results provide new data to better understand the functional regulatory mechanisms of lipid metabolism genes in muscle

    Analysis of porcine IGF2 gene expression in adipose tissue and its effect on fatty acid composition

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    Altres ajuts: Ph.D grant from the Generalitat de Catalunya (ECO/1788/2014) i CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaIGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism has been described as the causal mutation of a maternally imprinted QTL for muscle growth and fat deposition in pigs. The objective of the current work was to study the association between the IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism and the IGF2 gene expression and its effect on fatty acid composition in adipose tissue in different pig genetic backgrounds. A cis-eQTL region associated with the IGF2 mRNA expression in adipose tissue was identified in an eGWAS with 355 animals. The IGF2 gene was located in this genomic interval and IGF2g.3072G>A was the most significant SNP, explaining a 25% of the gene expression variance. Significant associations between IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism and oleic (C18:1(n-9); p-value = 4.18x10), hexadecanoic (C16:1(n-9); p-value = 4.04x10), linoleic (C18:2(n-6); p-value = 6.44x10), α-linoleic (C18:3(n-3); p-value = 3.30x10), arachidonic (C20:4(n-6); p-value = 9.82x10) FAs and the MUFA/PUFA ratio (p-value = 2.51x10) measured in backfat were identified. Animals carrying the A allele showed an increase in IGF2 gene expression and higher PUFA and lower MUFA content. However, in additional studies was observed that there could be other proximal genetic variants affecting FA composition in adipose tissue. Finally, no differences in the IGF2 gene expression in adipose tissue were found between heterozygous animals classified according to the IGF2:g.3072G>A allele inherited from the father (AG or AG). However, pyrosequencing analysis revealed that there is imprinting of the IGF2 gene in muscle and adipose tissues, with stronger differences among the paternally and maternally inherited alleles in muscle. Our results suggested that IGF2:g.3072G>A polymorphism plays an important role in the regulation of IGF2 gene expression and can be involved in the fatty acid composition in adipose tissue. In both cases, further studies are still needed to deepen the mechanism of regulation of IGF2 gene expression in adipose tissue and the IGF2 role in FA composition