127 research outputs found

    “You Hurt Yourself a Little Every Day.”

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    This article addresses the health of self-employed people, which statistical data indicates to be superior to that of wage-earners, all things being equal. This relative advantage is interpreted here as the result of a selection process related to the healthy worker effect. This hypothesis is successfully tested on the particular case of farriers, using semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and data from a questionnaire survey of 356 farriers-in-training. Using a qualitative approach to give depth to the results of large surveys, the author identifies some social processes that amplify or attenuate the healthy worker effect. At each stage of the farriers’ career, selection by health takes different forms relating to professional ethos, the distribution of strain, lifestyle, and the ability to change careers. The healthy worker effect is nevertheless forestalled by the existence of an informal working group.Cet article traite de la santé des travailleurs indépendants qui, dans les données statistiques, paraît meilleure que celle des salariés, toutes choses étant égales par ailleurs. Cet avantage relatif est interprété ici comme le résultat d’un processus de sélection lié à l’effet travailleur sain. Cette hypothèse est testée avec succès sur le cas particulier des maréchaux-ferrants en mobilisant les techniques d’entretiens semi-directifs, d’observation participante, ainsi que quelques données chiffrées issues d’une enquête par questionnaires auprès de 356 individus en cours de formation. En précisant le résultat de grandes enquêtes par une approche qualitative, l’auteur identifie certains processus sociaux qui amplifient ou atténuent l’effet travailleur sain. À chaque étape de la carrière, la sélection par la santé prend des formes différentes impliquant l’ethos professionnel, la distribution de la pénibilité, le mode de vie et la capacité à se reconvertir. L’effet travailleur sain est néanmoins temporisé par l’existence d’un collectif de travail informel

    Job stress in relation to heart rate variability

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    Consideraciones cristianas para todos los días del año : con los Evangelios de los domingos

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    Copia digital. España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2020Datos del autor tomados del CcFrNotas a pie de p

    Next-Generation Sequencing for Venomics: Application of Multi-Enzymatic Limited Digestion for Inventorying the Snake Venom Arsenal

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    To improve the characterization of snake venom protein profiles, we report the application of a new generation of proteomic methodology to deeply characterize complex protein mixtures. The new approach, combining a synergic multi-enzymatic and a time-limited digestion (MELD), is a versatile and straightforward protocol previously developed by our group. The higher number of overlapping peptides generated during MELD increases the quality of downstream peptide sequencing and of protein identification. In this context, this work aims at applying the MELD strategy to a venomics purpose for the first time, and especially for the characterization of snake venoms. We used four venoms as the test models for this proof of concept: two Elapidae (Dendroaspis polylepis and Naja naja) and two Viperidae (Bitis arietans and Echis ocellatus). Each venom was reduced and alkylated before being submitted to two different protocols: the classical bottom-up proteomics strategy including a digestion step with trypsin only, or MELD, which combines the activities of trypsin, Glu-C and chymotrypsin with a limited digestion approach. The resulting samples were then injected on an M-Class chromatographic system, and hyphenated to a Q-Exactive Mass Spectrometer. Toxins and protein identification were performed by Peaks Studio X+. The results show that MELD considerably improves the number of sequenced (de novo) peptides and identified peptides from protein databases, leading to the unambiguous identification of a greater number of toxins and proteins. For each venom, MELD was successful, not only in terms of the identification of the major toxins (increasing of sequence coverage), but also concerning the less abundant cellular components (identification of new groups of proteins). In light of these results, MELD represents a credible methodology to be applied as the next generation of proteomics approaches dedicated to venomic analysis. It may open new perspectives for the sequencing and inventorying of the venom arsenal and should expand global knowledge about venom composition

    ADDovenom: Thermostable Protein-Based ADDomer Nanoparticles as New Therapeutics for Snakebite Envenoming

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    Snakebite envenoming can be a life-threatening medical emergency that requires prompt medical intervention to neutralise the effects of venom toxins. Each year up to 138,000 people die from snakebites and threefold more victims suffer life-altering disabilities. The current treatment of snakebite relies solely on antivenom—polyclonal antibodies isolated from the plasma of hyperimmunised animals—which is associated with numerous deficiencies. The ADDovenom project seeks to deliver a novel snakebite therapy, through the use of an innovative protein-based scaffold as a next-generation antivenom. The ADDomer is a megadalton-sized, thermostable synthetic nanoparticle derived from the adenovirus penton base protein; it has 60 high-avidity binding sites to neutralise venom toxins. Here, we outline our experimental strategies to achieve this goal using state-of-the-art protein engineering, expression technology and mass spectrometry, as well as in vitro and in vivo venom neutralisation assays. We anticipate that the approaches described here will produce antivenom with unparalleled efficacy, safety and affordability

    Publications scientifiques en 2023

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    Santé mentale au travail et substances psychoactives : de l'approche statistique à l'étude par groupes professionnels

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    International audienceIn recent years, mental health at work has become the object of concern in the human sciences. Work has become more demanding and intense, more unstable and the risk of unemployment remains very present. This context explains the increased fragility of the employed population, whose members resort more frequently to psychoactive substances. The articles selected address the issue from two different angles. The article by Malard et al. seeks to identify the effects of the 2008 economic crisis on certain mental health indicators in the working population based on a statistical survey. It identifies certain groups where the use of psychoactive products reveals vulnerability. Loriol's article looks at the role of psychoactive substances in the workplace and the regulation of their use within work groups, based on the study of different professional groups.La santé mentale au travail est devenue ces dernières années l'objet de préoccupations de la part des sciences humaines. Plus éprouvant, plus intense, le travail est aussi devenu plus instable et le risque du chômage reste très présent. Ce contexte explique une fragilité accrue de la population en emploi, dont les membres recourent plus fréquemment à des substances psychoactives. Les articles sélectionnés s'intéressent à la question sous deux aspects différents. L'article de Malard et al. cherche à cerner quels ont été les effets de la crise économique de 2008 sur certains indicateurs de la santé mentale dans la population active à partir d'une enquête statistique. Il identifie certains groupes où la consommation de produits psychoactifs révèle une vulnérabilité. L'article de Loriol, quant à lui, se penche sur le rôle des substances psychoactives au travail et sur la régulation de leur consommation au sein des collectifs de travail, à partir de l'étude de différents groupes professionnels

    Working papers

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    Clémence Ledoux et Rachel Krupka, Le dialogue social dans les branches des salariés du particulier employeur, de l'aide à domicile et des entreprises de services aux personnes en France Document téléchargeable : Rapport Ledoux Krupka V fcais 16 06 2020 Une comparaison des conventions collectives en vigueur, par Rachel Krupka, assistante de recherche DCS - Profam. Document téléchargeable : KRUPKA analyse des conventions collectives sept 201
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