21 research outputs found

    La enseñanza de física general en la Universidad : propuestas de investigación

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    El fracaso en la asignatura de Física General del primer año de las licenciaturas de Ciencias e Ingeniería es elevado en las universidades portuguesas. Sobre este problema existen muchos estudios que valoran factores no académicos. Existen tambien investigaciones sobre el aprendizaje de física en la universidad que, sin embargo, abordan aspectos más específicos. El interés de esta investigación está puesto en la calidad del aprendizaje de Física General: cómo se puede evaluar y mejorar. Presentamos un marco teórico que sirve de fundamento a un conjunto de instrumentos de evaluación (evaluation toolbox) del aprendizaje. Este conjunto de instrumentos permite evaluar de forma extensiva --en varios cursos-- y a la vez supervisar la calidad del aprendizaje de Física General mientras se imparte, de forma que se pueda incrementar la calidad de dicho aprendizaje.Failure in Introductory Physics courses in the first year of Engineering and Science undergraduate programs is high in the Portuguese universities. There are studies about this problem centered in non-academic factors. There are also studies about learning physics in higher education, but centered in specific aspects. Our research target is about the quality of learning of Introductory Physics in higher education. How can it be evaluated and how can we improve it? We present a theoretical framework that supports an "evaluation toolbox". This tool allows monitoring the quality of learning in an extensive way during the teaching of an Introductory Physics course. The aim is to be able to correct the teaching in order to increase the learning quality

    Measuring Trust in Technology: A Survey Tool to Assess Users’ Trust Experiences

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    This work reports a survey mechanism to empower non-experts to measure technology trustworthiness. It uses a validated Human-Computer Trust Scale (HCTS) with nine items and aims to answer if (RQ1) Can this survey system build from the HCTS be a valuable tool for mapping user’s Trust in a system? (RQ2) Can the HCTS be used to support trustworthy design practices? Overall results indicate that the system can be a helpful tool and can be an effective tool to map trust behaviours towards technology. The majority of the inquired (designers) considered simple, valuable and easy to use the tool. However, it was challenging to understand and interpret the results. Highlighted points are the fact of being not technical, practical, and simple to apply. Results also indicate that it can be an effective tool to map trust behaviours across cultures when analyzed with complementary indicators, like differences, privacy perception

    Using educational robotics in pre-service teacher training : orchestration between an exploration guide and teacher role

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    The proper integration of technology in teaching and learning processes must consider the role of teachers and students, as well as the design of tasks and the context in which they are implemented. Teachers’ perceived self-efficacy significantly influences their willingness to integrate educational robotics (ER) into their practice, so initial teacher training should provide opportunities for teachers to participate in structured activities that integrate ER. In this study, a class of pre-service teachers from an initial teacher training programme were provided with their first contact with an ER platform through the use of a simulator. We present the design process of a student exploration guide and teacher guide, developed over three iterative cycles of implementation, assessment and redesign. The analysis of the data collected allowed for improvements in the design of the tasks, the graphic component of the student exploration guide, and more precise indications for the teacher’s actions. The main contribution of this study is the chain orchestration between the simulator, student exploration guide and teacher guide, which allowed pre-service teachers to solve a set of challenges of increasing complexity, thereby progressively decreasing their difficulties and contributing to an adequate integration of ER in their future teaching practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SimProgramming : the development of an integrated teaching approach for computer programming in higher education

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    Conferência realizada em Valência de 7-9 de março de 2016Computer programming courses in higher education tend to have high rates of academic failure and students struggle, particularly so in the transition from entry-level programming to advanced programming. Some of the reasons given in the literature relate to the type of teaching approach and the strategies used by students and their attitudes towards computer programming. The literature also mentions that educational approaches are not always appropriate to the needs of students and to the development of skills required in the job market. We developed a teaching approach to try to address some of these issues and support students learning computer programming in the transition from entry-level to advanced computer programming: the SimProgramming approach. This approach was introduced at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal), within the scope of the course “Programming Methodologies III”, part of the second curricular year of the programmes of studies in Informatics Engineering and in Information & Communication Technologies. We present in detail the origins of the SimProgramming approach, starting from the first trials that introduced, in two iterations, learning activities based on problem-based learning, and up to the third iteration where the current SimProgramming approach was implemented. We describe the reasoning, design and implementation of these three iterations, to show how the approach evolved. The SimProgramming approach is based in four conceptual foundations: business-like learning environment, self-regulated learning, co-regulated learning and formative assessment. For each of these conceptual foundations, we explain the teaching strategies adopted. In SimProgramming, the learning activity process develops in four phases, and students have specific tasks in each phase. We analyse interview data regarding student perceptions about the SimProgramming approach, and registration grids data on team work dynamics and final assessment of the assignment, noting the impact of SimProgramming in student grades. The application of SimProgramming revealed promising evidences in the overall results of student learning in the activities proposed in this approach. The average grades improved, and did the number of students regularly submitting their tasks on schedule. The perceptions of students regarding the SimProgramming approach are very positive: they recommend using it in the following years, and provided some suggestions to improve the approach. We conclude with reflections and recommendations for subsequent development of the SimProgramming approach in its application to the teaching of computer programming and potential for using it in other educational contexts.FC

    SimProgramming: uma abordagem motivacional para a aprendizagem de alunos intermediários de programação

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    Neste artigo, é apresentada uma pesquisa-ação com o objetivo de motivar os alunos a desenvolverem suas aprendizagens de programação de computadores no ensino superior, particularmente na transição da programação de nível iniciante para a programação avançada. Para alcançar este objetivo, foi desenvolvida uma abordagem motivacional denominada SimProgramming. A partir das reflexões sobre o processo desta pesquisa, conclui-se que SimProgramming em sua aplicação ao ensino de programação de computadores em turmas intermediárias é promissor e ainda apresenta potencial para ser usado em outros contextos educacionais.In this paper, an action research is presented to motivate students to develop their learning of computer programming in higher education, particularly in the transition from beginner to advanced programming. To achieve this goal, a motivational approach was developed called SimProgramming. From the reflections on the process of this research, it is concluded that SimProgramming in its application to the teaching of computer programming in intermediate classes is promising and still presents potential to be used in other educational contexts.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal, pelas bolsas de doutorado SFRH/BD/91309/2012 e SFRH/BD/87815/2012.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Motivating students to learn computer programming in higher education: the SimProgramming approach

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    This paper presents an action research study aiming to motivate undergraduate students to develop their computer programming learning skills, particularly within the transition from beginner to proficient level. The SimProgramming motivational approach is presented as a didactic proposal for this context. From the results of this iterative research process, we concluded that SimProgramming is a promising tool for teaching computer programming skills in intermediate classes, with potential to be used and/or applied in other educational contexts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A proposal to support self-reflection about learning in online context

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    Com o objetivo de ajudar os alunos a superarem as dificuldades de aprendizagem na transição da programação básica para a programação avançada de computadores, desenvolvemos a primeira iteração de adaptação da abordagem SimProgramming para o contexto de e-learning (e-SimProgramming). Um dos ajustes ocorreu ao nível da adaptação das reflexões quinzenais para o contexto de e-learning com recurso à ferramenta Google Forms. As reflexões quinzenais consistem num instrumento que permite aos alunos fazerem uma autorreflexão das suas estratégias de autorregulação das aprendizagens, em torno de três questões centrais. Realizamos uma análise descritiva da evolução da entrega de um total de 83 reflexões quinzenais ao longo do semestre, para identificar a regularidade de entrega das reflexões quinzenais e a sua relação com o sucesso obtido pelos alunos. Discutimos ainda as razões para as quebras de regularidade identificadas e as suas implicações no desempenho dos alunos.To help students overcome learning difficulties in the transition from basic to advanced computer programming, we developed the first iteration of the adaption of the SimProgramming approach to the e-learning context (e-SimProgramming). One of the adjustments was made to adapt the format of the biweekly reflections to the e-learning context using the Google Forms tool. The biweekly reflections are an instrument that allows students to self-reflect on their learning selfregulation strategies, using three central questions. We performed a descriptive analysis of the evolution of the delivery of a total of 83 biweekly reflections throughout the semester, to identify the regularity of delivery of biweekly reflections and its relationship with student achievement. We also discuss the reasons for breaks in regularity and their implications for student performance.Este trabalho é financiado por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito dos projetos PTDC/CED-EDG/30040/2017 e UID/CED/00194/2019. D. Pedrosa agradece à Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) e ao CIDTFF (UID/CED/00194/2019) pelo apoio ao abrigo do estímulo ao emprego científico 2017, no âmbito do projeto CEECIND/00986/2017.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Instrumentos de Ajuda à Mediação do Professor Para Promover a Apredizagem dos Alunos e o Desenvolvimento Profissional dos Professores

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    Melhorar as práticas de ensino é um desígnio que carece da reflexão dos professores sobre a sua experiência e da investigação didática. Apresenta-se um quadro teórico das práticas de ensino que concebe o professor como mediador em contexto de aprendizagem formal, construído no âmbito de um projeto de investigação sobre as práticas de ensino. Neste âmbito foram concebidos e validados cinco instrumentos de ajuda à mediação do professor. Estes instrumentos de ajuda à mediação podem servir de referência para a melhoria progressiva das práticas de ensino em cinco dimensões importantes para o ensino de ciências e tecnologia: envolvimento produtivo dos alunos, avaliação e feedback, uso de contextos científicos e tecnológicos, trabalho realmente solicitado aos alunos e práticas epistémicas. Finalmente, apresentam-se os cinco instrumentos de ajuda, largamente ilustrados com excertos de práticas de ensino reais.Improve teaching practices is a purpose that requires the teachers’ reflection on their experience and the research of teaching. We present a theoretical framework of teaching practices that face the teacher as mediator in formal learning contexts, constructed as part of a research project on teaching practices. Within this framework were designed and validated five instruments to help teacher mediation. These tools to help teacher mediation can be used as a reference for the progressive improvement of teaching practices in five important dimensions to the teaching of science and technology: productive engagement of students, evaluation and feedback, use of scientific and technological contexts, the work really demanded to students and epistemic practices. Finally, we present the five aid instruments, widely illustrated with excerpts from actual teaching practices

    Challenges and Trends in User Trust Discourse in AI Popularity

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    The Internet revolution in 1990, followed by the data-driven and information revolution, has transformed the world as we know it. Nowadays, what seam to be 10 to 20 years ago, a science fiction idea (i.e., machines dominating the world) is seen as possible. This revolution also brought a need for new regulatory practices where user trust and artificial Intelligence (AI) discourse has a central role. This work aims to clarify some misconceptions about user trust in AI discourse and fight the tendency to design vulnerable interactions that lead to further breaches of trust, both real and perceived. Findings illustrate the lack of clarity in understanding user trust and its effects on computer science, especially in measuring user trust characteristics. It argues for clarifying those notions to avoid possible trust gaps and misinterpretations in AI adoption and appropriation