83 research outputs found

    Forvörn þunglyndis meðal ungmenna : mat á árangri sex mánuðum eftir námskeið

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenMeiri háttar þunglyndiskast (MHÞ) og óyndi er algengt, hamlandi og langvarandi og á oftast upptök seint á táningsaldri. Rannsóknir hafa leitt í ljós að allt að fjórðungur ungmenna muni eiga við MHÞ eða óyndi að stríða áður en framhaldskóla sleppir. Börn sem upplifa MHÞ eiga frekar á hættu að fá slík köst síðar á lífsleiðinni. Vendipunktur fyrir þróun fyrsta þunglyndiskasts er á aldrinum 14-15 ára og um 18 ára aldur hafa 19% ungmenna þegar greinst með MHÞ. Lagt var mat á langtímaárangur námskeiðs, sem sniðið er til að koma í veg fyrir þróun þunglyndis þeirra, sem ekki hafa upplifað MHÞ. Þátttakendur voru 171 nemandi úr 9. bekk grunnskóla, sem taldir voru í áhættu að þróa þunglyndi eða óyndi vegna margra einkenna þunglyndis eða neikvæðs skýringarstíls. Þeim sem uppfylltu skilyrði fyrir þátttöku var dreift af handahófi í tilrauna- og viðmiðunarhópa. Hittust hópar í 14 skipti. Námskeiðin byggðust á sálfélagslegu líkani og var farið í viðnám þátta sem taldir er tengjast þróun þunglyndis. Hugmyndafræðilega og við framkvæmd var stuðst við kenningar hugrænnar atferlismeðferðar. Með greiningarviðtali kom í ljós við 6 mánaða eftirfylgd að um tæplega 2% þátttakenda í tilrauna- og rúmlega 13% í samanburðarhópi höfðu uppfylltu skilmerki fyrir þunglyndi eða óyndi. Niðurstöður sýna að sporna megi við þróun þunglyndis ungmenna

    Is the Thoughts and Health programme feasible in the context of Swedish schools? A quasi-experimental controlled trial study protocol.

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    Introduction: Clinical depression is a substantial problem among adolescents, increasing significantly at about age 15 years. It causes impairment in social, academic and familial relationships, as well as ongoing cognitive and emotional difficulties for the individual. A study in Iceland demonstrated that a cognitive-behavioural, developmentally based intervention programme, 'Thoughts and Health', prevented initial episodes of depression and/or dysthymia (DYS) (major depressive disorder/DYS) in adolescents for up to 12 months following completion of the programme. We would like to test the feasibility of implementing the Icelandic method in a Swedish context and to evaluate the long-term effects of such a programme. Methods and analysis: A quasi-experimental controlled design, combined with qualitative and quantitative methods, will be used to address the research questions.In this study, 617 children aged ~14 years will be screened for depression, and those "at risk" for development of clinical depression will be offered a 12 week course, 'Thoughts and Health'. This course aims to prevent first depression in adolescents. A comparable group of children will function as controls.Depending on the type of variable, baseline comparisons between the two groups of relevant initial measures will be evaluated with t-tests or χ2 analyses. The effects of the programme on the development of clinical levels of depression will be evaluated using the follow-up data of 6, 12 and 18 months. Index parental depression at baseline will be tested as a moderator in the evaluation of the effects of the prevention programme. Ethics and dissemination: This study is approved by the Swedish Ethical Review Board (reference number 2019-03347) in Gothenburg.We plan to disseminate the knowledge gained from this study by publishing our results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and other scholarly outlets. Trial registration number: NCT04128644; Pre-results. Keywords: child & adolescent psychiatry; depression & mood disorders; public health.Peer reviewe

    Treatment-Specific Hippocampal Subfield Volume Changes With Antidepressant Medication or Cognitive-Behavior Therapy in Treatment-Naive Depression.

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    Background: Hippocampal atrophy has been consistently reported in major depressive disorder with more recent focus on subfields. However, literature on hippocampal volume changes after antidepressant treatment has been limited. The first-line treatments for depression include antidepressant medication (ADM) or cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT). To understand the differential effects of CBT and ADM on the hippocampus, we investigated the volume alterations of hippocampal subfields with treatment, outcome, and chronicity in treatment-naïve depression patients. Methods: Treatment-naïve depressed patients from the PReDICT study were included in this analysis. A total of 172 patients who completed 12 weeks of randomized treatment with CBT (n = 45) or ADM (n = 127) were included for hippocampal subfield volume analysis. Forty healthy controls were also included for the baseline comparison. Freesurfer 6.0 was used to segment 26 hippocampal substructures and bilateral whole hippocampus from baseline and week 12 structural MRI scans. A generalized linear model with covariates of age and gender was used for group statistical tests. A linear mixed model for the repeated measures with covariates of age and gender was used to examine volumetric changes over time and the contributing effects of treatment type, outcome, and illness chronicity. Results: Of the 172 patients, 85 achieved remission (63/127 ADM, 22/45 CBT). MDD patients showed smaller baseline volumes than healthy controls in CA1, CA3, CA4, parasubiculum, GC-ML-DG, Hippocampal Amygdala Transition Area (HATA), and fimbria. Over 12 weeks of treatment, further declines in the volumes of CA1, fimbria, subiculum, and HATA were observed regardless of treatment type or outcome. CBT remitters, but not ADM remitters, showed volume reduction in the right hippocampal tail. Unlike ADM remitters, ADM non-responders had a decline in volume in the bilateral hippocampal tails. Baseline volume of left presubiculum (regardless of treatment type) and right fimbria and HATA in CBT patients were correlated with a continuous measure of clinical improvement. Chronicity of depression had no effect on any measures of hippocampal subfield volumes. Conclusion: Two first-line antidepressant treatments, CBT and ADM, have different effects on hippocampal tail after 12 weeks. This finding suggests that remission achieved via ADM may protect against progressive hippocampal atrophy by altering neuronal plasticity or supporting neurogenesis. Studies with multimodal neuroimaging, including functional and structural analysis, are needed to assess further the impact of two different antidepressant treatments on hippocampal subfields

    Is the Thoughts and Health programme feasible in the context of Swedish schools? A quasi-experimental controlled trial study protocol.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadIntroduction: Clinical depression is a substantial problem among adolescents, increasing significantly at about age 15 years. It causes impairment in social, academic and familial relationships, as well as ongoing cognitive and emotional difficulties for the individual. A study in Iceland demonstrated that a cognitive-behavioural, developmentally based intervention programme, 'Thoughts and Health', prevented initial episodes of depression and/or dysthymia (DYS) (major depressive disorder/DYS) in adolescents for up to 12 months following completion of the programme. We would like to test the feasibility of implementing the Icelandic method in a Swedish context and to evaluate the long-term effects of such a programme. Methods and analysis: A quasi-experimental controlled design, combined with qualitative and quantitative methods, will be used to address the research questions.In this study, 617 children aged ~14 years will be screened for depression, and those "at risk" for development of clinical depression will be offered a 12 week course, 'Thoughts and Health'. This course aims to prevent first depression in adolescents. A comparable group of children will function as controls.Depending on the type of variable, baseline comparisons between the two groups of relevant initial measures will be evaluated with t-tests or χ2 analyses. The effects of the programme on the development of clinical levels of depression will be evaluated using the follow-up data of 6, 12 and 18 months. Index parental depression at baseline will be tested as a moderator in the evaluation of the effects of the prevention programme. Ethics and dissemination: This study is approved by the Swedish Ethical Review Board (reference number 2019-03347) in Gothenburg.We plan to disseminate the knowledge gained from this study by publishing our results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and other scholarly outlets. Trial registration number: NCT04128644; Pre-results. Keywords: child & adolescent psychiatry; depression & mood disorders; public health.Region Vastra Gotaland, Swede

    Indoxyl sulfate, a gut microbiome-derived uremic toxin, is associated with psychic anxiety and its functional magnetic resonance imaging-based neurologic signature

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    Background: It is unknown whether indoles, metabolites of tryptophan that are derived entirely from bacterial metabolism in the gut, are associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Methods: Serum samples (baseline, 12 weeks) were drawn from participants (n=196) randomized to treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), escitalopram, or duloxetine for major depressive disorder. Results: Baseline indoxyl sulfate abundance was positively correlated with severity of psychic anxiety and total anxiety and with resting state functional connectivity to a network that processes aversive stimuli (which includes the subcallosal cingulate cortex (SCC-FC), bilateral anterior insula, right anterior midcingulate cortex, and the right premotor areas). The relation between indoxyl sulfate and psychic anxiety was mediated only through the metabolite's effect on the SCC-FC with the premotor area. Baseline indole abundances were unrelated to post-treatment outcome measures, which suggests that CBT and antidepressant medications relieve anxiety via mechanisms unrelated to gut microbiota. Conclusions: A peripheral gut microbiome-derived metabolite was associated with altered neural processing and with psychiatric symptom (anxiety) in humans, which provides further evidence that gut microbiome disruption can contribute to neuropsychiatric disorders that may require different therapeutic approaches

    Indoxyl sulfate, a gut microbiome-derived uremic toxin, is associated with psychic anxiety and its functional magnetic resonance imaging-based neurologic signature

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    Background: It is unknown whether indoles, metabolites of tryptophan that are derived entirely from bacterial metabolism in the gut, are associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Methods: Serum samples (baseline, 12 weeks) were drawn from participants (n=196) randomized to treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), escitalopram, or duloxetine for major depressive disorder. Results: Baseline indoxyl sulfate abundance was positively correlated with severity of psychic anxiety and total anxiety and with resting state functional connectivity to a network that processes aversive stimuli (which includes the subcallosal cingulate cortex (SCC-FC), bilateral anterior insula, right anterior midcingulate cortex, and the right premotor areas). The relation between indoxyl sulfate and psychic anxiety was mediated only through the metabolite's effect on the SCC-FC with the premotor area. Baseline indole abundances were unrelated to post-treatment outcome measures, which suggests that CBT and antidepressant medications relieve anxiety via mechanisms unrelated to gut microbiota. Conclusions: A peripheral gut microbiome-derived metabolite was associated with altered neural processing and with psychiatric symptom (anxiety) in humans, which provides further evidence that gut microbiome disruption can contribute to neuropsychiatric disorders that may require different therapeutic approaches

    Combined effects of genotype and childhood adversity shape variability of DNA methylation across age

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    Lasting effects of adversity, such as exposure to childhood adversity (CA) on disease risk, may be embedded via epigenetic mechanisms but findings from human studies investigating the main effects of such exposure on epigenetic measures, including DNA methylation (DNAm), are inconsistent. Studies in perinatal tissues indicate that variability of DNAm at birth is best explained by the joint effects of genotype and prenatal environment. Here, we extend these analyses to postnatal stressors. We investigated the contribution of CA, cis genotype (G), and their additive (G+CA) and interactive (GxCA) effects to DNAm variability in blood or saliva from five independent cohorts with a total sample size of 1074 ranging in age from childhood to late adulthood. Of these, 541 were exposed to CA, which was assessed retrospectively using self-reports or verified through social services and registries. For the majority of sites (over 50%) in the adult cohorts, variability in DNAm was best explained by G+CA or GxCA but almost never by CA alone. Across ages and tissues, 1672 DNAm sites showed consistency of the best model in all five cohorts, with GxCA interactions explaining most variance. The consistent GxCA sites mapped to genes enriched in brain-specific transcripts and Gene Ontology terms related to development and synaptic function. Interaction of CA with genotypes showed the strongest contribution to DNAm variability, with stable effects across cohorts in functionally relevant genes. This underscores the importance of including genotype in studies investigating the impact of environmental factors on epigenetic marks.Peer reviewe

    Exercise and Pharmacotherapy in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder

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    To assess whether patients receiving aerobic exercise training performed either at home or in a supervised group setting achieve reductions in depression comparable to standard antidepressant medication (sertraline) and greater reductions in depression compared to placebo controls

    Combined effects of genotype and childhood adversity shape variability of DNA methylation across age

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    Lasting effects of adversity, such as exposure to childhood adversity (CA) on disease risk, may be embedded via epigenetic mechanisms but findings from human studies investigating the main effects of such exposure on epigenetic measures, including DNA methylation (DNAm), are inconsistent. Studies in perinatal tissues indicate that variability of DNAm at birth is best explained by the joint effects of genotype and prenatal environment. Here, we extend these analyses to postnatal stressors. We investigated the contribution of CA, cis genotype (G), and their additive (G+CA) and interactive (GxCA) effects to DNAm variability in blood or saliva from five independent cohorts with a total sample size of 1074 ranging in age from childhood to late adulthood. Of these, 541 were exposed to CA, which was assessed retrospectively using self-reports or verified through social services and registries. For the majority of sites (over 50%) in the adult cohorts, variability in DNAm was best explained by G+CA or GxCA but almost never by CA alone. Across ages and tissues, 1672 DNAm sites showed consistency of the best model in all five cohorts, with GxCA interactions explaining most variance. The consistent GxCA sites mapped to genes enriched in brain-specific transcripts and Gene Ontology terms related to development and synaptic function. Interaction of CA with genotypes showed the strongest contribution to DNAm variability, with stable effects across cohorts in functionally relevant genes. This underscores the importance of including genotype in studies investigating the impact of environmental factors on epigenetic marks