3,111 research outputs found

    HFPK 334: An unusual Supernova Remnant in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We present new Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) radio-continuum and XMM-Newton/Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) observations of the unusual supernova remnant HFPK 334 in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). The remnant follows a shell type morphology in the radio-continuum and has a size of ∼\sim20~pc at the SMC distance. The X-ray morphology is similar, however, we detect a prominent point source close to the center of the SNR exhibiting a spectrum with a best fit powerlaw with a photon index of Γ=2.7±0.5\Gamma = 2.7 \pm 0.5. This central point source is most likely a background object and cannot be directly associated with the remnant. The high temperature, nonequilibrium conditions in the diffuse region suggest that this gas has been recently shocked and point toward a younger SNR with an age of ≲1800\lesssim 1800 years. With an average radio spectral index of α=−0.59±0.09\alpha=-0.59\pm0.09 we find that an equipartition magnetic field for the remnant is ∼\sim90~μ\muG, a value typical of younger SNRs in low-density environments. Also, we report detection of scattered radio polarisation across the remnant at 20~cm, with a peak fractional polarisation level of 25±\pm5\%.Comment: 19 pages, 6-figures, submitted to A

    Double lenses

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    The analysis of the shear induced by a single cluster on the images of a large number of background galaxies is all centered around the curl-free character of a well-known vector field that can be derived from the data. Such basic property breaks down when the source galaxies happen to be observed through two clusters at different redshifts, partially aligned along the line of sight. In this paper we address the study of double lenses and obtain five main results. (i) First we generalize the procedure to extract the available information, contained in the observed shear field, from the case of a single lens to that of a double lens. (ii) Then we evaluate the possibility of detecting the signature of double lensing given the known properties of the distribution of clusters of galaxies. (iii) As a different astrophysical application, we demonstrate how the method can be used to detect the presence of a dark cluster that might happen to be partially aligned with a bright cluster studied in terms of statistical lensing. (iv) In addition, we show that the redshift distribution of the source galaxies, which in principle might also contribute to break the curl-free character of the shear field, actually produces systematic effects typically two orders of magnitude smaller than the double lensing effects we are focusing on. (v) Remarkably, a discussion of relevant contributions to the noise of the shear measurement has brought up an intrinsic limitation of weak lensing analyses, since one specific contribution, associated with the presence of a non-vanishing two-galaxy correlation function, turns out not to decrease with the density of source galaxies (and thus with the depth of the observations).Comment: 40 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ main journa

    Interferon regulatory factors are transcriptional regulators of adipogenesis

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    We have sought to identify transcriptional pathways in adipogenesis using an integrated experimental and computational approach. Here, we employ high-throughput DNase hypersensitivity analysis to find regions of altered chromatin structure surrounding key adipocyte genes. Regions that display differentiation-dependent changes in hypersensitivity were used to predict binding sites for proteins involved in adipogenesis. A high-scoring example was a binding motif for interferon regulatory factor (IRF) family members. Expression of all nine mammalian IRF mRNAs is regulated during adipogenesis, and several bind to the identified motifs in a differentiation-dependent manner. Furthermore, several IRF proteins repress differentiation. This analysis suggests an important role for IRF proteins in adipocyte biology and demonstrates the utility of this approach in identifying cis- and trans-acting factors not previously suspected to participate in adipogenesis

    A Cosmological Model with Dark Spinor Source

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    In this paper, we discuss the system of Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric coupling with massive nonlinear dark spinors in detail, where the thermodynamic movement of spinors is also taken into account. The results show that, the nonlinear potential of the spinor field can provide a tiny negative pressure, which resists the Universe to become singular. The solution is oscillating in time and closed in space, which approximately takes the following form g_{\mu\nu}=\bar R^2(1-\delta\cos t)^2\diag(1,-1,-\sin^2r ,-\sin^2r \sin^2\theta), with Rˉ=(1∼2)×1012\bar R= (1\sim 2)\times 10^{12} light year, and δ=0.96∼0.99\delta=0.96\sim 0.99. The present time is about t∼18∘t\sim 18^\circ.Comment: 13 pages, no figure, to appear in IJMP

    Multi-frequency study of a new Fe-rich supernova remnant in the Large Magellanic Cloud, MCSNR J0508-6902

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    We present a detailed radio, X-ray and optical study of a newly discovered Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) supernova remnant (SNR) which we denote MCSNR J0508-6902. Observations from the Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the XMM-Newton\textit{XMM-Newton} X-ray observatory are complemented by deep Hα\alpha images and Anglo Australian Telescope AAOmega spectroscopic data to study the SNR shell and its shock-ionisation. Archival data at other wavelengths are also examined. The remnant follows a filled-in shell type morphology in the radio-continuum and has a size of ∼\sim74 pc ×\times 57 pc at the LMC distance. The X-ray emission exhibits a faint soft shell morphology with Fe-rich gas in its interior −- indicative of a Type Ia origin. The remnant appears to be mostly dissipated at higher radio-continuum frequencies leaving only the south-eastern limb fully detectable while in the optical it is the western side of the SNR shell that is clearly detected. The best-fit temperature to the shell X-ray emission (kT=0.41−0.06+0.05kT = 0.41^{+0.05}_{-0.06} keV) is consistent with other large LMC SNRs. We determined an O/Fe ratio of <21<21 and an Fe mass of 0.5-1.8 M⊙~M_{\odot} in the interior of the remnant, both of which are consistent with the Type Ia scenario. We find an equipartition magnetic field for the remnant of ∼\sim28 μ\muG, a value typical of older SNRs and consistent with other analyses which also infer an older remnant

    Large oxygen-isotope effect in Sr_{0.4}K_{0.6}BiO_{3}: Evidence for phonon-mediated superconductivity

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    Oxygen-isotope effect has been investigated in a recently discovered superconductor Sr_{0.4}K_{0.6}BiO_{3}. This compound has a distorted perovskite structure and becomes superconducting at about 12 K. Upon replacing ^{16}O with ^{18}O by 60-80%, the T_c of the sample is shifted down by 0.32-0.50 K, corresponding to an isotope exponent of alpha_{O} = 0.40(5). This isotope exponent is very close to that for a similar bismuthate superconductor Ba_{1-x}K_{x}BiO_{3} with T_c = 30 K. The very distinctive doping and T_c dependencies of alpha_{O} observed in bismuthates and cuprates suggest that bismuthates should belong to conventional phonon-mediated superconductors while cuprates might be unconventional supercondutors.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Noble gas films on a decagonal AlNiCo quasicrystal

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    Thermodynamic properties of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe adsorbed on an Al-Ni-Co quasicrystalline surface (QC) are studied with Grand Canonical Monte Carlo by employing Lennard-Jones interactions with parameter values derived from experiments and traditional combining rules. In all the gas/QC systems, a layer-by-layer film growth is observed at low temperature. The monolayers have regular epitaxial fivefold arrangements which evolve toward sixfold close-packed structures as the pressure is increased. The final states can contain either considerable or negligible amounts of defects. In the latter case, there occurs a structural transition from five to sixfold symmetry which can be described by introducing an order parameter, whose evolution characterizes the transition to be continuous or discontinuous as in the case of Xe/QC (first-order transition with associated latent heat). By simulating fictitious noble gases, we find that the existence of the transition is correlated with the size mismatch between adsorbate and substrate's characteristic lengths. A simple rule is proposed to predict the phenomenon.Comment: 19 pages. 8 figures. (color figures can be seen at http://alpha.mems.duke.edu/wahyu/ or http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0953-8984/19/1/016007/

    Uniaxial-Pressure induced Ferromagnetism of Enhanced Paramagnetic Sr3Ru2O7

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    We report a uniaxial pressure-dependence of magnetism in layered perovskite strontium ruthenate Sr3Ru2O7. By applying a relatively small uniaxial pressure, greater than 0.1 GPa normal to the RuO2 layer, ferromagnetic ordering manifests below 80 K from the enhanced-paramagnet. Magnetization at 1 kOe and 2 K becomes 100 times larger than that under ambient condition. Uniaxial pressure dependence of Curie temperature T_C suggests the first order magnetic transition. Origin of this uniaxial-pressure induced ferromagnetism is discussed in terms of the rotation of RuO6 octahedra within the RuO2 plane.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. to be published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol.73, No.5 (2004

    High-temperature weak ferromagnetism on the verge of a metallic state: Impact of dilute Sr-doping on BaIrO3

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    The 5d-electron based BaIrO3 is a nonmetallic weak ferromagnet with a Curie temperature at Tc=175 K. Its largely extended orbitals generate strong electron-lattice coupling, and magnetism and electronic structure are thus critically linked to the lattice degree of freedom. Here we report results of our transport and magnetic study on slightly Sr doped BaIrO3. It is found that dilute Sr-doping drastically suppresses Tc, and instantaneously leads to a nonmetal-metal transition at high temperatures. All results highlight the instability of the ground state and the subtle relation between magnetic ordering and electron mobility. It is clear that BaIrO3 along with very few other systems represents a class of materials where the magnetic and transport properties can effectively be tuned by slight alterations in lattice parameters

    Survivin as a therapeutic target in Sonic hedgehog-driven medulloblastoma.

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    Medulloblastoma (MB) is a highly malignant brain tumor that occurs primarily in children. Although surgery, radiation and high-dose chemotherapy have led to increased survival, many MB patients still die from their disease, and patients who survive suffer severe long-term side effects as a consequence of treatment. Thus, more effective and less toxic therapies for MB are critically important. Development of such therapies depends in part on identification of genes that are necessary for growth and survival of tumor cells. Survivin is an inhibitor of apoptosis protein that regulates cell cycle progression and resistance to apoptosis, is frequently expressed in human MB and when expressed at high levels predicts poor clinical outcome. Therefore, we hypothesized that Survivin may have a critical role in growth and survival of MB cells and that targeting it may enhance MB therapy. Here we show that Survivin is overexpressed in tumors from patched (Ptch) mutant mice, a model of Sonic hedgehog (SHH)-driven MB. Genetic deletion of survivin in Ptch mutant tumor cells significantly inhibits proliferation and causes cell cycle arrest. Treatment with small-molecule antagonists of Survivin impairs proliferation and survival of both murine and human MB cells. Finally, Survivin antagonists impede growth of MB cells in vivo. These studies highlight the importance of Survivin in SHH-driven MB, and suggest that it may represent a novel therapeutic target in patients with this disease
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