9 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Robustness of Interpretability Methods through Explanation Invariance and Equivariance

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    Interpretability methods are valuable only if their explanations faithfully describe the explained model. In this work, we consider neural networks whose predictions are invariant under a specific symmetry group. This includes popular architectures, ranging from convolutional to graph neural networks. Any explanation that faithfully explains this type of model needs to be in agreement with this invariance property. We formalize this intuition through the notion of explanation invariance and equivariance by leveraging the formalism from geometric deep learning. Through this rigorous formalism, we derive (1) two metrics to measure the robustness of any interpretability method with respect to the model symmetry group; (2) theoretical robustness guarantees for some popular interpretability methods and (3) a systematic approach to increase the invariance of any interpretability method with respect to a symmetry group. By empirically measuring our metrics for explanations of models associated with various modalities and symmetry groups, we derive a set of 5 guidelines to allow users and developers of interpretability methods to produce robust explanations.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    TRIAGE: Characterizing and auditing training data for improved regression

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    Data quality is crucial for robust machine learning algorithms, with the recent interest in data-centric AI emphasizing the importance of training data characterization. However, current data characterization methods are largely focused on classification settings, with regression settings largely understudied. To address this, we introduce TRIAGE, a novel data characterization framework tailored to regression tasks and compatible with a broad class of regressors. TRIAGE utilizes conformal predictive distributions to provide a model-agnostic scoring method, the TRIAGE score. We operationalize the score to analyze individual samples' training dynamics and characterize samples as under-, over-, or well-estimated by the model. We show that TRIAGE's characterization is consistent and highlight its utility to improve performance via data sculpting/filtering, in multiple regression settings. Additionally, beyond sample level, we show TRIAGE enables new approaches to dataset selection and feature acquisition. Overall, TRIAGE highlights the value unlocked by data characterization in real-world regression applicationsComment: Presented at NeurIPS 202

    Joint Training of Deep Ensembles Fails Due to Learner Collusion

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    Ensembles of machine learning models have been well established as a powerful method of improving performance over a single model. Traditionally, ensembling algorithms train their base learners independently or sequentially with the goal of optimizing their joint performance. In the case of deep ensembles of neural networks, we are provided with the opportunity to directly optimize the true objective: the joint performance of the ensemble as a whole. Surprisingly, however, directly minimizing the loss of the ensemble appears to rarely be applied in practice. Instead, most previous research trains individual models independently with ensembling performed post hoc. In this work, we show that this is for good reason - joint optimization of ensemble loss results in degenerate behavior. We approach this problem by decomposing the ensemble objective into the strength of the base learners and the diversity between them. We discover that joint optimization results in a phenomenon in which base learners collude to artificially inflate their apparent diversity. This pseudo-diversity fails to generalize beyond the training data, causing a larger generalization gap. We proceed to comprehensively demonstrate the practical implications of this effect on a range of standard machine learning tasks and architectures by smoothly interpolating between independent training and joint optimization.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023

    DAGnosis: Localized Identification of Data Inconsistencies using Structures

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    Identification and appropriate handling of inconsistencies in data at deployment time is crucial to reliably use machine learning models. While recent data-centric methods are able to identify such inconsistencies with respect to the training set, they suffer from two key limitations: (1) suboptimality in settings where features exhibit statistical independencies, due to their usage of compressive representations and (2) lack of localization to pin-point why a sample might be flagged as inconsistent, which is important to guide future data collection. We solve these two fundamental limitations using directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to encode the training set's features probability distribution and independencies as a structure. Our method, called DAGnosis, leverages these structural interactions to bring valuable and insightful data-centric conclusions. DAGnosis unlocks the localization of the causes of inconsistencies on a DAG, an aspect overlooked by previous approaches. Moreover, we show empirically that leveraging these interactions (1) leads to more accurate conclusions in detecting inconsistencies, as well as (2) provides more detailed insights into why some samples are flagged.Comment: AISTATS 2024; added correspondance emai

    MatterGen: a generative model for inorganic materials design

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    The design of functional materials with desired properties is essential in driving technological advances in areas like energy storage, catalysis, and carbon capture. Generative models provide a new paradigm for materials design by directly generating entirely novel materials given desired property constraints. Despite recent progress, current generative models have low success rate in proposing stable crystals, or can only satisfy a very limited set of property constraints. Here, we present MatterGen, a model that generates stable, diverse inorganic materials across the periodic table and can further be fine-tuned to steer the generation towards a broad range of property constraints. To enable this, we introduce a new diffusion-based generative process that produces crystalline structures by gradually refining atom types, coordinates, and the periodic lattice. We further introduce adapter modules to enable fine-tuning towards any given property constraints with a labeled dataset. Compared to prior generative models, structures produced by MatterGen are more than twice as likely to be novel and stable, and more than 15 times closer to the local energy minimum. After fine-tuning, MatterGen successfully generates stable, novel materials with desired chemistry, symmetry, as well as mechanical, electronic and magnetic properties. Finally, we demonstrate multi-property materials design capabilities by proposing structures that have both high magnetic density and a chemical composition with low supply-chain risk. We believe that the quality of generated materials and the breadth of MatterGen's capabilities represent a major advancement towards creating a universal generative model for materials design.Comment: 13 pages main text, 35 pages supplementary informatio

    Data-SUITE: Data-centric identification of in-distribution incongruous examples

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    Systematic quantification of data quality is critical for consistent model performance. Prior works have focused on out-of-distribution data. Instead, we tackle an understudied yet equally important problem of characterizing incongruous regions of in-distribution (ID) data, which may arise from feature space heterogeneity. To this end, we propose a paradigm shift with Data-SUITE: a data-centric AI framework to identify these regions, independent of a task-specific model. Data-SUITE leverages copula modeling, representation learning, and conformal prediction to build feature-wise confidence interval estimators based on a set of training instances. These estimators can be used to evaluate the congruence of test instances with respect to the training set, to answer two practically useful questions: (1) which test instances will be reliably predicted by a model trained with the training instances? and (2) can we identify incongruous regions of the feature space so that data owners understand the data's limitations or guide future data collection? We empirically validate Data-SUITE's performance and coverage guarantees and demonstrate on cross-site medical data, biased data, and data with concept drift, that Data-SUITE best identifies ID regions where a downstream model may be reliable (independent of said model). We also illustrate how these identified regions can provide insights into datasets and highlight their limitations.Comment: Presented at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 202

    Universal Dependencies 2.3

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    Universal Dependencies is a project that seeks to develop cross-linguistically consistent treebank annotation for many languages, with the goal of facilitating multilingual parser development, cross-lingual learning, and parsing research from a language typology perspective. The annotation scheme is based on (universal) Stanford dependencies (de Marneffe et al., 2006, 2008, 2014), Google universal part-of-speech tags (Petrov et al., 2012), and the Interset interlingua for morphosyntactic tagsets (Zeman, 2008)