727 research outputs found

    Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Tongue River formation (Paleocene), southeast Golden Valley County, North Dakota

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    The exposed Tertiary rock units in southeast Golden Valley County, North Dakota were measured and described with particular emphasis on the Tongue River Formation. Lithologic samples were collected and analyzed for total carbonate content, particle size, particle roundness, and mineral composition. In the area studied, the Tongue River Formation is 763 feet thick which is considerably thinner than in surrounding areas. The lower member of the Tongue River Formation is 313 feet thick and is composed of yellow-gray, very fine-grained sandstone, siltstone, claystone, shale, and lignite. The overlying Sentinel Butte Member is 450 feet thick and composed of yellow-brown, fine to medium-grained sandstone, siltstone, and lignite. The lower member was found to be lighter colored, to have a higher total carbon content, to be finer grained, and to have fewer dark minerals than the overlying Sentinel Butte Member. Particle characteristics of both members indicate little chemical weathering, a short distance of transportation, and little reworking. Heavy minerals are indicative of a metamorphic source area with associated granites. The fauna and flora of plants, fish, reptiles, amphibians, gastropods, and pelecypods indicate a fairly warm, humid environment with sluggish rivers and swampy conditions prevailing

    Time optimum switching zones in multiple-valued control systems

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    Present control system theory provides the criteria necessary to bring a second-order single-valued system to rest in a minimum time after a step input. The bang-bang type controller has been developed to obtain this optimum response. However, existing theory fails to provide the necessary information to obtain the optimum response from a second-order rotational system when multiple values of angular position are allowed. This thesis extends the control theory to include these multiple-valued systems by showing the existence of what are called optimum switching zones. These zones predict which of the infinite number of switching curves in a multiple-valued system is the optimum switching curve. The switching zones are developed for three second-order systems --Abstract, page ii

    Obwody pracy: teoria pracy dla epoki iPhone’ów

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    This paper questions the binary of material and immaterial labour in the information era. Instead, we propose a “circuits of labour” model, a holistic framework that helps connect various concepts and traditions in the study of labour and ICT (information and communication technology). Inspired by du Gay et al’s “circuit of culture”, we argue conventional frameworks need to be synthesized and updated to reflect fundamental changes and persisting issues of labor in our contemporary era, of which the iPhone is emblematic. On the one hand, our model consists of formal circuits, in which hierarchical domination is imposed by capital over the body of labour. On the other hand, it consists of informal circuits where relationships are defined communally between embodied practices and social and communicative capital. The informal and formal circuits of labour are “short-circuited” by survival labour and ‘playbour’, meaning either circuit may absorb productive energy from the other. This article then uses the case of Foxconn, the world’s largest electronic manufacturer that also produces iPhones, to illustrate the usefulness of the “circuits of labour” model. We finally discuss the broader implications and questions for future research.Tekst kwestionuje binarny podział na pracę materialną i niematerialną w epoce informacji. W zamian proponujemy model „obwodów pracy” – holistyczną perspektywę, która ułatwia połączenie różnorodnych pojęć i tradycji w studiach nad pracą i ICT (technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne). Posiłkując się teorią „obwodu kultury” Du Gaya i jego współpracowników, argumentujemy, że stosowane powszechnie perspektywy powinny zostać poddane syntezie i aktualizacji, by oddać fundamentalne przemiany, jakim współcześnie podlega praca, jak również wskazać na najpoważniejsze problemy z tym związane. Dla tych wszystkich procesów iPhone jest naszym zdaniem zjawiskiem emblematycznym. Z jednej strony w skład naszego modelu wchodzą formalne obwody, w ramach których hierarchiczna dominacja narzucana jest pracującemu ciału przez kapitał. Z drugiej strony zaś obejmuje on nieformalne obwody, w ramach których stosunki definiowane są zarówno przez ucieleśnione praktyki, jak i społeczny i komunikacyjny kapitał. Obwody formalny i nieformalny wchodzą ze sobą w spięcia w kontekście obwodów przetrwania i pracozabawy, co oznacza, że każdy z tych obwodów może wchłonąć produktywną energię wytworzoną przez każdy z nich. W niniejszym artykule przywołujemy przykład Foxconna, największego wytwórcy sprzętu elektronicznego na świecie, który produkuje także iPhone’a. Służy to zilustrowaniu użyteczności proponowanego przez nas modelu „obwodów pracy”. Podsumowując artykuł, poddajemy dyskusji szersze konsekwencje i kwestie istotne z perspektywy dalszych badań

    Fully Homomorphic Encryption Applications: The Strive Towards Practicality

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    PhD ThesisFully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) schemes are becoming evermore prevalent in the cryptography domain. They allow computation on encrypted data without the necessity of decryption, thus opening a plethora of new applications relating to cloud computing and cryptography. FHE schemes have been viewed generally as being impractical in a real-world scenario, thus leading to a relatively slow uptake within industry despite the high level of interest in the topic. This has caused a lack of FHE applications and thus various practical questions have not been tackled due to such problems not arising or going unnoticed within research. This thesis explores three contrasting FHE applications, each of which contain new ideas and overcome challenges within FHE. Namely, we analyse applications that require signi cant levels of bootstrapping, alternative data representations as well as the possibility of using FHE in the anonymity domain. Proofs of concept have been developed for each application to display the feasibility of each idea. The aim of this research is to present the mathematics of FHE in a comprehensive manner to improve the accessibility of concepts within FHE. Furthermore we analyse the usability and versatility of FHE in various scenarios with the aim to demonstrate the practicality of using FHE in a real-world setting

    The Continued Threat of Tuberculosis

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    Quality Assessment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Genotyping in a Large Laboratory Network

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    Quality assessment exercises were conducted to evaluate the reproducibility of IS6110 DNA fingerprinting performed by eight laboratories in the National Tuberculosis Genotyping and Surveillance Network. Three panels, each with 8 to 16 isolates, were typed at all laboratories, resulting in 280 images. When the pattern obtained by the majority for each isolate was used as the standard, exact matches were obtained for 73% of patterns; 90% and 97% of patterns matched within one- and two-band differences, respectively. A second approach involved retyping of randomly selected isolates at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retyping was done for 8–19 isolates per laboratory (76 total). Paired images matched exactly for 54% of isolates and within one and two band differences, 78% and 93%, respectively. We evaluated reasons for mismatching. We also evaluated the reproducibility of spoligotyping using a test panel of 13 isolates; a discrepancy of 1 in 91 results was noted