2,007 research outputs found

    Multi-transition study and new detections of class II methanol masers

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    We have used the ATNF Mopra antenna and the SEST antenna to search in the directions of several class II methanol maser sources for emission from six methanol transitions in the frequency range 85-115 GHz. The transitions were selected from excitation studies as potential maser candidates. Methanol emission at one or more frequencies was detected from five of the maser sources, as well as from Orion KL. Although the lines are weak, we find evidence of maser origin for three new lines in G345.01+1.79, and possibly one new line in G9.62+0.20. The observations, together with published maser observations at other frequencies, are compared with methanol maser modelling for G345.01+1.79 and NGC6334F. We find that the majority of observations in both sources are consistent with a warm dust (175 K) pumping model at hydrogen density ~10^6 cm^-3 and methanol column density ~5 x 10^17 cm^-2. The substantial differences between the maser spectra in the two sources can be attributed to the geometry of the maser region.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    12.2-GHz methanol maser MMB follow-up catalogue - II. Longitude range 186 to 330 degrees

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    We present the second portion of a catalogue of 12.2-GHz methanol masers detected towards 6.7-GHz methanol masers observed in the unbiased Methanol Multibeam (MMB) Survey. Using the Parkes radio telescope we have targeted all 207 6.7-GHz methanol masers in the longitude range 186 to 330 degrees for 12.2-GHz counterparts. We report the detection of 83 12.2-GHz methanol masers, and one additional source which we suspect is thermal emission, equating to a detection rate of 40 per cent. Of the 83 maser detections, 39 are reported here for the first time. We discuss source properties, including variability and highlight a number of unusual sources. We present a list of 45 candidates that are likely to harbor methanol masers in the 107.0-GHz transition.Comment: Accepted MNRAS 19 July 201

    Detection of 6.7 GHz methanol absorption towards hot corinos

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    Methanol masers at 6.7 GHz have been found exclusively towards high-mass star forming regions. Recently, some Class 0 protostars have been found to display conditions similar to what are found in hot cores that are associated with massive star formation. These hot corino sources have densities, gas temperatures, and methanol abundances that are adequate for exciting strong 6.7 GHz maser emission. This raises the question of whether 6.7 GHz methanol masers can be found in both hot corinos and massive star forming regions, and if not, whether thermal methanol emission can be detected. We searched for the 6.7 GHz methanol line towards five hot corino sources in the Perseus region using the Arecibo radio telescope. To constrain the excitation conditions of methanol, we observed thermal submillimeter lines of methanol in the NGC1333-IRAS 4 region with the APEX telescope. We did not detect 6.7 GHz emission in any of the sources, but found absorption against the cosmic microwave background in NGC1333-IRAS 4A and NGC1333-IRAS 4B. Using a large velocity gradient analysis, we modeled the excitation of methanol over a wide range of physical parameters, and verify that the 6.7 GHz line is indeed strongly anti-inverted for densities lower than 10^6 cm^-3. We used the submillimeter observations of methanol to verify the predictions of our model for IRAS 4A by comparison with other CH3OH transitions. Our results indicate that the methanol observations from the APEX and Arecibo telescopes are consistent with dense (n ~ 10^6 cm^-3), cold (T ~ 15-30 K) gas. The lack of maser emission in hot corinos and low-mass protostellar objects in general may be due to densities that are much higher than the quenching density in the region where the radiation field is conducive to maser pumping.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Isoferritins in acute leukaemia.

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    Leucocytes containing a high proportion of blast cells were obtained from 11 patients with acute myeloid leukaemia, and leucocytes were also obtained from 2 normal subjects. Ferritin was partially purified from leucocyte extracts and subjected to anion-exchange chromatography and isoelectric focusing. The Fe content of leucocyte ferritin was low, and in all but one case the preparations contained isoferritins corresponding to those found in normal tissues or serum. Only some of the preparations contained the relatively acidic isoferritins which have been described as "carcinofoetal", but which are also present in normal heart and kidney. Ferritin from one patient contained isoferritins of lower isoelectric point than heart ferritin. These results show that there does not appear to be any specific isoelectric focusing pattern for leukaemic cells, and that assays for acidic isoferritins are unlikely to be of use in the diagnosis of leukaemia and in monitoring treatment. However, the very acidic protein found in one preparation suggests that the search for abnormal subunits of ferritin may be fruitful in acute leukaemia

    A Search for 6.7 GHz Methanol Masers in M33

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    We report the negative results from a search for 6.7 GHz methanol masers in the nearby spiral galaxy M33. We observed 14 GMCs in the central 4 kpc of the Galaxy, and found 3 sigma upper limits to the flux density of ~9 mJy in spectral channels having a velocity width of 0.069 km/s. By velocity shifting and combining the spectra from the positions observed, we obtain an effective 3sigma upper limit on the average emission of ~1mJy in a 0.25 km/s channel. These limits lie significantly below what we would expect based on our estimates of the methanol maser luminosity function in the Milky Way. The most likely explanation for the absence of detectable methanol masers appears to be the metallicity of M33, which is modestly less than that of the Milky Way

    12.2-GHz methanol maser MMB follow-up catalogue - I. Longitude range 330 to 10 degrees

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    We present a catalogue of 12.2-GHz methanol masers detected towards 6.7-GHz methanol masers observed in the unbiased Methanol Multibeam (MMB) survey in the longitude range 330\circ (through 360\circ) to 10\circ. This is the first portion of the catalogue which, when complete, will encompass all of the MMB detections. We report the detection of 184 12.2-GHz sources towards 400 6.7-GHz methanol maser targets, equating to a detection rate of 46 per cent. Of the 184 12.2-GHz detections, 117 are reported here for the first time. We draw attention to a number of 'special' sources, particularly those with emission at 12.2-GHz stronger than their 6.7-GHz counterpart and conclude that these unusual sources are not associated with a specific evolutionary stage.Comment: accepted to MNRAS 21 Dec 201

    Evidence for a Massive Protocluster in S255N

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    S255N is a luminous far-infrared source that contains many indications of active star formation but lacks a prominent near-infrared stellar cluster. We present mid-infrared through radio observations aimed at exploring the evolutionary state of this region. Our observations include 1.3mm continuum and spectral line data from the Submillimeter Array, VLA 3.6cm continuum and 1.3cm water maser data, and multicolor IRAC images from the Spitzer Space Telescope. The cometary morphology of the previously-known UCHII region G192.584-0.041 is clearly revealed in our sensitive, multi-configuration 3.6cm images. The 1.3mm continuum emission has been resolved into three compact cores, all of which are dominated by dust emission and have radii < 7000AU. The mass estimates for these cores range from 6 to 35 Msun. The centroid of the brightest dust core (SMA1) is offset by 1.1'' (2800 AU) from the peak of the cometary UCHII region and exhibits the strongest HC3N, CN, and DCN line emission in the region. SMA1 also exhibits compact CH3OH, SiO, and H2CO emission and likely contains a young hot core. We find spatial and kinematic evidence that SMA1 may contain further multiplicity, with one of the components coincident with a newly-detected H2O maser. There are no mid-infrared point source counterparts to any of the dust cores, further suggesting an early evolutionary phase for these objects. The dominant mid-infrared emission is a diffuse, broadband component that traces the surface of the cometary UCHII region but is obscured by foreground material on its southern edge. An additional 4.5 micron linear feature emanating to the northeast of SMA1 is aligned with a cluster of methanol masers and likely traces a outflow from a protostar within SMA1. Our observations provide direct evidence that S255N is forming a cluster of intermediate to high-mass stars.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Finite-Size Bosonization of 2-Channel Kondo Model: a Bridge between Numerical Renormalization Group and Conformal Field Theory

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    We generalize Emery and Kivelson's (EK) bosonization-refermionization treatment of the 2-channel Kondo model to finite system size and on the EK-line analytically construct its exact eigenstates and finite-size spectrum. The latter crosses over to conformal field theory's (CFT) universal non-Fermi-liquid spectrum (and yields the most-relevant operators' dimensions), and further to a Fermi-liquid spectrum in a finite magnetic field. Our approach elucidates the relation between bosonization, scaling techniques, the numerical renormalization group (NRG) and CFT. All CFT's Green's functions are recovered with remarkable ease from the model's scattering states.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Revte

    Discovery of new 19.9-GHz methanol masers in star-forming regions

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    We have used the NASA Tidbinbilla 70-m antenna to search for emission from the 21-30 E (19.9-GHz) transition of methanol. The search was targeted towards 22 star formation regions that exhibit maser emission in the 107.0-GHz 31-40 A+ methanol transition, and in the 6.6-GHz 51-60 A+ transition characteristic of class II methanol maser sources. A total of seven sources were detected in the 21-30 E transition, six of these being new detections. Many of the new detections are weak (≳0.5 Jy), however, they appear to be weak masers rather than thermal or quasi-thermal emission. We find a strong correlation between sources that exhibit 19.9-GHz methanol masers and those that both have the class II methanol masers projected against radio continuum emission and have associated 6035-MHz OH masers. This suggests that the 19.9-GHz methanol masers arise in very specific physical conditions, probably associated with a particular evolutionary phase. In the model of Cragg, Sobolev &amp; Godfrey these observations are consistent with gas temperatures of 50 K, dust temperatures of 150-200 K and gas densities of 106.5-107.5 cm-3