3,999 research outputs found

    Comparison of next-generation portable pollution monitors to measure exposure to PM2.5 from household air pollution in Puno, Peru.

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    Assessment of personal exposure to PM2.5 is critical for understanding intervention effectiveness and exposure-response relationships in household air pollution studies. In this pilot study, we compared PM2.5 concentrations obtained from two next-generation personal exposure monitors (the Enhanced Children MicroPEM or ECM; and the Ultrasonic Personal Air Sampler or UPAS) to those obtained with a traditional Triplex Cyclone and SKC Air Pump (a gravimetric cyclone/pump sampler). We co-located cyclone/pumps with an ECM and UPAS to obtain 24-hour kitchen concentrations and personal exposure measurements. We measured Spearmen correlations and evaluated agreement using the Bland-Altman method. We obtained 215 filters from 72 ECM and 71 UPAS co-locations. Overall, the ECM and the UPAS had similar correlation (ECM ρ = 0.91 vs UPAS ρ = 0.88) and agreement (ECM mean difference of 121.7 ”g/m3 vs UPAS mean difference of 93.9 ”g/m3 ) with overlapping confidence intervals when compared against the cyclone/pump. When adjusted for the limit of detection, agreement between the devices and the cyclone/pump was also similar for all samples (ECM mean difference of 68.8 ”g/m3 vs UPAS mean difference of 65.4 ”g/m3 ) and personal exposure samples (ECM mean difference of -3.8 ”g/m3 vs UPAS mean difference of -12.9 ”g/m3 ). Both the ECM and UPAS produced comparable measurements when compared against a cyclone/pump setup

    The exocrine protein trypsinogen is targeted into the secretory granules of an endocrine cell line: studies by gene transfer.

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    ABSTRACT The exocrine protein rat anionic trypsinogen has been expressed and is secreted from the murine anterior pituitary tumor cell line AtT-20. We examined which secretory pathway trypsinogen takes to the surface of this endocrine-derived cell line. The "constitutive" pathway externalizes proteins rapidly and in the absence of an external stimulus. In the alternate, "regulated " pathway, proteins are stored in secretory granules until the cells are stimulated to secrete with 8-Br-cAMP. On the basis of indirect immunofluorescence localization, stimulation of release, and subceltular fractionation, we find that trypsinogen is targeted into the regulated secretory pathway in ART-20 cells. In contrast, laminin, an endogenous secretory glycoprotein, is shown to be secreted constitutively. Thus it appears that the transport apparatus for the regulated secretory pathway in endocrine cells can recognize not only endocrine prohormones, but also the exocrine protein trypsinogen, which suggests that a similar sorting mechanism is used by endocrine and exocrine cells. The intraceUular pathway of secretory proteins from the rough endoplasmic reticulum through the Golgi apparatus and to the cell surface is well established (26). Specialized secretor

    Webteaching: sequencing of subject matter in relation to prior knowledge of pupils

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    Two experiments are discussed in which the sequencing procedure of webteaching is compared with a linear sequence for the presentation of text material.\ud \ud In the first experiment variations in the level of prior knowledge of pupils were studied for their influence on the sequencing mode of text presentation. Prior knowledge greatly reduced the effect of the size of sequencing procedures.\ud \ud In the second experiment pupils with a low level of prior knowledge studied a text, following either a websequence or a linear sequence. Webteaching was superior to linear teaching on a number of dependent variables. It is concluded that webteaching is an effective sequencing procedure in those cases where substantial new learning is required

    Psychological principles of successful aging technologies: A mini-review

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    Based on resource-oriented conceptions of successful life-span development, we propose three principles for evaluating assistive technology: (a) net resource release; (b) person specificity, and (c) proximal versus distal frames of evaluation. We discuss how these general principles can aid the design and evaluation of assistive technology in adulthood and old age, and propose two technological strategies, one targeting sensorimotor and the other cognitive functioning. The sensorimotor strategy aims at releasing cognitive resources such as attention and working memory by reducing the cognitive demands of sensory or sensorimotor aspects of performance. The cognitive strategy attempts to provide adaptive and individualized cuing structures orienting the individual in time and space by providing prompts that connect properties of the environment to the individual's action goals. We argue that intelligent assistive technology continuously adjusts the balance between `environmental support' and `self-initiated processing' in person-specific and aging-sensitive ways, leading to enhanced allocation of cognitive resources. Furthermore, intelligent assistive technology may foster the generation of formerly latent cognitive resources by activating developmental reserves (plasticity). We conclude that `lifespan technology', if co-constructed by behavioral scientists, engineers, and aging individuals, offers great promise for improving both the transition from middle adulthood to old age and the degree of autonomy in old age in present and future generations. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Magneto-electrodynamics at high frequencies in the antiferromagnetic and superconducting states of DyNi_2B_2C

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    We report the observation of novel behaviour in the radio frequency (rf) and microwave response of DyNi_2B_2C over a wide range of temperature (T) and magnetic field (H) in the antiferromagnetic (AFM) and superconducting (SC) states. At microwave frequencies of 10 GHz, the T dependence of the surface impedance Z_s=R_s+iX_s was measured which yields the T dependence of the complex conductivity \sigma_1-i\sigma_2 in the SC and AFM states. At radio frequencies (4 MHz), the H and T dependence of the penetration depth \lambda(T,H) were measured. The establishment of antiferromagnetic order at T_N=10.3 K results in a marked decrease in the scattering of charge carriers, leading to sharp decreases in R_s and X_s. However, R_s and X_s differ from each other in the AFM state. We show that the results are consistent with conductivity relaxation whence the scattering rate becomes comparable to the microwave frequency. The rf measurements yield a rich dependence of the scattering on the magnetic field near and below T_N. Anomalous decrease of scattering at moderate applied fields is observed at temperatures near and above T_N, and arises due to a crossover from a negative magnetoresistance state, possibly associated with a loss of spin disorder scattering at low fields, to a positive magnetoresistance state associated with the metallic nature. The normal state magnetoresistance is positive at all temperatures for \mu_0H>2T and at all fields for T>15K. Several characteristic field and temperature scales associated with metamagnetic transitions (H_M1(T), H_M2(T)) and onset of spin disorder H_D(T), in addition to T_c, T_N and H_c2(T) are observed in the rf measurements.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, Uses REVTeX, This and related publications also available at http://sagar.physics.neu.edu/ Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Orientation of Vortices in a Superconducting Thin-Film: Quantitative Comparison of Spin-Polarized Neutron Reflectivity and Magnetization

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    We present a quantitative comparison of the magnetization measured by spin-polarized neutron reflectivity (SPNR) and DC magnetometry on a 1370 \AA\ -thick Nb superconducting film. As a function of magnetic field applied in the film plane, SPNR exhibits reversible behavior whereas the DC magnetization shows substantial hysteresis. The difference between these measurements is attributed to a rotation of vortex magnetic field out of the film plane as the applied field is reduced. Since SPNR measures only the magnetization parallel to the film plane whereas DC magnetization is strongly influenced by the perpendicular component of magnetization when there is a slight sample tilt, combining the two techniques allows one to distinguish two components of magnetization in a thin film.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, It will be printed in PRB, Oct. 200

    Nicotiana alata defensin chimeras reveal differences in the mechanism of fungal and tumor cell killing and an enhanced antifungal variant

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    The plant defensin NaD1 is a potent antifungal molecule that also targets tumor cells with a high efficiency. We examined the features of NaD1 that contribute to these two activities by producing a series of chimeras with NaD2, a defensin that has relatively poor activity against fungi and no activity against tumor cells. All plant defensins have a common tertiary structure known as a cysteine-stabilized alpha-beta motif which consists of an alpha helix and a triple-stranded beta-sheet stabilized by four disulfide bonds. The chimeras were produced by replacing loops 1 to 7, the sequences between each of the conserved cysteine residues on NaD1, with the corresponding loops from NaD2. The loop 5 swap replaced the sequence motif (SKILRR) that mediates tight binding with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P-2] and is essential for the potent cytotoxic effect of NaD1 on tumor cells. Consistent with previous reports, there was a strong correlation between PI(4,5)P-2 binding and the tumor cell killing activity of all of the chimeras. However, this correlation did not extend to antifungal activity. Some of the loop swap chimeras were efficient antifungal molecules, even though they bound poorly to PI(4,5)P-2, suggesting that additional mechanisms operate against fungal cells. Unexpectedly, the loop 1B swap chimera was 10 times more active than NaD1 against filamentous fungi. This led to the conclusion that defensin loops have evolved as modular components that combine to make antifungal molecules with variable mechanisms of action and that artificial combinations of loops can increase antifungal activity compared to that of the natural variants

    Drawing the answers: Sketching to support free and probed recall by child witnesses and victims with autism spectrum disorder

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    The success of witness interviews in the criminal justice system depends on the accuracy of information obtained, which is a function of both amount and quality of information. Attempts to enhance witness retrieval such as mental reinstatement of context have been designed with typically developed adults in mind. In this paper, the relative benefits of mental and sketch reinstatement mnemonics are explored with both typically developing children and children with autism. Children watched a crime event video, and their retrieval of event information was examined in free and probed recall phases of a cognitive interview. As expected, typically developing children recalled more correct information of all types than children with autism during free and probed recall phases. Sketching during free recall was more beneficial for both groups in both phases in reducing the amount of incorrect items, but the relative effect of sketching on enhancing retrieval accuracy was greater for children with autism. The results indicate the benefits of choosing retrieval mnemonics that are sensitive to the specific impairments of autistic individuals, and suggest that retrieval accuracy during interviews can be enhanced, in some cases to the same level as that of typically developing individuals
