1,260 research outputs found
Validation of the FEEL-KJ: an instrument to measure emotion regulation strategies in children and adolescents
Although the field of emotion regulation in children and adolescents is growing, there is need for age-adjusted measures that assess a large variety of strategies. An interesting instrument in this respect is the FEEL-KJ because it measures 7 adaptive and 5 maladaptive emotion regulation strategies in response to three different emotions. However, the FEEL-KJ has not yet been validated extensively. Therefore, the current study aims to test the internal structure and validity of the FEEL-KJ in a large sample of Dutch-speaking Belgian children and adolescents (N = 1102, 8â18 years old). The investigation of the internal structure confirms earlier reports of a two-factor structure with Adaptive and Maladaptive Emotion Regulation as overarching categories. However, it also suggests that the two-factor model is more complex than what was previously assumed. The evaluation of the FEEL-KJ validity furthermore provides evidence for its construct and external validity. In sum, the current study confirms that the FEEL-KJ is a valuable and reliable measure of emotion regulation strategies in children and adolescents
Le avventure di un testo-chiave di Gregorio Magno (tra gerarchie di Dio e gerarchie della storia)
La lettera V, 44 (a. 595) del 'Registrum' di Gregorio Magno, che contesta al vescovo di
Costantinopoli il titolo di âuniversaleâ, contiene un passo che Ăš stato del tutto frainteso dai
moderni editori. Il contributo ne propone una lettura nuova, che evidenzia come lâAutore
coltivasse una concezione della gerarchia ecclesiastica di tipo âcollegialeâ, direttamente
desunta dal Nuovo Testamento, per la quale uno solo Ăš il capo della Chiesa (Cristo, il Buon
Pastore) e gli apostoli, pur distinti per funzione, sono tutti membra.Letter 5.44 (595 A.D.) of the 'Registrum' of Pope Gregory the Great, which takes exception
to the title of âuniversalâ attributed to the bishop of Constantinople, includes a passage that
has been completely misunderstood by modern editors. This contribution proposes a new
reading for such passage, one that highlights how the Author cultivated a concept of the
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ecclesiastical hierarchy close to the âcollegialâ type, taken directly from the New Testament.
According to this concept, there is only one head of the Church (Christ, the Good Shepherd)
and the apostles, though fulfilling distinct functions, are all members
Formulaic language in TV series: an analysis of the use of lexical bundles in the American sitcom "How I Met Your Mother"
openThis thesis aims to explore the concept of formulaic language and, in particular, of the lexical bundles analysed in the American sitcom "How I Met Your Mother". More precisely, this paper is divided into two main parts: the first part provides the theoretical background of formulaic language, lexical bundles, and authentic spoken language in TV series (Chapters 1 and 2); the second part presents the practical and personal analysis of some of these fixed linguistic sequences found in the corpora chosen (Chapter 3). In fact, what I will do is analyse the frequency of lexical bundles in two specific corpora: the Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English, representative of authentic language, and the âHIMYM Corpusâ, representative of scripted language of fiction. In the end, this corpus-based study aims to prove the similarity of the lexical bundles found in spoken American english and the ones that appeared in the TV series "How I Met Your Mother".This thesis aims to explore the concept of formulaic language and, in particular, of the lexical bundles analysed in the American sitcom "How I Met Your Mother". More precisely, this paper is divided into two main parts: the first part provides the theoretical background of formulaic language, lexical bundles, and authentic spoken language in TV series (Chapters 1 and 2); the second part presents the practical and personal analysis of some of these fixed linguistic sequences found in the corpora chosen (Chapter 3). In fact, what I will do is analyse the frequency of lexical bundles in two specific corpora: the Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English, representative of authentic language, and the âHIMYM Corpusâ, representative of scripted language of fiction. In the end, this corpus-based study aims to prove the similarity of the lexical bundles found in spoken American english and the ones that appeared in the TV series "How I Met Your Mother"
Toward a Substrate Independent Methodology for Chiroptical Sensing of Chiral Amides
openThe development of fast, cheap, simple and reliable high-throughput screening techniques (HTS) and high-throughput analysis (HTA) approaches is a critical focus in the field of supramolecular and organic chemistry. These experimental means are fundamental for chiral catalysts/auxiliaries discovery in asymmetric synthesis. Furthermore, these approaches are crucial also for the chirality investigation of the reaction outputs, particularly for assessment of absolute configuration and determination of enantiomeric excess. Since the limitations of the traditional analytical techniques, chemists have found promising alternatives in the application of chiroptical spectroscopies and chromophoric supramolecular sensors. This thesis aims to investigate the existence of a multivariate model able to predict the electronic circular dichroism (ECD) readout of a class of different chiral amides, employing an oxo-vanadium(V) aminotriphenolate (TPA) complex previously developed by the research groups where this thesis has been carried out.The development of fast, cheap, simple and reliable high-throughput screening techniques (HTS) and high-throughput analysis (HTA) approaches is a critical focus in the field of supramolecular and organic chemistry. These experimental means are fundamental for chiral catalysts/auxiliaries discovery in asymmetric synthesis. Furthermore, these approaches are crucial also for the chirality investigation of the reaction outputs, particularly for assessment of absolute configuration and determination of enantiomeric excess. Since the limitations of the traditional analytical techniques, chemists have found promising alternatives in the application of chiroptical spectroscopies and chromophoric supramolecular sensors. This thesis aims to investigate the existence of a multivariate model able to predict the electronic circular dichroism (ECD) readout of a class of different chiral amides, employing an oxo-vanadium(V) aminotriphenolate (TPA) complex previously developed by the research groups where this thesis has been carried out
The effect of money priming on self-focus in the imitation-inhibition task : a registered report
The self-sufficiency hypothesis suggests that priming individuals with money makes them focus more strongly on themselves than on others. However, recently, research supporting this claim has been heavily criticized and some attempts to replicate have failed. A reason for the inconsistent findings in the field may lay in the common use of explicit measures, because they tend to rely on one or just a few items and are thus prone to demand effects and low reliability. In the present research, we administered, in two experiments, the imitation-inhibition task â a robust, unobtrusive, and reliable paradigm that is sensitive to self-other focus on a trial-by-trial basis. A pilot study found an increased focus on the self as compared to others when primed with money. Building on this finding, a preregistered high-powered experiment replicated this effect, suggesting that money primes may indeed increase a focus on the self. An additionally carried out meta-analysis indicates that automatic imitation is modulated by self-other focus and that money primes lead to a smaller focus on the self than conventional methods. Overall, the found effects are rather small and several limitations, such as order effects, call for a cautious interpretation of the findings
Beyond asking : exploring the use of automatic price evaluations to implicitly estimate consumersâ willingness-to-pay
Explicit consumers responses are often adverse for the validity of procedures used to estimate consumers' willingness-to-pay (WTP). This paper investigates if price evaluations occur automatically and to what extent these automatic processes can be used to implicitly estimate consumers' WTP. An adapted version of the task-rule congruency (TRC) paradigm was used in two studies. Results of the first study provided evidence for the notion that prices are automatically evaluated. However, the used procedure had limitations that restricted its utility as an implicit WTP estimate. The procedure was adjusted, and an additional study was conducted. The results of the second study also indicated that prices were evaluated automatically. Additionally, the procedure used during the second study allowed to explore to what extent the observed TRC effects could be used to implicitly estimate consumers' WTP. Taken together, these studies provided evidence for the notion that prices are evaluated automatically. Furthermore, the procedure has the potential to be further developed into an implicit estimate of consumers' WTP
Pieces to the puzzle
Because low-income, first-generation, and disabled individuals have limited access to postsecondary education, Congress established TRIO, a series of programs designed to provide access to college for this targeted population. One initiative suggested to aid in retention and graduation for these TRIO students was mentoring. This study examined the perceived benefits of faculty mentoring for first-generation TRIO students to facilitate retention and graduation rates at a Midwestern Community College. Three faculty members and three TRIO students were interviewed to determine their perception of the benefits of faculty mentoring. The results were consistent with the literature that students who have access to TRIO programs and a mentoring relationship are more likely to succeed in college compared to students without this assistance
The nature of gas and stars in the circumnuclear regions of AGN: a chemical approach
Aim of this communication is to describe the first results of a
work-in-progress regarding the chemical properties of gas and stars in the
circumnuclear regions of nearby galaxies. Different techniques have been
employed to estimate the abundances of chemical elements in the gaseous and
stellar components of nuclear surroundings in different classes of galaxies
according to the level of activity of the nucleus (normal or passive, star
forming galaxies and AGNs).Comment: 19 pages, proceedings of the 1st International Workshop:
Astrophysical winds and disk 2009 (Platamonas
I dittici tardoantichi nel Medioevo
Lâautrice si occupa di alcuni utilizzi medievali dei dittici tardoantichi in avorio. I principali
problemi che emergono e ai quali sono fornite risposte soltanto parziali sono i seguenti:
a) Chi furono i committenti di questi prodotti di artigianato artistico e dove si collocano
geograficamente? e le botteghe cui essi si affidarono?
b) Chi furono i destinatarĂź e i fruitori indiretti? E dove si possono geograficamente collocare?
c) In quale misura Ăš oggi possibile ricostruire le vicende dei dittici nel Medioevo? Vengono
esaminate alcune iscrizioni medievali sulle valve interne.
d) In seguito a quali vicende quasi tutti i dittici sopravvissuti finirono, a un certo punto, in
e) A quali usi essi furono funzionali?
f) In quali rapporti si pongono i primitivi usi profani dei dittici con i successivi utilizzi
g) Come furono posizionate le valve nel Tardoantico e poi nel Medioevo?
Tutti questi problemi (e molti altri ancora) mostrano la necessitĂ di integrare sempre di piĂč
ricerche storiche e archeologiche.The author examines some medieval utilizations of late-antique ivory diptychs. The main
problems - to which answers are given here only in part - appear to be the following:
a) Who were the clients giving the commissions? Where they were located from a geographical
point of view? And where were located the workshops executing their orders?
b) Who were the recipients and the indirect beneficiaries? And where it is possible to locate
c) How it is possible to restitute the main diptychsâ vicissitudes during the Middle Ages? The
author studies some of the medieval inscription added on the inner side of the leafs.
d) Why almost all the surviving diptychs arrived, at a certain moment, in western Europe?
e) Which were the original uses of them?
f) In which relation were the secular uses with the following christian utilizations?
g) In what mutual position were the leafs in Late Antiquity and then during the Middle Ages?
All these problems (and many others too) shows how necessary it is to integrate more and
more history and archaeology
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