3,006 research outputs found

    Security policy refinement using data integration: a position paper.

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    In spite of the wide adoption of policy-based approaches for security management, and many existing treatments of policy verification and analysis, relatively little attention has been paid to policy refinement: the problem of deriving lower-level, runnable policies from higher-level policies, policy goals, and specifications. In this paper we present our initial ideas on this task, using and adapting concepts from data integration. We take a view of policies as governing the performance of an action on a target by a subject, possibly with certain conditions. Transformation rules are applied to these components of a policy in a structured way, in order to translate the policy into more refined terms; the transformation rules we use are similar to those of global-as-view database schema mappings, or to extensions thereof. We illustrate our ideas with an example. Copyright 2009 ACM

    Logical properties of nonmonotonic causal theories and the action language C+

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    The formalism of nonmonotonic causal theories (Giunchiglia, Lee, Lifschitz, McCain, Turner, 2004) provides a general-purpose formalism for nonmonotonic reasoning and knowledge representation, as well as a higher level, special-purpose notation, the action language C+, for specifying and reasoning about the e ects of actions and the persistence (`inertia') of facts over time. In this paper we investigate some logical properties of these formalisms. There are two motivations. From the technical point of view, we seek to gain additional insights into the properties of the languages when viewed as a species of conditional logic. From the practical point of view, we are seeking to nd conditions under which two di erent causal theories, or two di erent action descriptions in C+, can be said to be equivalent, with the further aim of helping to decide between alternative formulations when constructing practical applications. A condensed version of this paper appeared as `Some logical properties of nonmonotonic causal theories', Proc. Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-Monotonic Reasoning, LNCS, Springer

    Gallium oxide and gadolinium gallium oxide insulators on Si δ-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures

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    Test devices have been fabricated on two specially grown GaAs/AlGaAs wafers with 10 nm thick gate dielectrics composed of either Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> or a stack of Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and Gd<sub>0.25</sub>Ga<sub>0.15</sub>O<sub>0.6</sub>. The wafers have two GaAs transport channels either side of an AlGaAs barrier containing a Si delta-doping layer. Temperature dependent capacitance-voltage (C-V) and current-voltage (I-V) studies have been performed at temperatures between 10 and 300 K. Bias cooling experiments reveal the presence of DX centers in both wafers. Both wafers show a forward bias gate leakage that is by a single activated channel at higher temperatures and by tunneling at lower temperatures. When Gd<sub>0.25</sub>Ga<sub>0.15</sub>O<sub>0.6</sub> is included in a stack with 1 nm of Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> at the interface, the gate leakage is greatly reduced due to the larger band gap of the Gd<sub>0.25</sub>Ga<sub>0.15</sub>O<sub>0.6</sub> layer. The different band gaps of the two oxides result in a difference in the gate voltage at the onset of leakage of ~3 V. However, the inclusion of Gd<sub>0.25</sub>Ga<sub>0.15</sub>O<sub>0.6</sub> in the gate insulator introduces many oxide states (≤4.70Ã�Â�10<sup>12</sup> cm<sup>âÂ�Â�2</sup>). Transmission electron microscope images of the interface region show that the growth of a Gd<sub>0.25</sub>Ga<sub>0.15</sub>O<sub>0.6</sub> layer on Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> disturbs the well ordered Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/GaAs interface. We therefore conclude that while including Gd<sub>0.25</sub>Ga<sub>0.15</sub>O<sub>0.6</sub> in a dielectric stack with Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> is necessary for use in device applications, the inclusion of Gd decreases the quality of the Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/GaAs interface and near interface region by introducing roughness and a large number of defect states

    Remote measurement utilizing NASA's scanning laser Doppler systems. Volume 2: Laser Doppler dust devil velocity profile measurement program

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    The first detailed velocity profile data on thermally induced dust vortices are presented. These dust devils will be analyzed and studied to determine their flow fields and origin in an effort to correlate this phenomena with the generation and characteristics of tornadoes. A continuing effort to increase mankind's knowledge of vortex and other meteorological phenomena will hopefully allow the prediction of tornado occurrence, their path, and perhaps eventually even lead to some technique for their destruction

    The Pasadena Aerosol Characterization Observatory (PACO): chemical and physical analysis of the Western Los Angeles basin aerosol

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    The Pasadena Aerosol Characterization Observatory (PACO) represents the first major aerosol characterization experiment centered in the Western/Central Los Angeles Basin. The sampling site, located on the campus of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, was positioned to sample a continuous afternoon influx of transported urban aerosol with a photochemical age of 1–2 h and generally free from major local contributions. Sampling spanned 5 months during the summer of 2009, which were broken into 3 regimes on the basis of distinct meteorological conditions. Regime I was characterized by a series of low pressure systems, resulting in high humidity and rainy periods with clean conditions. Regime II typified early summer meteorology, with significant morning marine layers and warm, sunny afternoons. Regime III was characterized by hot, dry conditions with little marine layer influence. Regardless of regime, organic aerosol (OA) is the most significant constituent of nonrefractory submicron Los Angeles aerosol (42, 43, and 55 % of total submicron mass in regimes I, II, and III, respectively). The overall oxidation state remains relatively constant on timescales of days to weeks (O:C = 0.44 ± 0.08, 0.55 ± 0.05, and 0.48 ± 0.08 during regimes I, II, and III, respectively), with no difference in O:C between morning and afternoon periods. Periods characterized by significant morning marine layer influence followed by photochemically favorable afternoons displayed significantly higher aerosol mass and O:C ratio, suggesting that aqueous processes may be important in the generation of secondary aerosol and oxidized organic aerosol (OOA) in Los Angeles. Online analysis of water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) indicates that water soluble organic mass (WSOM) reaches maxima near 14:00–15:00 local time (LT), but the percentage of AMS organic mass contributed by WSOM remains relatively constant throughout the day. Sulfate and nitrate reside predominantly in accumulation mode aerosol, while afternoon SOA production coincides with the appearance of a distinct fine mode dominated by organics. Particulate NH_4NO_3 and (NH_4)_2SO_4 appear to be NH_3-limited in regimes I and II, but a significant excess of particulate NH_4^+ in the hot, dry regime III suggests less SO_4^(2−) and the presence of either organic amines or NH_4^+-associated organic acids. C-ToF-AMS data were analyzed by Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF), which resolved three factors, corresponding to a hydrocarbon-like OA (HOA), semivolatile OOA (SV-OOA), and low-volatility OOA (LV-OOA). HOA appears to be a periodic plume source, while SV-OOA exhibits a strong diurnal pattern correlating with ozone. Peaks in SV-OOA concentration correspond to peaks in DMA number concentration and the appearance of a fine organic mode. LV-OOA appears to be an aged accumulation mode constituent that may be associated with aqueous-phase processing, correlating strongly with sulfate and representing the dominant background organic component. Periods characterized by high SV-OOA and LV-OOA were analyzed by filter analysis, revealing a complex mixture of species during periods dominated by SV-OOA and LV-OOA, with LV-OOA periods characterized by shorter-chain dicarboxylic acids (higher O:C ratio), as well as appreciable amounts of nitrate- and sulfate-substituted organics. Phthalic acid was ubiquitous in filter samples, suggesting that PAH photochemistry may be an important SOA pathway in Los Angeles. Aerosol composition was related to water uptake characteristics, and it is concluded that hygroscopicity is largely controlled by organic mass fraction (OMF). The hygroscopicity parameter κ averaged 0.31 ± 0.08, approaching 0.5 at low OMF and 0.1 at high OMF, with increasing OMF suppressing hygroscopic growth and increasing critical dry diameter for CCN activation (D_d). An experiment-averaged κ_(org) of 0.14 was calculated, indicating that the highly-oxidized organic fraction of aerosol in Los Angeles is appreciably more hygroscopic than previously reported in urban areas. Finally, PACO will provide context for results forthcoming from the CalNex field campaign, which involved ground sampling in Pasadena during the spring and summer of 2010

    Remote measurement utilizing NASA's scanning laser Doppler systems. Volume 1. Laser Doppler wake vortex tracking at Kennedy Airport

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    Test operations of the Scanning Laser Doppler System (SLDS) at Kennedy International Airport (KIA) during August 1974 through June 1975 are reported. A total of 1,619 data runs was recorded with a totally operational system during normal landing operations at KIA. In addition, 53 data runs were made during cooperative flybys with the C880 for a grand total of 1672 recorded vortex tracks. Test crews were in attendance at KIA for 31 weeks, of which 25 weeks were considered operational and the other six were packing, unpacking, setup and check out. Although average activity equates to 67 recorded landing operations per week, two periods of complete runway inactivity spanned 20 days and 13 days, respectively. The operation frequency therefore averaged about 88 operations per week

    Magnetic coupling in Tesla transformers

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    Although many publications dealing with Tesla transformers have appeared, most are confined to detailed investigations of the transformer performance based on a lumped equivalent circuit. The present paper differs widely from these in being concerned with the very practical and important issue of the degree of magnetic coupling between the two transformer windings and considers in detail the importance of the coupling factor for a range of applications of these transformers. The constructional features that may be adopted in various practical implementations are explained

    Electromagnetic radiation from a Tesla transformer

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    In addition to the resistive and dielectric losses that inevitably occur near the secondary winding of a Tesla transformer, electromagnetic radiation into the far field also contributes to the overall power losses and thereby reduces both the effective quality factor (Q) and the power transfer efficiency of this winding. A short study of these effects for a laboratory scale transformer has shown that, in addition to its Q-factor being considerably reduced, the secondary winding is an extremely inefficient radiator of electromagnetic energy

    Improvements to secondary windings of Tesla transformers

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    Impulse excitation of the tuned primary circuit of a Tesla transformer generates a voltage and current response in the similarly tuned secondary circuit that contains both a fundamental component and a series of multiple higher-order modes. This paper investigates the most significant of these modes, in order to demonstrate a design approach that, when applied to the secondary winding, can bring about a reduction in the higher-order modes without significantly affecting the fundamental term. The resulting process leads to an improved spectral purity of the transformer output, making it better suited than existing conventional designs for application in electronic warfare and other high-power systems