25 research outputs found


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    This study compares the influence of formal and informal education in the development of knowledge about musical styles of the Professional Conservatory of Music students in Melilla (Spain). 86 participating subjects implemented a Questionnaire about Musical Style Knowledge developed by Lorenzo, Herrera y Cremades (2008). The results show the high level of musical styles knowledge of students, confirming the educational value that has the professional music education. However, they also show a high role of informal education in the construction of musical knowledge.En el presente estudio se compara la influencia que ejerce la educación formal e informal en el desarrollo del conocimiento sobre los estilos musicales en estudiantes del Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Melilla. Los 86 sujetos participantes implementaron un Cuestionario sobre Conocimiento del Estilo Musical elaborado por Lorenzo, Herrera y Cremades (2008). Los resultados obtenidos reflejan el elevado nivel de conocimiento de los estilos musicales que poseen dichos estudiantes, confirmando el valor formativo que posee la enseñanza profesional de música. No obstante, también muestran un alto protagonismo de la educación informal en la construcción del conocimiento musical

    A comparative study of formal and informal education in musical knowledge of students of professional education in music

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    En el presente estudio se compara la influencia que ejerce la educación formal e informal en el desarrollo del conocimiento sobre los estilos musicales en estudiantes del Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Melilla. Los 86 sujetos participantes implementaron un Cuestionario sobre Conocimiento del Estilo Musical elaborado por Lorenzo, Herrera y Cremades (2008). Los resultados obtenidos reflejan el elevado nivel de conocimiento de los estilos musicales que poseen dichos estudiantes, confirmando el valor formativo que posee la enseñanza profesional de música. No obstante, también muestran un alto protagonismo de la educación informal en la construcción del conocimiento musical.This study compares the influence of formal and informal education in the development of knowledge about musical styles of the Professional Conservatory of Music students in Melilla (Spain). 86 participating subjects implemented a Questionnaire about Musical Style Knowledge developed by Lorenzo, Herrera y Cremades (2008). The results show the high level of musical styles knowledge of students, confirming the educational value that has the professional music education. However, they also show a high role of informal education in the construction of musical knowledgeFacultad de Educación y Humanidades - Campus de Melilla (Universidad de Granada

    Análisis crítico de la responsabilidad penal de las Personas Jurídicas

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    En el presente trabajo se aborda la incorporación a nuestra legislación penal de la regulación sobre la responsabilidad penal de las Personas Jurídicas. La consideración de Persona Jurídica como sujeto activo del delito suscita interesantes cuestiones entre el Derecho Penal y las nuevas formas de criminalidad organizada. Por este motivo, se analiza el paso de un modelo basado en el "principio societas delinquere non potest" a otro que asume la responsabilidad penal de determinadas entidades con personalidad jurídica. Se realiza un estudio sobre el modelo que ha seguido nuestro legislador español en la reforma introducida en el Código Penal por la Ley Orgánica 5/2010, de 22 de junio, así como en la reciente reforma operada por la LO 1/2015

    Las motivaciones de los niños para aprender música en la Escuela de Música y Danza de Melilla

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the motivations of children from 4-8 years old to begin their musical studies at the School of Music and Dance at the autonomous city of Melilla, since at this age range they are at a stage prior to taking specialized music studies. To this end, a semi-structured interview was administered to 139 students (92 girls, 66.2%, and 47 boys, 33.8%), who studied the disciplines of Music and Mouvement, Introduction to Musical Language (“solfeggio”) and Musical Language at this institution. The main results show that children begin their musical studies by vocation, but at this age vocation for music is not clearly defined, so that parents exert a greater influence on children to begin music studies.El propósito de este estudio es evaluar cuáles son las motivaciones que llevan a los niños de 4 a 8 años de edad a comenzar sus estudios musicales en la Escuela de Música y Danza de la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla, puesto que en este rango de edad se encuentran en una etapa previa a la realización de unos estudios musicales especializados. Para ello, se realizó una entrevista semiestructurada a 139 alumnos, 92 niñas (66.2%) y 47 niños (33.8%), que cursaban las asignaturas de Música y Movimiento, Iniciación al Lenguaje Musical y Lenguaje Musical que se ofertan en dicho centro. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan que los niños inician sus estudios musicales de forma vocacional, aunque a estas edades la vocación por la música no está claramente definida, de manera que son los padres los que ejercen una mayor influencia en el acercamiento de los niños hacia el estudio de la música

    Nonallergic asthma and its severity: Biomarkers for its discrimination in peripheral samples

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    Asthma is a complex and heterogeneous respiratory disorder characterized by chronic airway inflammation. It has generally been associated with allergic mechanisms related to type 2 airway inflammation. Nevertheless, between 10 and 33% of asthmatic individuals have nonallergic asthma (NA). Several targeted treatments are in clinical development for patients with Th2 immune response, but few biomarkers are been defined for low or non-Th2-mediated inflammation asthma. We have recently defined by gene expression a set of genes as potential biomarkers of NA, mainly associated with disease severity: IL10, MSR1, PHLDA1, SERPINB2, CHI3L1, IL8, and PI3. Here, we analyzed their protein expression and specificity using sera and isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). First, protein quantification was carried out using ELISA (in sera) or Western blot (proteins extracted from PBMCs by Trizol procedure), depending on the biomarker in 30 healthy controls (C) subjects and 30 NA patients. A receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was performed by using the R program to study the specificity and sensitivity of the candidate biomarkers at a gene- and protein expression level. Four kinds of comparisons were performed: total NA group vs C group, severe NA patients vs C, moderate-mild NA patients vs C, and severe NA patients vs moderate-mild NA patients. We found that all the single genes showed good sensitivity vs specificity for some phenotypic discrimination, with CHI3L1 and PI3 exhibiting the best results for C vs NA: CHI3L1 area under the curve (AUC) (CI 95%): 0.95 (0.84-1.00) and PI3 AUC: 0.99 (0.98-1.00); C vs severe NA: PI3 AUC: 1 (0.99-1.00); and C vs moderate-mild NA: CHI3L1 AUC: 1 (0.99-1.00) and PI3 AUC: 0.99 (0.96-1.00). However, the results for discriminating asthma disease and severity with protein expression were better when two or three biomarkers were combined. In conclusion, individual genes and combinations of proteins have been evaluated as reliable biomarkers for classifying NA subjects and their severity. These new panels could be good diagnostic tests.This work was supported in part by research grants supported in part by research grants PI13/01730 and PI17/01682, cofinanced by FEDER, CIBERES (ISCIII, 0013), and RETIC (RD09/0076/00101) from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Spain). SB was supported by Fundación Conchita Rábago. DC was supported by a contract from Comunidad de Madrid (PEJD-2016/BMD-2682, Sistema de Garantía Juvenil), and LC-J was supported by a contract from MINECO (PEJ-2014-A-31609, Sistema de Garantía Juvenil), both cofinanced by Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) and Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil (IEJ)

    Discriminatory molecular biomarkers of allergic and nonallergic asthma and its severity

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    The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. Asthma is a complex disease comprising various phenotypes and endotypes, all of which still need solid biomarkers for accurate classification. In a previous study, we defined specific genes related to asthma and respiratory allergy by studying the expression of 94 genes in a population composed of 4 groups of subjects: healthy control, nonallergic asthmatic, asthmatic allergic, and nonasthmatic allergic patients. An analysis of differential gene expression between controls and patients revealed a set of statistically relevant genes mainly associated with disease severity, i.e., CHI3L1, IL-8, IL-10, MSR1, PHLDA1, PI3, and SERPINB2. Here, we analyzed whether these genes and their proteins could be potential asthma biomarkers to distinguish between nonallergic asthmatic and asthmatic allergic subjects. Protein quantification was determined by ELISA (in serum) or Western blot (in protein extracted from peripheral blood mononuclear cells or PBMCs). Statistical analyses were performed by unpaired t-test using the Graph-Pad program. The sensitivity and specificity of the gene and protein expression of several candidate biomarkers in differentiating the two groups (and the severity subgroups) was performed by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis using the R program. The ROC curve analysis determined single genes with good sensitivity and specificity for discriminating some of the phenotypes. However, interesting combinations of two or three protein biomarkers were found to distinguish the asthma disease and disease severity between the different phenotypes of this pathology using reproducible techniques in easy-to-obtain samples. Gene and protein panels formed by single biomarkers and biomarker combinations have been defined in easily obtainable samples and by standardized techniques. These panels could be useful for characterizing phenotypes of asthma, specifically when differentiating asthma severity.Supported in part by research grants PI13/01730 and PI17/01682, cofinanced by FEDER, CIBERES (ISCIII, 0013), and RETIC (RD09/0076/00101) from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Spain). SB was supported by a grant from the Fundación Conchita Rábago and PI17/01682. DC was supported by a contract from Madrid regional government (PEJD-2016/BMD-2682, Sistema de Garantía Juvenil), LC-J was supported by a contract from MINECO (PEJ-2014-A- 31609, Sistema de Garantía Juvenil), and MdP was supported by a contract from Madrid regional government (PEJ-2017- AI/SAL-5938, Sistema de Garantía Juvenil), all cofinanced by The European Social Fund (ESF) and the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI

    Therapeutic potential of peptides from Ole e 1 in olive-pollen allergy

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    Olive-pollen allergy is one of the leading causes of respiratory allergy in Mediterranean countries and some areas of North America. Currently, allergen-specific immunotherapy is the only etiophatogenic treatment. However, this approach is not fully optimal, safe, or effective. Thus, efforts continue in the search for novel immunotherapy strategies, being one of the most promising the use of peptides derived from major allergens. This work tries to determine the therapeutic potential and safety of 5 dodecapeptides derived from the main allergen of olive-pollen allergy, Ole e 1. The immunomodulatory capacity of these peptides was studied using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from 19 olive-pollen-allergic patients and 10 healthy controls. We determined the capacity of these peptides to inhibit the proliferative response toward olive-pollen allergenic extract and to induce the regulatory cytokines, IL-10 and IL-35. To test the safety and absence of allergenicity of the peptides, the basophil activation was analyzed by flow-cytometry, using peripheral blood. The results showed that two of five peptides inhibited near to 30% the proliferative response against the total olive-pollen allergenic extract in olive-pollen-allergic patients. Inhibition increased to nearly 35% when the 5 peptides were used in combination. In both cases, a statistically significant induction of IL-10 and IL-35 secretion was observed in the supernatants of allergic patients PBMCs cultures. None of the 5 peptides induced basophil activation and cross-link inflammatory cell-bound IgE. In conclusion, these results open up new possibilities in the treatment of olive-pollen allergy, which could solve some of the problems facing current therapy approachesSupported by research grants PI13/01730, PI17/01682 cofinanced by FEDER, CIBERES (ISCIII, 0013), and RETIC (RD09/0076/00101) from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Spain). D. Calzada was supported by a contract from Comunidad de Madrid (PEJD-2016/BMD- 2682, Sistema de Garantía Juvenil), L. Cremades-Jimeno was supported by a contract from MINECO (PEJ-2014-A-31609, Sistema de Garantía Juvenil) and MA. de Pedro was supported by a contract from Comunidad de Madrid (PEJ-2017-AI/SAL-5938, Sistema de Garantía Juvenil), all cofinanced by Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) and Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil (IEJ). S. Baos was supported by Fundación Conchita Rábago and PI17/01682

    Mesothelial-to-mesenchymal transition as a possible therapeutic target in peritoneal metastasis of ovarian cancer.

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    Peritoneal dissemination is the primary metastatic route of ovarian cancer (OvCa), and is often accompanied by the accumulation of ascitic fluid. The peritoneal cavity is lined by mesothelial cells (MCs), which can be converted into carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) through mesothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (MMT). Here, we demonstrate that MCs isolated from ascitic fluid (AFMCs) of OvCa patients with peritoneal implants also undergo MMT and promote subcutaneous tumour growth in mice. RNA sequencing of AFMCs revealed that MMT-related pathways – including transforming growth factor (TGF)- signalling – are differentially regulated, and a gene signature was verified in peritoneal implants from OvCa patients. In a mouse model, pre-induction of MMT resulted in increased peritoneal tumour growth, whereas interfering with the TGF- receptor reduced metastasis. MC-derived CAFs showed activation of Smad-dependent TGF- signalling, which was disrupted in OvCa cells, despite their elevated TGF- production. Accordingly, targeting Smad-dependent signalling in the peritoneal pre-metastatic niche in mice reduced tumour colonization, suggesting that Smad-dependent MMT could be crucial in peritoneal carcinomatosis. Together, these results indicate that bidirectional communication between OvCa cells and MC-derived CAFs, via TGF--mediated MMT, seems to be crucial to form a suitable metastatic niche. We suggest MMT as a possible target for therapeutic intervention and a potential source of biomarkers for improving OvCa diagnosis and/or prognosis.post-print2310 K

    Nonallergic Asthma and Its Severity: Biomarkers for Its Discrimination in Peripheral Samples

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    Asthma is a complex and heterogeneous respiratory disorder characterized by chronic airway inflammation. It has generally been associated with allergic mechanisms related to type 2 airway inflammation. Nevertheless, between 10 and 33% of asthmatic individuals have nonallergic asthma (NA). Several targeted treatments are in clinical development for patients with Th2 immune response, but few biomarkers are been defined for low or non-Th2-mediated inflammation asthma. We have recently defined by gene expression a set of genes as potential biomarkers of NA, mainly associated with disease severity: IL10, MSR1, PHLDA1, SERPINB2, CHI3L1, IL8, and PI3. Here, we analyzed their protein expression and specificity using sera and isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). First, protein quantification was carried out using ELISA (in sera) or Western blot (proteins extracted from PBMCs by Trizol procedure), depending on the biomarker in 30 healthy controls (C) subjects and 30 NA patients. A receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was performed by using the R program to study the specificity and sensitivity of the candidate biomarkers at a gene- and protein expression level. Four kinds of comparisons were performed: total NA group vs C group, severe NA patients vs C, moderate–mild NA patients vs C, and severe NA patients vs moderate–mild NA patients. We found that all the single genes showed good sensitivity vs specificity for some phenotypic discrimination, with CHI3L1 and PI3 exhibiting the best results for C vs NA: CHI3L1 area under the curve (AUC) (CI 95%): 0.95 (0.84–1.00) and PI3 AUC: 0.99 (0.98–1.00); C vs severe NA: PI3 AUC: 1 (0.99–1.00); and C vs moderate–mild NA: CHI3L1 AUC: 1 (0.99–1.00) and PI3 AUC: 0.99 (0.96–1.00). However, the results for discriminating asthma disease and severity with protein expression were better when two or three biomarkers were combined. In conclusion, individual genes and combinations of proteins have been evaluated as reliable biomarkers for classifying NA subjects and their severity. These new panels could be good diagnostic tests