7,184 research outputs found

    Physical optics analysis of a four-reflector antenna, part 1

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    Concern has been raised for the 64-m to 70-m antenna upgrade project that the 70-m system may experience greater S-band beam-pointing perturbations than the 64-m system. The S-band perturbations are due to minor (higher order) mode generation, causing subtle cross-polarization fields affecting beam pointing direction, as described herein. For the antennas in their present configuration (64 m), a slight S-band gain degradation of about 0.05 dB can be attributed to these effects. Therefore, a full physical optics analysis was performed for the present-day 64-m system, as described herein. The results were compared with past analyses and experimental observations in order to verify the algebra and computer code with the intent of deriving a valid analysis method for accurately analyzing the 70-m shaped dual reflector Cassegrainian antenna. The results of the new analysis appear to be in excellent agreement with previous analyses and experimental data


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    "Strengthening the Applied Research Base for Rural Development Action Programs," by Greg Taylor, Colien Hefferan, and John E. Lee; "Relevance of SAEA to Extension: Is the SAEA Any Longer Relevant to the South?" by Harold M. Harris, Gary F. Fairchild, Tom Johnson, Eduardo Segarra, and Josef M. Broder; "Analyzing Supply Response Under the 1996 Farm Act," by Gary Adams, Andrew Washington, William Lin, Mike Dicks, Mack Leath, and Linwood Hoffman; "Sustaining Rural Communities," by William Amponsah, William Edmondson, John Ikerd, and Surendra Singh; "Using IMPLAN to Measure the Impact of Agriculture on a State's Economy," by David Hughes, Mark Henry, and Gerald Schluter; "USDA National Research Initiative (NRI) Competitive Grants Workshop on Markets, Trade, and Rural Development," Session I by Mark Bailey and David Holder, Session II by James Seale, Patricia Duffy, Mary Marchant, Gail Cramer, Won Koo, Kim Jensen, and Dale Colyer; "Implications of Federal Milk Marketing Order Reform for the South," by Ronald D. Knutson, Albert Ortega, Harold M. Harris, and Frank Johns; "Measuring Consumers' Judgment: A Pragmatic Approach Involving Ecotourism Analysis," by Evan Mercer, Alton Thompson, Donald McDowell, George Flemming, Adesoji Adelaja, Antohny Yeboah, and Edumnd Tavernier.


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    Gina Patriasih. 14111520077. Pengaruh Penguasaan Konsep Suku Banyak Terhadap Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Matriks Sistem Persamaan Linear dengan Menggunakan Kaidah Cramer. Kemampuan menyelesaikan matriks sistem persamaan linear dengan menggunakan kaidah cramer siswa dianggap sudah baik. Hal ini ditandai oleh banyaknya siswa yang sudah mencapai nilai rata-rata cukup memuaskan. Konsep suku banyak merupakan konsep dasar yang harus dipahami untuk menjelaskan materi selanjutnya mengenai matriks sistem persamaan linear dengan menggunakan kaidah cramer. Karena antara materi satu dengan lainnya saling berkesinambungan. Sehingga penguasaan konsep suku banyak dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menyelesaikan matriks sistem persamaan linear dengan menggunakan kaidah cramer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengetahui penguasaan siswa tentang konsep suku banyak, 2) mengetahui kemampuan siswa di kelas Xdalam mempelajari matriks sistem persamaan linear, 3) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penguasaan konsep suku banyak siswa terhadap kemampuan menyelesaikan matriks sistem persamaan linear menggunakan kaidah cramer. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Islamic Centre Cirebon, jumlah populasi seluruh siswa kelas X sebanyak 918 siswa. Pengambilan sampling dilakukan dengan teknik cluster random sampling, terpilih kelas X Administrasi Perkantoran 3 sebanyak 43 siswa sebagai sampel penelitian. Berdasarkan pengolahan data, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata tes penguasaan konsep suku banyak sebesar 45,11 termasuk kategori cukup baik dan rata-rata tes kemampuan menyelesaikan matriks sistem persamaan linear dengan menggunakan kaidah cramer sebesar 71,39 termasuk kategori sangat baik. Persamaan regresi yang dihasilkan untuk memprediksi kemampuan menyelesaikan matriks sistem persamaan linear menggunakan kaidah cramer berdasarkan penguasaan konsep suku banyak adala

    The Newspaper Warrior: Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins\u27s Campaign for American Indian Rights, 1864-1891

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    Asserting Minority Rights through the Mainstream Press during Reconstruction While the post-Civil War era saw countless, small, alternative publications emerge to serve the interests of marginalized populations, there are fewer examples of individuals and groups who successfully used the m...

    Commentary on Cramer

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