19 research outputs found

    Space systems engineering tools for technology roadmapping activities: TrIS, technology roadmapping strategy, and HyDaT, database on hypersonic transportation systems

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    A technology roadmap is the output of the technology roadmapping process, a complex and continuously evolving process, which aims at selecting technologies, mission concepts, capabilities and building blocks to pursue incremental paths to increase the Technology Readiness Level, according to specific strategic plans. Technology roadmaps are crucial not only to illustrate the technologies' procurement plan for specific missions in the future, but also the achievement for Europe of technological milestones enabling operational capabilities, essential for current and future space missions. Coordination of requirements and funding sources among all European stakeholders (ESA, EU, National Agencies, Industries) is one of the objectives of technology roadmaps. The paper presents the results of a research activity carried out by Politecnico di Torino in support to the work on-going at ESA to elaborate technology roadmaps for the hypersonic and (re-)entry space transportation systems' domain. Traditionally the approach has always been based on workshops and brainstorming. The idea at the basis of the research activity has been the development of a flexible and rational methodology to generate technology roadmaps to better support strategic decisions in combination with traditional methods. The research activity thus focuses on the development of an innovative methodology to derive, track and manage the technology roadmaps' basic pillars (Technology Areas, Operational Capabilities, Mission Concepts and Building Blocks) and on the implementation of the methodology itself into two ad-hoc tools: TRIS, Technology Roadmapping Strategy, and HYDAT, Database on Hypersonic and (re-entry) transportation systems. TRIS is a versatile software tool that implements the objective methodology for technology roadmaps' derivation and update. HYDAT is a smart database, able to collect, categorize and analyze data to support technology roadmaps for (re-)entry missions and reusability applications. In addition, HYDAT can support hypersonic and (re-)entry conceptual design activities. First, the paper describes the main settings of the database that manages all relevant initiatives for technological development of hypersonic and (re-)entry systems, categorizing them according to the roadmap pillars. Secondly, the paper presents TRIS, the tool used to derive, track and manage the pillars and consequently to generate the technology roadmaps. Eventually, the paper presents and discusses the results obtained by the application of HYDAT and TRIS to IXV (Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle), analysing main activities expected in the near and far future to enhance hypersonic and (re-)entry technologies and proposing a TRL increase path in terms of missions and activities to perform, and in which schedule to carry out them

    Innovative time-based separation procedures for civil RPAS integration

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    Purpose: This paper aims to suggest feasible solutions to overcome the problem of unmanned aerial vehicles integration within the existing airspace. Design/methodology/approach: It envisages innovative time-based separation procedures that will enhance the integration in the future air traffic management (ATM) system of next generation of large remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS). 4D navigation and dynamic mobile area concepts, both proposed in the framework of Single European Sky ATM Research program, are brought together to hypothesize innovative time-based separation procedures aiming at promoting integration of RPAS in the future ATM system. Findings: Benefits of proposed procedures, mainly evaluated in terms of volume reduction of segregated airspace, are quantitatively analyzed on the basis of realistic operational scenarios focusing on monitoring activities in both nominal and emergency conditions. Eventually, the major limits of time-based separation for RPAS are investigated. Practical implications: The implementation of the envisaged procedures will be a key enabler in RPAS integration in future ATM integration. Originality/value: In the current ATM scenario, separation of RPAS from air traffic is ensured by segregating a large amount of airspace areas with fixed dimensions, dramatically limiting the activities of these vehicles

    Using the ESA exploration technology roadmaps in support of new mission concepts and technology prioritization

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    Exploration technology roadmaps have been developed by ESA in the past few years and the edition of 2015 has just been released. In the context of Moon exploration initiatives and using HERACLES mission as case study, the authors will apply methodologies studied to simulate technology roadmapping activities and technologies prioritization processes. In particular, the roadmaps for the procurement of technologies required for the HERACLES mission are here presented through its main building blocks

    PeRL : a circum-Arctic Permafrost Region Pond and Lake database

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    Ponds and lakes are abundant in Arctic permafrost lowlands. They play an important role in Arctic wetland ecosystems by regulating carbon, water, and energy fluxes and providing freshwater habitats. However, ponds, i. e., waterbodies with surface areas smaller than 1.0 x 10(4) m(2), have not been inventoried on global and regional scales. The Permafrost Region Pond and Lake (PeRL) database presents the results of a circum-Arctic effort to map ponds and lakes from modern (2002-2013) high-resolution aerial and satellite imagery with a resolution of 5m or better. The database also includes historical imagery from 1948 to 1965 with a resolution of 6m or better. PeRL includes 69 maps covering a wide range of environmental conditions from tundra to boreal regions and from continuous to discontinuous permafrost zones. Waterbody maps are linked to regional permafrost landscape maps which provide information on permafrost extent, ground ice volume, geology, and lithology. This paper describes waterbody classification and accuracy, and presents statistics of waterbody distribution for each site. Maps of permafrost landscapes in Alaska, Canada, and Russia are used to extrapolate waterbody statistics from the site level to regional landscape units. PeRL presents pond and lake estimates for a total area of 1.4 x 10(6) km(2) across the Arctic, about 17% of the Arctic lowland (Peer reviewe

    Contribution To R.A.M.S estimation in early design phases of unmanned aerial vehicles - UAVs

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    The aim of this work is to establish a methodology for assessments of Reliability, Safety and Maintenance features for future UAVs, to be integrated in complex Monitoring Systems, like SMAT System. This paper highlights the high level of complexity connected to this type of assessment. In particular, one of the principal sources of difficulties is the need of estimating RAMS characteristics for a product that is still not known in detailed, like it is usual for airplane in Conceptual Design phase. A further problem concerns the need of dealing with UAVs, i.e. aircraft with strong peculiarities and, due to the very recent development, poor historical data. By the way, referring to a methodology that has been previously developed for manned aircraft (by the research group the authors belong to), a new estimation process applicable to unmanned airplanes is here proposed. At the end, a comparison between the obtained results and few historical data is reported

    A stochastic model for the polygonal tundra based on Poisson–Voronoi diagrams

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    Subgrid processes occur in various ecosystems and landscapes but, because of their small scale, they are not represented or poorly parameterized in climate models. These local heterogeneities are often important or even fundamental for energy and carbon balances. This is especially true for northern peatlands and in particular for the polygonal tundra, where methane emissions are strongly influenced by spatial soil heterogeneities.We present a stochastic model for the surface topography of polygonal tundra using Poisson– Voronoi diagrams and we compare the results with available recent field studies. We analyze seasonal dynamics of water table variations and the landscape response under different scenarios of precipitation income. We upscale methane fluxes by using a simple idealized model for methane emission. Hydraulic interconnectivities and large-scale drainage may also be investigated through percolation properties and thresholds in the Voronoi graph. The model captures the main statistical characteristics of the landscape topography, such as polygon area and surface properties as well as the water balance. This approach enables us to statistically relate large-scale properties of the system to the main small-scale processes within the single polygons

    Technology Roadmaps Preparation For European Hypersonic And Re-Entry Space Transportation Systems

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    Contrary to other major space-faring nations, Europe does have access to space, but only limited experience associated with hypersonic, (re-)entry and landing vehicles on Earth and planets and/or on their moons with atmosphere. In the past few years, commercial private initiatives have developed and commercialised vehicles capable of missions including Earth re-entry and, even, partial re-usability. Europe is missing comparable initiatives, although some private developments of commercial character are now moving significant steps. In Europe new technological developments are still mainly left to government financed projects. In the field of controlled re-entry for manned transport, Europe is still at the beginning of the learning process. The mastering of technologies associated to hypersonic transportation and re-entry, both for robotic and human missions, is a mandatory requirement for Europe to remain competitive in the innovative and dynamic worldwide environment. For activities in Europe related to the specific area of reusable vehicles, many technologies have been demonstrated on ground. In addition, there is today an important momentum, at national and institutional level, on studying/developing demonstrators and/or experimental new vehicles and propulsion systems targeting different kinds of missions. These include vehicles and dedicated propulsion systems for suborbital and trans-atmospheric missions or for servicing LEO systems (spacecraft deployment and retrieval) and the ISS (supplies, experiments and transport of astronauts), as well as vehicles for human space exploration in large scale. On the basis of the European background and the expected evolution of the requirements and demands for the different mission scenarios, the conditions exist for ESA to coordinate in a unique roadmap, a set of activities for technology development and in-flight validation of hypersonic and re-entry space transportation systems. The paper focuses on the ongoing research activity being carried out by ESA with the Politecnico di Torino to elaborate technology roadmaps for European hypersonic re-entry space transportation systems, and the first results obtained so far are presented. First, the main settings of a database for hypersonic transportation and re-entry systems, based on the pillars for a Technology Roadmap are introduced. The second part of the paper presents the logical methodology used to derive, track and manage the previous pillars and consequently to derive the technology roadmaps. The paper concludes anticipating the following steps that will lead to the technology roadmaps preparation on the basis of the methodology described her